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Living With A Bar Girl In Pattaya


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Why dont you help her get a different job?? With your help she could easiely do something different.. I am not negative like allot of people who judge anybody for what they have done in the past, its what you are doing togethe now & in the future which counts...

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... errr... my wife is about 3 feet away from me playing on the internet with her phone ??... seriously, if you think sitting in the house pipping about on the internet while your GF is out shagging other dudes is normal... you have a skewed perceptive on life ?? .

I don't think the OP thinks it is normal, hence why he posted asking if anyone else is in the same boat.

But he is happy. Who are you to judge what should make people happy?

I agree with your sentiments in principle, but regarding that over used cliche.....

Some people enjoy raping, molesting, killing, torturing or even eating people. There is a limit on what is acceptable and there are laws to judge them.thumbsup.gif

... but yes, the OP's relationship seems basically harmless. Let's hope he doesn't someday join the ranks of the many elderly "jumpers" in Pattaya.

Many of the dissenters on here are not judging so much as trying to offer helpful advice - they care.

Pedophilia, murder, rape, torture, cannibalism and suicide all in one post.

Well done!

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Why dont you help her get a different job?? With your help she could easiely do something different.. I am not negative like allot of people who judge anybody for what they have done in the past, its what you are doing togethe now & in the future which counts...

I'm sure that if she wanted a different job she would find one.

But going from a wage of 35k Baht a month down to about 9k Baht a month working in 7/11 is a non-starter for her because she has a mortgage to pay and 2 children to support.

She's an independent lady and makes her own choices in life.

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Even if the OP could afford and was willing to support this girl, there's no guarantee that she'd want to quit.

OP should actually give this some thought and action if he is serious about this relationship to work ... although, i'm sure we'll get that standard reply "I'm happy, she's happy .. we wake ever morning smiling "

Also, i'm curious about his claim to owning a paid up 2 yo Toyato Hilux which equates to about a year & half of his salary.... unless its in her name which would give this story a bit more credibility ??

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Even if the OP could afford and was willing to support this girl, there's no guarantee that she'd want to quit.

OP should actually give this some thought and action if he is serious about this relationship to work ... although, i'm sure we'll get that standard reply "I'm happy, she's happy .. we wake ever morning smiling "

Also, i'm curious about his claim to owning a paid up 2 yo Toyato Hilux which equates to about a year & half of his salary.... unless its in her name which would give this story a bit more credibility ??

It would certainly make the story more interesting. She wouldn't be the first stunning bargirl to own her own car.

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Why dont you help her get a different job?? With your help she could easiely do something different.. I am not negative like allot of people who judge anybody for what they have done in the past, its what you are doing togethe now & in the future which counts...

I'm sure that if she wanted a different job she would find one.

But going from a wage of 35k Baht a month down to about 9k Baht a month working in 7/11 is a non-starter for her because she has a mortgage to pay and 2 children to support.

She's an independent lady and makes her own choices in life.

That's apart from the fact that a regular job is much harder work and requires more discipline.

Typically bargirls enjoy their work and often find it hard or impossible to adjust to regular work.... hanging out with friends, drinking for free, socializing, gifts and tips from enamoured customers and some (or lots) of boom-boom. Once they get over the initial hurdle of boom-boom with strangers, what's not to like about the job? Chances are the OP's girl prefers her days at work over the chore of keeping him company on her days off.

There's a reason for the old saying: "you can take a girl out of the bar but you can't take the bar out of the girl".

Even if the OP could afford and was willing to support this girl, there's no guarantee that she'd want to quit.

Perhaps, if she was willing to quit and start a regular job, the OP would leave her to find another hooker to help support him until his retirement funds come through.

Are you nuts?

You think I'll stay with her for another 15 years?

Fresh meat arrives in Pattaya every day and I won't restrict my choices.

I don't do "normal" relationships.

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And if I was a pimp, do you think I'd have just one lady? I'd want at least half a dozen to make it worth my while.

Now there's a thought...whistling.gif

Doomed already.

What's doomed?

You have no idea what I want.

I hope you're happy with your partner.

You're obviously a sweet dreamer.

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Are you nuts?

You think I'll stay with her for another 15 years?

Fresh meat arrives in Pattaya every day and I won't restrict my choices.

I don't do "normal" relationships.

2 quotes from your early posts:

"I love her, absolutely no question about it."

"If she's prepared to wait 15 years she can live with me off my pension money, no worries."
Either you changed your mind, you forgot what you said, or you were just trolling.
What a difference 15 pages makes!
Now you say you don't do normal relationships, but you got your knickers in a twist when it was suggested earlier that your relationship is "unusual".
Edited by tropo
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Why dont you help her get a different job?? With your help she could easiely do something different.. I am not negative like allot of people who judge anybody for what they have done in the past, its what you are doing togethe now & in the future which counts...

I'm sure that if she wanted a different job she would find one.

But going from a wage of 35k Baht a month down to about 9k Baht a month working in 7/11 is a non-starter for her because she has a mortgage to pay and 2 children to support.

She's an independent lady and makes her own choices in life.

That's apart from the fact that a regular job is much harder work and requires more discipline.

Typically bargirls enjoy their work and often find it hard or impossible to adjust to regular work.... hanging out with friends, drinking for free, socializing, gifts and tips from enamoured customers and some (or lots) of boom-boom. Once they get over the initial hurdle of boom-boom with strangers, what's not to like about the job? Chances are the OP's girl prefers her days at work over the chore of keeping him company on her days off.

There's a reason for the old saying: "you can take a girl out of the bar but you can't take the bar out of the girl".

Even if the OP could afford and was willing to support this girl, there's no guarantee that she'd want to quit.

Perhaps, if she was willing to quit and start a regular job, the OP would leave her to find another hooker to help support him until his retirement funds come through.

Are you nuts?

You think I'll stay with her for another 15 years?

Fresh meat arrives in Pattaya every day and I won't restrict my choices.

I don't do "normal" relationships.

This post, I think, sums it up -- a total waste of time in every respect. 15 pages and 370 post later we get the "real" story -- the OP's live in g/f is just "another piece of meat" that is easier and cheaper than going out to a bar to find one (at least for that particular evening). Pretty common in Pattaya, I think, whether it lasts 1 night, 1 week, 1 month or longer -- nothing new there. I hope that those posters that defended/supported the OP and his lifestyle choice have a change of mind now -- they should. The reality is that the OP "don't do relationships" period. The OP should change his moniker to "deitnu00" -- it fits much better.

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Are you nuts?

You think I'll stay with her for another 15 years?

Fresh meat arrives in Pattaya every day and I won't restrict my choices.

I don't do "normal" relationships.

2 quotes from your early posts:

"I love her, absolutely no question about it."

"If she's prepared to wait 15 years she can live with me off my pension money, no worries."
Either you changed your mind, you forgot what you said, or you were just trolling.
What a difference 15 pages makes!
Now you say you don't do normal relationships, but you got your knickers in a twist when it was suggested earlier that your relationship is "unusual".

Of course she won't wait 15 years. She'll walk out one of these days and I'll never see her again.

In any case, she'd then be 48 years old...

I live in Pattaya so I might as well take advantage of the fact that new girls arrive every day to "take care" of expats like me.

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Perhaps they now realise that they are only dealing with a pimp and a user, so what's the point in wasting valuable time trying to state the obvious to someone who really doesn't care.

A pimp is an agent (usually male) for prostitutes who collects part of their earnings.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pimp

The OP does not collect her money. He doesn't need her money to pay his bills. If she contributes part of her earning towards household bills, she is doing nothing different to living in a room with four other girls. Are you suggesting that the four other girls would also be pimps under similar circumstances?

She is not under the OP's control. She is with him voluntarily and she can leave him any time she wants to.

There is not a court in the world that would or could convict the OP for being a pimp.

You are suggesting that anybody who accepts her money is pimping themselves. Get real.

Or you could get real and look at other/broader definitions of the word pimp:-

"to make use of often dishonorably for one's own gain or benefit"; "a despicable person"; "a person who transgresses moral or civil law"; "live off immoral earnings".

He may not collect her money but he certainly uses it. Anyway don't really need to use the word anymore because the OP has shown his true colours with; "You think I'll stay with her for another 15 years? Fresh meat arrives in Pattaya every day and I won't restrict my choices. I don't do "normal" relationships".

I am sure that the defenders of this low life will be a little "red faced" when they see that they are supporting someone who has lied on his posts.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT; looking through a few recent posts the OP certainly gives the impression of being a troll, or of course he could just be the lazy, low life user, with a lack of moral standards, that many think he is.

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..... most likely his GF didn't return last night and had the phone switched off so the OP has spat the dummy....

either way, sounds like this guy needs to get a reality check if he thinks there will be queue of women to live with him..... once he tells them he's on 35 k month coffee1.gif

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..... most likely his GF didn't return last night and had the phone switched off so the OP has spat the dummy....

either way, sounds like this guy needs to get a reality check if he thinks there will be queue of women to live with him..... once he tells them he's on 35 k month coffee1.gif

Aye Bill, but he's probably got a few million quid tied up in a Nigerian Investment Fund he's waiting to free up....

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..... most likely his GF didn't return last night and had the phone switched off so the OP has spat the dummy....

either way, sounds like this guy needs to get a reality check if he thinks there will be queue of women to live with him..... once he tells them he's on 35 k month coffee1.gif

I think the whole story is a wind up. 35k is joker money here. These girls want multiple guys sending thme 50k a month by western union. They brag about these idiots all the time. None of these girls are going to stick around for long once they know you're on 35k and aren't going home.

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..... most likely his GF didn't return last night and had the phone switched off so the OP has spat the dummy....

either way, sounds like this guy needs to get a reality check if he thinks there will be queue of women to live with him..... once he tells them he's on 35 k month coffee1.gif

The job I do is just a means to an end.

The school arranges and pays for my work permit, visa and health insurance and I get to stay in Thailand. No more freezing cold winters for me.

I agree the money's not great, but I'd have stayed in the UK or Germany if money was my prime motivation.

35k Baht a month is plenty to live on here.

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..... most likely his GF didn't return last night and had the phone switched off so the OP has spat the dummy....

either way, sounds like this guy needs to get a reality check if he thinks there will be queue of women to live with him..... once he tells them he's on 35 k month coffee1.gif

I think the whole story is a wind up. 35k is joker money here. These girls want multiple guys sending thme 50k a month by western union. They brag about these idiots all the time. None of these girls are going to stick around for long once they know you're on 35k and aren't going home.

Utter drivel.

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to the OP... Get your daughter/ son in law to pay rent on your house in UK or else sell it...this along with your 35k salary should be enough to get your GF off the game and have a normal relationship... mate ! get off the glue, you're 50 years old... just coz you live in Pattaya, it is not normal for your old lady to work as a prozzer .. end of !!

It's up to her how she earns her money. And 'nowt to do with you or anyone else, including me

I will keep most of my toughts to myself on this, but just to point out that it may be some peoples business.

I would have a quick look through your contract (and if you have separate Thai and Enlish ones, a look through both as they are not always exactly the same) and see if there is a "catch all" morals clause in it. I would be surprised if there is not.

As far as I am aware, where such a clause is in the contract, it can be grounds for summary dismissal.

Like you point out, nowt to do with me, but you may be wrong in thinking it is nowt to do with anyone.....

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to the OP... Get your daughter/ son in law to pay rent on your house in UK or else sell it...this along with your 35k salary should be enough to get your GF off the game and have a normal relationship... mate ! get off the glue, you're 50 years old... just coz you live in Pattaya, it is not normal for your old lady to work as a prozzer .. end of !!

It's up to her how she earns her money. And 'nowt to do with you or anyone else, including me

I will keep most of my toughts to myself on this, but just to point out that it may be some peoples business.

I would have a quick look through your contract (and if you have separate Thai and Enlish ones, a look through both as they are not always exactly the same) and see if there is a "catch all" morals clause in it. I would be surprised if there is not.

As far as I am aware, where such a clause is in the contract, it can be grounds for summary dismissal.

Like you point out, nowt to do with me, but you may be wrong in thinking it is nowt to do with anyone.....

My contract is in English and there's nothing in there about moral standards.

I know the school director very well and he knows why I'm living in Pattaya - the same reason he is - the wonderful weather and the availability of lovely young girls to service old gits like me thumbsup.gif

Millions of sex-tourists come here every year for the same reason. They stay for 2 weeks a year. I stay for 52 weeks.

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I will keep most of my toughts to myself on this, but just to point out that it may be some peoples business.

I would have a quick look through your contract (and if you have separate Thai and Enlish ones, a look through both as they are not always exactly the same) and see if there is a "catch all" morals clause in it. I would be surprised if there is not.

As far as I am aware, where such a clause is in the contract, it can be grounds for summary dismissal.

Like you point out, nowt to do with me, but you may be wrong in thinking it is nowt to do with anyone.....

My contract is in English and there's nothing in there about moral standards.

I know the school director very well and he knows why I'm living in Pattaya - the same reason he is - the wonderful weather and the availability of lovely young girls to service old gits like me thumbsup.gif

Wait.. a couple of pages ago she had kids aged 16 or so. How young can she be?

Are you sure you still have your original story firmly in mind, because it seems it gets harder and harder to stick to it. :rolleyes:

Good overall effort though; respect. :thumbsup:

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The one thing that would worry me is STDs and AIDs, so are you really being realistic about this relationship?

I guess that as you consider yourself and this woman an item, than you are not using protection when sleeping with her.

Even just by kissing, you maybe exposed to oral herpes, which is not curable. Any diseases carried by her customers, including something serious as TB or even a common cold can be passed on via her to you. This is why it is strongly advised that men must always use a condom if and when having sexual intercourse with prostitutes and even this method is not 100% guaranteed safe.

And this is the main reason why I would not want to be in a relationship with a working girl.

I am absolutely by no means being derogatory towards these particular group of woman, it`s only common sense and a fact that by sleeping with a person, male or female who has multiple sexual partners, you are placing yourself at considerable risk.

For those in the same situation as yourself, I would certainly insist that your partners go for regular medical health and HIV tests. Your life may depend on it.

Provided one uses condoms, there is no difference between living with a BG and having one stay with you while on holiday.

If there was as much chance of catching something as you claim, hundreds of thousands of male western tourists would be coming down with STDs.

However, if the OP isn't using condoms, IMO he must be barking.

Probably more chance of catching something off a bonk with a girl from a bar in London on a one night stand. At least most BGs insist on condoms.

BTW, probably most people in the world have had cold sores, or herpes. Once one gains immunity, they don't keep appearing. I haven't had a cold sore in many many years. While you can't take medicine to cure a cold sore, your body does become immune, just like with any virus.

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I will keep most of my toughts to myself on this, but just to point out that it may be some peoples business.

I would have a quick look through your contract (and if you have separate Thai and Enlish ones, a look through both as they are not always exactly the same) and see if there is a "catch all" morals clause in it. I would be surprised if there is not.

As far as I am aware, where such a clause is in the contract, it can be grounds for summary dismissal.

Like you point out, nowt to do with me, but you may be wrong in thinking it is nowt to do with anyone.....

My contract is in English and there's nothing in there about moral standards.

I know the school director very well and he knows why I'm living in Pattaya - the same reason he is - the wonderful weather and the availability of lovely young girls to service old gits like me thumbsup.gif

Wait.. a couple of pages ago she had kids aged 16 or so. How young can she be?

Are you sure you still have your original story firmly in mind, because it seems it gets harder and harder to stick to it. rolleyes.gif

Good overall effort though; respect. thumbsup.gif

She's 33 years old. 17 years my junior...relatively speaking, young.

I didn't say I was monogamous, so when I say young girls I mean between 18 and 35.

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I will keep most of my toughts to myself on this, but just to point out that it may be some peoples business.

I would have a quick look through your contract (and if you have separate Thai and Enlish ones, a look through both as they are not always exactly the same) and see if there is a "catch all" morals clause in it. I would be surprised if there is not.

As far as I am aware, where such a clause is in the contract, it can be grounds for summary dismissal.

Like you point out, nowt to do with me, but you may be wrong in thinking it is nowt to do with anyone.....

My contract is in English and there's nothing in there about moral standards.

I know the school director very well and he knows why I'm living in Pattaya - the same reason he is - the wonderful weather and the availability of lovely young girls to service old gits like me thumbsup.gif

Wait.. a couple of pages ago she had kids aged 16 or so. How young can she be?

Are you sure you still have your original story firmly in mind, because it seems it gets harder and harder to stick to it. rolleyes.gif

Good overall effort though; respect. thumbsup.gif

She's 33 years old. 17 years my junior...relatively speaking, young.

I didn't say I was monogamous, so when I say young girls I mean between 18 and 35.

Good luck getting 18 year old with 35k salary, though she might be ok with an occasional short time for a price

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Bed & Breakfast, aircon, cable TV, wifi, washing machine, kitchen and the use of a motorbike is all you need to persuade them.

It's not all about money.

Whether they're 18 or 35, it beats sharing a small room with 3 or 4 other girls.

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Bed & Breakfast, aircon, cable TV, wifi, washing machine, kitchen and the use of a motorbike is all you need to persuade them.

It's not all about money.

Whether they're 18 or 35, it beats sharing a small room with 3 or 4 other girls.

clap2.gif you stud muffinthumbsup.gif

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To answer the OPs original question. No I don't live with a bar girl. But if I did it would be mine and hers business...nobody else's.

In reply to the now hundreds of posters.... gee get a life....this is like going back to the 60's where a man was a hero for shagging multiple women but a girl was a slut.

Let him who has no sin cast the first stone..or some such crap.

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To answer the OPs original question. No I don't live with a bar girl. But if I did it would be mine and hers business...nobody else's.

In reply to the now hundreds of posters.... gee get a life....this is like going back to the 60's where a man was a hero for shagging multiple women but a girl was a slut.

Let him who has no sin cast the first stone..or some such crap.

Well said. The world's changed a lot in the last 50 years.

Sex is friction.

Love is fiction.

Enjoy life.

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So you are living off of sponsors?

You are a sponsored man, 50yo, by other 50. 60. 70yo guys?

Awesome dude.

That is a really different twist.

Imagine if the sponsors found out they were sponsoring a 50yo guy cheesy.gif

But, alas, this thread is no good without a photo of said 33yo stunner.

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