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Twin Bomb Explosions Shatter Boston Marathon Finish Line


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Chuckd, you wrote " You must mean like Obama did when he kept quiet on the Trayvon Martin death and the Henry Louis Gates caper?"

These were two very distinct issues. One relates to a social issue, associated with long held prejudices and perceptions and the other was a direct issue that related to terror. The two cases you cite arise from how Americans interact with others in a civil society and the Boston murders relate to people or groups seeking to cause direct physical damage. It is rather clearcut; The Gates and Martin cases can be put down to misunderstanding and ignorance, and even stupidity with no intent to specifically go out and hurt someone. The Boston murders were a planned act of violence.

Speaking out on issues of social injustice is required, whereas restraint on issues involving foreign inspired groups seeking to attack the population is necessitated. Yacking it up on terror for PR purposes can put intelligence operations at risk. I am one of those people that sympathized with the shooter in the Trayvon Martin case, and understood the police officer's mindset in the Prof. Gates misunderstanding. Yet, I understand why the POTUS spoke out on the issues that caused a serious split in the population. The President helped heal the wounds in speaking out on the issues and his intervention helped quell the anger that arose after the Prof Gates incident. Millions of Americans were arguing with fellow Americans on the subject. The US population with the exception of the usual nutters and conspiracy pushing wackjobs was united after the Boston event.

The President spoke out after the Boston attacks, but it was as comforter in chief and commander in chief of the USA. His role after the Martin & Gates incidents was primarily as comforter in chief to help people heal and to reconcile. The role after Boston was very different; In addition to comforting, he had to provide reassurance that decisive action would be taken against a real threat. He did that. The President's role after the Texas fertilizer plant deaths of 15 people and injuries of dozens was as comforter in chief. He did it well.

Surely, you can appreciate that each incident has different characteristics all of which require a leader to respond appropriately.

While your argument is solid based on emotions, the fact remains that all three cases were, and some still are, active pending legal investigations. What do emotions have to do with it?

It is 100% wrong for the Commander in Chief to weigh in on a pending trial and potential court case as Obama did in the Martin and Gates' situations, long before any real facts emerged. In many opinions, he did it strictly because of the ethnicity of the alleged victims.

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Absolutely no surprise there are a bunch of bomb experts on here. Whether or not these bombs are easy to be made, the fact that they went 2/2 shows they probably did some trial runs, had some training, or were lucky (for lack of a better word) both were detonated. Given that they didn't seem particularly clever with their planning, it seems reasonable to assume they had some training.

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To: F430murci ... RE: Why Obama bashing.

Bashing? Wow! ... I have a different opinion about obama -- obviously. And - I have this little proclivity called "expressing my opinion"...(as in the 1st. Amendment to the U.S. Constitution). Since the expression of opinion dominates TVF ... then that is what I am doing. I am a well educated man, seasoned and experienced in life and I have a opinion about obama and it is that he is malevolent. Along with his henchman holder they make quite a pair. Counting on these two to dispense justice in this terrorist bombing is a foolhardy endeavor - the whitewash (pardon the expression) of the Black Panthers voting intimidation and suppression fiasco comes to mind.

I try not to spend time knocking those who wish to worship obama as it is a futile task. The willfully blind cannot be made to see.

I only hope that some independent panel will investigate the Boston Bombing - something I could perhaps believe. For right now the idea of putting my trust in obama, holder and napolitano as to what really happened and who did it is just plain silly.

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To: F430murci ... RE: Why Obama bashing.

Bashing? Wow! ... I have a different opinion about obama -- obviously. And - I have this little proclivity called "expressing my opinion"...(as in the 1st. Amendment to the U.S. Constitution). Since the expression of opinion dominates TVF ... then that is what I am doing. I am a well educated man, seasoned and experienced in life and I have a opinion about obama and it is that he is malevolent. Along with his henchman holder they make quite a pair. Counting on these two to dispense justice in this terrorist bombing is a foolhardy endeavor - the whitewash (pardon the expression) of the Black Panthers voting intimidation and suppression fiasco comes to mind.

I try not to spend time knocking those who wish to worship obama as it is a futile task. The willfully blind cannot be made to see.

I only hope that some independent panel will investigate the Boston Bombing - something I could perhaps believe. For right now the idea of putting my trust in obama, holder and napolitano as to what really happened and who did it is just plain silly.

Pres Obama, Atty Gen Holder and Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano are well educated and serious people who have a good background in public life, public affairs. Each has sworn an oath to the Constitution which they take seriously. They are honorable Americans who are qualified, competent, experienced.

Recall that Sec Napolitano is a former governor and attorney general of Arizona, which is a border state with Mexico so she has extensive experience in immigration and matters of border security. And as governor she never came up with a cockamamied law that required law enforcement officials to stop a lot of people under the suspicion they were driving while Hispanic-American..

Edited by Publicus
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As I predicted (wasn't hard) there is now a CULT of Jahar. Because he is cute. Which he is. But so what?

I have a feeling now this man is going to be spared the death penalty largely because he is so damn cute and also so damn American acting. It's ridiculous. The same guy, even that young, if he looked like crap would not be getting this treatment.


It’s not all that surprising that the suspected Boston bombers, particularly younger brother Dzhokhar, have already inspired passionate crushes in girls. (Here is a Tumblr called Free Jahar, as his would-be girlfriends call him, anchored by a photo of him kicking back in his Timberlands.) As Rachel Monroe wrote last year in her excellent essay “The Killer Crush,”
extravagant murderers like James Holmes (the Aurora, Colo., shooter)
and the Columbine boys tend to bring on alarming fevers of admiration
from teenagers, and maybe some of them grow up to be the women who marry the guys in prison. (Hybristophilia is the technical term for getting turned on by high-profile criminals.)

Edited by Jingthing
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As I predicted (wasn't hard) there is now a CULT of Jahar. Because he is cute. Which he is. But so what?

I have a feeling now this man is going to be spared the death penalty largely because he is so damn cute and also so damn American acting. It's ridiculous. The same guy, even that young, if he looked like crap would not be getting this treatment.


It’s not all that surprising that the suspected Boston bombers, particularly younger brother Dzhokhar, have already inspired passionate crushes in girls. (Here is a Tumblr called Free Jahar, as his would-be girlfriends call him, anchored by a photo of him kicking back in his Timberlands.) As Rachel Monroe wrote last year in her excellent essay “The Killer Crush,”

extravagant murderers like James Holmes (the Aurora, Colo., shooter)

and the Columbine boys tend to bring on alarming fevers of admiration

from teenagers, and maybe some of them grow up to be the women who marry the guys in prison. (Hybristophilia is the technical term for getting turned on by high-profile criminals.)

Anyone with a "crush" on this murderer should be forced to look at the uncensored photos of the Boston Marathon bombing. They are horrifying and I believe that they should be more widely published, so his idiotic admirers have to see what he really is.

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As I predicted (wasn't hard) there is now a CULT of Jahar. Because he is cute. Which he is. But so what?

I have a feeling now this man is going to be spared the death penalty largely because he is so damn cute and also so damn American acting. It's ridiculous. The same guy, even that young, if he looked like crap would not be getting this treatment.


It’s not all that surprising that the suspected Boston bombers, particularly younger brother Dzhokhar, have already inspired passionate crushes in girls. (Here is a Tumblr called Free Jahar, as his would-be girlfriends call him, anchored by a photo of him kicking back in his Timberlands.) As Rachel Monroe wrote last year in her excellent essay “The Killer Crush,”

extravagant murderers like James Holmes (the Aurora, Colo., shooter)

and the Columbine boys tend to bring on alarming fevers of admiration

from teenagers, and maybe some of them grow up to be the women who marry the guys in prison. (Hybristophilia is the technical term for getting turned on by high-profile criminals.)

Anyone with a "crush" on this murderer should be forced to look at the uncensored photos of the Boston Marathon bombing. They are horrifying and I believe that they should be more widely published, so his idiotic admirers have to see what he really is.

Not sure this particular brand of mental illness can be cured with gruesome pics. More likely, makes the admirers more amorous.

Probably the most infamous serial killer ever, Ted Bundy, had more admirers during his days on death row than he ever did in the outside world. His crimes hit the headlines in many countries, yet despite the horrific nature of his actions he managed to attract a large number of groupies, all vocal in their attraction to him. Bundy lapped up the attention of course, as he was a master of ego.


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Just as I suspected, only a matter of time, celebrity lawyers are circling for pretty boy terrorist.

The defense team representing the Boston Marathon bombing suspect got a major boost Monday with the addition of Judy Clarke, a San Diego lawyer who has managed to get life sentences instead of the death penalty for several high-profile clients, including the Unabomber and the gunman in the rampage that injured former Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.


"If the all-American boy image fits, you must acquit."

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Just as I suspected, only a matter of time, celebrity lawyers are circling for pretty boy terrorist.

The defense team representing the Boston Marathon bombing suspect got a major boost Monday with the addition of Judy Clarke, a San Diego lawyer who has managed to get life sentences instead of the death penalty for several high-profile clients, including the Unabomber and the gunman in the rampage that injured former Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.


"If the all-American boy image fits, you must acquit."


I hope she persuades the jury into a 'life' sentence VS the death penalty.

Lethal injection is the easy way out.

Personally, I'd like to see him set free in downtown Boston and see how that goes.

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Just as I suspected, only a matter of time, celebrity lawyers are circling for pretty boy terrorist.

The defense team representing the Boston Marathon bombing suspect got a major boost Monday with the addition of Judy Clarke, a San Diego lawyer who has managed to get life sentences instead of the death penalty for several high-profile clients, including the Unabomber and the gunman in the rampage that injured former Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.


"If the all-American boy image fits, you must acquit."

You were right. That sucks though. Federal prosecutors are bad arse trial lawyers, much better than the stare prosecutors. They will do fine.

Good thing they didn't listen to the likes of Lyndsey Graham and mirandized that loser.

Edited by F430murci
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OOPs. Scott deleted some posts.

I therefore edit;

Neither the President nor the Attorney General dispense justice. That is the role of the court system. The Boston case will be decided in the US Federal Court, by a qualified judge. There are multiple independent police and security agencies investigating the Boston incident. there is no conspiracy by the government.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Just as I suspected, only a matter of time, celebrity lawyers are circling for pretty boy terrorist.

The defense team representing the Boston Marathon bombing suspect got a major boost Monday with the addition of Judy Clarke, a San Diego lawyer who has managed to get life sentences instead of the death penalty for several high-profile clients, including the Unabomber and the gunman in the rampage that injured former Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.


"If the all-American boy image fits, you must acquit."


I hope she persuades the jury into a 'life' sentence VS the death penalty.

Lethal injection is the easy way out.

Personally, I'd like to see him set free in downtown Boston and see how that goes.

True dat. He wouldn't last too long in general population either. Solitary is the worst he'll imaginable though.

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Just as I suspected, only a matter of time, celebrity lawyers are circling for pretty boy terrorist.

The defense team representing the Boston Marathon bombing suspect got a major boost Monday with the addition of Judy Clarke, a San Diego lawyer who has managed to get life sentences instead of the death penalty for several high-profile clients, including the Unabomber and the gunman in the rampage that injured former Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.


"If the all-American boy image fits, you must acquit."


I hope she persuades the jury into a 'life' sentence VS the death penalty.

Lethal injection is the easy way out.

Personally, I'd like to see him set free in downtown Boston and see how that goes.

True dat. He wouldn't last too long in general population either. Solitary is the worst he'll imaginable though.

I don't see any way he will ever end up in GenPop. They would tear his tender little A$$ to bits. Yes, solitary is good for the little monster. 60+ years to contemplate his navel alone. good.

Edited by keemapoot
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The Good thing they didn't listen to the likes of Lyndsey Graham and mirandized that loser.

They did not mirandize him for something like 14 hours, so any possible legal challenge is still there, but the extra intelligence the FBI could have gotten out of him is lost forever.

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OOPs. Scott deleted some posts.

I therefore edit;

Neither the President nor the Attorney General dispense justice. That is the role of the court system. The Boston case will be decided in the US Federal Court, by a qualified judge. There are multiple independent police and security agencies investigating the Boston incident. there is no conspiracy by the government.

I don't recall seeing the posts about conspiracies - they must be gone ... And U.S. Federal Criminal Courts can only try people who have been indicted by prosecutors and Federal Prosecutors report to holder ultimately ... So the Boston Bomber will in fact be under the jurisdiction of the Justice Department before arriving in Federal Court. So those that will be subject to having 'justice dispensed' are unfortunately processed through a highly charged political system - with precedent being set by the current Administration.

Plus the FBI and other Federal Agencies under the direct chain of command of the Justice Department and Home Land Security will be the lead investigation arms involved. These agencies will be responsible for bringing investigative data to the Justice Department to construct prosecution...

So to imply that holder, napolitano and obama will not have say or influence in the conduct of the investigation is naive at best.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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The Good thing they didn't listen to the likes of Lyndsey Graham and mirandized that loser.

They did not mirandize him for something like 14 hours, so any possible legal challenge is still there, but the extra intelligence the FBI could have gotten out of him is lost forever.

16 hours after he was charged. The Judge intervened and at the very least federal court procedures were respected. His questioning after being charged does not appear to have violated the accepted standard or exemption. The issue may come up as to the period before he was charged. He had been shot several times by the police, was in the ICU with a tube down his throat and had suffered serious loss of blood. It is possible that incriminating information obtained during that period will not be admissible due to his physical condition. That being said, the idiot and his brother left a long trail of evidence and it is more than obvious he had a role. The death penalty might be harder to obtain for his case as much of the event can be pinned on his brother. The sob story of how he was manipulated and gullible etc. may provide extenuating circumstances to make the death penalty harder to obtain. In addition, the need to get as much info from him if the death penalty is taken off the table provides incentive for the prosecutors to go for an easy conviction if he pleads guilty in return.

Having this guy in jail may serve as a deterrent for others.

As much as I have tried to look for some sort of angle to be sympathetic, after looking at some of the injury photos and the knowing the lives ripped apart as well as his behaviour up to and subsequent to the murders, I cannot. I often feel sorry for young offenders, but the more I get to know about this prick, the more I can see he knew what he was doing. He knew right from wrong and he chose to do wrong.

He had been in hospital with several wounds from the police and had a breathing tube

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OOPs. Scott deleted some posts.

I therefore edit;

Neither the President nor the Attorney General dispense justice. That is the role of the court system. The Boston case will be decided in the US Federal Court, by a qualified judge. There are multiple independent police and security agencies investigating the Boston incident. there is no conspiracy by the government.

I don't recall seeing the posts about conspiracies - they must be gone ... And U.S. Federal Criminal Courts can only try people who have been indicted by prosecutors and Federal Prosecutors report to holder ultimately ... So the Boston Bomber will in fact be under the jurisdiction of the Justice Department before arriving in Federal Court. So those that will be subject to having 'justice dispensed' are unfortunately processed through a highly charged political system - with precedent being set by the current Administration.

Plus the FBI and other Federal Agencies under the direct chain of command of the Justice Department and Home Land Security will be the lead investigation arms involved. These agencies will be responsible for bringing investigative data to the Justice Department to construct prosecution...

So to imply that holder, napolitano and obama will not have say or influence in the conduct of the investigation is naive at best.

You still do not get it. It is a federal offense for any member of the executive branch to meddle in a criminal prosecution. The Attorney general can oversee an investigation and give guidance, as is his duty, but he does not dispense justice. Your original comment was on "dispensing" justice and you are wrong in that regard.

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OOPs. Scott deleted some posts.

I therefore edit;

Neither the President nor the Attorney General dispense justice. That is the role of the court system. The Boston case will be decided in the US Federal Court, by a qualified judge. There are multiple independent police and security agencies investigating the Boston incident. there is no conspiracy by the government.

I don't recall seeing the posts about conspiracies - they must be gone ... And U.S. Federal Criminal Courts can only try people who have been indicted by prosecutors and Federal Prosecutors report to holder ultimately ... So the Boston Bomber will in fact be under the jurisdiction of the Justice Department before arriving in Federal Court. So those that will be subject to having 'justice dispensed' are unfortunately processed through a highly charged political system - with precedent being set by the current Administration.

Plus the FBI and other Federal Agencies under the direct chain of command of the Justice Department and Home Land Security will be the lead investigation arms involved. These agencies will be responsible for bringing investigative data to the Justice Department to construct prosecution...

So to imply that holder, napolitano and obama will not have say or influence in the conduct of the investigation is naive at best.

You still do not get it. It is a federal offense for any member of the executive branch to meddle in a criminal prosecution. The Attorney general can oversee an investigation and give guidance, as is his duty, but he does not dispense justice. Your original comment was on "dispensing" justice and you are wrong in that regard.

I do get it ... and as far as prohibitions to prevent meddeling - if you believe that holder and obama have not directly meddled in Justice Department investigation and prosecution matters in recent years - then I will use the terms 'willful blindness and naive' to describe the situation. Therefore, I expect continued meddeling in the near future in the Boston Bomber case...

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The Good thing they didn't listen to the likes of Lyndsey Graham and mirandized that loser.

They did not mirandize him for something like 14 hours, so any possible legal challenge is still there, but the extra intelligence the FBI could have gotten out of him is lost forever.

I don't buy anything was lost. The concern would be him passing something off to lawyer to tip off other cells or terrorists. The will eventually learn what ever he knows that is of any use.

Based on what I have heard from some criminal defense attorneys that I respect, the case recognizing the exception to Miranda was extremely narrow. Apparently, and I have not pulled the case, the Supremes only contemplated imple questions in an emergent situation such as: where's the other bomb, who else is with the hostage or something very basic. The opinion apparently did not contemplate full interrogations well after arrest.

The law was, again I use apparently, followed which is a judge's duty regardless as to personal beliefs or person feelings. I generally have high respect for federal judges as the vast majority of the I have been before are extremely intelligent and do a great job.

I initially thought the Miranda exception was much broader based upon what I was hearing on TV at the time. Upon reflection and speaking to those with knowledge of the issue, logic dictates that any exception to a Miranda right would be very narrowly tailored. Protecting certain rights is a fundamental aspect of out society. Erosion of these rights to fight terrorism actually means terrorists win.

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OOPs. Scott deleted some posts.

I therefore edit;

Neither the President nor the Attorney General dispense justice. That is the role of the court system. The Boston case will be decided in the US Federal Court, by a qualified judge. There are multiple independent police and security agencies investigating the Boston incident. there is no conspiracy by the government.

I don't recall seeing the posts about conspiracies - they must be gone ... And U.S. Federal Criminal Courts can only try people who have been indicted by prosecutors and Federal Prosecutors report to holder ultimately ... So the Boston Bomber will in fact be under the jurisdiction of the Justice Department before arriving in Federal Court. So those that will be subject to having 'justice dispensed' are unfortunately processed through a highly charged political system - with precedent being set by the current Administration.

Plus the FBI and other Federal Agencies under the direct chain of command of the Justice Department and Home Land Security will be the lead investigation arms involved. These agencies will be responsible for bringing investigative data to the Justice Department to construct prosecution...

So to imply that holder, napolitano and obama will not have say or influence in the conduct of the investigation is naive at best.

You still do not get it. It is a federal offense for any member of the executive branch to meddle in a criminal prosecution. The Attorney general can oversee an investigation and give guidance, as is his duty, but he does not dispense justice. Your original comment was on "dispensing" justice and you are wrong in that regard.

I do get it ... and as far as prohibitions to prevent meddeling - if you believe that holder and obama have not directly meddled in Justice Department investigation and prosecution matters in recent years - then I will use the terms 'willful blindness and naive' to describe the situation. Therefore, I expect continued meddeling in the near future in the Boston Bomber case...

I presume you have some sort of proof of this . . . not innuendo, possibles or probables, unattributed sources and odd links . . .

Actually proof of willful 'meddling' to obscure justice ad prosecution for their own gain/benefit.

Blind and naive - perhaps . . . fact-driven? Yes.

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To: F430murci ... RE: Why Obama bashing.

Bashing? Wow! ... I have a different opinion about obama -- obviously. And - I have this little proclivity called "expressing my opinion"...(as in the 1st. Amendment to the U.S. Constitution). Since the expression of opinion dominates TVF ... then that is what I am doing. I am a well educated man, seasoned and experienced in life and I have a opinion about obama and it is that he is malevolent. Along with his henchman holder they make quite a pair. Counting on these two to dispense justice in this terrorist bombing is a foolhardy endeavor - the whitewash (pardon the expression) of the Black Panthers voting intimidation and suppression fiasco comes to mind.

I try not to spend time knocking those who wish to worship obama as it is a futile task. The willfully blind cannot be made to see.

I only hope that some independent panel will investigate the Boston Bombing - something I could perhaps believe. For right now the idea of putting my trust in obama, holder and napolitano as to what really happened and who did it is just plain silly.

Pres Obama, Atty Gen Holder and Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano are well educated and serious people who have a good background in public life, public affairs. Each has sworn an oath to the Constitution which they take seriously. They are honorable Americans who are qualified, competent, experienced.

Recall that Sec Napolitano is a former governor and attorney general of Arizona, which is a border state with Mexico so she has extensive experience in immigration and matters of border security. And as governor she never came up with a cockamamied law that required law enforcement officials to stop a lot of people under the suspicion they were driving while Hispanic-American..

Janet Napolitano was responsible for upgrading Saudi Arabia to 'trusted traveller' status, This means Saudis skip the normal airport security, all 73,000 of the Saudi students studying in America. Saudi Arabia, as if any reminder were needed produced 15 of the 19 9.11 bombers and the Saudi questioned over the Boston bombings was shipped out quickly for national security reasons. As for Holder, I'm sure most have seen the video of him turning like a worm on a hook in order not to mention the word Jihad,

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ou still do not get it. It is a federal offense for any member of the executive branch to meddle in a criminal prosecution. The Attorney general can oversee an investigation and give guidance, as is his duty, but he does not dispense justice. Your original comment was on "dispensing" justice and you are wrong in that regard.

I don't recall seeing the posts about conspiracies - they must be gone ... And U.S. Federal Criminal Courts can only try people who have been indicted by prosecutors and Federal Prosecutors report to holder ultimately ... So the Boston Bomber will in fact be under the jurisdiction of the Justice Department before arriving in Federal Court. So those that will be subject to having 'justice dispensed' are unfortunately processed through a highly charged political system - with precedent being set by the current Administration.

Plus the FBI and other Federal Agencies under the direct chain of command of the Justice Department and Home Land Security will be the lead investigation arms involved. These agencies will be responsible for bringing investigative data to the Justice Department to construct prosecution...

So to imply that holder, napolitano and obama will not have say or influence in the conduct of the investigation is naive at best.

I do get it ... and as far as prohibitions to prevent meddeling - if you believe that holder and obama have not directly meddled in Justice Department investigation and prosecution matters in recent years - then I will use the terms 'willful blindness and naive' to describe the situation. Therefore, I expect continued meddeling in the near future in the Boston Bomber case...

I presume you have some sort of proof of this . . . not innuendo, possibles or probables, unattributed sources and odd links . . .

Actually proof of willful 'meddling' to obscure justice ad prosecution for their own gain/benefit.

Blind and naive - perhaps . . . fact-driven? Yes.

Holder Found In Contempt Of Congress
June 28, 2012 3:15 PM
In a dramatic showdown between the branches of government, the Republican-led House voted along party lines to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress. This is the first time in history an attorney general has been held in contempt.
As the vote proceeded, droves of Democratic lawmakers protested by walking out of the House chambers. They poured out onto the Capitol building's steps, where Rep. Jim Clyburn expressed his disgust. The Democratic leader in the House Nancy Pelosi was among them.
Now, the criminal contempt charge is refered to the U.S. Attorney in the District of Columbia. In other words, Holder's own Justice Department, which will decide how to proceed.
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Bsotom Bombing is the topic of conversation here. Surely this gives all of you enough for a civil and civilized discussion free of insults, abuse and hyperbole.




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OOPs. Scott deleted some posts.

I therefore edit;

Neither the President nor the Attorney General dispense justice. That is the role of the court system. The Boston case will be decided in the US Federal Court, by a qualified judge. There are multiple independent police and security agencies investigating the Boston incident. there is no conspiracy by the government.

I don't recall seeing the posts about conspiracies - they must be gone ... And U.S. Federal Criminal Courts can only try people who have been indicted by prosecutors and Federal Prosecutors report to holder ultimately ... So the Boston Bomber will in fact be under the jurisdiction of the Justice Department before arriving in Federal Court. So those that will be subject to having 'justice dispensed' are unfortunately processed through a highly charged political system - with precedent being set by the current Administration.

Plus the FBI and other Federal Agencies under the direct chain of command of the Justice Department and Home Land Security will be the lead investigation arms involved. These agencies will be responsible for bringing investigative data to the Justice Department to construct prosecution...

So to imply that holder, napolitano and obama will not have say or influence in the conduct of the investigation is naive at best.

You still do not get it. It is a federal offense for any member of the executive branch to meddle in a criminal prosecution. The Attorney general can oversee an investigation and give guidance, as is his duty, but he does not dispense justice. Your original comment was on "dispensing" justice and you are wrong in that regard.

I'm not sure of our definition of "dispense justice." AFAIK it isn't a legal term with laws specifically regarding it. I think it's a generic catch-all term.

In the sense that only a judge and jury can try him, then at that point the judge is in charge. But that doesn't happen unless and until the Justice Department charges him with crime(s) and there is an indictment. Up until then, he is the "property of" and under arrest by the Justice Department.

Obama is the chief of the Justice Department because he is the head of the Executive Branch of the Government, and the Justice Department (and Homeland Security) are part of the Executive Branch.

The government is divided into three parts. The legislative branch, the executive branch, and the Judicial branch (courts.) There is a time and a purpose for each. At one point, a judge who is a member of the Judicial branch, and independent from Obama and the Executive Branch, stepped in and made a ruling. Court rulings are law unless and until overturned by a higher court or unless the legislative branch responds with a new law.

This man now is under arrest by the executive branch, headed by Obama, to whom Eric Holder at Justice reports. The FBI, the Secret Service, all branches of the military, Homeland Security and all other agencies are part of the Executive Branch and all report to Obama. Obama is their boss.

So to assume that nothing ever could be swayed by politics would be naive. There is the political leaning of the actors, and there is the political pressure of getting some people reappointed or reelected. There is always concern about public opinion.

I don't presume to guess what will happen to this actor. I'll just wait until it grinds to a conclusion.

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