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Twin Bomb Explosions Shatter Boston Marathon Finish Line

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Didn't Tamerlan technically under the law die a presumed to be innocent man as he hasn't even been charged with anything? coffee1.gif

While Tamerlan might have been technically innocent until found guilty, throwing bombs and shooting semi-automatic weapons at the police might be a fair presumption of guilt in their minds at the time.

His mother screamed at reporters today again that he was innocent and the only thing he is guilty of is being Muslim. Of course, (infamous serial killer) Ted Bundy's mother (who died a few months ago at 88) was still convinced of his innocence even after he had confessed in prison and said to him on his execution day "you'll always be my precious son."

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This is interesting. Tamerlan was into believing far our conspiracy theories from infowars. Now infowars apparently is pushing similar wacky theories about Boston:


From there, however, the narrative presented to the AP begins to catchup
with the self-radicalization being suggested by federal sources.
According to his brother-in-law, Tamerlan more recently turned to the
Internet, where he took an interest in InfoWars—a conspiracy theory
website that has since suggested that the Boston bombing was a "false
flag" operation—and attempted to find a copy of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, an anti-Semitic work claiming a Jewish plot to take over the world. Federal officials, meanwhile, say that the brothers got instructions on how to build bombs from an online magazine published by al-Qaida.

The terrorist that went to prom. So true:


He looks like the bad boy in a boy band. His version of wildness:
driving his car backward down a one-way street at a prom party — an
eerie foreshadowing of the Cambridge, Mass., shootout in which a fleeing
Dzhokhar reportedly drove a stolen SUV over his brother, Tamerlan.


But Islamic radicalism has gone global. You can learn to build a
pressure-cooker bomb on the Internet. Sadly, as vigilant as we may be,
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev will probably not be the last terrorism suspect who
went to prom.



Whatever next? Rounding up your fellow citizens and interning them without trial is a total disaster and only serves to provide a massive surge in support for the supposed bad guys. See the fiasco of internment in Ulster in 1971.

Something similar in the USA today would make Abu Ghraib look like a minor misdemeanour and would achieve exactly what the terrorists want, namely a massive over-reaction that radicalises a vast section of society. Why not just expel all Muslims......Strewth!

Millions of US citizens would take to the street protesting. The last thing the US economy can afford is more prisons.

I wonder what the security situation would need to be like before citizens took to the streets in favour of internment. What I had in mind however is something along the line of a 'preventative detention' bill, which is currently being discussed in Canada. Such a measure would have likely seen the older brother detained back in 2010. The German government is currently monitoring 1000 Salafists, the odds of one or more not causing trouble when monitoring ends is slim indeed. Mohamad Merah, the French mass murderer was being watched and only today an EU spokesman talked of concern over hundreds of Europeans becoming radicalized in Syria, Holland has raised it's threat level to 'Substantial' as a result of this.

To sum up, we may not be at war with Muslims, but we are with Islam inspired radicals and as such they should be treated as enemy combatants.


Isn't it great to be in America? Our welfare system even takes care of people that are killing our citizens.


Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Family Received Welfare
6:54 AM, APR 24, 2013 • BY DANIEL HALPER
Tamerlan Tsarnaev was on welfare, sponsored by tax payers. Tsarnaev, now dead, is suspected of bombing the Boston Marathon last week.
"Marathon bombings mastermind Tamerlan Tsarnaev was living on taxpayer-funded state welfare benefits even as he was delving deep into the world of radical anti-American Islamism, the Herald has learned," reports the Boston Herald.
"State officials confirmed last night that Tsarnaev, slain in a raging gun battle with police last Friday, was receiving benefits along with his wife, Katherine Russell Tsarnaev, and their 3-year-old daughter.

Oh my!blink.png

Does that mean that the people of Mass. paid for his trip to his homeland?

and worse, the people of Mass was the source of funds for materials?blink.png

This gets uglier and uglier.


Mosque that Boston suspects attended has radical ties

BOSTON — The mosque attended by the two brothers accused in the Boston Marathon double bombing has been associated with other terrorism suspects, has invited radical speakers to a sister mosque in Boston and is affiliated with a Muslim group that critics say nurses grievances that can lead to extremism.

Several people who attended the Islamic Society of Boston mosque in Cambridge, Mass., have been investigated for Islamic terrorism, including a conviction of the mosque's first president, Abdulrahman Alamoudi, in connection with an assassination plot against a Saudi prince.

Its sister mosque in Boston, known as the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, has invited guests who have defended terrorism suspects. A former trustee appears in a series of videos in which he advocates treating gays as criminals, says husbands should sometimes beat their wives and calls on Allah (God) to kill Zionists and Jews, according to Americans for Peace and Tolerance, an interfaith group that has investigated the mosques.


And related, I surmise that same Mosque, also being visited by FBI now, refused to bury the brother

Boston mosque refuses to bury Tamerlan



She says she is in shock. Well then take the stupid garb off and stop worshipping or believing in what motivated the attack. She is an American . . . and apparently deeply brainwashed now. A normal person would be screw this crazy stuff and go back to being what they were raised and what their family believes in. Kinds of scarey. She was a normal girl attanding college, dad a doctor, mom a nurse and raised in a great family and community. Not hard to see why individuals such as the bombers could get sucked in who did not have it so well when someone like her got sucked in.




If shes that brainwashed, I dont know how innocent she is.

let the investigation continue and see what else floats to the surface.

several things she has reportedly said doesn't pass the smell test where I sit.


Yet another issue. There are some leaks now that some are concerned that Dzhokhar may NEVER be capable to physically speak again. Of course that is manageable if he can still communicate another way, but maybe that also means he is massively brain damaged.

I have heard reports that he is now answering questions by writing down the answers.

The Perp could Tweet the answers - seems he is good doing that even when injured... :)


Mosque that Boston suspects attended has radical ties

BOSTON — The mosque attended by the two brothers accused in the Boston Marathon double bombing has been associated with other terrorism suspects, has invited radical speakers to a sister mosque in Boston and is affiliated with a Muslim group that critics say nurses grievances that can lead to extremism.

Several people who attended the Islamic Society of Boston mosque in Cambridge, Mass., have been investigated for Islamic terrorism, including a conviction of the mosque's first president, Abdulrahman Alamoudi, in connection with an assassination plot against a Saudi prince.

Its sister mosque in Boston, known as the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, has invited guests who have defended terrorism suspects. A former trustee appears in a series of videos in which he advocates treating gays as criminals, says husbands should sometimes beat their wives and calls on Allah (God) to kill Zionists and Jews, according to Americans for Peace and Tolerance, an interfaith group that has investigated the mosques.


And related, I surmise that same Mosque, also being visited by FBI now, refused to bury the brother

Boston mosque refuses to bury Tamerlan


Running off now with their tail between their legs.


Anyone who thinks the Boston Mosque was an isolated problem (and part of a tiny minority, no doubt rolleyes.gif ) should read the following. 4 Mosques out of 5 promote extremist literature, but the leftist media can hardly even bring themselves to mentioning Jihad.


New York — A leading international peer-reviewed journal specializing in the empirical study of terrorism has published a study that found that 80% of U.S. mosques provide their worshippers with jihad-style literature promoting the use of violence against non-believers and that the imams in those mosques expressly promote that literature.

The study also found that when a mosque imam or its worshippers were “sharia-adherent,” as measured by certain behaviors in conformity with Islamic law, the mosque was more likely to provide this violent literature and the imam was more likely to promote it.

Anyone who thinks the Boston Mosque was an isolated problem (and part of a tiny minority, no doubt rolleyes.gif ) should read the following. 4 Mosques out of 5 promote extremist literature, but the leftist media can hardly even bring themselves to mentioning Jihad.


New York — A leading international peer-reviewed journal specializing in the empirical study of terrorism has published a study that found that 80% of U.S. mosques provide their worshippers with jihad-style literature promoting the use of violence against non-believers and that the imams in those mosques expressly promote that literature.

The study also found that when a mosque imam or its worshippers were “sharia-adherent,” as measured by certain behaviors in conformity with Islamic law, the mosque was more likely to provide this violent literature and the imam was more likely to promote it.
Of course everyone in the obama Administration will tell you that it is silly to think that Muslims would try to push Sharia law into American society... But as anyone with common sense knows, it is part of the slow motion Jihad .... move in... multiply ... insulate - isolate from society - do not assimilate -- do not integrate - practice their own law - take insult at every thing that happens in a community done by non Muslims. continue to subjugate, dominate and persecute women, preach hatred of the Infidel in the mosques, foment terrorism as the next steps ... Naw ... that would never happen in a Western country... Yeah Right!!!
  • Like 2

Anyone who thinks the Boston Mosque was an isolated problem (and part of a tiny minority, no doubt rolleyes.gif ) should read the following. 4 Mosques out of 5 promote extremist literature, but the leftist media can hardly even bring themselves to mentioning Jihad.


New York A leading international peer-reviewed journal specializing in the empirical study of terrorism has published a study that found that 80% of U.S. mosques provide their worshippers with jihad-style literature promoting the use of violence against non-believers and that the imams in those mosques expressly promote that literature.

The study also found that when a mosque imam or its worshippers were sharia-adherent, as measured by certain behaviors in conformity with Islamic law, the mosque was more likely to provide this violent literature and the imam was more likely to promote it.

Of course everyone in the obama Administration will tell you that it is silly to think that Muslims would try to push Sharia law into American society... But as anyone with common sense knows, it is part of the slow motion Jihad .... move in... multiply ... insulate - isolate from society - do not assimilate -- do not integrate - practice their own law - take insult at every thing that happens in a community done by non Muslims. continue to subjugate, dominate and persecute women, preach hatred of the Infidel in the mosques, foment terrorism as the next steps ... Naw ... that would never happen in a Western country... Yeah Right!!!


Britain's Sharia Courts: "You Cannot Go Against What Islam Says" :: Gatestone Institute

Haha, hate to walk afraid of banks, Muslims, Obama, liberals who want to take your guns away. No wonder some many people go crazy, get brain washed, convert to Islam and blow stuff up.

I was at gym trying to read closed caption, but did I read it that right. Whacko bomber mommy was saying to interviewer over phone that she didn't care what happened or if she got killed or her younger son got killed. She said "I am going to say it anyway Allah Akbar."

Haha, she is in Russia. They just make you disappear over there when you are too much trouble.

  • Like 1
This is not the time to be politically divided.

Remember where the fight is for this issue,

And its not at the white house,

Nor with the GOP,

You guys(both dem's and rep's)can do that in 3 more years.

(personally both parties makes me sick)

So <deleted> and focus on the problem

We have more pressing matters presently.

(Of course no insult or slight was intended.) whistling.gif
  • Like 2

This is not the time to be politically divided.

Remember where the fight is for this issue,

And its not at the white house,

Nor with the GOP,

You guys(both dem's and rep's)can do that in 3 more years.

(personally both parties makes me sick)

So <deleted> and focus on the problem

We have more pressing matters presently.

(Of course no insult or slight was intended.) whistling.gif

I was commenting on person not politics and this is an Internet forum. News flash, we ain't solving any if the worlds problems here. Yes, therese be more pressing matters, but we are not exactly the UN meeting to figure manners in which to resolve those problems. Forum is just for losers like us that resort to Internet to discuss our ideas and and express our thoughts. Sure beats arguing with my wife who I cannot understand half the time.

  • Like 1

This is not the time to be politically divided.

Remember where the fight is for this issue,

And its not at the white house,

Nor with the GOP,

You guys(both dem's and rep's)can do that in 3 more years.

(personally both parties makes me sick)

So <deleted> and focus on the problem

We have more pressing matters presently.

(Of course no insult or slight was intended.) whistling.gif

I was commenting on person not politics and this is an Internet forum. News flash, we ain't solving any if the worlds problems here. Yes, therese be more pressing matters, but we are not exactly the UN meeting to figure manners in which to resolve those problems. Forum is just for losers like us that resort to Internet to discuss our ideas and and express our thoughts. Sure beats arguing with my wife who I cannot understand half the time.

You really didn't understand what he was saying?


Off-topic posts and replies have been deleted. Please stick to the topic, which is not about whose source is the best, most credible, etc., etc..


It just gets worse. The FBI had it's counter-terrorism training re-vamped in 2011 so it no longer mentions religion hampered investigations into Tamerlan Tsarnaev's radicalization. It is shocking that political correctness should lead to changes that handicap those in charge of protecting the nation. Indeed, who can forget Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood jihaddist workplaceviolencist.

The fact is religion has been expunged from counterterrorism training,” said Sebastian Gorka, a counterterrorism specialist with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. “The FBI can’t talk about Islam and they can’t talk about jihad.”

Added Patrick S. Poole, another counterterrorism specialist, about FBI policies on Islam: “I have zero doubt it affected their investigation of Tsarnaev.”

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/apr/23/blind-eye-conciliatory-fbi-policies-toward-islamis/#ixzz2RTTJ9mOT
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
It just gets worse. The FBI had it's counter-terrorism training re-vamped in 2011 so it no longer mentions religion hampered investigations into Tamerlan Tsarnaev's radicalization. It is shocking that political correctness should lead to changes that handicap those in charge of protecting the nation. Indeed, who can forget Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood jihaddist workplaceviolencist.

The fact is religion has been expunged from counterterrorism training,” said Sebastian Gorka, a counterterrorism specialist with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. “The FBI can’t talk about Islam and they can’t talk about jihad.”

Added Patrick S. Poole, another counterterrorism specialist, about FBI policies on Islam: “I have zero doubt it affected their investigation of Tsarnaev.”

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/apr/23/blind-eye-conciliatory-fbi-policies-toward-islamis/#ixzz2RTTJ9mOT

Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

The Washington Times. The "Foundation For Defense Of Democracies". Seriously?!

“The FBI can’t talk about Islam and they can’t talk about jihad.”

That is complete and utter falsehood: how could anyone saying something like that have any credibility in the remainder of their comment?

I'm curious as to what makes Patrick S. Poole a counterterrorism specialist?

"A U.S. official"? Who designates a source like that? A mail carrier? A senior staffer privy to such things ( wait, if that was the case they would have said so...)

The FBI is still looking for people who have a background in "Regional Studies, especially Middle Eastern Studies" and "Religious Studies, especially Islam" and "Advanced topical expertise in counterterrorism, Islamic studies". Just over a year ago there was a major controversy due to some evidence that there was TOO MUCH emphasizing Islam in their counterterrorism training. If the pendulum has swung too far the other way that would be outrageously foolish - but you'll have to present some real evidence of that if you want credibly claim it is so (ie not a blatantly biased source with an agenda and some real FACTS).

  • Like 1

It just gets worse. The FBI had it's counter-terrorism training re-vamped in 2011 so it no longer mentions religion hampered investigations into Tamerlan Tsarnaev's radicalization. It is shocking that political correctness should lead to changes that handicap those in charge of protecting the nation. Indeed, who can forget Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood jihaddist workplaceviolencist.

The fact is religion has been expunged from counterterrorism training,” said Sebastian Gorka, a counterterrorism specialist with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. “The FBI can’t talk about Islam and they can’t talk about jihad.”
Added Patrick S. Poole, another counterterrorism specialist, about FBI policies on Islam: “I have zero doubt it affected their investigation of Tsarnaev.”
Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/apr/23/blind-eye-conciliatory-fbi-policies-toward-islamis/#ixzz2RTTJ9mOT
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

The Washington Times. The "Foundation For Defense Of Democracies". Seriously?!

“The FBI can’t talk about Islam and they can’t talk about jihad.”

That is complete and utter falsehood: how could anyone saying something like that have any credibility in the remainder of their comment?

I'm curious as to what makes Patrick S. Poole a counterterrorism specialist?

"A U.S. official"? Who designates a source like that? A mail carrier? A senior staffer privy to such things ( wait, if that was the case they would have said so...)

The FBI is still looking for people who have a background in "Regional Studies, especially Middle Eastern Studies" and "Religious Studies, especially Islam" and "Advanced topical expertise in counterterrorism, Islamic studies". Just over a year ago there was a major controversy due to some evidence that there was TOO MUCH emphasizing Islam in their counterterrorism training. If the pendulum has swung too far the other way that would be outrageously foolish - but you'll have to present some real evidence of that if you want credibly claim it is so (ie not a blatantly biased source with an agenda and some real FACTS).

That's a good question: Who is Patrick S. Poole? Poole is an opinionated right-wing guy with no evidence to support his constant attacks against the FBI.

In a recent blog on "Big Peace" by Patrick S. Poole titled, FBI Escorts Known Hamas Operative Through Top-Secret National Counterterrorism Center as “Outreach” to Muslim Community, Poole simply grabs out of the air his accusation that Sheik Kifah Mustapha, a leader at the Bridgeview Mosque Foundation in Chicago, is some sort of Hamas operative or leader in the U.S.

The fact is the Illinois State Police were about to hire Sheik Kifah Mustapah as one of their many chaplains of various religions and denominations of religions when Poole wrote his blog. Because of Poole's unfounded attack, the state of Illinois was unable to hire the Muslim-American religious leader.

And besides, does Poole genuinely believe that the FBI would work with and allow someone who is associated with Hamas into a top-secret Counter-terrorism center? The FBI isn't perfect, but anyone would have to ask himself whom to believe in such a matter, and whether the FBI knows who is a terrorist/terrorist supporter and who is not. In other words, should we believe a wholly unreasonable man who sees every Muslim who comes along as being a “Hamas Operative” over the judgement of the FBI in such a sensitive matter? I think not.
  • Like 1

It just gets worse. The FBI had it's counter-terrorism training re-vamped in 2011 so it no longer mentions religion hampered investigations into Tamerlan Tsarnaev's radicalization. It is shocking that political correctness should lead to changes that handicap those in charge of protecting the nation. Indeed, who can forget Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood jihaddist workplaceviolencist.

The fact is religion has been expunged from counterterrorism training,” said Sebastian Gorka, a counterterrorism specialist with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. “The FBI can’t talk about Islam and they can’t talk about jihad.”

Added Patrick S. Poole, another counterterrorism specialist, about FBI policies on Islam: “I have zero doubt it affected their investigation of Tsarnaev.”

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/apr/23/blind-eye-conciliatory-fbi-policies-toward-islamis/#ixzz2RTTJ9mOT

Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

The Washington Times. The "Foundation For Defense Of Democracies". Seriously?!

“The FBI can’t talk about Islam and they can’t talk about jihad.”

That is complete and utter falsehood: how could anyone saying something like that have any credibility in the remainder of their comment?

I'm curious as to what makes Patrick S. Poole a counterterrorism specialist?

"A U.S. official"? Who designates a source like that? A mail carrier? A senior staffer privy to such things ( wait, if that was the case they would have said so...)

The FBI is still looking for people who have a background in "Regional Studies, especially Middle Eastern Studies" and "Religious Studies, especially Islam" and "Advanced topical expertise in counterterrorism, Islamic studies". Just over a year ago there was a major controversy due to some evidence that there was TOO MUCH emphasizing Islam in their counterterrorism training. If the pendulum has swung too far the other way that would be outrageously foolish - but you'll have to present some real evidence of that if you want credibly claim it is so (ie not a blatantly biased source with an agenda and some real FACTS).

Leaving aside the fact we were told to desist in source policing let me ask whether you are aware that the FBI manuals were amended based on consultations with CAIR and other Muslim advocacy groups. For example Salam Al-Marayati of the Muslim public affairs council (MPAC) commented


Al-Marayati complained that training materials reflected “bigoted and inflammatory views on Muslims, including claims that ‘devout’ Muslims are more prone toward violence, that Islam aims to ‘transform a country’s culture into 7th century Arabian ways,’ that Islamic charitable giving is a ‘funding mechanism for combat’ and that the prophet Muhammad was a ‘violent cult leader.’”

Indeed we wouldn't want to give people the wrong impression, would we now? cheesy.gif

Of course, just because that is his assertion does not make it fact, nor does your assumption to claim custodianship of what constitutes 'fact' mean that your comments are factual at all.

P.S Here's some dirt on MPAC, which puts into perspective their advice to the FBI.



Anyone who thinks the Boston Mosque was an isolated problem (and part of a tiny minority, no doubt rolleyes.gif ) should read the following. 4 Mosques out of 5 promote extremist literature, but the leftist media can hardly even bring themselves to mentioning Jihad.


New York — A leading international peer-reviewed journal specializing in the empirical study of terrorism has published a study that found that 80% of U.S. mosques provide their worshippers with jihad-style literature promoting the use of violence against non-believers and that the imams in those mosques expressly promote that literature.

The study also found that when a mosque imam or its worshippers were “sharia-adherent,” as measured by certain behaviors in conformity with Islamic law, the mosque was more likely to provide this violent literature and the imam was more likely to promote it.

No isolated problem, actually. Started with Reagan, who wasn't left.


and this fine chap.


Let's just follow the Orwellian story of AQ, heroes during the eighties and nineties, used by the US for terror acts in Afghanistan, Central Asia, China (that Uighur province).

Became villains on 9/11, 'the biggest enemies of humanity'.

Became heroes again and used by the West in the wars in Lybia, Syria, and in terror acts against Iran.

If you think you can continue to use them for the political goals of the US internationally, and there won't be consequences for Americans themselves, you are naive indeed.

  • Like 2
Anyone who thinks the Boston Mosque was an isolated problem (and part of a tiny minority, no doubt ) should read the following. 4 Mosques out of 5 promote extremist literature, but the leftist media can hardly even bring themselves to mentioning Jihad.


New York — A leading international peer-reviewed journal specializing in the empirical study of terrorism has published a study that found that 80% of U.S. mosques provide their worshippers with jihad-style literature promoting the use of violence against non-believers and that the imams in those mosques expressly promote that literature.

The study also found that when a mosque imam or its worshippers were “sharia-adherent,” as measured by certain behaviors in conformity with Islamic law, the mosque was more likely to provide this violent literature and the imam was more likely to promote it.

No isolated problem, actually. Started with Reagan, who wasn't left.

and this fine chap.

Let's just follow the Orwellian story of AQ, heroes during the eighties and nineties, used by the US for terror acts in Afghanistan, Central Asia, China (that Uighur province).

Became villains on 9/11, 'the biggest enemies of humanity'.

Became heroes again and used by the West in the wars in Lybia, Syria, and in terror acts against Iran.

If you think you can continue to use them for the political goals of the US internationally, and there won't be consequences for Americans themselves, you are naive indeed.

Let me guess - you are one of those people who don't know the difference between the mujahideen and al Qaeda (or even understand what al Q is, let alone that it only came into existence at the very end of the 80's) - not surprising you'd go on to say something as ridiculous that they were heroes and became villains after 9/11...

By all means, criticize US foreign policy and it's consequences where it is worthy of such but you ought do some actual research instead just swallowing memes formed to support a specific agenda and outlook.


No isolated problem, actually. Started with Reagan, who wasn't left.

and this fine chap.

Let's just follow the Orwellian story of AQ, heroes during the eighties and nineties, used by the US for terror acts in Afghanistan, Central Asia, China (that Uighur province).

Became villains on 9/11, 'the biggest enemies of humanity'.

Became heroes again and used by the West in the wars in Lybia, Syria, and in terror acts against Iran.

If you think you can continue to use them for the political goals of the US internationally, and there won't be consequences for Americans themselves, you are naive indeed.

Wow! Just saw that first photo. That is hilarious...people actually believe that is Reagan meeting al Qaeda?! Including you...

And the second photo is of an article that only REFUTES what you claim (as does copious research by true scholars of the subject).


Anyone who thinks the Boston Mosque was an isolated problem (and part of a tiny minority, no doubt rolleyes.gif ) should read the following. 4 Mosques out of 5 promote extremist literature, but the leftist media can hardly even bring themselves to mentioning Jihad.

New York — A leading international peer-reviewed journal specializing in the empirical study of terrorism has published a study that found that 80% of U.S. mosques provide their worshippers with jihad-style literature promoting the use of violence against non-believers and that the imams in those mosques expressly promote that literature.

The study also found that when a mosque imam or its worshippers were “sharia-adherent,” as measured by certain behaviors in conformity with Islamic law, the mosque was more likely to provide this violent literature and the imam was more likely to promote it.

No isolated problem, actually. Started with Reagan, who wasn't left.

and this fine chap.

Let's just follow the Orwellian story of AQ, heroes during the eighties and nineties, used by the US for terror acts in Afghanistan, Central Asia, China (that Uighur province).

Became villains on 9/11, 'the biggest enemies of humanity'.

Became heroes again and used by the West in the wars in Lybia, Syria, and in terror acts against Iran.

If you think you can continue to use them for the political goals of the US internationally, and there won't be consequences for Americans themselves, you are naive indeed.

Dude, get over it.

We dont care about your oil. we have plenty.

We are no longer looking for cheap labor.

we dont need any of anyone's resources. We have plenty, thank you.

The US is tired of spending up to 30% of our GDP to keep the shipping lanes open.

We dont need the shipping lanes.

you do.

If you havent noticed, the US plans to cut back on defense spending

in significant amounts in the future.

The EU and Asian communities will have to start pulling their own weight.

Yeah we'll loose a bit in terms of arms sells,

but its more than made up by the cut in defense spending.


your rhetoric is old and stale as 2 week old pizza at a frat house.

find a new scape goat.

good luck and good riddance.


Steely Dan cited the following quote above as a part of his post #861 in which a trusted member of the Muslim Public Affairs Council advised the FBI, at the request of the FBI:

Al-Marayati complained that training materials reflected “bigoted and inflammatory views on Muslims, including claims that ‘devout’ Muslims are more prone toward violence, that Islam aims to ‘transform a country’s culture into 7th century Arabian ways,’ that Islamic charitable giving is a ‘funding mechanism for combat’ and that the prophet Muhammad was a ‘violent cult leader.’”

Concerning which, Steely Dan commented:

Indeed we wouldn't want to give people the wrong impression, would we now?

My response is that the FBI needs to show a clinical professionalism that takes it above and beyond the ordinary street talk or the common barstool ramblings that people such as you or I might engage in. It is not the job of the FBI to attempt to analyze religions either pro or con or to pass judgment on a religion per se, a sweeping judgment besides.

Obviously the FBI engaged a trusted Muslim leader in the United States to seek his input concerning the FBI's approach to its training curriculum and programs. This is an open and honest approach to performing its professional responsibility that I would never expect to occur in Moscow or Beijing, among other capitals around the world. If a trusted Muslim I knew, a Muslim cleric especially, advised me that I might be spouting such views or revealing such thoughts, beliefs, I would pause to reflect on my attitudes. So I'm encouraged the FBI does reality checks of this nature and, because the FBI does seek critiques of its methods and approaches, I have more confidence the FBI has fidelity to its oath to preserve, protect and defend our Constitution, which means to preserve, protect and defend me individually and all citizens, to include our Nation.


No isolated problem, actually. Started with Reagan, who wasn't left.

and this fine chap.

Let's just follow the Orwellian story of AQ, heroes during the eighties and nineties, used by the US for terror acts in Afghanistan, Central Asia, China (that Uighur province).

Became villains on 9/11, 'the biggest enemies of humanity'.

Became heroes again and used by the West in the wars in Lybia, Syria, and in terror acts against Iran.

If you think you can continue to use them for the political goals of the US internationally, and there won't be consequences for Americans themselves, you are naive indeed.

Wow! Just saw that first photo. That is hilarious...people actually believe that is Reagan meeting al Qaeda?! Including you...

And the second photo is of an article that only REFUTES what you claim (as does copious research by true scholars of the subject).

Just realized I was so amused (and, I confess, intent on heaping scorn) that I messed up my own post...what I should have said:

That is hilarious...people actually believe that is Reagan meeting al Qaeda?! It's not even the Taliban!


My daughter in grade school is better at Photoshop.

I actually have to look at her work to pick out the flaws.

She then comes back with something better. at least better than that crap.

Hell, yes I'm insulted. (but its probably the rum talking lol)


Of course the liberal - leftist slant of recent days has been filled with sob stories about the PERPS. They are just young fellows who felt alone in the U.S., had few friends, people hurt their feelings... and no it had nothing to do with a violent jihad ... if only we could all get along ... snif snif... Such tripe I read in the American lame street media (and as posted by a few TV members) ... But below is a great article that points out what went on in Boston is just a continuation of the same hatred and violence put forth by radical Islamist in their jihadist rage against the Infidel (a.k.a everybody but them)... Great informative reading below - just click...


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