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Twin Bomb Explosions Shatter Boston Marathon Finish Line

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Anyway, is it just me or does anyone else think that the accused's mother has some responsibility in this matter?

Listening to her comments, aside from getting the impression she is one nasty piece of business, I believe she encouraged her sons. What are the chances of the Russian police questioning her?

"US Embassy personnel" (read spooks & White House elite interrogators I guess) have questioned her extensively. I assume both the US and Russian gov't had told her and Hubby in no uncertain terms they will cooperate if they expect to live in peace in either country. She is adamant how this is a frame-up, how bad America is etc., how she is sorry they ever moved there, Ad naseam.

She is a sweety.

We don't know whether the FBI is satisfied based on original questioning of her herself, or concerning anything she may have said about her two precious kids. Same applies to the father, perhaps too to some other relatives or acquaintances of the elder son. We haven't heard anything either way officially or by way of leaks about the interviews of the parents. Many homicidal types have some sort of whacky mother, and this one is a doozie.

The parents are over there, in the general vicinity of a lotta madness that's been going on for a long time. I'd be surprised if they were oblivious about their firstborn, especially given he traveled to and stayed there an appreciable period of time. Their denial is an understandable human drama, but her assertions that it was a government set up job, which is what the mother said 9/11 was, are facile, which leaves me uncomfortable.

If she wasn't either aware or involved in some way I'd be surprised, at least at this point in the whole thing. But then neither government has said anything of her or of the parents together. Maybe the FBI questioning of the kid and the parents left the investigators satisfied, but we don't know that either.

We do see the obvious, which is that just about the whole family, to include the dead guys' widow, want to talk about everyone else being wrong or guilty while saying as little as possible about themselves or the sons In particular.

WASHINGTON — U.S. intelligence agencies added the mother of the Boston bombing suspects to a government terrorism database 18 months before the bombings, two officials told The Associated Press. She called it "lies and hypocrisy" and said she has never been linked to crimes or terrorism.


Russians will deal with this . . . They apparently have had dear mom and dad under close watch for a while including sitting outside their home and etc. Russia does not have all of this miranda and civil rights stuff. They will let her whine a while and as soon as the press is not really interested in her anymore, she will be no where to be found. Same with dad. I would surmise the FBI would be happy to permit the Russians to deal with them and use their methods to extract information. People just have a way a disappearing in Russia and no one really knows if it is the mafia or Russian officials, a line that can be blurred I suppose.

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Seems the Boston Mosque (worship place of the bombers) is an inspiration for several other radical jihadies ... but most of the American news media won't talk about it ... Oh and of course the American news media doesn't want you to think that the bombing had anything to do with indoctrination by teachings of Radical Islam .... it was just the Internet ... Yeah Right!



Seems the Boston Mosque (worship place of the bombers) is an inspiration for several other radical jihadies ... but most of the American news media won't talk about it ... Oh and of course the American news media doesn't want you to think that the bombing had anything to do with indoctrination by teachings of Radical Islam .... it was just the Internet ... Yeah Right!


Where are you getting "most of the American news media won't talk about it from?'

The article you cited only said NY Time had reported self radicalized. The only other source mentioned was US today by stating:

USA Today, on the other hand, did look at their mosque — the Islamic Society of Boston — and found "a curriculum that radicalizes people," according to a local source quoted in the paper's investigation. "Other people have been radicalized there."

Seems like all I hear and read is that the actions of these whack jobs had everything to do with indoctrination of teachings by radical Islam.

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Yup, marital privilege only applies to her testifying against him. *But he is dead now anyway, so that point is moot. She is an accomplice or accessory if what you said is true.

I'm not sure that one is compelled to call the police when contacted by a criminal by telephone. She could claim that she was not sure the picture was him if it came to that.

For sure, there is no legal duty on her to call the police on her husband. However, what she may not do is aid and abet his escape and further commission of crimes. If it turns out she did this, she may well be charged.

I am really not sure on this one. I did write on the spousal privilege in my state back in 97ish while clerking for a Supreme Court Justice. I do recall application was in compelling testimony in a trial setting. Seems like a duty to report, especially if imminent danger or threat of harm to others is present, would not be ameliorated by a spousal testimony privilege.

I have dealt with duty to warn in the hospital, medical and psychiatric setting which focus on Tarasov and its progeny. Other than Florida which seems to deviate a bit from Tarasov, I would think duty to warn in most states may be applicable under certain circumstances including imminent danger to self and others, abuse of elders, abuse of children and so forth. A spouse could concievably be guitly under complicit or accomplice theories for the crimes of their spouse. Definitely something a bit beyond the scope of my practice and knowledge, but perhaps an easy quesiton for a criminal defense attorney. Unfortunately, I don't have time, or inclination to look it up right now.

Sounds like you have a good handle on spousal/marital privilege. Yes, I too wish we had a criminal practitioner here on the forum to address this. But you have raised a fascinating possibility I didn't know existed - the affirmative duty to warn or duty to report to police on a spouse when there is an imminent danger to others. It seems to me, even if the theory is a stretch, but still prosecutable, that the FBI could use that as a threat to compel cooperation of the wayward spouse if they found out she tipped off the terror duo.

However, as the FBI is now actively investigating her, it may turn out this this former all-American girl turned hajib-wearing terrorist wife actually did know and consent to much of it, and did help in planning or warning the brothers. She deserves to serve lots of time if so.


Yep, she (the wife) is not passing the smell test so far.

I'm hoping that she doesn't get her parents into an after the fact situation :(. I hope the parents got her a good lawyer, not to protect her, but to protect themselves. Assuming that the parents are innocent, of course.

If the wife is innocent, i hope the officials clear her quickly as possible. I cant be the only person thinking this way about the wife. And if she is innocent, she (and her daughter) deserves to move on quickly.

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It is very uncommon in the USA to go after the female spouse unless they were directly involved in commiting a crime. It is possible that they might go after his wife to make a point, but, IMO, not very likely.


your post sounded interesting

and led me to waste 4 minutes of my life.sick.gif

4 minutes is all I could take of that dribble.

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I love irony!

Boston bombers are identified by cameras from the LORD and TAYLOR department store.

Bombers mother was arrested at the LORD and TAYLOR department store for felony theft and fled to Russia.

Proving...the LORD and also TAYLOR works in mysterious ways.

Sent from Me to You.

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One matter we can be sure of is that the FBI and the other federal, state and local investigators, law enforcement personnel, are still in the discovery stages of the investigation. We're not hearing anything because there isn't yet much to hear.

Investigators do more than compare notes. Investigators confer in pairs, in small groups, in larger groups. Present are the investigators, enforcement unit supervisors, a director or two, the legal team, interagency liaison officers, Homeland Security personnel such as the CIA, NSA, ATFE (explosives having recently been added to the ATF's name) and lots of other alphabet soup personnel.

In this instance, because of the US Embassy in Moscow's involvement, we have State department diplomats and security personnel involved. Investigators are arriving in Washington and Boston from regional offices of the Feds and from abroad. As discussion at this board develops, there are presently two dozen investigators in sanitation suits raking through the landfill that serves the university campus where dufus was enrolled, searching for anything that might look like evidence.

I'm almost sure there are Russian counterterrorism agents from their embassy/consulate offices in the U.S., or directly from Moscow, that are involved in one way or another, but not in normal conferencing due to national security considerations. Russians agents would be meeting privately with a director and his/her top staff; the director then would present the info to a larger internal conference. Investigators are subdivided into small groups in various rooms to thoroughly examine, evaluate and assess only one particular, specific aspect of the case, to present to a larger conference their findings and any conclusion or theory they might develop.

Throughout, Investigators, supervisors, directors are required to inductively theorize the case to create a coherent whole picture, so presently many different theories are being explored, hashed out, discarded in part or entirely, in the effort to paint the big picture with all of its many delineated details.

I'd say however that, as a part of the investigative processes, if the U.S. government and/or the Russian government suspected either (or both) parent, the parent or parents would be in Russian custody by now. Conversely, the parents might be persons of interest, or targets of the investigation, but are being allowed their freedom so they might lead to the possible involvement of others, e.g., the people who may have trained Tamerlan (who almost surely trained his dufus brother).

The father has announced his plans to travel to the U.S. to bury Tamerlan and to assist his nitwit surviving son, which sounds like he hasn't much possible culpability, if any. I'd like to see the department store where the mother shoplifted to the tune of felony larceny drop the charges so that obstacle to her travelling to the U.S. could be removed. It would deprive her of a big excuse not to join her spouse in his announced travels.

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It is very uncommon in the USA to go after the female spouse unless they were directly involved in commiting a crime. It is possible that they might go after his wife to make a point, but, IMO, not very likely.

I agree, and it's true.

I have see them go after the spouse to scare her into spilling her guts about what she knows, if anything, but often there's an agreement of immunity in exchange.


It is very uncommon in the USA to go after the female spouse unless they were directly involved in commiting a crime. It is possible that they might go after his wife to make a point, but, IMO, not very likely.

I agree, and it's true.

I have see them go after the spouse to scare her into spilling her guts about what she knows, if anything, but often there's an agreement of immunity in exchange.

I tend to agree

except this is new territory.

In cases of terrorism, if the wife aided in anyway

the feds better go after her, or she might just help someone else afterwards.

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Geeze, I really would not like either one of the parents in the US.

its going to be a zoo already,

with those two loonies US,

the circus meter wiil be off the charts!blink.png

The dude is an adult, if mommie and daddie want to come, they can do it on their own dime

(then throw mommie's a$$ in jail please!)

if they want the body of the oldest,

ship it back them since no mosque in the US wants it (good for them!)


If the theft charge was a felony, couldn't they request that she be extradited?

Interesting question. The US and Russia have had their diplomatic differences over extradition lately. If you recall a few months ago, the U.S. refused to extradite former Thailand jailbird, Viktor Bout. The US and Russia do not have a bilateral extradition treaty, and rather, each case is handled on request, similar to Thailand-US extradition matters. (Though Thailand usually always cooperates) As a result of that, Russia proposed a new bilateral treaty late last year, and continued to condemn the US practice regarding Bout.

In the event of any US request, the kneejerk reaction is to say Russia would refuse, based on payback for the Bout affair. However, in this joint interest of Chechen terror control, who knows?


I have been reading otherwise. The detonation advice that they used is complicated and not the kind of thing you can learn on the internet.



I have been reading otherwise. The detonation advice that they used is complicated and not the kind of thing you can learn on the internet.

Makes sense - even without seeing a link. They were confident enough in the detonation of the device that they were able to casually put the bags down and stroll away. To me that suggests it was a sophisticated enough system that they did not need to drop it and run - and that the timer was reliable. (ie they were sure it would not detonate too early, or too late).


I have been reading otherwise. The detonation advice that they used is complicated and not the kind of thing you can learn on the internet.

Makes sense - even without seeing a link. They were confident enough in the detonation of the device that they were able to casually put the bags down and stroll away. To me that suggests it was a sophisticated enough system that they did not need to drop it and run - and that the timer was reliable. (ie they were sure it would not detonate too early, or too late).

Sorry, a link would be great


I have been reading otherwise. The detonation advice that they used is complicated and not the kind of thing you can learn on the internet.

Makes sense - even without seeing a link. They were confident enough in the detonation of the device that they were able to casually put the bags down and stroll away. To me that suggests it was a sophisticated enough system that they did not need to drop it and run - and that the timer was reliable. (ie they were sure it would not detonate too early, or too late).

Sorry, a link would be great

^ above post assuming it was a timer, and not a remote detonator. Could be that I am making a wrong assumption here!

From the previous link:

confirmed early speculation that the other components were also built

largely, if not entirely of commercially available items, including

parts of a remote control toy car, BBs and small nails.


WASHINGTON — Investigators said the two Boston Marathon bombs were triggered by long-range remote controls for toy cars — a more sophisticated design than originally believed — bolstering a theory that the older suspect received bomb-making guidance on his six-month trip to Russia last year.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who died in a shootout with police last week, "more than likely got some instruction in Dagestan," a federal law enforcement official said Wednesday. http://articles.latimes.com/2013/apr/24/nation/la-na-boston-fbi-bomber-20130425

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Here is an article examining the reaction of some of the Liberal-left to the Boston Bombings. At least some find such behaviour impossible to stomach any more and are starting to break ranks. Too early to say, but Boston could mark a turning point in the way terrorism is regarded.


Fighting the mental affliction – the terminal puerility – of the O’Hehirs may be even harder than fighting jihad itself. How do you repair a culture in which mature moral judgment and adult civic responsibility have systematically been replaced by childish, self-aggrandizing displays of “sensitivity”? How do you install a moral compass in a fully grown adult?

  • Like 1

Here is an article examining the reaction of some of the Liberal-left to the Boston Bombings. At least some find such behaviour impossible to stomach any more and are starting to break ranks. Too early to say, but Boston could mark a turning point in the way terrorism is regarded.


Fighting the mental affliction – the terminal puerility – of the O’Hehirs may be even harder than fighting jihad itself. How do you repair a culture in which mature moral judgment and adult civic responsibility have systematically been replaced by childish, self-aggrandizing displays of “sensitivity”? How do you install a moral compass in a fully grown adult?

I'm sorry but basing your arguments on this 'publication' is puerile and childish . . . when one looks at the unbiased articles of said rag, credibility plus:

Obama & Clinton’s Benghazi Lies Exposed Let’s Tax Everything: The Flu Tax

(with my favourite line: While university students with degrees in Japanese LGBT Transwoman’s Literature have to . . . etc . .

It’s Time To Do Something About Knives » by Daniel Greenfield

The people who blame knives also deserve a vote

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Agreed. I think this case is a watermark in the US/canada

US/canadian Muslims will see themselves differently (and you can already see the beginning)

the general population will see the muslims moderate or not differently

and moderate muslims will have to take a stand.

On another note, I was really surprised at the muslim population in the EU.

They have a serious issue on their hands

A lot of european countries have muslim population pushing 5%.

a few like england and france have muslim population pushing 10%.

Yikes! Good luck with that!

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