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40K A Month Isn't Enough Anymore

balloon chaser

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40k a month is very little money to have any decent sort of lifestyle. It's hardly sufficient for a single guy, so if such a guy earns only this and still have a gf, then he should consider himself very lucky in being able to score.

Pure <deleted>.

Only someone with little to offer a woman beyond a wallet would make such a moronic statement.

There are legions of guys with personality, charm and "game" who get high quality women without having to dish out a penny on gifts and stipends.

Maybe not here, though

Presumably you're one of those legions of guys?

You are naive to think that the power of your personality, looks and charm alone are enough to keep a woman for a long time. It is only natural (and not just for Thai girls) to want better things in life, a nice house or condo, nice furnishings, car, clothes, jewellery, being able to afford to go out for nice meals, taking holidays etc etc.

No way to afford this on a 40k monthly salary.

Rental plus utilities alone can eat up 15k (and don't give me that crap about renting a 2br apartment for 5k - I'm talking about living a decent lifestyle, not roughing it out).

A nice evening out for 2 costs about 2-3k baht (main course about 5-600 baht each, bottle of house wine for 900 baht, starter, dessert, coffee etc). Do this once a week and that's almost 10k on 4 meals a month.

Weekly grocery shopping - say 1,000 baht each time - that's 4,000 a month

Run a car? Bike? Taxis only? Food? Other purchases?

LIke I said in my post, 40k is very little money to have any decent sort of lifestyle. I don't mean that one can't survive on that but you need more if you would like to have some extra goodies.

As for getting high quality women who don't want or expect to be occasionally spoilt, you're dreaming.

How much whiskey are you drinking and crack are you smoking to spend 40k a month? I live well on 12k a month. Movies, hi-speed internet, high-end smart phone, holiday to CM a couple times a month, eating out twice a day... obviously if you're buying hookers regularly or spending every night sauced up at the bar 40k isn't going to cut it.

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Your joking right ? 40k a month!!! More like 120-200k a month when you add eating out 7 days a week, shopping, bar bill nightly for the man 2k. The wife drinks water.

Villa staff costs 20k ,

Then bills such as car fuel ,

I've met people out here who say they live on 30k their lives are very fugal (right word ?)

I'd love to know how you accomplish that!

How can u live on 200,000 baht a month,peanuts for some

I spend more than that grooming my White Sumatran Tiger!

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40k a month is very little money to have any decent sort of lifestyle. It's hardly sufficient for a single guy, so if such a guy earns only this and still have a gf, then he should consider himself very lucky in being able to score.

Pure <deleted>.

Only someone with little to offer a woman beyond a wallet would make such a moronic statement.

There are legions of guys with personality, charm and "game" who get high quality women without having to dish out a penny on gifts and stipends.

Maybe not here, though

Presumably you're one of those legions of guys?

You are naive to think that the power of your personality, looks and charm alone are enough to keep a woman for a long time. It is only natural (and not just for Thai girls) to want better things in life, a nice house or condo, nice furnishings, car, clothes, jewellery, being able to afford to go out for nice meals, taking holidays etc etc.

No way to afford this on a 40k monthly salary.

Rental plus utilities alone can eat up 15k (and don't give me that crap about renting a 2br apartment for 5k - I'm talking about living a decent lifestyle, not roughing it out).

A nice evening out for 2 costs about 2-3k baht (main course about 5-600 baht each, bottle of house wine for 900 baht, starter, dessert, coffee etc). Do this once a week and that's almost 10k on 4 meals a month.

Weekly grocery shopping - say 1,000 baht each time - that's 4,000 a month

Run a car? Bike? Taxis only? Food? Other purchases?

LIke I said in my post, 40k is very little money to have any decent sort of lifestyle. I don't mean that one can't survive on that but you need more if you would like to have some extra goodies.

As for getting high quality women who don't want or expect to be occasionally spoilt, you're dreaming.

The problem for many is not the size of their budget, but their limited understanding of Asian culture.

Too many Western men have the idea that the best way to woe and win a lady's heart is by flashing

a lot of cash. In Asia, that will attract plenty of the mercenary types, but who wants that kind anyway?

Young ladies with a proper upbringing usually see that kind of farang as a bit abnormal -- if not foolish.

My wife is even more frugal than I am. The only reason I don't spend more money on her is that she

doesn't want me to overspend so easily. Better to save and buy things we really need.

Maybe I'm just lucky?

You are lucky - as am I - but more to the point, you made smart choices. Smart choices about how you behaved (thus attracting a person of character) and smart choices about who you got into a relationship with. As did I.

It is a source of continuing but mild surprise to me how many people - when moving through and later while surveying the wreckage it becomes and lamenting their cruel fate and/or the nefarious deeds of others - simply overlook that most basic and necessary fact: luck is good but it's all for nought without smart choices (at least a majority of the time - I doubt anyone ALWAYS makes good ones).

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I feel sorry for all the guys who have to pay for their wifes/GF.

I don't feel sorry for them at all.

They're idiots for getting into a relationship/marriage with a woman who requires a monthly stipend.

They have to ,or their wifr/gf will leave them !

No money ,no honney and they take the kids and walk away !

You want to see your kids ? pay !

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Cant be all Millioner's,i lived on Ibiza 17 years in 2006 sold my Finka and 2008 moved to Thailand. I do not like City's, shopping thats it.

I live on 20K a months ,i do not miss anything .i have a wife and soon a Child thats som extra money. I build a House on 2 Rai no Neighbour's.

Internet, Aircon's, Car, and Motorbike what els do you need .

also i like to do something,hanging around is not my life. every 14 months i go for 1 months to Germany and Ibiza . I am Happy , i could spend more if i want to but that

woulden't make me more happy.

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This cancer is largely due to eating contaminated fish. "All cases found the same parasite."

That's a familiar refrain.

Having lived 16 years in Japan and enjoying tons of sushi, I often read in the Western press

about the dangers of eating raw fish.

Only thing wrong with that picture is -- I've never known or ever heard of anyone getting

anything from eating sushi, except immense pleasure.

I don't eat beef and pork -- the diseases you can get from those are much more scary to me.

But waving red flags about the hypothetical dangers of local folks eating their local foods seems

to be more of a xenophobic or political idea than anything else.

As far as cancer -- the dangers in fake, man-made, processed Western food is much higher than

the simple natural foods of the local people.

But if it makes you feel better to campaign against the simple, natural local food... have fun.

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None of the Thai guys I know on the estate I live in are getting anywhere near 40k a month.

The combined wage of most Thai families I know is 24-28k a month.

Generally the wife seems to have a better education (degree) and wage (14k) than the man (10k).

This is in a middle class, Thai only, estate just outside CM, bank staff, office workers, teachers, nurses, police, etc.

I bet they are not paying Farang prices....................

You think they get lower prices at Big C, Tesco and the gasstation ?

Many Thais almost never go Tesco and co, they have their lower prices... on the markets, meat and fish cheaper, vegetables and fruits sometimes half pricecoffee1.gif

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Interesting topic but i really think it depends on where we live in Thailand and how many people live in the household. (children, no children etc..)

In my case, in BKK, my GF and I are living in a nice but nothing fancy apartment downtown (we both work downtown, i m self-employed and she works for the government).

Our averave monthly spending are divided into:

- Rent: 40K

- Food and fun (including sunday brunches etc): 30k

- Other expenses: Cleaning lady, electricity bill,car maintenance and gas (i drive a lot): 8K

- Trips: Week-end trips once a month out of bkk about 10K for Huahin or Samed but 30K if we go to Samui or HK/SG

- So we need around 100k to have a perfect life in BKK without saving a cent.

Life is good here but it costs money and believe me, i do live a very standard expat life, nothing fancy at all!!

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I survive comfortably on 40,000 baht/month my Thai fiance resigned from her teaching job to be with me so i am not alone all day,which she was paid 10,500/month i give her 14,000/baht month.This money is for her to pay for her home loan. i live in her home.we eat at home most of the times.we go to dinner at a restaurant once a week and have coffee and lunch at a cafe twice a week.our food bill isn't high as you know Thai eat lots of rice and vegies,my fiance grows most of her vegies/fruits and herbs on her land.we still manage to go away for a week every 3 months.i forgot to mention she lives in a small village in Korat and everything is cheaper there than the tourist cities.Cheers!!!biggrin.png

Are u scared to be alone?????

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None of the Thai guys I know on the estate I live in are getting anywhere near 40k a month.

The combined wage of most Thai families I know is 24-28k a month.

Generally the wife seems to have a better education (degree) and wage (14k) than the man (10k).

This is in a middle class, Thai only, estate just outside CM, bank staff, office workers, teachers, nurses, police, etc.

I bet they are not paying Farang prices....................

You think they get lower prices at Big C, Tesco and the gasstation ?

Many Thais almost never go Tesco and co, they have their lower prices... on the markets, meat and fish cheaper, vegetables and fruits sometimes half pricecoffee1.gif

Correction,the only Thais that do go to Tops,Tesco's etc.are the ones that can afford to!

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they can stay if their in love, you realise some people are in love with other things besides money.

Not sure I understand your point? Sure a woman may stay if they love you or they may not. My point is not that a relationship should be about money. It gets my back up when I see comments about giving a woman a monthly stipend and paying a woman a wage to stay with you. If that is someones out look on life then I pity them. What ever happened to the concept of the man being the provider, being a man, providing and protecting a woman and family? <deleted> if your wife / gf /partner is not working and is raising your children, maintaining your household how could you not give her access to funds of her own???

I get that there are guys in relationships where the money is high on the agenda for their partner, nothing wrong with that if the guy is not fooling himself that it is something other than what it is.

For people to suggest that giving your partner access to funds if she has none of her own is somehow buying love or faithfulness is ridiculous and frankly shows a misogynistic attitude.

Were did I mention not giving a home mum funds, where did I mention giving a girl money is buying love, start cutting and copying and show me where i said that.

you were right at the start when you said your not sure if you understand me, you should not start quoting if you dont understand because it turned into a rant about nothing i said.

my whole point was if a man can only make 40000bht, if she loves him she will stay through the hard times, if he could make more he would.

Fair enough MT. I was in a ranting mode this morning, it's passed.

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None of the Thai guys I know on the estate I live in are getting anywhere near 40k a month.

The combined wage of most Thai families I know is 24-28k a month.

Generally the wife seems to have a better education (degree) and wage (14k) than the man (10k).

This is in a middle class, Thai only, estate just outside CM, bank staff, office workers, teachers, nurses, police, etc.

Another really odd happening

When the men get paid, end of month, they are expected to bring their wage packet home, unopened, and hand it to their wife. She will then open the wage packet, count the money and hand the guy 200-400bht for him to spend. She keeps the rest to pay household bills.

Interesting to see how you have so much insight into a Thai families personal finances, you speak in average terms like you went around with a survey form, and then entered the data into a spreadsheet, my feeling is if the lady is a professional earning 14k+ she will seek a husband with far better potential, 10k is labourers money these days.

Anyway back to OPs original post. I think 40k is bordering on living OK for a couple (I'm assuming the 40k wasn't something you just hand over each month???), it's possible to live on 40k but you won't have much for leisure, eating out, clubs & bars. Mind if you own your property and have no HP on cars/motorbikes it's a little more feasible. As for - "would a lady stay with a man earning only 40k per month?" Well if I was earning say 60k a month and suspected my wife was only with me for money, I'd stash 20k and tell her that's all there is, if she leaves, brilliant! The last thing I want is a prostitute to wake up to each morning, so bye-bye! What ever happened to our beliefs and more importantly our wedding vows, "for better or worst, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health" Can you really live like this? Knowing that, if things took a dip (stock market, baht strengthens, road accident) your wife would be gone the next day - <deleted> that!

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None of the Thai guys I know on the estate I live in are getting anywhere near 40k a month.

The combined wage of most Thai families I know is 24-28k a month.

Generally the wife seems to have a better education (degree) and wage (14k) than the man (10k).

This is in a middle class, Thai only, estate just outside CM, bank staff, office workers, teachers, nurses, police, etc.

Another really odd happening

When the men get paid, end of month, they are expected to bring their wage packet home, unopened, and hand it to their wife. She will then open the wage packet, count the money and hand the guy 200-400bht for him to spend. She keeps the rest to pay household bills.

How much for the second wife??
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40k a month is very little money to have any decent sort of lifestyle. It's hardly sufficient for a single guy, so if such a guy earns only this and still have a gf, then he should consider himself very lucky in being able to score.

Pure <deleted>.

Only someone with little to offer a woman beyond a wallet would make such a moronic statement.

There are legions of guys with personality, charm and "game" who get high quality women without having to dish out a penny on gifts and stipends.

Maybe not here, though

Presumably you're one of those legions of guys?

You are naive to think that the power of your personality, looks and charm alone are enough to keep a woman for a long time. It is only natural (and not just for Thai girls) to want better things in life, a nice house or condo, nice furnishings, car, clothes, jewellery, being able to afford to go out for nice meals, taking holidays etc etc.

No way to afford this on a 40k monthly salary.

Rental plus utilities alone can eat up 15k (and don't give me that crap about renting a 2br apartment for 5k - I'm talking about living a decent lifestyle, not roughing it out).

A nice evening out for 2 costs about 2-3k baht (main course about 5-600 baht each, bottle of house wine for 900 baht, starter, dessert, coffee etc). Do this once a week and that's almost 10k on 4 meals a month.

Weekly grocery shopping - say 1,000 baht each time - that's 4,000 a month

Run a car? Bike? Taxis only? Food? Other purchases?

LIke I said in my post, 40k is very little money to have any decent sort of lifestyle. I don't mean that one can't survive on that but you need more if you would like to have some extra goodies.

As for getting high quality women who don't want or expect to be occasionally spoilt, you're dreaming.

How much whiskey are you drinking and crack are you smoking to spend 40k a month? I live well on 12k a month. Movies, hi-speed internet, high-end smart phone, holiday to CM a couple times a month, eating out twice a day... obviously if you're buying hookers regularly or spending every night sauced up at the bar 40k isn't going to cut it.

Well, I go through about a bottle of JW Black every 4-5 days so I guess that's about 6 bottles a month? I don't smoke crack, just cigarettes, 2 packs a day so about 3 cartons a month. I run the air con nightly and very often during the day as well (oh, I do save some money by setting the timer to switch off at 5 am). I eat out almost every meal. It's been a very long time since I bought a hooker, I've a wife who keeps me more than satisfied. I do go for frequent massages (very often with her as well) at Thb1,000 each time. My wife and I do go out drinking, not as frequently as we like but regularly enough. I drink (get sauced up as you say), she drives (saves on paying tea money to the cops).

I try to get on my bike and go touring as well. Petrol about 600-700 baht a day, accomodation around 800 baht a night, food / drinks another Thb800 or so, so that's a bit over Thb 2,000 a day, Thb 10,000 for a 5 day trip.

But then again, I earn a bit more than 40k a month, fortunately.

But then again, I spend more than 40 k a month.

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I survive comfortably on 40,000 baht/month my Thai fiance resigned from her teaching job to be with me so i am not alone all day,which she was paid 10,500/month i give her 14,000/baht month.This money is for her to pay for her home loan. i live in her home.we eat at home most of the times.we go to dinner at a restaurant once a week and have coffee and lunch at a cafe twice a week.our food bill isn't high as you know Thai eat lots of rice and vegies,my fiance grows most of her vegies/fruits and herbs on her land.we still manage to go away for a week every 3 months.i forgot to mention she lives in a small village in Korat and everything is cheaper there than the tourist cities.Cheers!!!biggrin.png

Are u scared to be alone?????

Together 24/7 - that sounds like a recipe for disaster.

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If I couldn't do that I would be unhappy.


If circumstances were such that you had to make do on less, I would hope you'd find a way to still find happiness.

Just to give some perspective, some of the Jews waiting to be exterminated by the Nazis found ways to be happy.



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Interesting topic but i really think it depends on where we live in Thailand and how many people live in the household. (children, no children etc..)

In my case, in BKK, my GF and I are living in a nice but nothing fancy apartment downtown (we both work downtown, i m self-employed and she works for the government).

Our averave monthly spending are divided into:

- Rent: 40K

- Food and fun (including sunday brunches etc): 30k

- Other expenses: Cleaning lady, electricity bill,car maintenance and gas (i drive a lot): 8K

- Trips: Week-end trips once a month out of bkk about 10K for Huahin or Samed but 30K if we go to Samui or HK/SG

- So we need around 100k to have a perfect life in BKK without saving a cent.

Life is good here but it costs money and believe me, i do live a very standard expat life, nothing fancy at all!!

Good first post!

Finally, a voice of reason as to how much one needs to live a decent lifestyle, especially here in Bangkok

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This cancer is largely due to eating contaminated fish. "All cases found the same parasite."

That's a familiar refrain.

Having lived 16 years in Japan and enjoying tons of sushi, I often read in the Western press

about the dangers of eating raw fish.

Only thing wrong with that picture is -- I've never known or ever heard of anyone getting

anything from eating sushi, except immense pleasure.

I don't eat beef and pork -- the diseases you can get from those are much more scary to me.

But waving red flags about the hypothetical dangers of local folks eating their local foods seems

to be more of a xenophobic or political idea than anything else.

As far as cancer -- the dangers in fake, man-made, processed Western food is much higher than

the simple natural foods of the local people.

But if it makes you feel better to campaign against the simple, natural local food... have fun.

Freshwater fish. Local diet it may be, but riddled with liver fluke. It is no hypothetical danger. Greatest incidence of liver cancer is in the north east of Thailand. Nothing xenophobic about it. Freshwater crabs are also a source.

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they can stay if their in love, you realise some people are in love with other things besides money.

Not sure I understand your point? Sure a woman may stay if they love you or they may not. My point is not that a relationship should be about money. It gets my back up when I see comments about giving a woman a monthly stipend and paying a woman a wage to stay with you. If that is someones out look on life then I pity them. What ever happened to the concept of the man being the provider, being a man, providing and protecting a woman and family? <deleted> if your wife / gf /partner is not working and is raising your children, maintaining your household how could you not give her access to funds of her own???

I get that there are guys in relationships where the money is high on the agenda for their partner, nothing wrong with that if the guy is not fooling himself that it is something other than what it is.

For people to suggest that giving your partner access to funds if she has none of her own is somehow buying love or faithfulness is ridiculous and frankly shows a misogynistic attitude.

Were did I mention not giving a home mum funds, where did I mention giving a girl money is buying love, start cutting and copying and show me where i said that.

you were right at the start when you said your not sure if you understand me, you should not start quoting if you dont understand because it turned into a rant about nothing i said.

my whole point was if a man can only make 40000bht, if she loves him she will stay through the hard times, if he could make more he would.

Fair enough MT. I was in a ranting mode this morning, it's passed.

we all have our moments, i have far to many to be honest, im far to touchy

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but I lived also in Germany from 2002 until 2005 with about 800 Euro / Month (32.000 B),

and here with Family 3 Person we use little less then 25.000 B/Month average,

I am not going to town more than 1 time a month,

I am not eating in restaurants

I dont need german food

now with the own car since Jan will change a little bit, but it part of my better parts income as tourguide,

doing about 40.000 B/Month this season, with up to 4 months very low (no europeans or arabians)

I like just a piece of chicken and some sticky rice,

or oats at breakfast, dring a lot of water - no bear.

It is our choice depending on what we think to need, or what we are able to spent from income.

And I feel well, free - better no work with 47 then other option ...

habe fun, no smog - so happy now

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Interesting topic but i really think it depends on where we live in Thailand and how many people live in the household. (children, no children etc..)

In my case, in BKK, my GF and I are living in a nice but nothing fancy apartment downtown (we both work downtown, i m self-employed and she works for the government).

Our averave monthly spending are divided into:

- Rent: 40K

- Food and fun (including sunday brunches etc): 30k

- Other expenses: Cleaning lady, electricity bill,car maintenance and gas (i drive a lot): 8K

- Trips: Week-end trips once a month out of bkk about 10K for Huahin or Samed but 30K if we go to Samui or HK/SG

- So we need around 100k to have a perfect life in BKK without saving a cent.

Life is good here but it costs money and believe me, i do live a very standard expat life, nothing fancy at all!!

Not the 'real' Thailand is it though...........................whistling.gifwink.png

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40k a month is very little money to have any decent sort of lifestyle. It's hardly sufficient for a single guy, so if such a guy earns only this and still have a gf, then he should consider himself very lucky in being able to score.

Pure <deleted>.

Only someone with little to offer a woman beyond a wallet would make such a moronic statement.

There are legions of guys with personality, charm and "game" who get high quality women without having to dish out a penny on gifts and stipends.

Maybe not here, though

Presumably you're one of those legions of guys?

You are naive to think that the power of your personality, looks and charm alone are enough to keep a woman for a long time. It is only natural (and not just for Thai girls) to want better things in life, a nice house or condo, nice furnishings, car, clothes, jewellery, being able to afford to go out for nice meals, taking holidays etc etc.

No way to afford this on a 40k monthly salary.

Rental plus utilities alone can eat up 15k (and don't give me that crap about renting a 2br apartment for 5k - I'm talking about living a decent lifestyle, not roughing it out).

A nice evening out for 2 costs about 2-3k baht (main course about 5-600 baht each, bottle of house wine for 900 baht, starter, dessert, coffee etc). Do this once a week and that's almost 10k on 4 meals a month.

Weekly grocery shopping - say 1,000 baht each time - that's 4,000 a month

Run a car? Bike? Taxis only? Food? Other purchases?

LIke I said in my post, 40k is very little money to have any decent sort of lifestyle. I don't mean that one can't survive on that but you need more if you would like to have some extra goodies.

As for getting high quality women who don't want or expect to be occasionally spoilt, you're dreaming.

Yeah . . . I am one of those legions of guys.

I've got a woman I've been seeing for nigh on 3 years. She's hardly unattractive. She's got no kids. Her family are more than self-sufficient. She runs her own business selling artificial flowers to high end hotels in Asia. She owns property in Ubon Ratchatani (spelling?)


Even though I pull down much more than the 40k per month this thread has centered on, she's never, ever asked me for money; she doesn't expect gifts; she's never asked to move in to my condo; she's happy to eat what I eat (admittedly pricey delivered Western food a lot of the time, I'm embarrassed to say) when she comes over.

I have no doubt that if I had to swap my Asoke duplex for cheap Bangna studio, it wouldn't make the slightest bit of difference to her.

I ain't special. I'm just a regular fella. Several of my male friends - some of whom make less than 40k a month - have similar relationships with quality Thai women.

You are the naive one if you think that every woman (Thai or otherwise) is out for what she can get from a man in terms of money or social climbing.

I'm not saying that every woman (Thai or otherwise) is out for what she can get from a man. Most girls that I know (of many, many different nationalities) are not of that ilk. BUT, they still like good things. Most of them can afford these on their own, they don't need a man to buy them anything.

If you consider the girl then to be a gf or partner or future wife, then isn't it only natural that you would also like to buy them presents? My mates (all of whom make a lot more than 40k a month) frequently buy their wives presents. A Rolex here, a Patek Phillipe there. A LV here, a Prada there. And the wives are either housewives or business owners or salaried employees (not one current or ex-BG among the lot of them). One can't afford this on a 40k monthly salary

I too lived in Asoke for a few years - in Las Colinas, next door to soi Cowboi. 2 bedroom apartment, 100 sq metres. Thb 32k a month. Nothing fancy, just comfortable (and convenient, I should add). Add in internet, cable TV, utilities, it comes to 35k. I would consider that a fairly decent standard of living, just not doable on 40k monthly salary.

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Interesting topic but i really think it depends on where we live in Thailand and how many people live in the household. (children, no children etc..)

In my case, in BKK, my GF and I are living in a nice but nothing fancy apartment downtown (we both work downtown, i m self-employed and she works for the government).

Our averave monthly spending are divided into:

- Rent: 40K

- Food and fun (including sunday brunches etc): 30k

- Other expenses: Cleaning lady, electricity bill,car maintenance and gas (i drive a lot): 8K

- Trips: Week-end trips once a month out of bkk about 10K for Huahin or Samed but 30K if we go to Samui or HK/SG

- So we need around 100k to have a perfect life in BKK without saving a cent.

Life is good here but it costs money and believe me, i do live a very standard expat life, nothing fancy at all!!

Not the 'real' Thailand is it though...........................whistling.gifwink.png

What's not 'real' about it?

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Interesting topic but i really think it depends on where we live in Thailand and how many people live in the household. (children, no children etc..)

In my case, in BKK, my GF and I are living in a nice but nothing fancy apartment downtown (we both work downtown, i m self-employed and she works for the government).

Our averave monthly spending are divided into:

- Rent: 40K

- Food and fun (including sunday brunches etc): 30k

- Other expenses: Cleaning lady, electricity bill,car maintenance and gas (i drive a lot): 8K

- Trips: Week-end trips once a month out of bkk about 10K for Huahin or Samed but 30K if we go to Samui or HK/SG

- So we need around 100k to have a perfect life in BKK without saving a cent.

Life is good here but it costs money and believe me, i do live a very standard expat life, nothing fancy at all!!

Not the 'real' Thailand is it though...........................whistling.gifwink.png

What's not 'real' about it?

Clearly, you failed to see the smileys.....................................

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I don't feel sorry for them at all.

They're idiots for getting into a relationship/marriage with a woman who requires a monthly stipend.

Well ... I must be an idiot then ... w00t.gif

My Thai gf gave up her job of 12 years as a manager and our agreement was that if she couldn't contribute through her current situation (acclimatising in my country or a Mum) ... I would cover her commitment to the Family.

I give about 1/2 what she gave.

... and it's viewed by the Thai Family as our contribution ... not just my contribution.

Every Rainbow has two ends and I know that I stay at her Farm for free, get fed and if we have a family ... built in Baby sitters, should we stay/visit the Farm.

EDITED:- to add that sometimes, when you enter into a relationship, the incoming partner has commitments which you, as part of a couple, inherit. Her commitments become our commitments ... but at a lower commitment then before ... it's all in the negotiation and that everyone keeps face.

When she starts working here ... she'll being helping to pay off my our home!


Well you said it, mate!

You didn't have to take her out of the country, did you? More than likely, it was at your insistence that she moved to the West.

I mean, if she'd stayed here, she'd still be doing perfectly well taking care of her family from the proceeds of gainful employment, wouldn't she?

Frankly, how the family perceives the contribution is irrelevant - all that matters is how your girlfriend will perceive it if the flow of money stops.

You really don't want to find that out while she's in the West.

It just seems that you've made a rod for your own back.


Nice try there HardenedSoul ... but ... all your assumptions are wrong.

Sad really.

Anyway ... happy posting ... thumbsup.gif


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40k a month is very little money to have any decent sort of lifestyle. It's hardly sufficient for a single guy, so if such a guy earns only this and still have a gf, then he should consider himself very lucky in being able to score.

Pure <deleted>.

Only someone with little to offer a woman beyond a wallet would make such a moronic statement.

There are legions of guys with personality, charm and "game" who get high quality women without having to dish out a penny on gifts and stipends.

Maybe not here, though

Presumably you're one of those legions of guys?

You are naive to think that the power of your personality, looks and charm alone are enough to keep a woman for a long time. It is only natural (and not just for Thai girls) to want better things in life, a nice house or condo, nice furnishings, car, clothes, jewellery, being able to afford to go out for nice meals, taking holidays etc etc.

No way to afford this on a 40k monthly salary.

Rental plus utilities alone can eat up 15k (and don't give me that crap about renting a 2br apartment for 5k - I'm talking about living a decent lifestyle, not roughing it out).

A nice evening out for 2 costs about 2-3k baht (main course about 5-600 baht each, bottle of house wine for 900 baht, starter, dessert, coffee etc). Do this once a week and that's almost 10k on 4 meals a month.

Weekly grocery shopping - say 1,000 baht each time - that's 4,000 a month

Run a car? Bike? Taxis only? Food? Other purchases?

LIke I said in my post, 40k is very little money to have any decent sort of lifestyle. I don't mean that one can't survive on that but you need more if you would like to have some extra goodies.

As for getting high quality women who don't want or expect to be occasionally spoilt, you're dreaming.

Yeah . . . I am one of those legions of guys.

I've got a woman I've been seeing for nigh on 3 years. She's hardly unattractive. She's got no kids. Her family are more than self-sufficient. She runs her own business selling artificial flowers to high end hotels in Asia. She owns property in Ubon Ratchatani (spelling?)


Even though I pull down much more than the 40k per month this thread has centered on, she's never, ever asked me for money; she doesn't expect gifts; she's never asked to move in to my condo; she's happy to eat what I eat (admittedly pricey delivered Western food a lot of the time, I'm embarrassed to say) when she comes over.

I have no doubt that if I had to swap my Asoke duplex for cheap Bangna studio, it wouldn't make the slightest bit of difference to her.

I ain't special. I'm just a regular fella. Several of my male friends - some of whom make less than 40k a month - have similar relationships with quality Thai women.

You are the naive one if you think that every woman (Thai or otherwise) is out for what she can get from a man in terms of money or social climbing.

She does look pretty identical to some of the whores prostitutes bar girls bar workers I have been with.

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40k a month is very little money to have any decent sort of lifestyle. It's hardly sufficient for a single guy, so if such a guy earns only this and still have a gf, then he should consider himself very lucky in being able to score.

Pure <deleted>.

Only someone with little to offer a woman beyond a wallet would make such a moronic statement.

There are legions of guys with personality, charm and "game" who get high quality women without having to dish out a penny on gifts and stipends.

Maybe not here, though

Presumably you're one of those legions of guys?

You are naive to think that the power of your personality, looks and charm alone are enough to keep a woman for a long time. It is only natural (and not just for Thai girls) to want better things in life, a nice house or condo, nice furnishings, car, clothes, jewellery, being able to afford to go out for nice meals, taking holidays etc etc.

No way to afford this on a 40k monthly salary.

Rental plus utilities alone can eat up 15k (and don't give me that crap about renting a 2br apartment for 5k - I'm talking about living a decent lifestyle, not roughing it out).

A nice evening out for 2 costs about 2-3k baht (main course about 5-600 baht each, bottle of house wine for 900 baht, starter, dessert, coffee etc). Do this once a week and that's almost 10k on 4 meals a month.

Weekly grocery shopping - say 1,000 baht each time - that's 4,000 a month

Run a car? Bike? Taxis only? Food? Other purchases?

LIke I said in my post, 40k is very little money to have any decent sort of lifestyle. I don't mean that one can't survive on that but you need more if you would like to have some extra goodies.

As for getting high quality women who don't want or expect to be occasionally spoilt, you're dreaming.

Yeah . . . I am one of those legions of guys.

I've got a woman I've been seeing for nigh on 3 years. She's hardly unattractive. She's got no kids. Her family are more than self-sufficient. She runs her own business selling artificial flowers to high end hotels in Asia. She owns property in Ubon Ratchatani (spelling?)


Even though I pull down much more than the 40k per month this thread has centered on, she's never, ever asked me for money; she doesn't expect gifts; she's never asked to move in to my condo; she's happy to eat what I eat (admittedly pricey delivered Western food a lot of the time, I'm embarrassed to say) when she comes over.

I have no doubt that if I had to swap my Asoke duplex for cheap Bangna studio, it wouldn't make the slightest bit of difference to her.

I ain't special. I'm just a regular fella. Several of my male friends - some of whom make less than 40k a month - have similar relationships with quality Thai women.

You are the naive one if you think that every woman (Thai or otherwise) is out for what she can get from a man in terms of money or social climbing.

I can notice she is the really active type whistling.gif

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None of the Thai guys I know on the estate I live in are getting anywhere near 40k a month.

The combined wage of most Thai families I know is 24-28k a month.

Generally the wife seems to have a better education (degree) and wage (14k) than the man (10k).

This is in a middle class, Thai only, estate just outside CM, bank staff, office workers, teachers, nurses, police, etc.

I bet they are not paying Farang prices though........

Why would even a farang pay farang prices? If anything is not normal price just walk and find it somewhere else. Simple.

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