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40K A Month Isn't Enough Anymore

balloon chaser

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How much whiskey are you drinking and crack are you smoking to spend 40k a month? I live well on 12k a month. Movies, hi-speed internet, high-end smart phone, holiday to CM a couple times a month, eating out twice a day... obviously if you're buying hookers regularly or spending every night sauced up at the bar 40k isn't going to cut it.

Come on man that's a bit far fetched under 3k per week and ur eating out twice a day and holidaying to CM twice a month!,

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You're right if you've got an impatient mercenary wife, wrong if she has faith you're going to turn thing around.

Right if she's young and cute, wrong if she's older and/or unattractive.

Right if she's been raised with high expectations, wrong if she's straight off the rice farm.

Right if you're fat and old or a miserable old git, wrong if you're young and hansum or she really really loves you (whatever meaning you attach to that ambiguous term).

Bottom line - too many variables to say, each girl makes her own decisions and sometimes depends on the time of the month or on what side of the bed she got up this morning.

Your credibility has just risen 90% with me on this one. It appears the green tablets are working.

Totally agree.

If you know your limitations, don`t raise your expectations too high and live according to your means, it is possible to still live a reasonably comfortable lifestyle in Thailand for a lot less than 40000 baht a month, although I must say; trying to keep the same levels of living standards on a certain budget, is becoming more and more difficult year by year.

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How much whiskey are you drinking and crack are you smoking to spend 40k a month? I live well on 12k a month. Movies, hi-speed internet, high-end smart phone, holiday to CM a couple times a month, eating out twice a day... obviously if you're buying hookers regularly or spending every night sauced up at the bar 40k isn't going to cut it.

Come on man that's a bit far fetched under 3k per week and ur eating out twice a day and holidaying to CM twice a month!,

his satang is at cart wheel size

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How much whiskey are you drinking and crack are you smoking to spend 40k a month? I live well on 12k a month. Movies, hi-speed internet, high-end smart phone, holiday to CM a couple times a month, eating out twice a day... obviously if you're buying hookers regularly or spending every night sauced up at the bar 40k isn't going to cut it.

Come on man that's a bit far fetched under 3k per week and ur eating out twice a day and holidaying to CM twice a month!,

He eats mama cups on the bench outside 7/11 and holdays 2 times a month to central mall why is that far fetched?

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40k a month is very little money to have any decent sort of lifestyle. It's hardly sufficient for a single guy, so if such a guy earns only this and still have a gf, then he should consider himself very lucky in being able to score.

Pure <deleted>.

Only someone with little to offer a woman beyond a wallet would make such a moronic statement.

There are legions of guys with personality, charm and "game" who get high quality women without having to dish out a penny on gifts and stipends.

Maybe not here, though

Presumably you're one of those legions of guys?

You are naive to think that the power of your personality, looks and charm alone are enough to keep a woman for a long time. It is only natural (and not just for Thai girls) to want better things in life, a nice house or condo, nice furnishings, car, clothes, jewellery, being able to afford to go out for nice meals, taking holidays etc etc.

No way to afford this on a 40k monthly salary.

Rental plus utilities alone can eat up 15k (and don't give me that crap about renting a 2br apartment for 5k - I'm talking about living a decent lifestyle, not roughing it out).

A nice evening out for 2 costs about 2-3k baht (main course about 5-600 baht each, bottle of house wine for 900 baht, starter, dessert, coffee etc). Do this once a week and that's almost 10k on 4 meals a month.

Weekly grocery shopping - say 1,000 baht each time - that's 4,000 a month

Run a car? Bike? Taxis only? Food? Other purchases?

LIke I said in my post, 40k is very little money to have any decent sort of lifestyle. I don't mean that one can't survive on that but you need more if you would like to have some extra goodies.

As for getting high quality women who don't want or expect to be occasionally spoilt, you're dreaming.

How much whiskey are you drinking and crack are you smoking to spend 40k a month? I live well on 12k a month. Movies, hi-speed internet, high-end smart phone, holiday to CM a couple times a month, eating out twice a day... obviously if you're buying hookers regularly or spending every night sauced up at the bar 40k isn't going to cut it.

Simply, You are the champ on living cheap, i think it's safe to say we can all learn from you.

How much is your rent ?

what and how much do you eat per day ?

Where do you live ?

Any additional relevant info is welcome :)

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40k a month is very little money to have any decent sort of lifestyle. It's hardly sufficient for a single guy, so if such a guy earns only this and still have a gf, then he should consider himself very lucky in being able to score.

Pure <deleted>.

Only someone with little to offer a woman beyond a wallet would make such a moronic statement.

There are legions of guys with personality, charm and "game" who get high quality women without having to dish out a penny on gifts and stipends.

Maybe not here, though

Presumably you're one of those legions of guys?

You are naive to think that the power of your personality, looks and charm alone are enough to keep a woman for a long time. It is only natural (and not just for Thai girls) to want better things in life, a nice house or condo, nice furnishings, car, clothes, jewellery, being able to afford to go out for nice meals, taking holidays etc etc.

No way to afford this on a 40k monthly salary.

Rental plus utilities alone can eat up 15k (and don't give me that crap about renting a 2br apartment for 5k - I'm talking about living a decent lifestyle, not roughing it out).

A nice evening out for 2 costs about 2-3k baht (main course about 5-600 baht each, bottle of house wine for 900 baht, starter, dessert, coffee etc). Do this once a week and that's almost 10k on 4 meals a month.

Weekly grocery shopping - say 1,000 baht each time - that's 4,000 a month

Run a car? Bike? Taxis only? Food? Other purchases?

LIke I said in my post, 40k is very little money to have any decent sort of lifestyle. I don't mean that one can't survive on that but you need more if you would like to have some extra goodies.

As for getting high quality women who don't want or expect to be occasionally spoilt, you're dreaming.

Yeah . . . I am one of those legions of guys.

I've got a woman I've been seeing for nigh on 3 years. She's hardly unattractive. She's got no kids. Her family are more than self-sufficient. She runs her own business selling artificial flowers to high end hotels in Asia. She owns property in Ubon Ratchatani (spelling?)


Even though I pull down much more than the 40k per month this thread has centered on, she's never, ever asked me for money; she doesn't expect gifts; she's never asked to move in to my condo; she's happy to eat what I eat (admittedly pricey delivered Western food a lot of the time, I'm embarrassed to say) when she comes over.

I have no doubt that if I had to swap my Asoke duplex for cheap Bangna studio, it wouldn't make the slightest bit of difference to her.

I ain't special. I'm just a regular fella. Several of my male friends - some of whom make less than 40k a month - have similar relationships with quality Thai women.

You are the naive one if you think that every woman (Thai or otherwise) is out for what she can get from a man in terms of money or social climbing.

I'd be shocked if a quality Thai woman would agree to having her photo posted on a popular web forum.

What exactly is a 'quality' Thai woman?

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I can notice she is the really active type whistling.gif

How can you tell?

Well I had to take a close look at the second picture to be sure she was still alive. And to be honest, I still have doubts biggrin.png

Tell you what, why don't you put up a picture of your bird - paid or unpaid - watching television and let's see if she looks more animated.

Provided, of course, you can find her at the soapy massage joint she works in.

Tell you what, I don't want a Thai woman in the house anymore, I've learnt my lessons already . Soapy's are so much more convenient and most of what's available looks far better than what you have shown in your pictures.

No woman No cry.

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Your joking right ? 40k a month!!! More like 120-200k a month when you add eating out 7 days a week, shopping, bar bill nightly for the man 2k. The wife drinks water.

Villa staff costs 20k ,

Then bills such as car fuel ,

I've met people out here who say they live on 30k their lives are very fugal (right word ?)

I'd love to know how you accomplish that!

My husband and I live in Chiang Mai on about 40,000 baht a month. I wouldn't say that we live frugally. I would say that we have maintained the same lifestyle that we had when we were working. We own our condo, in the heart of Chiang Mai, so there is only condo fees, water, electricity and internet to pay each month. Our condo fees are very low and we rarely use our air con because we don't like air conditioning. We don't have a maid and we do have a washing machine. We buy most of our food at the local market and cook at home most nights. We eat out a couple of evenings a week and I have lunch with my friends a couple times a week. My husband goes out for drinks with his friends about once a week. Mostly we eat Thai style food. We either walk or use a songtaw to get around. I smoke and we usually have alcohol in the house. We take short trips around Thailand about every 6 weeks and one big trip out of Thailand every 3 months. In Thailand we travel by bus. We particularly like Green line buses, which has different rates depending on the type of bus. Out of Thailand we generally use Air Asia and look for deals. Our air fare to to China last year was 12,000 baht return for the two of us. We buy our books in used book stores and return them for a rebate on our next purchases. We buy movies at the night market. I do a lot of research before I pick a hotel and am very fussy about cleanliness. Once I find one I like I try a number of booking sites as they can vary greatly. Generally I find the reviews of hotels on Tripadvisor to be reliable. I think the two things that help us the most to stay on budget are buying our food at the market and each having an allowance of 3000 baht a week. This allowance has to cover all personal items such as entertainment, eating out, travel around the city and clothes. If you blow all your allowance on the first day too bad so sad. We do have extra money for emergencies and health insurance is not part of the 40,000 baht. I think that we live a great life here in Thailand.

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I can notice she is the really active type whistling.gif

How can you tell?

Well I had to take a close look at the second picture to be sure she was still alive. And to be honest, I still have doubts biggrin.png

Tell you what, why don't you put up a picture of your bird - paid or unpaid - watching television and let's see if she looks more animated.

Provided, of course, you can find her at the soapy massage joint she works in.


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The main difference in expenditure for most people seems to be housing (farang ghetto or middle class Thai area), food (farang pubs or Thai/home made), drinking (farang bar or Thai bar), and women (employee or contributor). Many people DON'T WANT to live in the farang ghetto, or eat British/American pub food every night, or drink in European pubs every night. Quite easy to keep your spending low while affording a nice place to live, eating out every meal, making car payments, and having a girlfriend.

Well said.

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I don't agree. Anyone that can't be content at 40K will not be content at 400K

Happiness isn't getting what you want, it's wanting what you have.

Or more like, being satisfied with what you have. coffee1.gif

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I too lived in Asoke for a few years - in Las Colinas, next door to soi Cowboi. 2 bedroom apartment, 100 sq metres. Thb 32k a month. Nothing fancy, just comfortable (and convenient, I should add). Add in internet, cable TV, utilities, it comes to 35k. I would consider that a fairly decent standard of living, just not doable on 40k monthly salary.

You'd have to pay me to live next to Soi Cowboy. What a lot of people fail to understand is that the massively overpriced 'central' locations near the farang red light areas are completely undesirable for many people. You can get a 2 bedroom for 1/4 to 1/2 that price and not have to put up with living next to a whorehouse and deal with hundreds of hookers, sex tourists, taxi touts, scammers, ladyboys, and beggars everywhere. Not to mention I'd be embarrassed to take anyone to my apartment and have them see my choice of location.

Seems a bit unfair classifying ladyboys with hookers, sex tourists, taxi touts, scammers, and beggars.
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Seems a bit unfair classifying ladyboys with hookers, sex tourists, taxi touts, scammers, and beggars.


True in general, but the ones you encounter on the street in those areas at night are a particularly nasty sort, certainly fall right in there - pick pockets and razor-wielding street fighters as well.

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the glory days of early 2000's I survived on B20k a month retainer when I first started working....good times indeed....not having much money made me appreciate it when I started to earn more

that was just me on my own and the occasional gf, mind you I was a young handsome man in those days with a car(provided by work) and a mobile phone so I suppose I looked the part....

if you not including rent then surely B40k a month is suffice for 1 person....as long as you not on the razz in the bars everyday then surely it has to be?

I would say that 30k a month without rent is fine,1,000 baht a day is ample for anyone,spend less in the week and more at weekends.

exactly.....you not on the booze every night and have 1 or 2 nights a week out then is all the better....

some people need to decide if they are actually settling or on 1 big long holiday till the cash runs out?

This pretty much sums it up IMO.

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I too lived in Asoke for a few years - in Las Colinas, next door to soi Cowboi. 2 bedroom apartment, 100 sq metres. Thb 32k a month. Nothing fancy, just comfortable (and convenient, I should add). Add in internet, cable TV, utilities, it comes to 35k. I would consider that a fairly decent standard of living, just not doable on 40k monthly salary.

You'd have to pay me to live next to Soi Cowboy. What a lot of people fail to understand is that the massively overpriced 'central' locations near the farang red light areas are completely undesirable for many people. You can get a 2 bedroom for 1/4 to 1/2 that price and not have to put up with living next to a whorehouse and deal with hundreds of hookers, sex tourists, taxi touts, scammers, ladyboys, and beggars everywhere. Not to mention I'd be embarrassed to take anyone to my apartment and have them see my choice of location.

Seems a bit unfair classifying ladyboys with hookers, sex tourists, taxi touts, scammers, and beggars.


The ladyboys are the most frightening of those groups - at least from what I have observed in Pattaya. The only time I have ever been slightly concerned for my well-being was on two occasions when approached by pairs of ladyboys. There are numerous reports of incidents involving ladyboys.

Take a ride down soi 6/1 in Pattaya late at night - a few of the trannies could make the England front row.

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I don't agree. Anyone that can't be content at 40K will not be content at 400K

Happiness isn't getting what you want, it's wanting what you have.

Well, I am.

Seriously, when I walk up to a Krungsi ATM and push the buttons for 30,000 baht I am relieved when the machine spits out the 1000 baht notes. I can do that several times in a month. On the other hand, when there was a disruption and I was forced to use a SCB for 20K, I was stressing for 2 days until my bank sorted the account issues out. I can't live my life the way I want on 40K.

I'd be miserable relegated to living in a small room with no fan and forced to subsist on cheap Thai food. Sometimes I will take a cheap FD or NOK airfare at 2,000 baht or so, but mostly, I will pay the 3200 baht to fly in business so as to avoid the hassles of some airports. That's what the difference in income means. It also means being able to take care of those I love , and being able to support some charities that I hold dear. If I couldn't do that I would be unhappy.

Lucky guy. wink.png

For to many years, I had an open pocket! Now its "Pay Back Time!"

I found now out how long they wait in Isaan until they remove the electric meter and stop delivering Electric power!

Only a week, over due date! tongue.png

It was a romantic experience for a night! rolleyes.gif

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Your joking right ? 40k a month!!! More like 120-200k a month when you add eating out 7 days a week, shopping, bar bill nightly for the man 2k. The wife drinks water.

Villa staff costs 20k ,

Then bills such as car fuel ,

I've met people out here who say they live on 30k their lives are very fugal (right word ?)

I'd love to know how you accomplish that!

I really wonder how a family of 4 ( 2 adults and 2 children ) in Europe survives, where an average household of 2 working people will earn 100 - 120.000 Baht a month after taxes, and have to deal with most expenses about double or triple the price for the same in Thailand.

i don't think Thailand would be all that much cheaper than when i live in Vancouver


rent 48,000

utilities 4,000

food- 12,000

entertainment- 30,000

health care-free

no car, we live downtown

total 74k


rent-25,000 ( and if wanted similar to quality i have in Vancouver, 60k)

utilities- 2,000

food- 10,000

entertainment- 15,000

health care-5,000

MB/CAR for 2 people- 4-6,000

total- 63k and i would be downsizing in quality of accommodation

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I love to spend money and go shopping and spoil myself with nice things.

I also like to travel to lots of places and buy KFC for the native girls in exchange for "favors".

How much a month do I need to earn?

Presently, I'm averaging a little over 300K baht per month in the oil biz.

It seems to be enough, but I can never be sure, so I'm picking up a few extra condos and gold bars for a "rainy day".

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The OP's question is typical of so many questions, it depends on the circumstances. Everyone is different. It costs more to live in Bangkok than it does in Chiang Mai or some small Thai village. It costs more if you have a family to support than it does if you are single. If you want to maintain a home then it costs more than staying in a Thai hotel. If you drink and party then it costs more than if you just like to ride a scooter and go for walks. I can easily live on 40,000 baht a month, but I'm not a big drinker and I don't have bar girls as friends. I enjoy simple Thai food and only buy western food once or twice a week.

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Why are expats always comparing a Thai salary with Farangs ?

If you want to live like a Thai middle class , and only eat Thai food most of the week , share a small room and pay 3000 in rent , yes you can afford it with 28k per month if you like for your whole family!

But you are not a Thai , you need to keep your western habits , so forget it.

Why does anyone "need" to keep western habits? You may "want" to keep western habits or maybe not and that is fine. I eat only Thai food most of the week and I currently live in Hawaii. I cannot comprehend living in a foreign country and not eating the local fare more often than not, but to each his own.

So true! I eat Thai food every day from local places, not only is it delicious but it is so cheap. Surely for 40bt it can't be made cheaper at home buying from tesco? It is not that I am trying to live on 40k, i earn a lot more than that. Western food here is crap anyway.

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I too lived in Asoke for a few years - in Las Colinas, next door to soi Cowboi. 2 bedroom apartment, 100 sq metres. Thb 32k a month. Nothing fancy, just comfortable (and convenient, I should add). Add in internet, cable TV, utilities, it comes to 35k. I would consider that a fairly decent standard of living, just not doable on 40k monthly salary.

You'd have to pay me to live next to Soi Cowboy. What a lot of people fail to understand is that the massively overpriced 'central' locations near the farang red light areas are completely undesirable for many people. You can get a 2 bedroom for 1/4 to 1/2 that price and not have to put up with living next to a whorehouse and deal with hundreds of hookers, sex tourists, taxi touts, scammers, ladyboys, and beggars everywhere. Not to mention I'd be embarrassed to take anyone to my apartment and have them see my choice of location.

The main difference in expenditure for most people seems to be housing (farang ghetto or middle class Thai area), food (farang pubs or Thai/home made), drinking (farang bar or Thai bar), and women (employee or contributor). Many people DON'T WANT to live in the farang ghetto, or eat British/American pub food every night, or drink in European pubs every night. Quite easy to keep your spending low while affording a nice place to live, eating out every meal, making car payments, and having a girlfriend.

i'd be perfectly happy living in a Thai neighborhood, as long as the quality of accomodation was good

but, i wouldn't have a problem living behind Soi Cowboy also

my wife and I have stayed at Citadines Soi 24 and it is nice back there( and we didn't go to SC once)

there are great little pubs/restaurants on that winding type cross street

Thong Lor is a great area to live if you decide to live in BKK

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It is still possible to live comfortably on about 30000 baht per month for a small family, maybe a little more or maybe less, well, we do and not doing badly, but in my case, with the ever dwindling bahts for Western currencies and heavy inflation, my social here in Thailand has certainly taken a downturn and the fun aspect has become a luxury now and then venture out, rather than a regular activity as it was a few years ago.

If you’re like me, an active person who enjoys a bit of wine, women and song on occasions, and I mean in moderation, not going berserk and over the top, then over a period of time, having to budget yourself and keep an eye on what is being spent, can be a downer.

I am sure that many of you are doing fine, but have also progressed into a similar situation as myself. Although as I said, it is possible to live a reasonable lifestyle in Thailand on a pittance, being realistic, I would say that these days to be able live a more carefree relaxed sort of lifestyle here, being able to take advantage of many of the minutiae Thailand in famed for and has to offer, than I would estimate that an income of 80000 baht per month, perhaps more, would be a realistic amount to really live life to the full here.

But of course this all depends on each person. Some may be content just to sit on a computer, potter around the house all day and venture out occasionally to do some shopping. For those, yes, definitely, they can live very cheaply in Thailand.

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Shocked for what?

You guys seem to be stuck in some kind of time-warp where "quality" Thai women are ultra-reserved, demure and insist that the first few dates include a chaperone. Curious when many of you spend an inordinate amount of time with

and expend so much effort on Thai women who wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of fitting that description

The world's moved on, geezers so try to keep up, eh!

Hey there HardenedSoul ... you have shared with us your partner's photos more then once ... though you never did mention what she did for work?

She must be working because you said that you would never pay a stipend ... rolleyes.gif

My girlfriend was amused by your partners photo ... mentioned she had "big hands ... pretty though".

I leapt to your defence and said that the 'big hands' was a trick of the lens ... you can thank me later ... biggrin.png


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Shocked for what?

You guys seem to be stuck in some kind of time-warp where "quality" Thai women are ultra-reserved, demure and insist that the first few dates include a chaperone. Curious when many of you spend an inordinate amount of time with

and expend so much effort on Thai women who wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of fitting that description

The world's moved on, geezers so try to keep up, eh!

Hey there HardenedSoul ... you have shared with us your partner's photos more then once ... though you never did mention what she did for work?

She must be working because you said that you would never pay a stipend ... rolleyes.gif

My girlfriend was amused by your partners photo ... mentioned she had "big hands ... pretty though".

I leapt to your defence and said that the 'big hands' was a trick of the lens ... you can thank me later ... biggrin.png


i notice its always the same 2 pics, either their your fav or your camera broke after those 2.

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