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Ways To Cut Down The Cost Of Living In Thailand


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We get a lot of discussion on 'is it possible to live on x Bht per month' but not much practical advice on ways to cut down on the cost of living in Thailand, those money saving ideas guys have that they might want to share.

Humorous or otherwise any suggestions from the board?

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Find a gf that will share in the cost of living instead of paying one a salary. This might require a step down for some guys as their charm wont allow them the company the want but their wallet did.

Move to a cheaper accommodation (by far the best way to save money) as a plus your also further away from the P2P venue's

Don't cook food yourself eat at street stalls (cheaper by far i can know i cook my own food)

Put the aircon on a higher setting (changes a lot)

Get a motorbike (saves a lot on transport)

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Although it's illegal and shameful, Thailand's lax attitude to illegal downloading enables anyone living here to save heaps on movies, software and books compared with buying online and paying shipping and import duties. Home internet is good value. In seven years I don't think I've once seen a genuine version of Windows.
Never advisable to borrow money on credit cards, but getting a credit card gets you discounts when you make purchases for meals or fuel, plus you'll earn points which can be redeemed against purchases and every month you'll get a lot of discount vouchers.
There's a cool site bangkok4free - mostly places tourists might be interested in but some info about discounts.
another site, gemetobangkok has 1000's of discount coupons. I can see how some people might snigger at the thought of printing a voucher for a free beer when they go to a pub, but if you're living here long-term, some vouchers might come in handy, like free frames when you buy glasses etc.

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You don't really need a washing machine if you've got a maid.

You don't need aircon, your body gets used to fan-only cooling over time - make sure your house has good cross-ventilation and sleep in the upper storeys.

You don't even really need a fridge, but that's a bit extreme for some I know.

Build yourself a desktop rather than buying a notebook.

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Yes -- because he puts his idealism above practical matters. ( he actually said so).

However the real JL Crabb doesn't really need a financial advisor as he is an astute investor in his own right. From the screenplay for Chinatown -- Gittes - Jack Nicholson / Evelyn - Faye Dunaway:

There was a memorial service at the Mar Vista Inn today for Jasper Lamar Crabb. He died three weeks ago.
Is that unusual?
Two weeks ago he bought those 25,000 acres. That's unusual.
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While this will sound lame, put together a budget, and make note of everything you spend money on. Look at it each month, and determine where the dough goes. You have to understand what you’re spending money on before you can determine what to cut. Usually a fair amount of low hanging fruit to cut in any budget that needs trimming.

It’s easy to tell guys to quit smoking, drinking and womanizing, the trick it to make smoking, drinking and womanizing more affordable.

Yes because those are good habits and essential to living... food.. why spend money on it.. rent... i know guys who skip town owing rent.... insurance.. what is that ? .. no sir booze and woman..

Just pulling your leg here but those things are luxuries and usually the thing you cut out first instead of the more important things.

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Find a more cost effective health care provider, change from say Bumrungrad to a provincial teaching hospital.

Travel more by coach and rail rather than just showing up at the airport and buying a ticket for the next plane.

Stay in new and more cost effective hotels when travelling, get over the Marriot and the Four Seasons!

Switch from shopping at Rimping/Tops/Villa and start shopping at Tesco/Big C - start to pay more attention to what you buy there.

If you're renting and you've been there a while and are on good terms with the landlord, negotiate your rent down in exchange for a fixed period.

Experiment with new and less expensive eateries, you'd be amazed at how few people ever do this in favour of staying with the places they already know.

Find an inexpensive but nice gym and take out a membership, the time you spend at the gym means you're not spending money elsewhere and it'll also do you good.

Make sure you buy health insurance whistling.gif

Edited by chiang mai
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Find a more cost effective health care provider, change from say Bumrungrad to a provincial teaching hospital.


Don't even consider a hospital where anyone speaks English other than the doctor


Stay in new and more cost effective hotels when travelling, get over the Marriot and the Four Seasons!


Make friends among poor Thais and you'll always be offered a corner to crash in, just contributed toward food.



If you're renting and you've been there a while and are on good terms with the landlord, negotiate your rent down in exchange for a fixed period.


Good luck with that.

Just move every few years as your local language and knowledge grows you realise just how much over-market rent you've been paying (or not paying to anticipate my fan club)


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Experiment with new and less expensive eateries, you'd be amazed at how few people ever do this in favour of staying with the places they already know.


No need to eat out ever unless you've got extra money to burn.


Find an inexpensive but nice gym and take out a membership, the time you spend at the gym means you're not spending money elsewhere and it'll also do you good.


Total waste of money, exercise is free, if you really need infrastructure, public free-weights and PAYG (20baht) aerobics all over the place.


But all that's me, obviously much lower down the scale than many here, just sayin'. . .

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