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Average Monthly Living Costs In Bkk...


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Threads like this are often a goldmine for the rich boasting, but they are very often worth reading for the positive posts that give you some kind of reality about living here cheaply.

Thailand is getting more expensive, sure - and if you want to buy a place of your own then, yes, times are changing and you won't get as much as you used to. But if you come here with a positive attitude and a light-wallet, you can find more happiness than you would with a wallet full of endless funds - simply because you will actually NEED to look around for good deals.

I was lucky - I came here three years ago after two holidays here within the space of 6 months. I knew I wanted to get out of England, but I was too scared to do it. After the second holiday I remember returning home. 'I just can't do this anymore', I thought. I really NEEDED to leave. So I did, with very, very little money but an offer of a job here. Like I say, I was lucky - I came here the first time for my brother's friend's wedding, and met my girlfriend at the wedding. I came back about five months later for Song Kran, and after that holiday made the decision to work here (my brother's friend's ex-boss was looking for a teacher to replace said friend, and I had been recommended). So I came back, got the job, and have been living happily in the same apartment I first stayed in on my first holiday ever since, with my girlfriend. It's a very simple place, one room, one bathroom (basic shower, we had to get an electric shower installed ourselves), free internet, basic cable and a comfortable bed (we bought our own mattress after a year, the solid one they had here was hurting our backs!). We bought a fridge, my girlfriend provided a small TV and her own laptop, and eventually we bought a washing machine (which has REALLY changed our lives for the better - not using condo washing machines is amazing). We buy packs of water and reuse the bottles (cleaning them) by filling them using the water machine at our condo (1 baht for each bottle!). We eat out every night, but often are lazy and will walk to the local 7-11 for a cheap night in. Sometimes we order, but we restrict it because it's not healthy nor that cheap. We go out on the weekends, but neither of us drink so our night activities are pretty basic things like watching a DVD or just going for a nice meal.

We live a basic, happy life. I've never been one for the night-scene - I don't like alcohol and I don't enjoy clubbing (without alcohol it's just a noisy room). Basically, I like a simple life. I always have, that's what makes me happy.

Would I like to be earning higher wages, living somewhere more fancy, spending money more freely? Sure, I'd like to have the option to spend more - but it doesn't bring me unhappiness to think about my situation, and I've spent a happy 3 years here.

You don't need more that 30,000 baht a month IF you want to live a basic, happy life. You might need more for buying things that you want, but if you are after a basic life then those things probably aren't going to put you out of pocket anyway. Sure, I still spend too much money on possessions, I still crave things I can't afford - but I'm happy enough.

Hence my ':D' at the beginning. There are people here who find their money goes a long way - so they push it as far as it goes. These people will 'advise' you that you NEED 'this much' to survive. But they're wrong. You don't 'need' anymore than YOU need. So figure out what you want out of your life here, and life your life happily. This is certainly one of the places where you can make your life what you want.

Good luck!

Thanks for your reply....

Glad it has worked out for you...

I was in a similar position,been coming to Thailand for years,owned two houses in Pattaya,had a thai gf,had seasonal work in London which gave me the time and money to make the move,problem was my daughter whoi didn't want to leave behind,she's now 20 and happy in her life and understands my need to do what I've always wanted...hence why the time is now right....

I wish u the best of luck.....

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Ultimately, it really depends on the lifestyle that one is used to in their home country and would like to maintain here in Thailand.

Someone on an income of Gbp 20,000 per annum in the UK (and not living beyond their means) should be able to live fairly comfortably on Thb 40,000 for example. However, someone who earned Gbp 100,000 per annum will not be contented with the sort of lifestyle that Thb 40,000 will offer.

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I wonder how many pages of threads would come up on a cost living bkk search. LOL

I wonder how many TV members have nothing else to do with their time but make comments that are totally unrelated to the initial post....!!!

About as many as there are threads on topics that have been covered ad infinitum.

To the OP: There is a reason that the Thai government has the visa extension / permission to stay amounts set where they are. You can living comfortably, not extravagantly, on between 60K - 70K per month. If you live outside Bangkok and the major tourist destination, that number drops significantly.

Lots of people move to Bangkok or Pattaya or Samui or Phuket when they first go expat and move to Thailand for the comfort level. After the new wears off, your experience grows and you travel a bit off the beaten path you will find life is still quite affordable in the LOS.

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If you don't stay on Sukhimvit you'll save a lot and still can have a pool and gym and be close to the MRT. If you stay on Sukhimvit then would imagine living costs are not going to be much different than the UK except it is cheaper to get around if you don't have a car.

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Thanks to all -

Right now, Im taking it to the extreme. Ive always been thrifty but this is just a test. When I was 25 I woke up.and learned to separate my needs from my wants. My backpacking life extended that immensely.

When working at home, I saw every dollar earned as time on the road

Every beer and burger not consumed at the pub as time on the road

I learned to calculate both my spending and income as days of freedom.

Recently, we were coming off a remote island in Krabi, eating real food at the bus station. We each ordered a meal and split another. I looked over and saw a not unusual site. Two idiot backpackers. No real.food, junk, ice cream (2 each), both had laptops. My I thought, how many days food consumption did that cost?

When Im 62 and hopefully drawing a bit of SS pension and I start drawing on my IRAs plus some other funds, sell off my collectables and few antiques stashed - my spending will increase dramatically. Spending on trips and seafood hahaha ☺

But its been a great life, separating wants from needs, being crazy frugal has allowed me to live abroad for most of the last 20yrs jobless and traveling, despite the ruination of my currency and economy.

I buy quality. Clothes, travel gear, food, I even have a Swiss watch I bought for us850 and can sell for almost double that.

✔ LOVE not having a car. No traffic, upkeep, insurance - headaches like accidents...

There is nothing more fantastic than having the world at your feet and be young enough and strong enough to enjoy it. In hindsight, wish I traveled the world - got stuck in Asia.

For one brief moment in time the serfs were given the power to travel the world. Travel I did and travel I do. With EU and US in such a state, that windiw is fast closing, never to open again. Middle class has vanished.

★ I do not wish to give the impression that having a nice home, clothes or even luxuries are neccessarily bad. If you ate not labored by their ownership either financially or complicating your life. A nice home can be a worthy expenditure sure.

Im against crass consumerism, impulse, fads and trends.


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My backpacking life extended that immensely.

Recently, we were coming off a remote island in Krabi, eating real food at the bus station. We each ordered a meal and split another. I looked over and saw a not unusual site. Two idiot backpackers. No real.food, junk, ice cream (2 each), both had laptops. My I thought, how many days food consumption did that cost?

damn homie, those are harsh words for a couple of your own kind. and just for eating ice cream...

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I have Lived in Bangkok since 2006 and although I have saved quite a lot I recently calculated my expenditure a month and it was about 140k a month. I didn't realise how much I was wasting until I wrote it all down and as it turns out I could be living a life only marginally less comfortable than i do now for about 80k a month so I would agree with the replies that have said around 75k is a pretty comfortable figure.

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I have Lived in Bangkok since 2006 and although I have saved quite a lot I recently calculated my expenditure a month and it was about 140k a month. I didn't realise how much I was wasting until I wrote it all down and as it turns out I could be living a life only marginally less comfortable than i do now for about 80k a month so I would agree with the replies that have said around 75k is a pretty comfortable figure.

That was my thinking....it's the same in London,it's so easy to spend a few pounds here and there on rubbish and it soon adds up...


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