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Brigitte Bardot Appeals To Thailand Over Dog Trade


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In the west a dog is part of the family........comparing the slaughter of a cow or a pig to them in the eyes of western is just plain silly.

I don't have a problem with the people of Vietnam eating dog but I had a big problem watching the way they are treated.

Why anyone would want to criticize BB for pointing out the cruelty within the business is beyond me.

I hope that you're not just finding this out, but we are in Asia, so comparing dogs to cattle chickens sheep, etc is actually just plain logical.

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I was almost physically sick watching this video. I find it hard to understand how humans can be so cruel.

I wish I could do something to stop this trade.

I know what I would really like to do to the perpetrators though!!

I really hope there is a law of Karma

Seeing the disease and mange on half these s street dogs, I could possibly consider it a release.

In the west 80% of street dogs would be euthenased.

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I cannot beleive these post <deleted> !

this lady help stop many animals from dieing brutal deaths like 'whales, Baby Seals in Canada and much more people that know nothing should shut the f up ! this is not legal and will never be! and yes they do run the streets and pick them up most dogs have owners good ones and bad ones but they do have owners, The way the kill them is inhumane they dont kill chickens,ducks,beef,pork like this it done more fast and humanly. Why post something and complain about something that is a kind act from Greenpeace (Brigitte).

please help instead of complaining posters...

I have no problem with people supporting animal welfare and am a supporter of Greenpeace, it's just that Bridget has more than one agenda when she makes these appeals. She has a nasty racist side to her and the animal welfare movement does not need her bringing this type of bigotry into their campaigns.
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Complete nonsense. Does she also campaign for the pigs, cows, chicken, etc. we "slaughter" and eat?

I don't think dogs in Thailand are stolen from their owners in order to eat them... Luckily my pet is a cat... whistling.gif

She does, but only it appears if is done in halal slaughterhouses.

yes halal slaughtering is the worst that can be done. It should be banned in every civilized country. That isn't racist, that is human. Sure there are some videos about it, if someone want to shock himself....

Form me she is a hero trying to help even it isn't political correct. Against the halal slaughtering is only one project of hundreds. She did a lot to help the seals in Canada which are beaten to dead by french.

If she is against french sadists --> OK

If she is against Muslim sadist than she get called racist (since when is a religion a race???).

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I cannot beleive these post <deleted> !

this lady help stop many animals from dieing brutal deaths like 'whales, Baby Seals in Canada and much more people that know nothing should shut the f up ! this is not legal and will never be! and yes they do run the streets and pick them up most dogs have owners good ones and bad ones but they do have owners, The way the kill them is inhumane they dont kill chickens,ducks,beef,pork like this it done more fast and humanly. Why post something and complain about something that is a kind act from Greenpeace (Brigitte).

please help instead of complaining posters...

I have no problem with people supporting animal welfare and am a supporter of Greenpeace, it's just that Bridget has more than one agenda when she makes these appeals. She has a nasty racist side to her and the animal welfare movement does not need her bringing this type of bigotry into their campaigns.

I recommend to read the book from Sea Shepard which has a part where they got blamed to be racist / against the culture of a minority when fighting against french......

To torture living beings isn't right, no matter if a non-existing god told you or if you imagine some cultural values into it.

Greenpeace is a commercial enterprise, but even they act against Japan and get the blame that they are against the culture of Japan.

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Us humans are killing zillions of living creatures every day to for-fill our apatite. Does it matter whether Cow, Sheep, horse, fish or Dog. Personally I don't think so, most are cuddly and most will become a friend of us humans. Up to you. coffee1.gif

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This is hogwash. What they should do is legalize these abattoirs so they can sell clean, controlled products. You can't stop poor people from eating cheap food, or else they starve. Killing a dog for meat is no worse than killing cows, chickens, fish and pigs.

I don't know about the ones slaughtered in Thailand but those that get smuggled out are apparently beaten and skinned alive. It's this rather than the eating that's the problem.

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I've said this a thousand times on this website. People here in Thailand have between none and very little common sense. Thais seem very sensitive to being "disrespected", yet I find some of them (usually the business owners or apartment owners etc) disrespect everyone. They couldn't care less about the dog's being slaughtered if they can make a penny off it. Yet, if they get criticized they are "disrepected". It's amazing how hypocritical they are about stuff.

Why would anyone think it is ok to slaughter dog's this way? As a Westerner living here for a long long time I have come to the conclusion that Thais (and I mean no disrepect) just do not leap ahead from point A to point B or point C down the road about anything. Killing a dog and selling it is just killing a dog and selling it. I doubt they even think about the pain or slaughter or criticism they might get down the road from their acitons.

In my luxury apartment the light for the bathroom is in the corner of the room not in front of the mirror; the balcony drains "in" to the room not away from the living area or a corner of the balcony; the owner is building a new building and the construction is causing a constant amount of stones and rocks littering the exit way out the complex. When I brought this up to the owner he was very defensive and said I disrespected him. I said why did I have to bring it up in the first place. Anybody should know to clean the drive out area without being told. Bike tires are getting shredded. But these people just don't get it here and they never will so killing a dog or letting dozens of dogs roam around freely unlicensed, chasing people, making noise, crapping everywhere, if they aren't smart enough or have common sense enough to realize how idiotic it all is nothing will ever change here.

I mean just look at all the burning every year and the human toll it takes on people. Common sense would tell you it is unhealthy and even deadly but they don't get it.

It's easy to pick on BB but at least she makes an effort I suppose. And common guys. We all wanted to bang her 50 years ago, right? Problem is if YL made a declaration or law it would be pointless anyway. Name one single law that is enforced in Thailand? You can't. LOL

Welcome to nirvana...

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Complete nonsense. Does she also campaign for the pigs, cows, chicken, etc. we "slaughter" and eat?

I don't think dogs in Thailand are stolen from their owners in order to eat them... Luckily my pet is a cat... whistling.gif

She does, but only it appears if is done in halal slaughterhouses.

yes halal slaughtering is the worst that can be done. It should be banned in every civilized country. That isn't racist, that is human. Sure there are some videos about it, if someone want to shock himself....

Form me she is a hero trying to help even it isn't political correct. Against the halal slaughtering is only one project of hundreds. She did a lot to help the seals in Canada which are beaten to dead by french.

If she is against french sadists --> OK

If she is against Muslim sadist than she get called racist (since when is a religion a race???).

all slaughterhouses are appalling places where animals are butchered for food. If you are against animals pain and suffering you don't oppose one type of slaughter, you oppose them all. There is plenty of evidence that animals suffer barbaric treatment in slaughterhouses of all types. BB has made racist statements in the past, she is married [or was, i concede this marriage could have gone the way of her others] to a leading member of the french national front, she is on the record as saying muslims are destroying france by imposing their beliefs on france,she has been convicted 5 times for inciting racial hatred. She is a racist, the animal welfare movement does not need her.
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Complete nonsense. Does she also campaign for the pigs, cows, chicken, etc. we "slaughter" and eat?

I don't think dogs in Thailand are stolen from their owners in order to eat them... Luckily my pet is a cat... whistling.gif

She does, but only it appears if is done in halal slaughterhouses.

yes halal slaughtering is the worst that can be done. It should be banned in every civilized country. That isn't racist, that is human. Sure there are some videos about it, if someone want to shock himself....

Form me she is a hero trying to help even it isn't political correct. Against the halal slaughtering is only one project of hundreds. She did a lot to help the seals in Canada which are beaten to dead by french.

If she is against french sadists --> OK

If she is against Muslim sadist than she get called racist (since when is a religion a race???).

all slaughterhouses are appalling places where animals are butchered for food. If you are against animals pain and suffering you don't oppose one type of slaughter, you oppose them all. There is plenty of evidence that animals suffer barbaric treatment in slaughterhouses of all types. BB has made racist statements in the past, she is married [or was, i concede this marriage could have gone the way of her others] to a leading member of the french national front, she is on the record as saying muslims are destroying france by imposing their beliefs on france,she has been convicted 5 times for inciting racial hatred. She is a racist, the animal welfare movement does not need her.

Indeed, we either pay other people to slaughter and clean our meat or we all do it ourselves.

Ignorance is bliss until you visit any abbatoir. Better not to think too much. But really, captured street dogs?

I consider this a public service, ridding the neighbourhood of disease. Why anyone would ever knowingly eat Thai street dog meat us beyond me. Rat is probably healthier.

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all slaughterhouses are appalling places where animals are butchered for food. If you are against animals pain and suffering you don't oppose one type of slaughter, you oppose them all. There is plenty of evidence that animals suffer barbaric treatment in slaughterhouses of all types. BB has made racist statements in the past, she is married [or was, i concede this marriage could have gone the way of her others] to a leading member of the french national front, she is on the record as saying muslims are destroying france by imposing their beliefs on france,she has been convicted 5 times for inciting racial hatred. She is a racist, the animal welfare movement does not need her.
Indeed, we either pay other people to slaughter and clean our meat or we all do it ourselves.

Ignorance is bliss until you visit any abbatoir. Better not to think too much. But really, captured street dogs?

I consider this a public service, ridding the neighbourhood of disease. Why anyone would ever knowingly eat Thai street dog meat us beyond me. Rat is probably healthier.

Well it is less the eating of the dog, than the treatment. put in small cages drive them in the heat to Vietnam. And there they like to beat the dog to dead as it makes the meat better.

That is sick. If they would poison them with something that let the dog peaceful die, than it would be something complete different.

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all slaughterhouses are appalling places where animals are butchered for food. If you are against animals pain and suffering you don't oppose one type of slaughter, you oppose them all. There is plenty of evidence that animals suffer barbaric treatment in slaughterhouses of all types. BB has made racist statements in the past, she is married [or was, i concede this marriage could have gone the way of her others] to a leading member of the french national front, she is on the record as saying muslims are destroying france by imposing their beliefs on france,she has been convicted 5 times for inciting racial hatred. She is a racist, the animal welfare movement does not need her.

butcher with the intend to cause at least pain as possible is one thing. And no question there is abuse which is also strongly criticized by BB. She herself doesn't eat meat at all because of that.

Cut the throat let the blood splash out and the animal cries at the pain and dies slowly. That all without narcosis (you could make the animal sleep with CO2 and cut the throat than painless), but religion does not allow that.

Muslims are destroying France? Where is the racism? People choose to be Muslims and can change their religion. Do you call it racism that Scientology is banned in many countries?

If you are against people who are black, yellow, pink or for any other heritage reason than it is racism.

If you criticize the pope, torture animals for religion, be against bull fighting of the spanish etc etc than it is not racism.

My guess is that she would be against a converted original French Muslim that torture animals but would be complete happy with an Atheist Saudi.

she has 5 convictions for inciting racial conflict due to her comments on Muslims and immigration.

From UK paper after last conviction

In a 2001 article named, Open Letter to My Lost France, she lamented: "...my country, France, my homeland, my land is again invaded by an overpopulation of foreigners, especially Muslims."

In her 2003 book, A Scream in the Silence, she warned of the “Islamicisation of France”, and said of Muslim immigration: “Over the last twenty years, we have given in to a subterranean, dangerous, and uncontrolled infiltration, which not only resists adjusting to our laws and customs but which will, as the years pass, attempt to impose its own.

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all slaughterhouses are appalling places where animals are butchered for food. If you are against animals pain and suffering you don't oppose one type of slaughter, you oppose them all. There is plenty of evidence that animals suffer barbaric treatment in slaughterhouses of all types. BB has made racist statements in the past, she is married [or was, i concede this marriage could have gone the way of her others] to a leading member of the french national front, she is on the record as saying muslims are destroying france by imposing their beliefs on france,she has been convicted 5 times for inciting racial hatred. She is a racist, the animal welfare movement does not need her.

Indeed, we either pay other people to slaughter and clean our meat or we all do it ourselves.

Ignorance is bliss until you visit any abbatoir. Better not to think too much. But really, captured street dogs?

I consider this a public service, ridding the neighbourhood of disease. Why anyone would ever knowingly eat Thai street dog meat us beyond me. Rat is probably healthier.

Well it is less the eating of the dog, than the treatment. put in small cages drive them in the heat to Vietnam. And there they like to beat the dog to dead as it makes the meat better.

That is sick. If they would poison them with something that let the dog peaceful die, than it would be something complete different.

The pig vans running around the country are no better. You think a battery farmed cp chicken is better.

You can either admit feelings for all or none, unfortunately.

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all slaughterhouses are appalling places where animals are butchered for food. If you are against animals pain and suffering you don't oppose one type of slaughter, you oppose them all. There is plenty of evidence that animals suffer barbaric treatment in slaughterhouses of all types. BB has made racist statements in the past, she is married [or was, i concede this marriage could have gone the way of her others] to a leading member of the french national front, she is on the record as saying muslims are destroying france by imposing their beliefs on france,she has been convicted 5 times for inciting racial hatred. She is a racist, the animal welfare movement does not need her.

butcher with the intend to cause at least pain as possible is one thing. And no question there is abuse which is also strongly criticized by BB. She herself doesn't eat meat at all because of that.

Cut the throat let the blood splash out and the animal cries at the pain and dies slowly. That all without narcosis (you could make the animal sleep with CO2 and cut the throat than painless), but religion does not allow that.

Muslims are destroying France? Where is the racism? People choose to be Muslims and can change their religion. Do you call it racism that Scientology is banned in many countries?

If you are against people who are black, yellow, pink or for any other heritage reason than it is racism.

If you criticize the pope, torture animals for religion, be against bull fighting of the spanish etc etc than it is not racism.

My guess is that she would be against a converted original French Muslim that torture animals but would be complete happy with an Atheist Saudi.

she has 5 convictions for inciting racial conflict due to her comments on Muslims and immigration.

From UK paper after last conviction

In a 2001 article named, Open Letter to My Lost France, she lamented: "...my country, France, my homeland, my land is again invaded by an overpopulation of foreigners, especially Muslims."

In her 2003 book, A Scream in the Silence, she warned of the Islamicisation of France, and said of Muslim immigration: Over the last twenty years, we have given in to a subterranean, dangerous, and uncontrolled infiltration, which not only resists adjusting to our laws and customs but which will, as the years pass, attempt to impose its own.

She can get a job at Sunderland tomorrow.

Is she wrong to bemoan an erosion of culture at home? Lest we forget, farangs are widely blamed for eroding and westernising Thailand.......

Edited by Thai at Heart
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I got so angry watching the VDO!!!!

I have NO problem at all to catch the guys they treat dogs like that and give them EXACTLY the same treatment as they give to the dogs.

Catch them, put them in really small cages, maybe they die then in transport (the lucky ones), force feed them, kill them by just hitting them over the head, skin them (dead or alive, I don't care!) and just feed them to the dogs. THAT would serve them right!

I can only hope that their karma gets back to them in the most horrible way! They do NOT deserve to be called humans bah.gif

I hope you're a vegetarian.

Otherwise your words are hollow.

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I have no objection to people eating dogs for meat, or horses etc but farm the animals if you want to eat them - and process them with some basic principles in mind. The ingenious way of clamping jigs and mouth opening devices for feeding - never seen anything more brutal.

Demand for cheap meat will not recede anytime soon, suppl of dogs is probably the best place to start and <deleted> surely this ties in beautifully with the Phuket soi dog reduction program?

It'd be a great masters theais to sponsor - analysis in terms of financial, socio economic and also developing replacement strategies for incomes lost if the trade is stopped.

It's screaming for success with careful planning and I reckon if you tapped up 10 high profile stars you'd get the $ to do something meaningful.

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all slaughterhouses are appalling places where animals are butchered for food. If you are against animals pain and suffering you don't oppose one type of slaughter, you oppose them all. There is plenty of evidence that animals suffer barbaric treatment in slaughterhouses of all types. BB has made racist statements in the past, she is married [or was, i concede this marriage could have gone the way of her others] to a leading member of the french national front, she is on the record as saying muslims are destroying france by imposing their beliefs on france,she has been convicted 5 times for inciting racial hatred. She is a racist, the animal welfare movement does not need her.

butcher with the intend to cause at least pain as possible is one thing. And no question there is abuse which is also strongly criticized by BB. She herself doesn't eat meat at all because of that.

Cut the throat let the blood splash out and the animal cries at the pain and dies slowly. That all without narcosis (you could make the animal sleep with CO2 and cut the throat than painless), but religion does not allow that.

Muslims are destroying France? Where is the racism? People choose to be Muslims and can change their religion. Do you call it racism that Scientology is banned in many countries?

If you are against people who are black, yellow, pink or for any other heritage reason than it is racism.

If you criticize the pope, torture animals for religion, be against bull fighting of the spanish etc etc than it is not racism.

My guess is that she would be against a converted original French Muslim that torture animals but would be complete happy with an Atheist Saudi.

she has 5 convictions for inciting racial conflict due to her comments on Muslims and immigration.

From UK paper after last conviction

In a 2001 article named, Open Letter to My Lost France, she lamented: "...my country, France, my homeland, my land is again invaded by an overpopulation of foreigners, especially Muslims."

In her 2003 book, A Scream in the Silence, she warned of the “Islamicisation of France”, and said of Muslim immigration: “Over the last twenty years, we have given in to a subterranean, dangerous, and uncontrolled infiltration, which not only resists adjusting to our laws and customs but which will, as the years pass, attempt to impose its own.

Well she wasn't wrong was she!

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all slaughterhouses are appalling places where animals are butchered for food. If you are against animals pain and suffering you don't oppose one type of slaughter, you oppose them all. There is plenty of evidence that animals suffer barbaric treatment in slaughterhouses of all types. BB has made racist statements in the past, she is married [or was, i concede this marriage could have gone the way of her others] to a leading member of the french national front, she is on the record as saying muslims are destroying france by imposing their beliefs on france,she has been convicted 5 times for inciting racial hatred. She is a racist, the animal welfare movement does not need her.

Indeed, we either pay other people to slaughter and clean our meat or we all do it ourselves.

Ignorance is bliss until you visit any abbatoir. Better not to think too much. But really, captured street dogs?

I consider this a public service, ridding the neighbourhood of disease. Why anyone would ever knowingly eat Thai street dog meat us beyond me. Rat is probably healthier.

Well it is less the eating of the dog, than the treatment. put in small cages drive them in the heat to Vietnam. And there they like to beat the dog to dead as it makes the meat better.

That is sick. If they would poison them with something that let the dog peaceful die, than it would be something complete different.

The pig vans running around the country are no better. You think a battery farmed cp chicken is better.

You can either admit feelings for all or none, unfortunately.

yes you are right. But somewhere to begin.....and it is easier with dogs than with chicken to get an open ear.

BB also fights against abuses on farmed animals.

Beside that there is one difference: pigs are abused because no one cares about their pain.....bad enough.

They are farmed for food, no one can see them so it is easier to pretend to don't know about it.

Dogs are beaten to dead because than their meat is "better". And people know the cute (OK more or less cute) dog from their street.

you are right, but the abuse of pigs and chicken doesn't make the abuse of dogs any better.

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caykay, on 18 Apr 2013 - 16:43, said:

This is hogwash. What they should do is legalize these abattoirs so they can sell clean, controlled products. You can't stop poor people from eating cheap food, or else they starve. Killing a dog for meat is no worse than killing cows, chickens, fish and pigs.

....and they are much more "free range" than mass-farmed chickens, pigs, etc. As the saying goes, "what's one man's meat is another man's poison", and any Western cultural viewpoint on the consumption of different animals as food aside, with an open-mind, you are totally right. There is no real difference between conmsumption of wild dog in SE Asia, and wild boar in Germany, wild frogs in France or China, wild snake and fruitbat in Cambodia, wild guinnea pigs in Peru, etc. etc. (the list could go on....).

What is at stake, and has a very valid point in Bridgitte Bardot's campaign, is the treatment of the animals, how they are transported, etc. between collection & slaughter. I think we would all agree that humane standards need to be addressed.

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being a dog lover i am afraid there is no answer to thailands dog problem[streets] and [meat trade]

even if you had wardens rounding up strays and having them put down humanely can you trust anybody where money changes hands.the rescue kennels are overwelmed,every day i see lovely dogs left to roam the streets where the owners dont care a dam,but i have to keep my mouth shut for fear of reprisals.there must be centers for these dogs to be housed and then put to sleep,breeders must chip and register all dogs bred and owners need to as well then any dog found wandering the street be taken to a center and the owner traced and fined.near me there are some very nice houses that have been built over the past 6yrs.yet there are packs of dogs running wild every morning and evening i go out with mine i have to carry a big stick yet i have never had to use it maybe its because our dog has the eye's of a wolf,other dogs keep their distance but the threat is always there to be attacked.but never mind what the problem is in thailand it will always be as usual nothing will change.

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a mans best friend is his dog,but lets not forget where would these people would be without them,

the rescue sevice,

the army,

the police,

the blind,

the deaf,

the drug squads.

so do they deserve better lives than most of them in thailand get,have a look at some stories on mashable.com and make up your own mind.

ours for one sensed danger when me and mrs.were in the garden he saw what we didnt and got between us and a rather large snake

he is lovable,loyal and most of all one of the family.

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being a dog lover i am afraid there is no answer to thailands dog problem[streets] and [meat trade]

even if you had wardens rounding up strays and having them put down humanely can you trust anybody where money changes hands.the rescue kennels are overwelmed,every day i see lovely dogs left to roam the streets where the owners dont care a dam,but i have to keep my mouth shut for fear of reprisals.there must be centers for these dogs to be housed and then put to sleep,breeders must chip and register all dogs bred and owners need to as well then any dog found wandering the street be taken to a center and the owner traced and fined.near me there are some very nice houses that have been built over the past 6yrs.yet there are packs of dogs running wild every morning and evening i go out with mine i have to carry a big stick yet i have never had to use it maybe its because our dog has the eye's of a wolf,other dogs keep their distance but the threat is always there to be attacked.but never mind what the problem is in thailand it will always be as usual nothing will change.

Well in our village are a lot dogs. The security feeds them, outside is a animal food shop that feeds them and two street restaurants that feed them.

They all look healthy, happy and are friendly to everyone they know, but angry to foreigner (I guess that why the security likes them).

Here I don't see a problem for the dogs or with the dogs.

Of course I have seen other places with dogs in terrible conditions or aggressive ones. But I think the majority are doing OK. Of course living and dieing but not different than say the birds.

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