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Pheu Thai Feels Sting Of Thaksin Impatience


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Pheu Thai feels sting of Thaksin impatience

Attayuth Bootsripoom

BANGKOK: -- Politics has heated up after ex-PM Thaksin Shinawatra held a Skype meeting with the Pheu Thai Party, sending a message for the third anniversary of the April 10, 2010 unrest with a harsh and uncompromising stance against judicial activism.

Getting the big boss's clear and loud message to pass the amnesty bills, Pheu Thai has suddenly decided to push for a speedy passage of the bills - even though it had earlier been indecisive over whether to go forward or back, fearing a political accident.

Thaksin's words on that day were unprecedentedly stinging against his opponents, especially the judiciary.

He attacked the justice system - whether it was the Courts of Justice or the Constitutional Court - making no bones about the fact that he viewed the verdicts against him as unfair.

Thaksin has threatened to provoke a peoples' uprising against the judicial powers if they cross the line. He has wooed the masses to join his path of struggle against the judiciary, saying he will never abandon them if they fight alongside him.

As if all are under Thaksin's spell, the Pheu Thai Party has made a U-turn, although it had rejected its MPs' demands to bring forward a Parliament agenda to urgently deliberate the amnesty bills.

Samut Prakarn MP Worachai Hema, a red-shirt leader, had earlier said he would exercise his right to bring forward the agenda for urgent deliberation, but the response from the party was lacklustre. Even government whips did not take him seriously, saying it was just a personal opinion of the MP.

However, now Pheu Thai is enthusiastic to push for Parliament's deliberation of the bill.

The burning question is, does Pheu Thai have the guts to go forward with the amnesty bills? The opposition has made it quite clear it will not accept the bill, even though it had approved granting pardons to protesters, but not leaders.

The opposition has a strong inkling that once the bill is in the process of being vetted, lawmakers will interpret those who should qualify for amnesty to include Thaksin.

It is likely the opposition will exert an all-out effort, either within a parliamentary frame or outside Parliament, and adopt any out-of-the-box methodology to oppose the passage of the amnesty law.

Politically, the government is likely to opt for catching one big fish rather than several small fish. The Bt2-trillion loan bill has not yet passed as it has to be deliberated in the second and third readings. The charter-amendment bill, which would allow the party to revamp the country's power structure, is now being vetted in the second reading. These important bills will evaporate if the ruling party stumbles.

The party therefore must get its priorities right - which issue is urgent and which can wait or be done later?

One of Thaksin's characteristics is that he can get himself into trouble by shooting his mouth off. He uses different political groups to do him favours by promising things in return.

His latest Skype session reflects his attempt to get MPs to fulfil his wishes, brushing aside opposition within the party as he believes in his ability to manage MPs.

If one day he loses his management magic, or no one is willing to wait for him to realise promises, he will totally lose both credibility and support of all the people whom he can use.

-- The Nation 2013-04-18

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Re; the amnesty bill (designed to pardon Thaksin and the Red rioters) or the Bt.2.2 trillion (or 5 trillion with %) 50 to 60 year boondoggle bill - rife with pay-offs to fat cats..........

The party therefore must get its priorities right - which issue is urgent and which can wait or be done later?

That's a tough one. Both bits of legislation are crappy to the 10th degree - and reflect Thaksin's control of his PT sheeple gov't. It's like having to make a choice between putting shoes on which are filled with thumb tacks, or a pair which have been marinating in a bat shit solution overnight.

Edited by maidu
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I think that the country is running quite well and that the west should follow Thailand's example by sending their leaders overseas. Let them govern from a distance .... the further the better!

As you say the country is running well

Current charter, criminal, former PM, overseas and still Thailand bumbles on.

What was it Thaksin said to the Red Shirts when PTP won the election?

Wasn't it 'thanks for doing everything to line me up to return, now you're not needed by me any more' - well, something along those lines.

Do you know what? I don't trust him. But that's just my opinion

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I think that the country is running quite well and that the west should follow Thailand's example by sending their leaders overseas. Let them govern from a distance .... the further the better!

Are you referring to the PM or the Real PM...?

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"... He attacked the justice system - whether it was the Courts of Justice or the Constitutional Court - making no bones about the fact that he viewed the verdicts against him as unfair."

This narcissistic megalomaniac sociopath is beginning to sound more like Hitler every day. Contempt of law, desperate to place himself on his imagined throne... sick.gifbah.gif

At least Hitler did some prison time! He is nothing but a coward. He should come back and pay his penance if he wants to claw back any integrity. But he has none so he won't. The red shirts should toss him as well and that would be the end of it!

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"... He attacked the justice system - whether it was the Courts of Justice or the Constitutional Court - making no bones about the fact that he viewed the verdicts against him as unfair."

This narcissistic megalomaniac sociopath is beginning to sound more like Hitler every day. Contempt of law, desperate to place himself on his imagined throne... sick.gifbah.gif

At least Hitler did some prison time! He is nothing but a coward. He should come back and pay his penance if he wants to claw back any integrity. But he has none so he won't. The red shirts should toss him as well and that would be the end of it!

And Hitler wrote a book. Everything Thaksin does is about himself and his greed. I recall once, years ago, there was a mention that T had set up a 'scholarship' fund. If memory serves, there was one recipient; some fellow who Thaksin knew and liked (maybe one of Oak's buddies). Thaksin already got the front page publicity for setting up the fund, so after giving a few thousand baht to the young man, he forgot about the ruse, and went off to check on his blood diamond operation in Liberia, or pick up a diplomatic passport from Nicaragua, or whatever was more pressing on his schedule.

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"... He attacked the justice system - whether it was the Courts of Justice or the Constitutional Court - making no bones about the fact that he viewed the verdicts against him as unfair."

This narcissistic megalomaniac sociopath is beginning to sound more like Hitler every day. Contempt of law, desperate to place himself on his imagined throne... sick.gifbah.gif

Oh so true and look at the potential for more serious damage to the country as the PTP crawlers drop everything to push for amnesty and his return in the belief their loyalty will be rewarded

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We inch closer to the day when Thaksin forces his party to abandon him. If you've seen the movie 'The Lady' remember the scene at the end when Thatcher berates her cabinet and takes Geoffry Howe to pieces, shortly after that there was a mutiny. I'm guessing that this might come the day. Expect plenty of trouble for Yingluck and PT to deal with from the streets, and Thaksin pressuring them from the other side. Something has to give eventually when you have such an uncompromising, autocratic leader, it always does.

Wasn't it 'The Iron Lady'?

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All these comments based upon an opinion piece from the Nation.


Perhaps, the Nation will next offer an opinion piece on what was actually said.

I do wonder about these reports but surely they can't all be wrong. Does anybody actually know what Thaksin is doing? Do we really think he's not involved at all with the running of the government. Do we know that this report isn't true?

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All these comments based upon an opinion piece from the Nation.


Perhaps, the Nation will next offer an opinion piece on what was actually said.

Red democracy in action..... I knew it wouldn't be long before a Thaksinite came along to defend this democratic act. Perhaps you can enlighten us GK, What was actually said?

Everyman and his dog can see this is leaked information from the PTP, Thaksin need to act fast before his house of cards collapses.

Edited by waza
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'Twould seem as the Thaksin ( Mephistopheles ) brown nosing acolytes (Faust) are about to find out the true cost of the Faustian bargain they made with their puppet master.

The story concerns the fate of Faust ( brown nosing acolytes) in their quest for the true essence of life, money and power are frustrated with learning and the limits to their knowledge,and power, and enjoyment of life, They attracts the attention of the Devil represented by Mephistopheles (Thaksin) who agrees to serve Faust until the moment he attains the zenith of human happiness and the position of ultimate power, such that he cries out to that moment to "stay, thou art so beautiful!" (Faust, I, l.1700) — at which point Mephistopheles may take his soul. Faust is pleased with the deal, as he believes this happy zenith will never come.

In the first part, Mephistopheles (Thaksin) leads Faust (brown nosing acolytes) through experiences that culminate in a lustful relationship with Gretchen (Thailand), an innocent young woman. Gretchen and her family are destroyed by Mephistopheles (Thaksin)' deceptions and Faust's (brown nosing acolytes) desires. Part one of the story ends in tragedy for Faust (brown nosing acolytes), as Gretchen (Thailand) is saved but Faust ( brown nosing acolytes) are left to grieve in shame.

The second part begins with the spirits of the earth forgiving Faust ( the brown nosing acolytes) and progresses into allegorical poetry. Faust ( brown nosing acolytes) and his Devil (Thaksin) pass through and manipulate the world of politics and the world of the classical gods, and meet with Helen of Troy ( The Thai people) . Finally, having succeeded in taming the very forces of war and nature, Faust experiences a singular moment of happiness.

Mephistopheles Thaksin) tries to seize Faust's ( brown nosing acolytes) souls when they dies after this moment of happiness, but is frustrated and enraged when angels intervene due to God's ( the Thai people) grace. Though this grace is truly 'gratuitous' and does not condone Faust's ( brown nosing acolytes) frequent errors perpetrated with Mephistopheles ( Thaksin) , the angels ( the Thai people) state that this grace can only occur because of Faust's ( brown nosing acolytes) unending striving and due to the intercession of the forgiving Gretchen (Thailand). The final scene has Faust's (brown nosing acolytes) souls carried to heaven in the presence of God as the "Holy Virgin, Mother, Queen, Goddess...The Eternal Feminine." The Goddess (democracy and freedom) is thus victorious over Mephistopheles (Thaksin), who had insisted at Faust's ( brown nosing acolytes) death that they would be consigned to "The Eternal Empty."

(Courtesy of Wikipedai with authoring)

It is an age old story, only updated for faster travel and communication cycles.

And the same predictable ultimate denouement.

Mephistopheles can only pull the wool over their eyes so long

before the eternal Feminine will bring just deserts.

Of course Mephistopheles, never see it coming our changes his ways.

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"... He attacked the justice system - whether it was the Courts of Justice or the Constitutional Court - making no bones about the fact that he viewed the verdicts against him as unfair."

This narcissistic megalomaniac sociopath is beginning to sound more like Hitler every day. Contempt of law, desperate to place himself on his imagined throne... sick.gifbah.gif

He has his eye on the real throne . . . a constitutional monarchy is not his idea of how the country should be run.

A constitutional monarch doesn't run a country so it's not really relevant.

As things stand I can't see him trying to change anything regarding the king as head of state despite whatever his opponents (Democrats, Yellow shirts ect.) may say. Even with a majority in parliament the PTP are still wary of pushing too hard with constitutional change because some of their opponents may start to become violent. I don't mean the Dems of course. They don't seem confident enough to do away with the LM laws (which I think they should) so I can't imagine they would try to do anything against the king as it wouldn't be tolerated as far as I can see.

He wants power and he can do that without risking messing with the monarchy.

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