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Pheu Thai Feels Sting Of Thaksin Impatience


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'Twould seem as the Thaksin ( Mephistopheles ) brown nosing acolytes (Faust) are about to find out the true cost of the Faustian bargain they made with their puppet master.

The story concerns the fate of Faust ( brown nosing acolytes) in their quest for the true essence of life, money and power are frustrated with learning and the limits to their knowledge,and power, and enjoyment of life, They attracts the attention of the Devil represented by Mephistopheles (Thaksin) who agrees to serve Faust until the moment he attains the zenith of human happiness and the position of ultimate power, such that he cries out to that moment to "stay, thou art so beautiful!" (Faust, I, l.1700) at which point Mephistopheles may take his soul. Faust is pleased with the deal, as he believes this happy zenith will never come.

In the first part, Mephistopheles (Thaksin) leads Faust (brown nosing acolytes) through experiences that culminate in a lustful relationship with Gretchen (Thailand), an innocent young woman. Gretchen and her family are destroyed by Mephistopheles (Thaksin)' deceptions and Faust's (brown nosing acolytes) desires. Part one of the story ends in tragedy for Faust (brown nosing acolytes), as Gretchen (Thailand) is saved but Faust ( brown nosing acolytes) are left to grieve in shame.

The second part begins with the spirits of the earth forgiving Faust ( the brown nosing acolytes) and progresses into allegorical poetry. Faust ( brown nosing acolytes) and his Devil (Thaksin) pass through and manipulate the world of politics and the world of the classical gods, and meet with Helen of Troy ( The Thai people) . Finally, having succeeded in taming the very forces of war and nature, Faust experiences a singular moment of happiness.

Mephistopheles Thaksin) tries to seize Faust's ( brown nosing acolytes) souls when they dies after this moment of happiness, but is frustrated and enraged when angels intervene due to God's ( the Thai people) grace. Though this grace is truly 'gratuitous' and does not condone Faust's ( brown nosing acolytes) frequent errors perpetrated with Mephistopheles ( Thaksin) , the angels ( the Thai people) state that this grace can only occur because of Faust's ( brown nosing acolytes) unending striving and due to the intercession of the forgiving Gretchen (Thailand). The final scene has Faust's (brown nosing acolytes) souls carried to heaven in the presence of God as the "Holy Virgin, Mother, Queen, Goddess...The Eternal Feminine." The Goddess (democracy and freedom) is thus victorious over Mephistopheles (Thaksin), who had insisted at Faust's ( brown nosing acolytes) death that they would be consigned to "The Eternal Empty."

(Courtesy of Wikipedai with authoring)

There are only 6 or 7 great stories. Thai TV copies them every time. Why should a political soap opera be any different.

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'Twould seem as the Thaksin ( Mephistopheles ) brown nosing acolytes (Faust) are about to find out the true cost of the Faustian bargain they made with their puppet master.

The story concerns the fate of Faust ( brown nosing acolytes) in their quest for the true essence of life, money and power are frustrated with learning and the limits to their knowledge,and power, and enjoyment of life, They attracts the attention of the Devil represented by Mephistopheles (Thaksin) who agrees to serve Faust until the moment he attains the zenith of human happiness and the position of ultimate power, such that he cries out to that moment to "stay, thou art so beautiful!" (Faust, I, l.1700) — at which point Mephistopheles may take his soul. Faust is pleased with the deal, as he believes this happy zenith will never come.

In the first part, Mephistopheles (Thaksin) leads Faust (brown nosing acolytes) through experiences that culminate in a lustful relationship with Gretchen (Thailand), an innocent young woman. Gretchen and her family are destroyed by Mephistopheles (Thaksin)' deceptions and Faust's (brown nosing acolytes) desires. Part one of the story ends in tragedy for Faust (brown nosing acolytes), as Gretchen (Thailand) is saved but Faust ( brown nosing acolytes) are left to grieve in shame.

The second part begins with the spirits of the earth forgiving Faust ( the brown nosing acolytes) and progresses into allegorical poetry. Faust ( brown nosing acolytes) and his Devil (Thaksin) pass through and manipulate the world of politics and the world of the classical gods, and meet with Helen of Troy ( The Thai people) . Finally, having succeeded in taming the very forces of war and nature, Faust experiences a singular moment of happiness.

Mephistopheles Thaksin) tries to seize Faust's ( brown nosing acolytes) souls when they dies after this moment of happiness, but is frustrated and enraged when angels intervene due to God's ( the Thai people) grace. Though this grace is truly 'gratuitous' and does not condone Faust's ( brown nosing acolytes) frequent errors perpetrated with Mephistopheles ( Thaksin) , the angels ( the Thai people) state that this grace can only occur because of Faust's ( brown nosing acolytes) unending striving and due to the intercession of the forgiving Gretchen (Thailand). The final scene has Faust's (brown nosing acolytes) souls carried to heaven in the presence of God as the "Holy Virgin, Mother, Queen, Goddess...The Eternal Feminine." The Goddess (democracy and freedom) is thus victorious over Mephistopheles (Thaksin), who had insisted at Faust's ( brown nosing acolytes) death that they would be consigned to "The Eternal Empty."

(Courtesy of Wikipedai with authoring)

Where does rampant vote-buying and the dough-headed choices of the Issanaites fit in? The analogy above makes it sound like the Thai people are righteous, but are they? Were it not for so many being so easily duped by promises of riches, T wouldn't have any more power than a guy who tried and failed at the movie house biz.

"... He attacked the justice system - whether it was the Courts of Justice or the Constitutional Court - making no bones about the fact that he viewed the verdicts against him as unfair."

This narcissistic megalomaniac sociopath is beginning to sound more like Hitler every day. Contempt of law, desperate to place himself on his imagined throne... sick.gifbah.gif

He has his eye on the real throne . . . a constitutional monarchy is not his idea of how the country should be run.

A constitutional monarch doesn't run a country so it's not really relevant.

As things stand I can't see him trying to change anything regarding the king as head of state despite whatever his opponents (Democrats, Yellow shirts ect.) may say. Even with a majority in parliament the PTP are still wary of pushing too hard with constitutional change because some of their opponents may start to become violent. I don't mean the Dems of course. They don't seem confident enough to do away with the LM laws (which I think they should) so I can't imagine they would try to do anything against the king as it wouldn't be tolerated as far as I can see. He wants power and he can do that without risking messing with the monarchy.

We all know we're not supposed to broach the topic, but it sure would thicken the plot if maneuvering and/or changes came down in that realm. We live in interesting times. Between N.Korea and Thailand, I'm not sure which scenario is weirder. Ok, I guess N.Korea is a bit weirder, but in both cases, it takes gobs of easily-duped sheeple to enable a despot to thrive.

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We inch closer to the day when Thaksin forces his party to abandon him. If you've seen the movie 'The Lady' remember the scene at the end when Thatcher berates her cabinet and takes Geoffry Howe to pieces, shortly after that there was a mutiny. I'm guessing that this might come the day. Expect plenty of trouble for Yingluck and PT to deal with from the streets, and Thaksin pressuring them from the other side. Something has to give eventually when you have such an uncompromising, autocratic leader, it always does.

How does PTP have a mutiny? The members are beholden to their leader's wealth, that is those not chosen by him through the party list system. There's not even a party vote when a casual vacancy appears, instead the nomination goes to the next family member available, or a stooge to hold the seat until they are ready.

Thaksin is not even a member of the party, and yet blatantly issues orders which are followed. How is this legal?

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All these comments based upon an opinion piece from the Nation.


Perhaps, the Nation will next offer an opinion piece on what was actually said.

Red democracy in action..... I knew it wouldn't be long before a Thaksinite came along to defend this democratic act. Perhaps you can enlighten us GK, What was actually said?

Everyman and his dog can see this is leaked information from the PTP, Thaksin need to act fast before his house of cards collapses.

The OP is an OPINION article from the Nation. It is uncorroborated.

Other reputable news sources do not offer the same OPINION, despite being hostile to Mr. Thaksin.

What part of the article placement do you not understand is OPINION from one NationMedia writer as opposed to actual, substantiated factual news reporting?

This isn't about me being an apologist, but is instead one of pointing out that only the NationMedia has this assessment.

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All these comments based upon an opinion piece from the Nation.


Perhaps, the Nation will next offer an opinion piece on what was actually said.

Red democracy in action..... I knew it wouldn't be long before a Thaksinite came along to defend this democratic act. Perhaps you can enlighten us GK, What was actually said?

Everyman and his dog can see this is leaked information from the PTP, Thaksin need to act fast before his house of cards collapses.

The OP is an OPINION article from the Nation. It is uncorroborated.

Other reputable news sources do not offer the same OPINION, despite being hostile to Mr. Thaksin.

What part of the article placement do you not understand is OPINION from one NationMedia writer as opposed to actual, substantiated factual news reporting?

This isn't about me being an apologist, but is instead one of pointing out that only the NationMedia has this assessment.

This isn't about me being an apologist, but is instead one of pointing out that only the NationMedia has this assessment.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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All these comments based upon an opinion piece from the Nation.


Perhaps, the Nation will next offer an opinion piece on what was actually said.

Red democracy in action..... I knew it wouldn't be long before a Thaksinite came along to defend this democratic act. Perhaps you can enlighten us GK, What was actually said?

Everyman and his dog can see this is leaked information from the PTP, Thaksin need to act fast before his house of cards collapses.

The OP is an OPINION article from the Nation. It is uncorroborated.

Other reputable news sources do not offer the same OPINION, despite being hostile to Mr. Thaksin.

What part of the article placement do you not understand is OPINION from one NationMedia writer as opposed to actual, substantiated factual news reporting?

This isn't about me being an apologist, but is instead one of pointing out that only the NationMedia has this assessment.

This isn't about me being an apologist, but is instead one of pointing out that only the NationMedia has this assessment.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Gk at least you dont deny being Thaksin apologist. However you have insinuated that the Op was incorrect in their opinion and that you know better. Well if you believe that the OP is incorrect then prove it.

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All these comments based upon an opinion piece from the Nation.


Perhaps, the Nation will next offer an opinion piece on what was actually said.

That's all you got Geezer?...

Of course it's an opinion piece. Nothing unusual about a paper publishing editorials or opinions on a daily basis. But perhaps since you seem to have your finger much more on the pulse of the reality of Mr. T's world, you should tell the rest of the world what was actually said, and what he really means and wants. Surely it's all only for the good of the people and the posters here just don't understand him, right?

Edited by yeeowww
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Amazing Thailand, remotely controlled by a criminal fugitive who doesn't care about his country, just his return to it in full glory and beloved by all.

BTW some of the usual suspects seem missing, probably still on their Songkhran holiday. Unfortunately I had to work today :-(

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All these comments based upon an opinion piece from the Nation.


Perhaps, the Nation will next offer an opinion piece on what was actually said.

That's all you got Geezer?...

Of course it's an opinion piece. Nothing unusual about a paper publishing editorials or opinions on a daily basis. But perhaps since you seem to have your finger much more on the pulse of the reality of Mr. T's world, you should tell the rest of the world what was actually said, and what he really means and wants. Surely it's all only for the good of the people and the posters here just don't understand him, right?

Thank you for acknowledging that the OP, upon which all the angry speculative comments have been based, is only the opinion of

Attayuth Bootsripoom.

I do not claim to have my finger on the pulse of reality, however, it seems to me that I am more realistic in that I recognize an opinion piece when I see one. As I stated previously, no other news source, including those that are hostile to the former PM has made the claim of the OP. Many people offering their views in this thread have based their views solely on the assumption that Khun Bootsripoom has offered an unbiased, accurate depiction of events. Do you not find it odd that the author is the only one making this claim?

Now, if you want to accept the opinion of one Thaksin opponent as the gospel truth, ok, fine run with it. However, there is absolutely no corroboration offered by the OP that the comments were made. What we have is conjecture, which the usual Thaksin haters have conveniently accepted as a substantiated fact, when it is not.

I have not read the transcript of the call, but I have spoken with one of my friends who is familiar with the call and he has told me that Mr. Thaksin made no threats. Rather, the same comments that were made in previous calls and to which Khun Bootsripoom alludes to were repeated. One of the continuing themes is that there should be a separation of powers. The judiciary is there to interpret and to apply the law, not to make law or to meddle in legislative affairs. The enactment of law is the responsibility of the MPs. I believe that this is a view shared by a great many people, so it is not something out of the ordinary. Another comment offered by my friend was that it was the usual political hot air. (not that he was being negative in his assessment, but rather it was more of a pep rally to keep the PTP motivated and on target as the Songkran festivities seemed to be distracting the kids.)

Mr. Thaksin does not need me as an apologist, nor am I apologizing on his behalf as there is nothing to apologize for. I do however agree, that the judiciary should not interfere with law making and that a functional government must have a separation of powers and duties. It is hardly revolutionary and this is consistent with how developed countries function.

Edited by geriatrickid
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I think that the country is running quite well and that the west should follow Thailand's example by sending their leaders overseas. Let them govern from a distance .... the further the better!

Always tell shoot them to the moon.

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one post removed


2) Not to express disrespect of the King of Thailand or anyone else in the Thai royal family, whether living or deceased, nor to criticize the monarchy as an institution. Speculation, comments and discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing HM The King or the Royal family. Discussion of the lese majeste law or lese majeste cases is permitted on the forum, providing no comment or speculation is made referencing the royal family. To breach this rule will result in immediate ban.

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I have been waiting for this posturing of Thaskin. he is truly running out of time. Bring it on Mr. T show Thailand and the world what a buffalo you can be. No worries this effort as all his efforts will fail. I have been talking to a lot of university students and they are gearing up for their own protest to the bully tactics of Thaskin and more important to rid their country and future of corruption. They know big changes are coming in 2015. Sit back and watch Thaskin shrink back to what he really is. Reptilian snake in the grass.

For the sake of Thailand I hope you are right.

The by election in Chiang Mai will give us a hint of where he stands, It would not surprise me if he lost it here. Every one knows he is putting the older more politically experienced sister in position to replace Yingluck.

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Amazing Thailand, remotely controlled by a criminal fugitive who doesn't care about his country, just his return to it in full glory and beloved by all.

BTW some of the usual suspects seem missing, probably still on their Songkhran holiday. Unfortunately I had to work today :-(

Can't agree with you on his return to it. I believer he knows there is a bullet waiting here for him.

When he was in Myanmar he canceled one visit because it was to close to Thailand and it was red shirt Thailand he was close to. Actually on the border with Mai Sai.

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All these comments based upon an opinion piece from the Nation.


Perhaps, the Nation will next offer an opinion piece on what was actually said.

That's all you got Geezer?...

Of course it's an opinion piece. Nothing unusual about a paper publishing editorials or opinions on a daily basis. But perhaps since you seem to have your finger much more on the pulse of the reality of Mr. T's world, you should tell the rest of the world what was actually said, and what he really means and wants. Surely it's all only for the good of the people and the posters here just don't understand him, right?

Thank you for acknowledging that the OP, upon which all the angry speculative comments have been based, is only the opinion of

Attayuth Bootsripoom.

I do not claim to have my finger on the pulse of reality, however, it seems to me that I am more realistic in that I recognize an opinion piece when I see one. As I stated previously, no other news source, including those that are hostile to the former PM has made the claim of the OP. Many people offering their views in this thread have based their views solely on the assumption that Khun Bootsripoom has offered an unbiased, accurate depiction of events. Do you not find it odd that the author is the only one making this claim?

Now, if you want to accept the opinion of one Thaksin opponent as the gospel truth, ok, fine run with it. However, there is absolutely no corroboration offered by the OP that the comments were made. What we have is conjecture, which the usual Thaksin haters have conveniently accepted as a substantiated fact, when it is not.

I have not read the transcript of the call, but I have spoken with one of my friends who is familiar with the call and he has told me that Mr. Thaksin made no threats. Rather, the same comments that were made in previous calls and to which Khun Bootsripoom alludes to were repeated. One of the continuing themes is that there should be a separation of powers. The judiciary is there to interpret and to apply the law, not to make law or to meddle in legislative affairs. The enactment of law is the responsibility of the MPs. I believe that this is a view shared by a great many people, so it is not something out of the ordinary. Another comment offered by my friend was that it was the usual political hot air. (not that he was being negative in his assessment, but rather it was more of a pep rally to keep the PTP motivated and on target as the Songkran festivities seemed to be distracting the kids.)

Mr. Thaksin does not need me as an apologist, nor am I apologizing on his behalf as there is nothing to apologize for. I do however agree, that the judiciary should not interfere with law making and that a functional government must have a separation of powers and duties. It is hardly revolutionary and this is consistent with how developed countries function.

So now it is your friends opinion you choose to listen to. Despite the fact that Thaksin has a history of making the OP correct.

The article makes complete sense in view of the fact that Thaksin has not been granted an amnesty yet in spite of the cabinet allowing his skype calls into their meeting in the absence of Yingluck and more than liklly ones she is at. Also the ministers flying all over the world to meet with him.

Are you saying that the following is just an opinion not a fact

"Thaksin has threatened to provoke a peoples' uprising against the

judicial powers if they cross the line. He has wooed the masses to join

his path of struggle against the judiciary, saying he will never abandon

them if they fight alongside him"

Sounds like perfect Thaksinism to me. Get your friends opinion on it and get back to us with your friends opinion.

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It must be really frustrating to buy a government, and then find that the MPs prefer to remain in-power, rather than follow orders and bring the Big Boss back, regardless of the law or the likely consequences.

One can't even rely on family, it must sometimes seem.

Perhaps it might be better to stick to other games, like manipulating the global-market for rice, or visiting one's chums in Africa & Russia ?

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It must be really frustrating to buy a government, and then find that the MPs prefer to remain in-power, rather than follow orders and bring the Big Boss back, regardless of the law or the likely consequences.

One can't even rely on family, it must sometimes seem.

Perhaps it might be better to stick to other games, like manipulating the global-market for rice, or visiting one's chums in Africa & Russia ?

PT is trying to 'bring the Big' Boss back. Haven't you noticed how they continually support efforts to stymie reconciliation by pushing for 'get out of jail free' legislation to alter the Constitution - in order to pave the way for their great leader return triumphant. For her part, Yingluck just smiles on, while Thailand knits itself in to knots over the imbroglios.

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