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Gun Vote " Shameful Day," Obama Says


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Your writing but your not reading. Or if your reading, your not understanding.

The USA is not in it's own special bubble, the same laws of gravity apply everywhere on this planet.

Protecting yourself against the government. Might have been valid a very long time ago but are you seriously buying that nonesense for 2014.

There is a better way, but you decide to bury your head In the sand and carry on about a document that was written almost 225 years ago, meanwhile, innocent men, women, children and infants are being slayed in the streets. Surely there must be a way. to stop this madness. How bout some minor changes to the second amendment and some effective legislation to reduce the incidents of this.

Protecting yourself against the govenment in 2014..... give me a break, what sort of arsenal have you equipped yourself with there ?

Please be sensibl

I got a good chuckle out of that, thanks. Do you ever watch the news? Syria is happening right now ;) There is no better way, please leave my country and go somewhere that guns are already illegal. I dont care if you take you freedom lightly and want to give it away in knee jerk reaction to an isolated shooting incident.

May 19, 2014 9:15 am

BEIRUT (Reuters) At least 162,000 people have been killed in Syrias three-year-old conflict,

Thats direct cut and paste from the link I so generously provided you, and I'm the one not reading?

Sorry, I fell down laughing so hard I had to be hospitalised and sedated.......ISOLATED Shoot Incident !

Surely you didn't actually type that with a straight face. And to think you accused me of not reading the news. 5555555. Funny.

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Well said Wolf. This is all part of the 'Distraction' phase the NRA trains their people for. It is also a standard for chuckd, he likes to throw up all sorts of useless statistics, it helps him look like what he's talking about.

He spent 30 years selling arms to the Middle East...

Your zeal, as a non-American, to tell others how to lead their lives is admirable.

However, in your zeal, please stop lying about me.

If you don't know what my career encompassed, and you don't, I would request you not make up your own version.

A little common courtesy from both you and your cohort, neverdie, might be a nice change of pace.

Thank you for listening.

Common courtesy? Perhaps you might indicate how I crossed that line in the above post?

And you speak of Cohorts.....where's your team of them chuckd, you normally roam in threes. ;)

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Well said Wolf. This is all part of the 'Distraction' phase the NRA trains their people for. It is also a standard for chuckd, he likes to throw up all sorts of useless statistics, it helps him look like what he's talking about.

He spent 30 years selling arms to the Middle East...

Well he has a vested interest perhaps, or maybe he justifies his life achievements by keeping his head in the sand, who knows. He is passionate and dedicated though, it's a pity that in the coming weeks more Americans will die for the cause though, it's sad, it's sickening.

Common courtesy might apply to this one, which immediately followed the one I quoted.

Never claimed you were impolite in the originally quoted post.

I think most people would consider your comments rude. I know I certainly do.

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Well said Wolf. This is all part of the 'Distraction' phase the NRA trains their people for. It is also a standard for chuckd, he likes to throw up all sorts of useless statistics, it helps him look like what he's talking about.

He spent 30 years selling arms to the Middle East...
Well he has a vested interest perhaps, or maybe he justifies his life achievements by keeping his head in the sand, who knows. He is passionate and dedicated though, it's a pity that in the coming weeks more Americans will die for the cause though, it's sad, it's sickening.

Common courtesy might apply to this one, which immediately followed the one I quoted.

Never claimed you were impolite in the originally quoted post.

I think most people would consider your comments rude. I know I certainly do.

Just to avoid using words that might offended you chuckd (as that was not my intent), could you please outline which words are offensive,

I used primarily two statements, " Well he has a vested interest perhaps". and " Or, he justifies his life achievements by keeping his head In the sand".

Or was it the compliments that followed that offended, ie; "He is passionate and dedicated" ?

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