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A Positive View Of Phuket (From An Infrequent Visitor)


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I enjoyed reading about the OP's trip and their perspective, which is not too dissimilar to my own views.

In fact, I read it twice and there was nothing in the OP to warrant any sort of accusation or attack.

Of course there were reasons for attack, his post was positive.

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Apples with oranges. The OP is comparing his opinion as a tourist and infrequent visitor, to the views of expats. Troll?

Because he had a positive experience and wrote something positive about his stay here you call him a troll? Why? I've been here 8 years, I have other homes in another country as well as here. Do you read posts from me constantly whining about Phuket? Of course some things are not as good as they use to be, other things are better. At least there is a discussion about change and trying to improve things, nothing much was ever mentioned in the past. Some people seem to just like sour grapes more than apples or oranges.

I think what Somtamnication was getting at is if you fly into Phuket, cashed up, for a 2 week holiday of sun, sea, sand, sex, food and alcohol - you will have only positive things to say about Phuket, and why wouldn't you, the place is a great party.

The "influential people" of Phuket are also happy because these tourist pay more money on Phuket, for, in general, the same service/product than in other tourist destinations in Thailand and the region. So, these people are making big money and supplying only the minimum facilities to do so.

Living here as an expat, and putting up with the way the island is being administered, the poor infastructure, lack of transport, crime, drugs, traffic, violence, pollution - (noise/air/water/rubbish) corruption etc etc and you start to see Phuket in a different light. Also, being foreigners, it's not as if we can vote in an election to intstall a better local Government to address such issues.

"At least there is a discussion about change and trying to improve things, nothing much was ever mentioned in the past." - I have asked the question several times before, and yet to receive an answer, from anyone.

Can you, or any other member, name one positive thing that has been implemented on Phuket, in recent times, for the benefit of tourists, and the tourism indusrty?"

I thought the new airport/beach hop-on/hop-off buses may have been it, alas, they are still parked doing nothing. Sadly, the reality is, nothing positive has been implemented here for years.

I can only speak for myself when I say that, for me, it's not "sour grapes" or a negative attitude on life, or bitterness over a bar girl leaving me, or racism etc etc - it's just my observations of what I see on the island, living here on a daily basis, and yes, I still like living here, and no, I will not be leaving in the near future. :) :)

Edited by NamKangMan
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Apples with oranges. The OP is comparing his opinion as a tourist and infrequent visitor, to the views of expats. Troll?

Because he had a positive experience and wrote something positive about his stay here you call him a troll? Why? I've been here 8 years, I have other homes in another country as well as here. Do you read posts from me constantly whining about Phuket? Of course some things are not as good as they use to be, other things are better. At least there is a discussion about change and trying to improve things, nothing much was ever mentioned in the past. Some people seem to just like sour grapes more than apples or oranges.

I think what Somtamnication was getting at is if you fly into Phuket, cashed up, for a 2 week holiday of sun, sea, sand, sex, food and alcohol - you will have only positive things to say about Phuket, and why wouldn't you, the place is a great party.

And you're always telling people here that Phuket is not nice for tourists anymore.

I frequently "promote" Phuket to friends and family back home. Many have visited me here, and had their first experience of Phuket/Thailand and had a great time.

Of course, I was basically their unofficial tour guide and kept them from getting ripped off, scammed, overcharged, pickpocketed etc etc and organised transport for them. I have no doubt this enhanced their holiday. Not all tourist have that luxury, and sadly, many do go home from Phuket with some unpleasant memories.

I'm highly critical of the administration here, and let's be honest, they are rubbish, but that does not make me a negative person.

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You hit the nail on the head --- I have been in Thailand for almost 4 years and never in Phuket because of it's reputation. Just recently a friend went to live there and I will now be able to have a local guide to keep me out of the problem areas.

To the OP -- good that you post positive comments and that's certainly appreciated, but there are many of us who don't drink or smoke or play golf. w00t.gif

I would be going to Phuket to be with friends and enjoy the views and the seafood, but only the views are exclusive to Phuket.......

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You hit the nail on the head --- I have been in Thailand for almost 4 years and never in Phuket because of it's reputation. Just recently a friend went to live there and I will now be able to have a local guide to keep me out of the problem areas.

To the OP -- good that you post positive comments and that's certainly appreciated, but there are many of us who don't drink or smoke or play golf. w00t.gif

I would be going to Phuket to be with friends and enjoy the views and the seafood, but only the views are exclusive to Phuket.......

And those friends :)

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You hit the nail on the head --- I have been in Thailand for almost 4 years and never in Phuket because of it's reputation. Just recently a friend went to live there and I will now be able to have a local guide to keep me out of the problem areas.

To the OP -- good that you post positive comments and that's certainly appreciated, but there are many of us who don't drink or smoke or play golf. w00t.gif

I would be going to Phuket to be with friends and enjoy the views and the seafood, but only the views are exclusive to Phuket.......

And those friends smile.png

Actually not - but the sentiments are appreciated wai.gif We have been together to many places around Thailand and adjoining countries..... ;)

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I to live here and the funny thing is I have never been scammed, pickpocheted or ripped off. So my friends really don't need me to be a "tour guide"

You say you promote Phuket to your friend but you bass Phuket with every post you make, I think I rather not be your friend :-)

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I to live here and the funny thing is I have never been scammed, pickpocheted or ripped off. So my friends really don't need me to be a "tour guide"

You say you promote Phuket to your friend but you bass Phuket with every post you make, I think I rather not be your friend :-)

Another "I've never been scammed" - but I catch tuk-tuks post. smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

As I have stated, a lot of the BS on Phuket is local Government/mafia sanctioned. An easy example is the jet skis. Many have been scammed by the jet ski operators here. I know it, you know it, and the "influential people" on Phuket know it, but yet it is allowed to continue and ruin people's holiday and opinion of Thai's, and Thailand.

History shows that human greed increases, not decreases, over time. That's going to make Phuket an interesting place in the future to live in as an expat, and to travel to as a tourist, and yes, that greed is effecting the infastructure, or lack of, on Phuket, as well as crime, traffic, pollution etc etc.

Just look at the two Aussie clowns given bail for attempted murder and shooting two innocent tourists - would they have been given bail in any other province for the same crime????

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I stand by my post. A tourist comparing Phuket with his views with expats who live and work here. Totally different perspective.

I am glad he has a good time when he comes. I am glad some expats here love the place. Kudos to all of them. A huge pat on my back for surviving their surliness and xenophobia.

Sorry if some posters demand positive posts only. Prozac running out?biggrin.png

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I just state the facts.

No you don't, you state your opinion.

Believe it, or not, they're not the same thing.

Here's an example for you.

Are tuk-tuks expensive, when compared to transport in other areas of Thailand? Yes. That is a fact.

Is it causing people to hire motorbikes, therefore increasing traffic, accidents, death and injury, intoxicated riding, pollution (air/noise)? In my opinion, yes. My opinion is based on the original fact - so, it does have some basis. Even if one tourist hires a motorbike because tuk-tuks are too expensive here, my opinion, or hypothesis, now becomes fact. Then, the only discussion is about the amount, or percentage, or per capita, or statistics, or level of hiring etc.

In relation to negative and postive posts, using the above example, anyone would see a product or service that is more expensive in one location, as compared to another nearby location, for no other reason than collusion and monopoly, in a negative light. It goes against ethics and morality and is not proper business practice.

However, if you post your displeasure about this, you are labled a negative person, or not being aware of your environment, or told to adjust, or told to go back home, BUT, it all started with the original FACT, that tuk-tuks are expensive here compared to other parts of Thailand.

That's just one example - there are others that many members frequently post about.

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I just state the facts.

No you don't, you state your opinion.

Believe it, or not, they're not the same thing.

Here's an example for you.

Are tuk-tuks expensive, when compared to transport in other areas of Thailand? Yes. That is a fact.

Is it causing people to hire motorbikes, therefore increasing traffic, accidents, death and injury, intoxicated riding, pollution (air/noise)? In my opinion, yes. My opinion is based on the original fact - so, it does have some basis. Even if one tourist hires a motorbike because tuk-tuks are too expensive here, my opinion, or hypothesis, now becomes fact. Then, the only discussion is about the amount, or percentage, or per capita, or statistics, or level of hiring etc.

In relation to negative and postive posts, using the above example, anyone would see a product or service that is more expensive in one location, as compared to another nearby location, for no other reason than collusion and monopoly, in a negative light. It goes against ethics and morality and is not proper business practice.

However, if you post your displeasure about this, you are labled a negative person, or not being aware of your environment, or told to adjust, or told to go back home, BUT, it all started with the original FACT, that tuk-tuks are expensive here compared to other parts of Thailand.

That's just one example - there are others that many members frequently post about.

Has anyone ever disputed that Tuk-Tuks are a bit more expensive here than other parts of Thailand? To be honest Tuk-Tuks in Bangkok are now reaping as much cash as possible in exactly the same way and are probably about the same cost if not more per km. I only ever use Metered Taxis there now.

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I just state the facts.

No you don't, you state your opinion.

Believe it, or not, they're not the same thing.

Here's an example for you.

Are tuk-tuks expensive, when compared to transport in other areas of Thailand? Yes. That is a fact.

Is it causing people to hire motorbikes, therefore increasing traffic, accidents, death and injury, intoxicated riding, pollution (air/noise)? In my opinion, yes. My opinion is based on the original fact - so, it does have some basis. Even if one tourist hires a motorbike because tuk-tuks are too expensive here, my opinion, or hypothesis, now becomes fact. Then, the only discussion is about the amount, or percentage, or per capita, or statistics, or level of hiring etc.

In relation to negative and postive posts, using the above example, anyone would see a product or service that is more expensive in one location, as compared to another nearby location, for no other reason than collusion and monopoly, in a negative light. It goes against ethics and morality and is not proper business practice.

However, if you post your displeasure about this, you are labled a negative person, or not being aware of your environment, or told to adjust, or told to go back home, BUT, it all started with the original FACT, that tuk-tuks are expensive here compared to other parts of Thailand.

That's just one example - there are others that many members frequently post about.

Has anyone ever disputed that Tuk-Tuks are a bit more expensive here than other parts of Thailand? To be honest Tuk-Tuks in Bangkok are now reaping as much cash as possible in exactly the same way and are probably about the same cost if not more per km. I only ever use Metered Taxis there now.

Well, I could have used the example - "Why are there no metered taxis on Phuket for tourists?" We all know why, but if you post your displeasure about it, once again, you are branded as a negative person etc etc.

There are lots of positive things about Phuket - there are also a lot of negative things about Phuket.

I see nothing wrong with threads and posts about both.

Here's a scenario. Let's just say an expat lives in Pattaya and he has never been to Phuket. He comes here for a look around. He's used to 10 baht - baht buses taking him the length and breadth of Pattaya, 24/7.

He comes to Phuket, walks a couple of kilometers at sunset along Beach Road to go to Bangla Road, he gets drunk, and couldn't be bothered walking home. He speaks with a tuk-tuk driver who says, "Your hotel 200 baht."

Anyway, he gets back to Pattaya and criticises Phuket and tells everyone of the transport issues here. Maybe he even posts on this forum. Something like, "How can you guys live down there. I'll never go back." We've all seen those posts. Is he a negative person? Did he take home a Ladyboy? Did his Phuket bargirl leave him? Or, is he calling as he sees it? Do you not think this scenario happens, regularly?

I have promoted and defended Phuket - but it is getting harder to justify.

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Well, I could have used the example - "Why are there no metered taxis on Phuket for tourists?" We all know why, but if you post your displeasure about it, once again, you are branded as a negative person etc etc.

There are lots of positive things about Phuket - there are also a lot of negative things about Phuket.

I see nothing wrong with threads and posts about both.

Nor do I.

But the constant banging on the same subject gets very tiresome, especially if the thread has nothing to do with it but still you want it to be about that same subject. Which is not the case here BTW, this is just a happy Phuket visitor, but for some reason he has to be put down as a troll, or his opinion is not welcome here because he is just a tourist.

Oh, and I think there is no denying that the negativists here on the forum play the lead role, so a positive post like this one is a nice change.

Edited by stevenl
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Well, I could have used the example - "Why are there no metered taxis on Phuket for tourists?" We all know why, but if you post your displeasure about it, once again, you are branded as a negative person etc etc.

There are lots of positive things about Phuket - there are also a lot of negative things about Phuket.

I see nothing wrong with threads and posts about both.

Nor do I.

But the constant banging on the same subject gets very tiresome, especially if the thread has nothing to do with it but still you want it to be about that same subject. Which is not the case here BTW, this is just a happy Phuket visitor, but for some reason he has to be put down as a troll, or his opinion is not welcome here because he is just a tourist.

Oh, and I think there is no denying that the negativists here on the forum play the lead role, so a positive post like this one is a nice change.

He was never called a troll by me.

I agree with the OP's comment: "It is no longer the paradise it once was but it is still a pretty fine place."

So, do we discuss the "no longer the paradise it once was" part in this thread, or only the "still a pretty fine place" part in this threat?

Why can this thread contain both????

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Fact of the matter is that the majority of the posters on the Phuket forum are long stay visitors or at least regular visitors who know the ropes. I suspect there are few newbie tourists who post on the forum, but I wonder how many browse/read this forum ? I know there have been many disgruntled long stay members who might have had some problems (business or personal) here on Paradise Island. They have left or are trying to sell up. Makes me wonder why so many write so negatively about Phuket Island. It's a pleasure to read positive posts as there is so many positive aspects here. I guess it depends on whether you think the glass is half full or half empty.

My wife and I have often thought where we might consider relocating and after a lot of thought we continue to think Phuket has great scenery, beaches, infrastructure etc for near western style living.

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My wife and I have often thought where we might consider relocating and after a lot of thought we continue to think Phuket has great scenery, beaches, infrastructure etc for near western style living.

Yeah I've done the same with my wife and can't think of anywhere better....

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Phuket is all about options, and there are few destinations anywhere in the world that has so many, covering the whole spectrum of lifestyle needs typical of a resident expat, or an occasional tourist.

I inevitably conclude that the disgruntled and negative comments from resident expat posters here are because they're living in tourist areas and with the lifestyle of a perpetual tourist. Hence their preoccupation with tuk tuk fares and jet skis rip offs etc etc, none of which are of any concern to the overwhelming majority of resident expats.

Everyone chooses to come here, and after chooses to either stay or leave. Choosing to stay essentially means that the individual accepts the negatives and enjoys the positives, and then employs work-arounds to bypass the negatives as much as possible.

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