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The Public Must Focus On Reality, Not Nationalism: Thai Editorial


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The entire Thai outlook and attitude on this issue is out of whack. On one hand, the Thais make it a life or death issue. On the other hand, a Thai judgment after all of this out of whack nationalism will surely lead to a deep resentment by the Cambodians. The previous "opinion" piece on heroes was a laughable article reflecting a complete lack of reality.

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No its not the public who must focus on reality its those running the respective countries.

The public or a fair proportion of them have now been stirred up to nationalism over this which is a crying shame for it can only lead to trouble, but then that was probably the idea.

As an aside; if those who continually post bashing the Nation haven't got anything constructive to say on a topic have a go at writing a news article in Thai and see how you get on.

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That's laughable... nationalism is the only thing that's been rammed down the Thai throats since birth. What do they expect a change in attitude? Not going to happen for at least a 1,000 years.

Man's got a point. Kids knee height are spoon fed only Thai information and to be proud of their country, not a bad thing but one would think as the kid gets older, he/she would be taught more about the world, other nationalities and opportunities OUTSIDE of Thailand. Many Thai's only start learning about foreign countries, cultures and people in their adulthood.

As said above, a change in attitude would take a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time!

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Maybe the nation should stop printing such nationalist, jingoist headlines too, over this case.

I agree with this, But.. If it was the US, Great Britain or France, Germany, etc and etc., it would also be Nationalism. I'm not saying Cambodia is right nor am I saying Thailand is right. I'm just saying when it comes to border disputes, it's always about Nationalism. coffee1.gif

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@ Nattydread

The disputed area, also known as the Overlapping Claims Area (‘OCA’), has been a point of contention in the relationship between the two countries and the settlement of the dispute would be a boon to not only diplomatic relations, but also to further energy exploration and production in South-East Asia.


The OCA is a 27,000 sq km offshore area estimated to contain up to 11 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and under determined quantities of condensate and oil.

See what you mean. 11 trillion cubic feet of gas and UNDER DETERMINED amounts of condensate and oil sounds like a lot of money!

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Maybe the nation should stop printing such nationalist, jingoist headlines too, over this case.

I agree with this, But.. If it was the US, Great Britain or France, Germany, etc and etc., it would also be Nationalism. I'm not saying Cambodia is right nor am I saying Thailand is right. I'm just saying when it comes to border disputes, it's always about Nationalism. coffee1.gif

Thailand refuses use of map?

Just the language suggests they instruct the court what they can do.

Thais tell court they can't judge this way or that.

Yes in the rest of the world it would be nationalism, it would also be inaccurate and inappropriate reporting of the story.

There is a difference between telling a story, and telling the story you want to tell.

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That's laughable... nationalism is the only thing that's been rammed down the Thai throats since birth. What do they expect a change in attitude? Not going to happen for at least a 1,000 years.

Man's got a point. Kids knee height are spoon fed only Thai information and to be proud of their country, not a bad thing but one would think as the kid gets older, he/she would be taught more about the world, other nationalities and opportunities OUTSIDE of Thailand. Many Thai's only start learning about foreign countries, cultures and people in their adulthood.

As said above, a change in attitude would take a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time!

Damn, delete thai and add american! Funny.
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No its not the public who must focus on reality its those running the respective countries.

The public or a fair proportion of them have now been stirred up to nationalism over this which is a crying shame for it can only lead to trouble, but then that was probably the idea.

As an aside; if those who continually post bashing the Nation haven't got anything constructive to say on a topic have a go at writing a news article in Thai and see how you get on.

The Nation bills itself as an English Language Newspaper covering Thai and International News. As such it is incumbent upon them to provide articles by journalists that are familiar with the English language - it's not an amateur blog where they can get away with it. Add on a complete lack of follow up to major stories and a political agenda and you end up with The Nation. Why shouldn't I and others complain about the lack of professionalism. There are other Thai English Language newspapers that do an (arguably) better job IMO.

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That's laughable... nationalism is the only thing that's been rammed down the Thai throats since birth. What do they expect a change in attitude? Not going to happen for at least a 1,000 years.

Man's got a point. Kids knee height are spoon fed only Thai information and to be proud of their country, not a bad thing but one would think as the kid gets older, he/she would be taught more about the world, other nationalities and opportunities OUTSIDE of Thailand. Many Thai's only start learning about foreign countries, cultures and people in their adulthood.

As said above, a change in attitude would take a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time!

Damn, delete thai and add american! Funny.

... Neeeeeext ....

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