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Maybe getting to old cannot think clearly, my PC is giving me grief, not sure what to do for the best....

AMD built about 5 years ago............... 1st off in fitting the CPU fan the cradle broke, so the Motherboard had to be returned, some weeks later I got a brand new Motherboard as a replacement, so this Asus has never been out of the box, so is brand new !! EDIT: because I could not wait bought another Motherboard a cheaper Gigabyte, only 2 Sata and NO IEE.

So far this year, new case, new Power supply, New GeForce 9800 GT graphics card, new cooler master CPU fan, New DVD writer, brand new unused HDD....

So now the problems, VERY slow to start from 5 to 8 mins, once going runs fast, PC is clean with no infections.......... Internet again takes an age to open, but once open runs fast....... close internet = PC freeze or close a document = PC Freeze, or try to turn off + freeze and stays on, sometimes will close down on Monitor but PC is still running..

Tried to re-formate cannot........ bought a new HDD, disconnected old HDD's and try a clean install, will not and freezes up.

No idea, so

Took to shop in a Village near me, he cannot repair he says need new PC....? so took to another shop, she took it all to bits + tried the unused ASUS Motherboard, she says need new Motherboard = DDR 3 so need new Ram, needs new CPU.... My present CPU is AMD Athlon 7750... she say's reason problems is pins in the CPU have fallen out... so new Motherboard + AMD 3.4 CPU + 8 GB of Ram + new install of Windows 7 Ultimate = a little under 10,000 baht

So with all the already NEW bits + this have like a new PC and not a bad price.. a brand new PC to the same spec would cost 28,000 + baht.

But still wonder would it not be better just to get a new CPU and install in the ASUS [New/never used] Motherboard I already have also would not need DDR3 Ram as I have DDR 2 Ram already.. ?

Please what is best to do ? up to a point can see a new motherboard + CPU + Ram that all match and brand new would be good, but I have Ram and a unused but old, good Motherboard already...

Any advise ?

Edited by ignis
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Does seem like a hardware issue if it freezes when you try a clean windows reinstall

Try taking all hardware that you do not directly need to start windows and have the basics, CPU, RAM, on board video and see if you still have the problem, if it does them you know it is indeed either the board, the ram or the processor and they will need replacing , if the PC works fine with the basics then its one of the other things you have attached and then you new to add each device until you find the problem.

A lot of the time it is USB devices so if your board has a PS2 connector for mouse n keyboard try that also

Edited by 2008bangkok
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Does seem like a hardware issue if it freezes when you try a clean windows reinstall Try taking all hardware that you do not directly need to start windows and have the basics, CPU, RAM, on board video and see if you still have the problem, if it does them you know it is indeed either the board, the ram or the processor and they will need replacing , if the PC works fine with the basics then its one of the other things you have attached and then you new to add each device until you find the problem. A lot of the time it is USB devices so if your board has a PS2 connector for mouse n keyboard try that also

I second that.

It might be the board or also the CPU (a new cooler got my suspicions up). CPU like you have can be picked up used for approx. 20 USD.

So get one and put it into your "new" Asus board (it's still 5 years old, so practically worthless) and see if that is running satisfactorily.

the 9800GT VGA's are amon the worst I ever had, 2 died on me.

So the cheap way:

get a used CPU for 20 USD and put it into your new-old ASUS board and see if it works.

The other way:

get yourself a current MB, a current CPU and current RAM. throw in a SSD and a current VGA card and lean back :-)

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So many things it could be but a few more suggestions.

Original or copy Windows? What version of Windows and how much RAM is installed?

Try starting in Safe Mode to see if it still takes as long to start up. If it doesn't then it's likely software or driver related.

Could always take a look yourself and see if there are any missing pins on the CPU, just compare with an online picture. While it's easy to assume the person looking at your PC is clueless you never can tell. Computers can run minus a pin or two. Check the heat sink paste while your at it.

Are all the fans running and in clean condition, as if it's overheating from everything being covered in dust then that will cause all sorts of problems.

If you have access to a used computer parts shop then trying a replacement CPU might be worth a shot but make sure you know what models are suitable by going to the Asus site and doing your own research first. AMD might not be as easy to find as Intel.

That you can't format or install a new hard disk does make it sound like a hardware problem though. Did you get anywhere when trying to install again or you couldn't even get past a blank screen?

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Some places, like Tukom have shops that will test your parts for you. As said above, find a shop with spares and ask them to test your system and see what is working.

One other thing - two actually - have you got a lot of USB units plugged in? Have you got a cd / dvd in the drive? Sometimes they can take ages to read from, especially if you have a faulty cd/dvd in the drive that the computer is trying to read.

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no use in losing time over almost worthless equipement, especially if a replacement is already available!

-> try the current CPU in the new-old MB (don't forget the thermal paste)

if that doesn't work well:

-> buy a new 20 USD CPU in the new-old MB (that must work)

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Sounds like the classic case of older PC and new bits do not work well together. Been in this situation a couple of times before and the two options are get some old second hand bits to complement the PC, or bite the bullet and get a new one. Theoretically all works together old and new, just never seems to work out that way. I think it is old/new drivers that cause the problems, but not confirmed, just my suspicion.

If you have some new bits M/B, HDD etc use this as a basis for a new build PC and you will be a lot better off. Resist the urge to reuse older parts as will only give you ongoing grief, based on my experience anyway.

Best of luck.


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Sounds like the classic case of older PC and new bits do not work well together.

Reading the original post, it seems all the components are on the tech level of 2008/2009, so there are no "new and old components" except power supply and other peripherals that don't interfere with the internal system. Edited by manarak
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Many thanks

Guess Motherboard, CPU and Ram new will be the way to go...

Yes have tried for passed couple of months many things, after trying everything is the reason I took it to a PC repair shop..

Notice 2 GB Ram is missing... cleaned all... same, find that slot 2 and 4 will not work, All Ram works in 1 and 3 slots.. all Ram is the same 3 x 2 GB sticks... Windows 7 Ultimate genuine.... This PC was build late 2007 everything new except one of the DVD, my RAM writer is 12 years old.

Was going to buy/build a new PC, but in past few months had many new parts and case, and this was working well and fast, now guess a new Motherboard, CPU and Ram = a 2013 PC.......... Ever since my 1st PC so many years ago always had AMD, have thought of replacing my old AMD Laptop with a i7

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bit of an update.......... still using PC, still fiddling........ sort of don't believe the PC repair experts....

Reason for another Graphics card a few months ago was the fans on the old one stopped....... last week got out the old card and fitted 2 more fans I have laying about, wow it works, no freezing or not shutting down, has been good for 7 days... still other things do not work correct, so will sometime buy a / or build a new PC.. everything new, and use this one as a spare just encase..

Guess a day trip to Nonthaburi Pantip 2 would be best to get all hardware items checked, or even Zeer Ransit, both places have proper PC repair guys, not someone that is looking to make money out of selling new things.

So 1 x problem was the Graphics card, so had I believe the PC repair experts in 2 Villages, would have spend out lots of money and still would not have worked, as would have been another problem costing 6,000 + baht for a graphics card + guess they would have put on a 'copy' windows OS

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Get a Mac, job done..!

Ho ho ho. More expensive to buy and more expensive to repair when it goes wrong. And it will go wrong just as often as the average PC will.

How true! My wife had a Mac when we met. She had a broken DVD drive. My Dell had the same Matshita unit in it. She was quoted £300 and a 3 week turn-around RTB (Return to Base) by Apple in the UK. I got a quote for my Dell (for the hell of it).....£45 and 10 day RTB turn-around.

Macs suffer 2 fold. 1 is that parts are expensive. 2 is that the amount of people available to troubleshoot your Mac (not just being broken, but "how do I do xyz?" questions) is much lower than PC.

Years gone by the quote was performance. This is just not true now. Mac uses chipsets that are shared with "PCs" (i.e. Windows/Linux machines). Macs used to be able to claim no viruses, but the popularity of Apple products (specifically) iPhones have got the nefarious types interested in writing them. Sadly Apple's success has eroded the reasons to buy one. Even the OS (very good) is not exclusive to Apple tech. Most modern computers can install either OS if you want. Many MAC users run VM Ware to run Windows and vice-versa.

Basically put Macs look nice and have stability due to the lack of software availability limiting the amount of variables that can cause a computer to mis-behave. Keep a Windows PC as clean as a MAC and it will run just the same for less money.

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