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Will It Work ? What?


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Ok, a few days ago a falang neirbour and friend decided to setup an online cookery school, where by demostrations, recipes etc would be put online so that their customers could practice Thai cooking in their home countries. It would also have links to facetime and skype.

In addition to this you can book to stay at their guest house using an interactive calendar showing when they are free or not as well intergrate this system into live booking for airlines so the lowest fair for that particular time period would show and the site would earn a comission.

My friend asked how long it would take to do, I said around a month, as I am little busy at the moment.

His Wife asked, "Could it be done ?"

I sad, yes of course, no problem, its only she has a friend you see at the Pantip Plaza, who knows a guy that can write websites.

Completely shocked, I just said, I sold half of my company in the UK, for 13.5 Million Pounds and still have a controlling interest in the rest of the business which I do for fun semi-retired. I think I can handle it. I have been doing this now for 20 years.

Yes, she said but my friends friend is using Joomla.

She does not understand my frustration, its a little like asking the Wright Brothers can they build an areoplane, when your passing them at 350mph on a Qatar 777 in business class.

Will it work, the audacity, does she think I made that kind of money and potentially double that sitting around with a finger up my ass, saying it cant be done.

F R U S T R A T E D !!!!

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Gosh your busy on here this morning, she doesn't know you from Adam, Thai's are told bull kee all the time and she is just making sure.

You are not becoming a chilled out Thai as in your last post. Chill out on your 13.5 million that you chose to spend in Thailand?.

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There seem to be a lot of IT related foreigners in Thailand and at TVF.

I find many of these people are not all there. It's as if they live in a magical world only they can see and where their delusions are their reality.

And now you ask, ok, what's my point? Well, I see a post where someone has sold 50% of his company for 12.5 million quid and is still considering doing programing for a bed & breakfast/cooking school. Really? It's like me collecting organs from dead people or cleaning test tubes in the lab. Sure it would be fun to brush up on my slice and dice technique, not that I was very good and I was politely asked to stop mutilating corpses as no one could use the mangled bits I was allegedly harvesting, but my point is, I wouldn't want to go back and do grunt work. It's like asking an experienced sparky to go back and do apprenticeship jobs.

So, umm, ok. I'm having a hard time on understanding the OP here.

Shall I let you in a secret.

I actually like my Job, I chose to relocat and cash in a little.

If I am delusional, what harm am I doing, none.

Edited by homeownership
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Got any spare cash, I could use some and you clearly want to tell everyone how much you've got!

Dont worry, I'm delussional I havent really got it. It was 13.5 million, not 12.5 million, I cant afford to make those kinds of mistakes but I had to tell you. Spare cash no sorry, cant help.

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There seem to be a lot of IT related foreigners in Thailand and at TVF.

I find many of these people are not all there. It's as if they live in a magical world only they can see and where their delusions are their reality.

And now you ask, ok, what's my point? Well, I see a post where someone has sold 50% of his company for 12.5 million quid and is still considering doing programing for a bed & breakfast/cooking school. Really? It's like me collecting organs from dead people or cleaning test tubes in the lab. Sure it would be fun to brush up on my slice and dice technique, not that I was very good and I was politely asked to stop mutilating corpses as no one could use the mangled bits I was allegedly harvesting, but my point is, I wouldn't want to go back and do grunt work. It's like asking an experienced sparky to go back and do apprenticeship jobs.

So, umm, ok. I'm having a hard time on understanding the OP here.

£13,500,000 not £12,500,000 plus I had a little before the sale so it more like £19,230,000 and still earning. Its so good being delusional, shit I dont want to wake up or do I ?

Edited by homeownership
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Maybe she meant will the business idea work? Sounds more challenging than the technical details.

Also likely she'd rather see the money go to her friend, likely she'd get a cut.

And final possibility she may think you will end up being more expensive.

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Maybe she meant will the business idea work? Sounds more challenging than the technical details.

Also likely she'd rather see the money go to her friend, likely she'd get a cut.

And final possibility she may think you will end up being more expensive.

Will the business idea work. Hell No. Its just for fun, no real income to be gained from it, I told her that already.

I was merely a friend helping out a friend, because i could, I didnt charge him. So all profits would go to them, I'm not interested.

I have tasted their food and its pretty good, but people misunderstand the internet and what it can do, will it ultmatily be successful, lets hopes so, but probably not.

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I see and understand the OP point, he,s proficient at what he does and just tried to help and felt a little suprised and rejected and probably insulted by the comment but, this dare i say the obvious is Thailand, and most Thais dont know that things exist outside Thailand, and Thais always believe other Thais first, they are totally brainwashed ( some woukd say uneducated).

If a Thai said one thing, and ferang said exactly the same thing, they believe and follow the Thai everytime, irrespective of logic advantage or any other common sense, its in their breeding !

Not Thai, irrelevant and dont really exist..........in my opinion...of course.

CharlieH, you are so right you only know. Just a few weeks ago, the same Thai girls said that "thai" friend thinks the King of Thailand is the richest man in the world.

I said probably either Bill Gates (Microsoft) or the Mexican fella. She said not its the "KOT".

I mean. what can you say to that.

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The rural Thais are so primative in many ways, they probably think the earth ks flat, and many and by that I mean most, still put scarecrows outside their homes to keep spirits away ........thats a great indication to the mental capacity.

Edited by CharlieH
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Got any spare cash, I could use some and you clearly want to tell everyone how much you've got!

Dont worry, I'm delussional I havent really got it. It was 13.5 million, not 12.5 million, I cant afford to make those kinds of mistakes but I had to tell you. Spare cash no sorry, cant help.

Perhaps you could use some of your millions on going to school to improve your spelling and grammar!

Then a course on English Literature to see how other authors construct sentences and convey information.

I would help you, for a fee, but I do not have a work permit. Do you?

No need. He sold a company for many millions of pounds, as has been dutifully reported on TVF.

When you are that wealthy, you need not heed such silly things as immigration rules or work visas.

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Yes she thinks exactly that, for Thai we are all unjustified

I see and understand the OP point, he,s proficient at what he does and just tried to help and felt a little suprised and rejected and probably insulted by the comment but, this dare i say the obvious is Thailand, and most Thais dont know that things exist outside Thailand, and Thais always believe other Thais first, they are totally brainwashed ( some woukd say uneducated).

If a Thai said one thing, and ferang said exactly the same thing, they believe and follow the Thai everytime, irrespective of logic advantage or any other common sense, its in their breeding !

Not Thai, irrelevant and dont really exist..........in my opinion...of course.

CharlieH, you are so right you only know. Just a few weeks ago, the same Thai girls said that "thai" friend thinks the King of Thailand is the richest man in the world.

I said probably either Bill Gates (Microsoft) or the Mexican fella. She said not its the "KOT".

I mean. what can you say to that.

You can say "ignorance is bliss". Edited by Kitsune
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Got any spare cash, I could use some and you clearly want to tell everyone how much you've got!

Dont worry, I'm delussional I havent really got it. It was 13.5 million, not 12.5 million, I cant afford to make those kinds of mistakes but I had to tell you. Spare cash no sorry, cant help.

Perhaps you could use some of your millions on going to school to improve your spelling and grammar!

Then a course on English Literature to see how other authors construct sentences and convey information.

I would help you, for a fee, but I do not have a work permit. Do you?

No need. He sold a company for many millions of pounds, as has been dutifully reported on TVF.

When you are that wealthy, you need not heed such silly things as immigration rules or work visas.

Sadly it's probably true. The rich don't need to follow any rules they just buy their way out of trouble when it arrives. Pity they don't help the poor as well.......my begging bowl is still out there!tongue.png

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There seem to be a lot of IT related foreigners in Thailand and at TVF.

I find many of these people are not all there. It's as if they live in a magical world only they can see and where their delusions are their reality.

And now you ask, ok, what's my point? Well, I see a post where someone has sold 50% of his company for 12.5 million quid and is still considering doing programing for a bed & breakfast/cooking school. Really? It's like me collecting organs from dead people or cleaning test tubes in the lab. Sure it would be fun to brush up on my slice and dice technique, not that I was very good and I was politely asked to stop mutilating corpses as no one could use the mangled bits I was allegedly harvesting, but my point is, I wouldn't want to go back and do grunt work. It's like asking an experienced sparky to go back and do apprenticeship jobs.

So, umm, ok. I'm having a hard time on understanding the OP here.

Shall I let you in a secret.

I actually like my Job, I chose to relocat and cash in a little.

If I am delusional, what harm am I doing, none.


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OP is probably just frustrated and had to rant to let steam out.

Other than that... why bother posting at all, when it comes to financial success most people on here are jealous and just won't try to understand one's situation because they have a totally different background and been brainwashed to distrust and disparage rich people by default, as well as clever people too...

Regarding a woman who is totally clueless in website programming matters: why give any importance at all to what she is saying?

I would have first laughed and then replied that Joomla is indeed a very useful tool for people who aren't skilled enough in programming to code the website by themselves.

I wonder if OP has a mild case of Asperger's syndrome?

Edited by manarak
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Just a tip for the OP

Rule #1 if you want to fit in on TVF

Don't let the grumpy old, skint, retirees know that you have been successful in your life and actually made/saved some money (especially with the sliding pound/dollar/euro)


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cool story bro.

one thing, your analogy with the Wright brothers is terrible.

"She does not understand my frustration, its a little like asking the Wright Brothers can they build an areoplane, when your passing them at 350mph on a Qatar 777 in business class."

If you are passing "them" (i assume that means the Wright bros. as it is a plural pronoun and the brothers are the only plural thing mentioned beforehand) then that implies you are indeed doing better than "them". So it would make sense that one would question the capabilities of people who are performing at a level that is subpar.

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