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Charter Court Files Complaint Against Red Shirts


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Charter court files complaint against red shirts
The Nation


BANGKOK: -- The Constitutional Court yesterday filed a police complaint against the four red shirts who have been leading the rally outside the court complex, accusing them of defamation and inciting unrest.

Panya Udchachon, deputy secretary-general of the Office of the Constitutional Court, filed the complaint at the Crime Suppression Division asking that action be taken against Pongpisit Pongsena, Thanachai Sihin, Mongkol Nongbualamphu and Sornrak Malaithong.

Panya also provided a recording of the rally as evidence.

The complaint accused the four of violating Article 136 of the Penal Code in the speeches they delivered in front of some 200 red-shirt demonstrators. The group has been rallying since Monday to demand that all nine judges step down after the court agreed to review whether amendments to the charter were Constitutional or not.

The complaint also said that the four group leaders referred to the judges' work in a manner that affected their reputation, adding that the accused incited the crowd to hate the court and cause disturbance.

In a related development, Democrat party-list MP Watchara Phetthong said he had written to Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra asking her to provide 24-hour protection for the judges. He said the protection was necessary because the protesters threatened to harm the judges and burn down the courts.

Watchara also alleged that red-shirt TV stations and community radio was being used to incite hatred toward the Constitutional Court judges.

Meanwhile, Pheu Thai MP Samart Kaewmeechai said more than 100 coalition MPs have signed a petition seeking to impeach three Constitutional Court judges who agreed to put the charter amendments through judicial review.

Samart said the impeachment motion would be submitted to the Senate if the Constitutional Court insisted on going ahead with the review of the charter amendments.

Separately, an open letter has been drafted and signed by 312 MPs and senators rejecting the court's authority over the amendments. The letter is awaiting approval from Pheu Thai MPs. Samart said the letter insists that Parliament has the power to amend the charter and that the judiciary cannot interfere in the work of the legislative branch.

-- The Nation 2013-04-27

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It would be comical if not so tragic.substitute Homer for a judge,Burns for Thaksin and. ...well the goons you know.............[doorbell rings]

Homer: Who is it?

Male Voice: Goons.

Homer: Who?

Male Voice: Hired goons.

Homer: [opening door] Hired Goons?

[the goons grab Homer roughly and take him away. One steps back into the doorway and shakes his tie. They take him to Burns' Mansion]

Mr. Burns: Ah, Homer. I hope "Crusher" and "Low Blow" didn't hurt you.

Homer: Y'know, you could have just called me.

Mr. Burns: Oh yes, but the telephone is so impersonal. I prefer the hands-on touch you only get with hired goons.

Homer: Hired Goons?

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Another paper has reported the red leaders have told the red supporters to capture the judges when they see them. If they are captured I wonder if they will be taken to a red village.

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"Watchara also alleged that red-shirt TV stations and community radio was being used to incite hatred toward the Constitutional Court judges."

The usual indoctrination. Ask anyone who frequently listens or watches to red media 'what about the Constitutional Court' and the answer will either be a simple "they're no good" or a textbook phrase with multi syllable words.

Democracy, red style!

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Its disgusting that the judges have to defend themselves against this rabble and says a lot for the state of lawlessness that the red shirts are allowed to operate under.

In most civilized countries the police would be there to protect them and the court.

After all the courts and the judges are the pinnacle of justice.

The police are there to uphold the law of the land but can not in themselves administer justice to those who break the law.

Lawbreakers must be taken before the courts for judges to decide after due deliberation on their guilt or otherwise.

Whether its constitutional law or criminal law makes no difference.

Here we have rabble threatening judges and by definition the court they preside over and they get no protection at all only more threats from pollies who are supposed to be running the country and therefore should know the difference between right and wrong.

Disgusting indeed.

Puts it all in perspective and highlights the reds consider they can do what they like and since PTP needs them they are not going to be reined in

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I await the news that Chalerm has been ordered to sort this problem, with a promise of total success in 3 months.

Chalerm's previous 'tough guy' image has been revealed as nothing but a sham that's why PTP will soon introduce it's real ankle biter, none other than the fearsome Yaowapa herself.

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one has to wonder why the red shirts were not found to be terrorists after their last burning of Bangkok episode, we can only assume that thaksin paid the judges off to declare them just protesters. Again we see these terrorists attempting to do thaksin and the ptp's wishes and remaining untouchable by the police who are obeying their master. Justice will not be served in Thailand until all these paid goons are negated, that includes the police and red shirts/black shirts. Threatening judges is a crime but the police are refusing to do their jobs, I would not be surprised to see these red shirt leaders in parliament before too long for being good servants for thaksin. This is just getting more and more pathetic.

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Another paper has reported the red leaders have told the red supporters to capture the judges when they see them. If they are captured I wonder if they will be taken to a red village.

And I seem to remember the same rhetoric from the famous "terrorist" (Korkaew) when he made the phone #'s and address of the Judges available, and had the solution of inciting the Red Mob as Vigilante's to arrest the Judges. Now these asses are providing the pictures also... There is no LAW left in Thailand. :-((

COME ON Police do you JOB!!!!

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In a related development, Democrat party-list MP Watchara Phetthong said he had written to Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra asking her to provide 24-hour protection for the judges. He said the protection was necessary because the protesters threatened to harm the judges and burn down the courts.

Again with the burning thing for the red shirts.

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Another paper has reported the red leaders have told the red supporters to capture the judges when they see them. If they are captured I wonder if they will be taken to a red village.

Or they will be beaten to dead in a spontaneous uprising (see Abhisits car driver.....)

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I await the news that Chalerm has been ordered to sort this problem, with a promise of total success in 3 months.

Fairly certain Chalerm voided the "90 day rule" when he failed to reign in the mafia's.

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Another paper has reported the red leaders have told the red supporters to capture the judges when they see them. If they are captured I wonder if they will be taken to a red village.

No matter what happens, We can safely assume that the Real Puppet PM Yingluck will have no comment on the hole matter.

Edited by dcutman
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Another paper has reported the red leaders have told the red supporters to capture the judges when they see them. If they are captured I wonder if they will be taken to a red village.

Or they will be beaten to dead in a spontaneous uprising (see Abhisits car driver.....)


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