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Makro - Blatant Discrimination!

Khelang Velo

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Just yesterday, a barber tried to charge me B.100 for a haircut despite the fact that the price of B.60 was shown up on his mirror.

60 baht is overpriced. 50 baht at my wife's local barber.

If the barber charged me one hundred baht, he only absorbed his tip anyway. If I'm in a good mood, he may well have lost an additional 50 to 100 baht, but he wouldn't have known that.

"at my wifes local barber" !whistling.gif Time to cut down on the testosterone !!

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It's10 litres, I have a set shopping method, if I go to buy food, beer etc and I am not allowed beer due to the times I stop outside one of the 50 plus little stores on the way home and buy a few from them. Stock up next time.

Life doesn't have to be hard. Remembering the strange alchohol laws in the UK I can understand your frustration though.

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This is one of the best laws in Thailand. when buying beer or wine out of hours just buy 10 plus litres and the wife cant complain you are buying too much!

Also, say she wants a bottle of wine or a couple of Spys', just say 'that's ok, I'll get 2 cases of beer so we have over 10 litres'.

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You talked to the manager, called your wife, called Makro HQ, all because in your case, the staff was actually following the rules! rolleyes.gif If you are going to enjoy your stay here, chill out. coffee1.gif

My point is that as far as I can tell they were Not following the rules.

And everyone else's point is....and??? This is Thailand. Nothing works as it "should". so goes life...

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I had similar. They told me mai dai and pointed to the sign, I pointed to the time on the clock, mai dai again, i pointed to the time on my mobile, mai dai, pointed a few more times and eventually she realised she was so thick she couldn't tell the time and served me.

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You talked to the manager, called your wife, called Makro HQ, all because in your case, the staff was actually following the rules! rolleyes.gif If you are going to enjoy your stay here, chill out. coffee1.gif

My point is that as far as I can tell they were Not following the rules.

And everyone else's point is....and??? This is Thailand. Nothing works as it "should". so goes life...

I can't help but think that by the time he got HQ on the phone, or was talking to the manager, it had to be after 11:00 AM, meaning he could simply have gotten back in line to buy his booze. It took longer to complain than it would have taken to follow the rules.

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You are paranoid OP. Maybe the guy worked there or knew someone there. I'm sure he loves you for being such a cowardly grass. With the unknown farang they stick to the law. I buy beer in my local shops out of hours.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion. It may well have been that he had connections, but how the heck do you know? You call me a cowardly grass with the certainty that he did have connections. It sounds like you made an assumption, not offering just a different angle. Perhaps you could have made the suggestion and then commented that in this case he was probably not happy that I could have caused problems for him and the staff. I never considered it but am happy to put that into my knowledge/experience bank. If you bothered to read all the posts properly, many were giving opinions and ideas for why this may have happened. I take the view that we can post on this site to get the experiences and knowledge of others eg I didn't know about business account holders and now I'm in the know; which is the kind of thing I was looking for. I've said to others and I'll say it to you - there are ways to let people know that stuff happens and just to calm down eg "T.I.T". Others have let rip at me and if you read properly you'll see that I both accepted and apologised to at least one of the posters.

Some of the posters have just told me to roll with it, it's just part of the country's fabric and others have replied in a similar manner to you. Why have you sounded-off? to make yourself feel good or impress others? - that's just an angle, not assumption, by the way? - perhaps you need to calm down and offer some helpful advice, encouragement or other constructive comments, which could include the likes of "T.I.T".

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Think if you buy 2 boxes it is deemed you are a business so you can buy. smile.png

Yes thats what I have been told as well and I know non Thais who do this.

CP ALL have apparently taken over Makro in Thailand will that make any difference I wonder and I think there is also the local interpretations!

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I think this could be the possible explanation.

The law bans the 'retail' sale of alcohol during certain hours (for reasons which are beyond my comprehension) but permits 'wholesale' transactions (so that businesses can operate unhindered).

Makro is a wholesale operator. Most of its customers are small retailers, registered as such. If a small retailer purchases alcohol this is a wholesale transaction between Makro and the retailer - Lawful, regardless of the amount (?).

Makro also has retail customers (i.e.- not shopkeepers) who are purchasing for their own use.

A loophole in the law allows the sale of 10 litres or more to be considered as a wholesale transaction. So Makro, Tesco, BigC, and even the 7-11 will usually sell 10+ litres outside normal hours.

I have noticed that there are two types of receipt issued at Makro. One for wholesale transactions and the other (normal till receipt) for retail transactions.

So, if the OP is a retail customer (till receipt) and the Thai man is a wholesale customer (full vat receipt), it's possible that there was nothing wrong or racist going on - just the inability of the staff to explain the situation.

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I had similar. They told me mai dai and pointed to the sign, I pointed to the time on the clock, mai dai again, i pointed to the time on my mobile, mai dai, pointed a few more times and eventually she realised she was so thick she couldn't tell the time and served me.

She was not thick, she just could not read farang timetongue.png

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I think this could be the possible explanation.

The law bans the 'retail' sale of alcohol during certain hours (for reasons which are beyond my comprehension) but permits 'wholesale' transactions (so that businesses can operate unhindered).

Makro is a wholesale operator. Most of its customers are small retailers, registered as such. If a small retailer purchases alcohol this is a wholesale transaction between Makro and the retailer - Lawful, regardless of the amount (?).

Makro also has retail customers (i.e.- not shopkeepers) who are purchasing for their own use.

A loophole in the law allows the sale of 10 litres or more to be considered as a wholesale transaction. So Makro, Tesco, BigC, and even the 7-11 will usually sell 10+ litres outside normal hours.

I have noticed that there are two types of receipt issued at Makro. One for wholesale transactions and the other (normal till receipt) for retail transactions.

So, if the OP is a retail customer (till receipt) and the Thai man is a wholesale customer (full vat receipt), it's possible that there was nothing wrong or racist going on - just the inability of the staff to explain the situation.

very clear explanation thanks ,,still try to get my makro card changed been there once with the comany papers but got nowhere , think they believe that only thai can have a resort , will try again in a few days with my wife alongside ,she is also director so it should not be a problem

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I think this could be the possible explanation.

The law bans the 'retail' sale of alcohol during certain hours (for reasons which are beyond my comprehension) but permits 'wholesale' transactions (so that businesses can operate unhindered).

Makro is a wholesale operator. Most of its customers are small retailers, registered as such. If a small retailer purchases alcohol this is a wholesale transaction between Makro and the retailer - Lawful, regardless of the amount (?).

Makro also has retail customers (i.e.- not shopkeepers) who are purchasing for their own use.

A loophole in the law allows the sale of 10 litres or more to be considered as a wholesale transaction. So Makro, Tesco, BigC, and even the 7-11 will usually sell 10+ litres outside normal hours.

I have noticed that there are two types of receipt issued at Makro. One for wholesale transactions and the other (normal till receipt) for retail transactions.

So, if the OP is a retail customer (till receipt) and the Thai man is a wholesale customer (full vat receipt), it's possible that there was nothing wrong or racist going on - just the inability of the staff to explain the situation.

very clear explanation thanks ,,still try to get my makro card changed been there once with the comany papers but got nowhere , think they believe that only thai can have a resort , will try again in a few days with my wife alongside ,she is also director so it should not be a problem

You have too much time on your hands. Just do your shopping between 11-2 or 5-midnight. If you took all the energy you are spending on this, and instead spent it on something productive like volunteering at the local orphanage, imagine how much good you could inject in the world.

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I think this could be the possible explanation.

The law bans the 'retail' sale of alcohol during certain hours (for reasons which are beyond my comprehension) but permits 'wholesale' transactions (so that businesses can operate unhindered).

Makro is a wholesale operator. Most of its customers are small retailers, registered as such. If a small retailer purchases alcohol this is a wholesale transaction between Makro and the retailer - Lawful, regardless of the amount (?).

Makro also has retail customers (i.e.- not shopkeepers) who are purchasing for their own use.

A loophole in the law allows the sale of 10 litres or more to be considered as a wholesale transaction. So Makro, Tesco, BigC, and even the 7-11 will usually sell 10+ litres outside normal hours.

I have noticed that there are two types of receipt issued at Makro. One for wholesale transactions and the other (normal till receipt) for retail transactions.

So, if the OP is a retail customer (till receipt) and the Thai man is a wholesale customer (full vat receipt), it's possible that there was nothing wrong or racist going on - just the inability of the staff to explain the situation.

very clear explanation thanks ,,still try to get my makro card changed been there once with the comany papers but got nowhere , think they believe that only thai can have a resort , will try again in a few days with my wife alongside ,she is also director so it should not be a problem

You have too much time on your hands. Just do your shopping between 11-2 or 5-midnight. If you took all the energy you are spending on this, and instead spent it on something productive like volunteering at the local orphanage, imagine how much good you could inject in the world.

to who is this comment pointed?? don't do it here.YOU can also just send a private message so we can stay on the topic

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The minimum is 5 liters You dont mention the size of bottle you bought, but if you got 12 bottles @ 33cl you are short about 1 liter If the other guy got 12x 0.5 liter bottles he was good to go...

For purchase at any time the minimum is 10 litres.

Do not usually buy alcohol from Makro but might try 1 box (12x630) outside of selling time with card to see what happens. Only thing I can think of is that the Thai had a card and maybe you did not.

I was about to chip in my two-penneth, which is in agreement with yours. The minimum for purchases at any time of the day is 10 litres, not 5 litres, which is why two cases does the trick.

I like to to shop early morning or mid-afternoon when its quieter, so I always make a point of buying two cases of whatever I need, and then the 11:00-2:00 rule doesn't apply, which if course, makes a mockery of the whole rule anyway...!!

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You are wasting your breath Khelang Velo.

It IS a matter of principle - OK for Thais to buy but not farangs.

Most of the responses above are typical of the inane posts that we see here every day! Keep these things to yourself in future. You will ALWAYS be put down!

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I think that people with business accounts at Makro are allowed to buy alcohol at any time.

On the wider point of there being some level of discrimination in Thailand: Yes, there is. Get over it.


Alright, I'm willing to accept that, but perhaps they should have mentioned it to me or my wife. Like most foreigners I get irritated by most of the discrimination like 'Double Pricing' but see it coming on signs etc and grudgingly put up with it. One of the reasons I posted this, as with other people, is to get helpful feedback. A response such as "T.I.T" would have been better than your flippant comment - I guess you never get the hump about anything - Yeah Right!

i get the hump all the time but I feel the time you spent complaining about it and the wasted call to your wife and the general anxiety caused all round, its was disproportionate to a 15 minute wait with your mouth shut or buying a few extra bottles . I think the limit is 10 or 12 liters ( a box and a 1/2) or something like that. not having a go but it did sound like you got in a big tizz on this....

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I think this could be the possible explanation.

The law bans the 'retail' sale of alcohol during certain hours (for reasons which are beyond my comprehension) but permits 'wholesale' transactions (so that businesses can operate unhindered).

Makro is a wholesale operator. Most of its customers are small retailers, registered as such. If a small retailer purchases alcohol this is a wholesale transaction between Makro and the retailer - Lawful, regardless of the amount (?).

Makro also has retail customers (i.e.- not shopkeepers) who are purchasing for their own use.

A loophole in the law allows the sale of 10 litres or more to be considered as a wholesale transaction. So Makro, Tesco, BigC, and even the 7-11 will usually sell 10+ litres outside normal hours.

I have noticed that there are two types of receipt issued at Makro. One for wholesale transactions and the other (normal till receipt) for retail transactions.

So, if the OP is a retail customer (till receipt) and the Thai man is a wholesale customer (full vat receipt), it's possible that there was nothing wrong or racist going on - just the inability of the staff to explain the situation.

very clear explanation thanks ,,still try to get my makro card changed been there once with the comany papers but got nowhere , think they believe that only thai can have a resort , will try again in a few days with my wife alongside ,she is also director so it should not be a problem

You have too much time on your hands. Just do your shopping between 11-2 or 5-midnight. If you took all the energy you are spending on this, and instead spent it on something productive like volunteering at the local orphanage, imagine how much good you could inject in the world.

to who is this comment pointed?? don't do it here.YOU can also just send a private message so we can stay on the topic

You have too much time on your hands. LOL

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Works both ways. A friend of mine stopped at the 7-11 on the Chonburi Motorway halfway point and bought a couple of beers during the restricted hours and a Thai behind him asked the staff what was going on and why couldn't they buy beer? The answer from staff was "it's ok, he is a farang, the rule dosesn't apply to them". My friend had to work very hard to contain his giggling and sense of satisfaction of "getting one over, for once"......

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The law is the law. Lots of people find a way around it......it's the Thai way. Whether the way around it is because they are Thai, pay a bribe or simply know their way around these things better than the OP is all of little consequence. If the OP feel aggrieved with the double standards here, then I suggest he gets regular blood pressure checks, because it will be encountered very often and somehow I don't think stewing over waiting 15 minutes or a Thai getting away with something when he can't, is worth the high blood pressure, possible stroke and days of unhappiness thinking about it, sad.png

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This is one of the best laws in Thailand. when buying beer or wine out of hours just buy 10 plus litres and the wife cant complain you are buying too much!

Also, say she wants a bottle of wine or a couple of Spys', just say 'that's ok, I'll get 2 cases of beer so we have over 10 litres'.

This doesn't work when your wife never drinks alcohol !

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The law is the law. Lots of people find a way around it......it's the Thai way. Whether the way around it is because they are Thai, pay a bribe or simply know their way around these things better than the OP is all of little consequence. If the OP feel aggrieved with the double standards here, then I suggest he gets regular blood pressure checks, because it will be encountered very often and somehow I don't think stewing over waiting 15 minutes or a Thai getting away with something when he can't, is worth the high blood pressure, possible stroke and days of unhappiness thinking about it, sad.png

The law has been "The Law" for almost a decade - if people haven't figured it out by now - they deserve all the aggravation they get. How hard is it to just get your alcohol bought at the designated times...

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The minimum is 5 liters You dont mention the size of bottle you bought, but if you got 12 bottles @ 33cl you are short about 1 liter If the other guy got 12x 0.5 liter bottles he was good to go...

No... the minimum during off hours (2-5 and midnight to 11am) is 10 liters. If you buy a case of beer (24 cans or bottles at 33cl) . you just need to buy another seven bottles .

When they tried that crap with me five minutes after 2 one day when I was buying six beers, I just oh okay, bring that case of beer over. That shut them up.

Also, a little known secret is that Villa Market will sell between 2 and 5 every day.

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The minimum is 5 liters You dont mention the size of bottle you bought, but if you got 12 bottles @ 33cl you are short about 1 liter If the other guy got 12x 0.5 liter bottles he was good to go...

No... the minimum during off hours (2-5 and midnight to 11am) is 10 liters. If you buy a case of beer (24 cans or bottles at 33cl) . you just need to buy another seven bottles .

When they tried that crap with me five minutes after 2 one day when I was buying six beers, I just oh okay, bring that case of beer over. That shut them up.

Also, a little known secret is that Villa Market will sell between 2 and 5 every day.

some branches, not all.

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The law is the law. Lots of people find a way around it......it's the Thai way. Whether the way around it is because they are Thai, pay a bribe or simply know their way around these things better than the OP is all of little consequence. If the OP feel aggrieved with the double standards here, then I suggest he gets regular blood pressure checks, because it will be encountered very often and somehow I don't think stewing over waiting 15 minutes or a Thai getting away with something when he can't, is worth the high blood pressure, possible stroke and days of unhappiness thinking about it, sad.png

The law has been "The Law" for almost a decade - if people haven't figured it out by now - they deserve all the aggravation they get. How hard is it to just get your alcohol bought at the designated times...

Well, if alcohol dominates people's lives, I guess not getting it on time can cause delium tremons.

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Mom&Pop shops do not discriminate; they will sell you any amount of booze you want at any time of day or night regardless of whatever 'rules' may apply. Better to buy from them (at the same price you will buy from Makro) and save yourself from the obvious stress such incidents cause you. Anyway; life is too short for such venting's of frustration....you are wasting good drinking time !

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