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Who Am I To Judge Others?


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I am not sure about your post, but I do like those shades.

If this is a serious question, then I am sure that anyone who has been here for awhile does not bash their own countrymen any more than he did before he left his country.

To qualify that, if say a certain individual has been outside his country for a very long time, and said country continued to deteriorate vastly beyond what aforementioned expat expected, then it is only reasonable that this "person" might criticize his homeland, and the people in his homeland, more than he did before he left that country.

Does that make sense?


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"****I know, I know......Title is incorrect. Either "Who are WE......or Who am I....." Not sure how to change the title****** "

I think you may be thinking of the walrus song:


I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.

See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.
I'm crying.

Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.
Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday.
Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, coo coo ca-choo

Mister City Policeman sitting
Pretty little policemen in a row.
See how they fly like Lucy in the Sky, see how they run.
I'm crying, I'm crying.
I'm crying, I'm crying.

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I am not sure about your post, but I do like those shades.

If this is a serious question, then I am sure that anyone who has been here for awhile does not bash their own countrymen any more than he did before he left his country.

To qualify that, if say a certain individual has been outside his country for a very long time, and said country continued to deteriorate vastly beyond what aforementioned expat expected, then it is only reasonable that this "person" might criticize his homeland, and the people in his homeland, more than he did before he left that country.

Does that make sense?


Does that make sense?

Not quite!

I suspect,they were losers in their own Country,and probably didn't have the nerve to do much criticising. Sitting behind a keyboard,spewing out vitriol is easy 1000s of miles away,and keeps up the illusion how clever they were to move to Thailand,they know they can't go back home,for various escaping responsibility reasons,one of the milder reasons:......they are are sh*t scared,their mates back home will say "Told you so, loser" a loss of face Bigtime!

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"****I know, I know......Title is incorrect. Either "Who are WE......or Who am I....." Not sure how to change the title****** "

I think you may be thinking of the walrus song:


I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.

See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.

I'm crying.

Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.

Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday.

Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.

I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.

I am the walrus, coo coo ca-choo

Mister City Policeman sitting

Pretty little policemen in a row.

See how they fly like Lucy in the Sky, see how they run.

I'm crying, I'm crying.

I'm crying, I'm crying.

I am thinking of the pornographic priestess singing hare krishna !

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I agree with you. I have noticed the same tendency for some expats to be over critical about people from their own country. That it happens is no mystery but why it happens is certainly a mystery?

To paraphrase Samuel Johnson: When you have no feelings for you're own Country and people,you are tired of life?

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I agree with you. I have noticed the same tendency for some expats to be over critical about people from their own country. That it happens is no mystery but why it happens is certainly a mystery?

To paraphrase Samuel Johnson: When you have no feelings for you're own Country and people,you are tired of life?

Samuel Johnson was clearly a lot brighter than Boris Johnson!

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I'm not convinced I've seen a lot of people bashing only their kin, most of the worst of the sanctimonious practitioners of self massage are quite happy to bash everyone.

That said, having frequented fora such as these since before the internet was "The Internet" I can tell you that the phenomenon is not unique to TV and not likely to go away any time soon. Many - maybe most - people behave very differently behind a keyboard than they do anywhere else.

Sometimes I wonder if the perceived anonymity allows people to drop their shields and reveal their true nature, which is a scary thought, given there's so many people who write like foaming-at-the-mouth sociopaths

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Why is that actually? I think that's sad for them.

When i greet or wink a foreigner here up north. 90% of the time he ignores me and dismisses my wink or smile. And in the worst case i am completely ignored.

Doesn't stop me from continueing!

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I'm not convinced I've seen a lot of people bashing only their kin, most of the worst of the sanctimonious practitioners of self massage are quite happy to bash everyone.

That said, having frequented fora such as these since before the internet was "The Internet" I can tell you that the phenomenon is not unique to TV and not likely to go away any time soon. Many - maybe most - people behave very differently behind a keyboard than they do anywhere else.

Sometimes I wonder if the perceived anonymity allows people to drop their shields and reveal their true nature, which is a scary thought, given there's so many people who write like foaming-at-the-mouth sociopaths

We cannot all live in love, religion wouldn't have any base anymore. biggrin.png

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I agree with you. I have noticed the same tendency for some expats to be over critical about people from their own country. That it happens is no mystery but why it happens is certainly a mystery?

I think some of those people found themselves socially unacceptable where they come from.

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I agree with you. I have noticed the same tendency for some expats to be over critical about people from their own country. That it happens is no mystery but why it happens is certainly a mystery?

I think a lot of people who bash their own country constantly, often do so out of frustration i.e. they have burned their bridges, lost what money and assets they once had.....whatever.... and really wish they could return home, but they can't! The result is a justification for staying by making the alternative sound far worse. There are a lot of people who would go home in a heart beat if they still had the money they came with and a family network in tact.

Also a person has every right to criticize his.her/own country or his/her adopted country. I like Thailand and I will probably end my days here, who knows? I've made it my home for many years and during that time I have experienced many positive things and also encountered a lot of things and people who deserve criticism, but equally there are just as many idiots in my own country who actually need 'a bashing' rather than criticism.

There are many things happening that I really dislike back home, but most of the stuff I really don't need to get involved with and IF I ever needed/wanted to return, I don't think it would be a problem.

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I was at Tesco Lotus outside of Tak not too long ago.

There was a Farang gentleman in an old Toyota pick up parking across from me. Even for Tak that was a distinctly un-fancy (yet well maintained) vehicle.

He noticed I was foreign and gave me a friendly nod and smile.

Chiang Mai used to be like that.

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I was at Tesco Lotus outside of Tak not too long ago.

There was a Farang gentleman in an old Toyota pick up parking across from me. Even for Tak that was a distinctly un-fancy (yet well maintained) vehicle.

He noticed I was foreign and gave me a friendly nod and smile.

Chiang Mai used to be like that.

This is how it should be. The few Farang who nod me back understand this as well. I think the one's who cannot deal with my nod have to rethink their actions.

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"To paraphrase Samuel Johnson: When you have no feelings for you're own Country and people,you are tired of life?"

This IS a good question. The answer is that when we are immersed in our home country's culture, we tend not to be super critical of the group in which we exist. We are not able to see things from a second perspective, such as from a second country, and therefore are unable to bear witness to many of the strange behaviors that are considered normal where we originally hail from. If our countrymen could share some of our experiences with us in our new surroundings, then they would also see things from this point of view.

Still, I find it helpful to just completely go native and let the chips fall where they may.

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I agree with you. I have noticed the same tendency for some expats to be over critical about people from their own country. That it happens is no mystery but why it happens is certainly a mystery?

To paraphrase Samuel Johnson: When you have no feelings for you're own Country and people,you are tired of life?

Samuel Johnson was clearly a lot brighter than Boris Johnson!

You don't think Boris is bright ?. I am surprised he is going to save the UK once he is PM.

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Why is that actually? I think that's sad for them.

When i greet or wink a foreigner here up north. 90% of the time he ignores me and dismisses my wink or smile. And in the worst case i am completely ignored.

Doesn't stop me from continueing!

If you were to smile at me I guarantee you will get a smile back. However, if you were to wink at me I probably would cross to the other side of the road. biggrin.png

//edit - I always return a smile to anyone who smiles at me. There may be a rare occasion where things don't feel quite right though and my smile may be a bit more feeble. What I've seen is in the vast majority of instances if I smile at a Thai they will return one. Probably much less than 50% of foreigners will return one. My guess is they think you want something from them.


But i have to add that complete (Japanese) civil wars have started because 1 person failed to acknowledge the slightest of nods.

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OP - You make a topic in order to judge other posters on Thaivisa for how they act, think and write and the theme of your post is to not judge others. Is this for real?

It is ironic. I simply bring to light, or make people aware, that we are all in this together and to not waste negative energy on others, especially foreigners. Of course I've done it......I just know, from experience, it's better to use your energy and be positive towards everyone. Easier said than done, but you will feel better (i'm pretty sure) having an open mind with everyone you see in Chiang Mai, not just the locals.

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Has someone upset you puukao ?

Sticks and stones and all that ......

The people that are calling the foreigner a loser are probably calling the fruit vendor a loser also.

Chin up old fruit........there are much more worse things in life whistling.gif

yes, someone did upset me. not in some crazy way, but I just got sick of listening to him criticize all foreigners. he is a foreigner, of course. and yes, he does call the fruit vendor a loser. lol. and I have met too many of these foreigners. way to many....they are hard to avoid. I think.

that is why I like this forum....I create a topic, feel better, and then I move on. much better than having a talk with this guy, getting more upset, and nothing resolved.

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Those Thaier than Thai types that bash their own (particularly in front of Thais) are a sad species, yes, though bearing in mind Muang Thai does tend to attract (not always) a particularly low level type of whitey.

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