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I Want To Go Home


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I want to go home now

2 choices

work hear untill i get fired in may 2006 this cannot be stopped as it a major disagreement OR

return home and face decades of unemployment that will lead to my death

someone please give me some advice

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I want to go home now

2 choices

work hear untill i get fired in may 2006 this cannot be stopped as it a major disagreement OR

return home and face decades of unemployment that will lead to my death

someone please give me some advice

What line of work are you in at the moment?

(I hope it's not teaching English!!)

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You've whinged about Bangkok ever since you got here gwmss15.

Have you ever tried to actually enjoy the place? :D

If you're going to get fired anyway, why not move out of the area that you're currently living in and closer to the fun parts of town?

You never know... you may leave LOS with fond memories instead of bitterness.


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I want to go home now

2 choices

work hear untill i get fired in may 2006 this cannot be stopped as it a major disagreement OR

return home and face decades of unemployment that will lead to my death

someone please give me some advice

Stay away from high rise buildings in Pattaya... :o

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""""""""""""What line of work are you in at the moment?

(I hope it's not teaching English!!)""""""""""""""""

Why? If you are teaching English, it will be easy to get more work - I got fired from a couple of places for 'drunken behaviour' and always found something else.

Have you thought of trying another country?

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Prompted by Jai Dee's comment, I took a look at the OP's other posts.........

To state the obvious, LOS is not for everyone and (as he says) he'd love to be located in Singapore - which I've always regarded as westernised "Asia Lite" and very much not for me (but each to his/her own, mileage may vary etc). I'd say that KL would probably also suit him better than BKK.

But, as it seems that he's 25, his complaints got me wondering whether that generation is inherently less likely to adjust well to living/working in LOS - compared with the 40+ generation? And, if so - why?

Thoughts from other members?

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How can any one at the age of 25 think they will never get a job again for the next 40+ years.

I suggest you get out of the job you do not like as soon as you can and get the next plain out of here and try to work some where eles. Do not just give up on all things you are young so should be able to change much better than others. :o

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How can any one at the age of 25 think they will never get a job again for the next 40+ years.

I suggest you get out of the job you do not like as soon as you can and get the next plain out of here and try to work some where eles. Do not just give up on all things you are young so should be able to change much better than others. :o

I'm interested to know what the whistling smilie indicates in your reply. Do you know?

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How can any one at the age of 25 think they will never get a job again for the next 40+ years.

I suggest you get out of the job you do not like as soon as you can and get the next plain out of here and try to work some where eles. Do not just give up on all things you are young so should be able to change much better than others. :o

I'm interested to know what the whistling smilie indicates in your reply. Do you know?

well obviously i didnt post it - but in answer to your question - i reckon what warriors meant was - the young adapt to change easier than their older counterparts.


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I want to go home now

2 choices

work hear untill i get fired in may 2006 this cannot be stopped as it a major disagreement OR

return home and face decades of unemployment that will lead to my death

someone please give me some advice

Please ..... just go home now! You have been whinging on about leaving this whole time ... you'll be saving yourself a ton of misery here even if you are miserable there! (And saving us the misery of post after post crying about how Thai people speak Thain and Thai people eat Thai food!)

When you do get home please consider seeking some help for depression, everything I have seen you post here points towards depressive illness as being a major issue for you. Unfortunately, Thailand is probably not the place for you to seek this treatment.

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Certainly better to get fired in Thailand at the age of 25 than 40+ I think. As for how easy it is to adapt, I think age is less of a factor than financial means. Plenty of "I want to go home" pleas from the older crowd as well.


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Prompted by Jai Dee's comment, I took a look at the OP's other posts.........

To state the obvious, LOS is not for everyone and (as he says) he'd love to be located in Singapore - which I've always regarded as westernised "Asia Lite" and very much not for me (but each to his/her own, mileage may vary etc). I'd say that KL would probably also suit him better than BKK.

But, as it seems that he's 25, his complaints got me wondering whether that generation is inherently less likely to adjust well to living/working in LOS - compared with the 40+ generation? And, if so - why?

Thoughts from other members?

Steve .. I'd say that most people are more adaptable when they are young. The OP's issues seem to be deeper than just "fixed focus" ... and more in the nature of "this aint home"

Go to KSR ... watch the youngsters .... many will at least be trying to speak Thai etc.

Jai Dee does have a good point ... but the wrong reasoning behind it imho .... the only way the OP is gonna make it here is to be around English speaking people all the time. If the OP's teaching credentials were worth anything he'd not be making a visa-run to malaysia during songkran and instead would be partying with the rest of the 25 y/o's, so getting a well paying teaching job is probably out of the question. His resourcefulness is at question too if way out where he is he can only find a 2br place for 35,000 baht etc. Sometimes the answer is just too obvious ... this guy needs to be at home and in therapy.

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Sorry...but this is yet another pointless posts by an absolute ######wit.He's 25 thinking life is all over....Comeon ...get a life, you make your bed now lie in it.

Some people seriously do annoy me.As from that other "pissant"bragging abt getting sacked for drunken behaviour but getting other jobs....GROW UP and get a life, do you seriously think people are interested in your immature tales ?

:o EPG

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When you do get home please consider seeking some help for depression, everything I have seen you post here points towards depressive illness as being a major issue for you. Unfortunately, Thailand is probably not the place for you to seek this treatment.

I was thinking this, but didn't want to post it. Props to you jdinasia for being honest. It can be hard not having a support base, particularly when the OP lives very far from home on his own. He's young, too. A lot of expat families had it tough when I was living in Thailand. Give him a break, guys. There is such a thing as a quarterlife crisis these days.

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I'd say go home for a few years. Try to save cash for a return trip someday. Think positive. You are young and the world is yours. Look to the future as you have one.

Feeling good now? Have a beer before you feel depressed again.

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I'd say go home for a few years. Try to save cash for a return trip someday. Think positive. You are young and the world is yours. Look to the future as you have one.

Feeling good now? Have a beer before you feel depressed again.

Getting laid probably wouldn't hurt either, unless failure to perform is an issue, in which case deeper depression may ensue.

I'd recommend a nice massage and a high colonic. I've never actually tried a colonic but it just seems appropriate in this case.

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return home and face decades of unemployment that will lead to my death

If you're facing decades of unemployment why not take a year or so to learn a new trade? You're either in the wrong business (8-Track Salesman?) or you are really bad at it. Either way, it's time to change.


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GO home youngman!

In a few years you're learn to appreciate what you have / not have today.

You'll be sitting in your rocking chair someday (with a prostate problem) and thinking "how stupid was I, had an opportunity of a life time at 25 to have fun and enjoyed the world and let it slipped through my fingers".


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But, as it seems that he's 25, his complaints got me wondering whether that generation is inherently less likely to adjust well to living/working in LOS - compared with the 40+ generation? And, if so - why?

Thoughts from other members?

He's a bit young to be one of those Pattaya jumpers I'd say although he did bring up death. It's usually those 'retired' old sour gits who take that leap.

Best advice - get a trade and travel. You'll find what you're looking for.

Scampy was the rare exception... :o

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Am I missing something? I've never heard of anyone being that depressed about a job. If you lose one, you get another. I'm 43 years old and in the course of my life I've changed vocations a number of times. I've worked in Europe, the US, Kuwait and now Iraq. If something happens to this job, I'll find another one. My favorite saying is "I'll be here till I'm not, then I'll be somewhere else, doing something else". I don't understand this young crowd. I never thought I was that old, but to panic about a job... If I can't do this, I'll do something else. When one door closes another opens, and if it doesn't bust the ###### thing down. Do the young people give up this easily now days?

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"....... I don't understand this young crowd. I never thought I was that old, but to panic about a job... If I can't do this, I'll do something else. When one door closes another opens, and if it doesn't bust the ###### thing down. Do the young people give up this easily now days?

Must be that "Generation X" angst I read about

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Am I missing something? I've never heard of anyone being that depressed about a job. If you lose one, you get another. I'm 43 years old and in the course of my life I've changed vocations a number of times. I've worked in Europe, the US, Kuwait and now Iraq. If something happens to this job, I'll find another one. My favorite saying is "I'll be here till I'm not, then I'll be somewhere else, doing something else". I don't understand this young crowd. I never thought I was that old, but to panic about a job... If I can't do this, I'll do something else. When one door closes another opens, and if it doesn't bust the ###### thing down. Do the young people give up this easily now days?

I think its the "give me" generation. Everything must come easy, so, Give it to me now so I don't have to work for it.

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My parents were financially set when I was growing up, but had I told my parents... "Give Me", they would have "Gave Me a foot in my ass. My parents taught me that if anything in life was worth having, it was worth working for. They also said that if they gave me everything, I'd learn nothing. They were right... Everything I have today, I can say that I earned it. I hate to see the children of today so crippled, because most of the baby boomer generation said that "My children won't do without", we've crippled them I guess... What's going to happen we we old farts aren't around to pick them up, dust off their bottoms and tell them that life goes on?

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I want to go home now

2 choices

work hear untill i get fired in may 2006 this cannot be stopped as it a major disagreement OR

return home and face decades of unemployment that will lead to my death

someone please give me some advice

As for the above choice try to hang in there until they fire you. Thais never seem to get around to doing what they say they are going to do so it will likely never happen.

Can you bring me up to date with the following list, much of which you were criticized for submitted earlier.

I have been in Thailand now for over 7 months and come across the following things

Rant ON

1. Lack of English speaking abilities in all levels of society

2. Poor wages for expat workers employed in the education sector

3. the most difficult work visa system I have ever had to put up with. Most places issue a work visa as one document after you arrive in country.

4. Too many old fat white men think Thailand is great just don’t get it

5. I seem to be the only guy working hear under 25yo most people who I see are over 40 I'm not talking about tourists.

6. The drink is cheap its not wake up the price is the same as Australia. I don’t drink so it doesn’t matter to me

7. the worst public transport system outside of Bangkok no metro or aircond bus service in Pattaya or Kong Kean what the deal with that they are missing a lot of tourist because it too uncomfortable

8. Lack of English speaking customer service people on buses, trains, taxis, banks and shops

9. Ban the motorbikes from all main roads in Thailand and fine them 100000 baht if seen any near the main roads

10. Tooooo much corruption at government levels

11. Shops don’t seem to stock any western size clothes I mean if you’re over 6 foot tall most of the shirts and basic clothes don’t fit.

12. Too much noise after 12am at night and most of that is from drunken people and loud music

13. the most expensive apartment costs in south East Asia what’s the deal with 40000 plus for a 2 bed apartment in Nonthaburi even worse in Sathorn.

14. The rail network is shit trains could run at 160kph in Bangkok but crawl at 30kph until after Rangsit. Plus get rid of the non air cond trains.

15. More metro now and full track doubling and electrification of country lines to Japanese standards i.e. 250 kph min on the main line to issan

16. Kill the green and white buses in Bangkok buy some full size air con arc buses

17. Allow western people to get PR and set up businesses without having to prove 2million baht many good shops could be set up for less than 500000 baht and employ a few Thais

18. When Thais hold an event provide materials in English and Thai so all can enjoy

19. Subtitle the TV please

20. Do not translate English books magazines or movies into Thai

That’s all for now I could think of many more

Rant off

FYI you make some excellent points, displaying wisdom beyond your years.

In my experience, to learn Thai is not really worth the enormous effort. Most Farangs who "speak Thai" generally cannot be understood outside the tourist areas.

You may consider returning to OZ and return when you are old, fat and can fit in better.

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