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Visa Extension Denied: Jomtien

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The OP made exactly one post in which nowhere can be found any reference to singlet.

The OP does say he previously used the same photos twice before.

THe requirements are for a recent photo and the department will not accept the photo over and over again.

My guess is that this may be the problem.

I cannot see where all the posters and mods saw any reference to dress.

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The OP made exactly one post in which nowhere can be found any reference to singlet.

The OP does say he previously used the same photos twice before.

THe requirements are for a recent photo and the department will not accept the photo over and over again.

My guess is that this may be the problem.

I cannot see where all the posters and mods saw any reference to dress.

This is from the OP:

So I politely ask again and was abruptly told you have singlet on in photo, Bangkok not happy I give you 30 days.

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The OP made exactly one post in which nowhere can be found any reference to singlet.

The OP does say he previously used the same photos twice before.

THe requirements are for a recent photo and the department will not accept the photo over and over again.

My guess is that this may be the problem.

I cannot see where all the posters and mods saw any reference to dress.

Read again Harry, slowly.

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So, just out of curiosity, is there a written dress code for passport photos? Everyone is giving this guy a hard time, but I just extended my visa, and I didn't see anything in writing regarding my passport photo. I was dressed nice and had no problems, but is this just someone's judgement on what's classy and what's not?

Bare shoulders are considered rude in Thailand.

Damn, now I have to tell my wife she is rude.

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The OP made exactly one post in which nowhere can be found any reference to singlet.

The OP does say he previously used the same photos twice before.

THe requirements are for a recent photo and the department will not accept the photo over and over again.

My guess is that this may be the problem.

I cannot see where all the posters and mods saw any reference to dress.

Read again Harry, slowly.


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Appearance is every thing here. I put on a white shirt and tie, then took my own visa photo. Took SD card to the print shop and ordered 20 copies. Every time I present my photo at Immigration, I get nods of approval.

Ya got to play the game smile.png

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An Order from the Ministry of Interior
Guidelines for determining to prohibit foreigners
who look like hippies, who enter into the Kingdom
1. Wearing sleeveless clothes without undergarments.
2. Wearing inappropriate very shorts is impolite.
3. Wearing the any kind of sandal, except, sandal is part of their culture.
4. Wearning transparent trousers is impolite.
5. Long hair is unkept and untidy.
6. Dressing improperly (look like impolite and dirty)
Immigration Officer is responsible in
examining and determining and to prohibit
these kind of foreigners or alien to enter Thailand.

Above is from photo of posted notice at entry points. But in reality it is a case of common sense.

First of all, thanks for posting this, really. This is the first time I've actually seen anything 'official' looking. You mind posting your source?

You can't have long hair or wear sandals to get a visa extension? I don't see this as being common sense at all. I'm not sure what the way you are dressed has to do with your plans in this country. I guess in Thailand it IS all about appearance. LOOKING like a good person or LOOKING like you have money is much more important that BEING a good person or actually HAVING money.

Excuse me.

It is about common sense and not imposing your scurvy, unkempt, despicable appearance on civilized folk.

How sensible is it too berate Thais for being taken aback by such uncivilized demeanor?

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I feel sorry for the officers in Jomtien. A few years ago I was there at 7:45 and saw a guy who was smashed, beer can in hand, and when finished had his Thai gal go get him another one. And the doors hadn't even opened yet! I'm sure they deal with these kinds of people all the time.

I was there a few weeks ago and was waiting for my documents to be reviewed. I crossed my legs and was told quite sternly not to do that, this was a government office. Wow...that was a first for me.

I always dress nicely, though do wear nice shorts when I visit there. Singlets should only be worn in your own home, not out in public. IMHO. wai2.gif

Great to hear that Jomtien have got their priorities in the right order. It's perfectly acceptable to turn up at our office completely sloshed, indeed we actively encourage this! But don't you EVER dare cross your legs in here or it's the firing squad for you, mateybiggrin.png

It's not the crossing of the legs that is considered rude, but in the act of crossing your legs you end up pointing your toes at somebody. Pointing your toes is considered rude.

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For my work permit photo, I had to wear "Business Attire"

That was Shirt, Jacket and Tie... What the photo did not show was the shorts and flip flops..

I got some funny looks whilst walking between the car and the kodak shop!

Edited by Satcommlee
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Seems a few people are missing the point here. You are in Thailand and they have rules like any other country. You may have noticed the signs on the doors of immigration regarding dress and behaviour.

The one thing I have become aware of in this Kingdom is that there are laws and rules that are broken and those that are not. Have you ever seen a guy in a singlet in a temple? I don't understand why people think they can disregard these when it's so easy to make it easy!

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Seems a few people are missing the point here. You are in Thailand and they have rules like any other country. You may have noticed the signs on the doors of immigration regarding dress and behaviour.

The one thing I have become aware of in this Kingdom is that there are laws and rules that are broken and those that are not. Have you ever seen a guy in a singlet in a temple? I don't understand why people think they can disregard these when it's so easy to make it easy!

100% correct it comes down to RESPECT which it seem is lacking in a lot of people and a brain who in there right mind, wanting a visa, would go into a gov office and present a photo of him in his underware sorry but the guy must have a screw loose

Edited by MikeandDow
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I don't believe it's off topic to quote the situation that rules are clearly displayed at government offices for the presentation of photos for official business.

Read, do and it's easy, why make it difficult? Should have just gone and bought a shirt.

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Foreigners please note. Chom buri Pattaya Immigration Office has a dress code that requires all vistors to dess respectably when in their building if you go in wearing speedos or bikinis you will be asked to leave. You are not forced to leave. If you persist in have your application attended to they willl accept it but you will likely have the application refused. Respectable dress notice is displayed in the building.

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Did you really think you would get some sympathy for this. As soon as I saw "singlet" I knew you were gonna get a hard time about it. And you have because you deserve it.

OP maybe not looking for sympathy but only warning the same species as him to dress nice ... and hopefully not only for the day of the photo

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As usual at any Immigration in Thailand it's all a question of which officer you get on the day,I suspect most of us get anxious a few days before check in,and hope we get our favourite Immigration Officer,who makes it a formality,rather than an ordeal.

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I went to Pattaya immigration today for my 90 stamp, very quiet about 3pm the officer that does the stamp was reading the paper, went straight up and the nice Belgian guy did the paper work.

I always wear chino trousers and nice polo shirt, but not many there were wearing trousers. Mind you it is bloody hot at the moment

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Nothing worse than seeing ignorant and disrespectful people at the immigration office.

"disrespectful"... give us a break! "ignorant" ... yes, because he doesn't know.

It's just a matter of keeping the mouth shut, following instructions and wearing the appropriate clothes. Nothing at all to do with respect. I follow protocol to achieve results.

Think of that famous "The Soup Nazi" Seinfeld episode for a good approximation of the way I see it.

The way some (many) of them treat applicants is downright rude. A more arrogant bunch of people is hard to find. They have zero respect for us. To them we are basically non-human. Nothing more than a job to do, an annoyance, and irritation... in order to receive their juicy paychecks.

​I dislike visiting the Immigration office more than anything I do in Thailand. It's a necessary but humiliating task. The faster I can get it over and done with, the better.

I had to jump hoops for Philippines Immigration for many years - now I do it over here. I can't say which is worse. Over there if you're not a wearing shirt, long pants and shoes they won't let you enter - but at least they have the dress code clearly indicated at the front door.

I do have sympathy for the OP. At least the officer could have had the decency to offer a quick fix instead of wasting his time and stealing his money. She could have asked him to get a new photo next door which would have taken all of 5 minutes. Her behaviour was sadistic in nature - surely she enjoyed it.

If he was dressed inappropriately, then he should have been told at the front entrance that he was not suitably dressed... not letting him sit there for an hour knowing that he was going to be refused. Of course our "friend" at the front door is not interested in being helpful - he gets his kicks out of barking at people and being deliberately rude. (To his credit, he did send my gf home once for wearing shorts. He doesn't like girls.... of course now dozens of Russian girls are wearing short shorts in there).

She was just plain nasty and everyone on here is defending her and making fun of the OP.

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One of the first things I learnt in Thailand is PRESENTATION. If you look good you will get more respect. You could be Dick Dastardly, but if you look smart and drive a nice car, you must be OK, yes?

Well, Pattaya/Jomtien is a beach resort and that's exactly how I dress. That's one of the reasons why I live in Pattaya, so I don't need to get around in a suit and tie.

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Nothing worse than seeing ignorant and disrespectful people at the immigration office.

...If he was dressed inappropriately, then he should have been told at the front entrance that he was not suitably dressed... not letting him sit there for an hour knowing that he was going to be refused. Of course our "friend" at the front door is not interested in being helpful - he gets his kicks out of barking at people and being deliberately rude. (To his credit, he did send my gf home once for wearing shorts. He doesn't like girls.... of course now dozens of Russian girls are wearing short shorts in there)...

Tropo – and others – please read the original post. This topic is not about how he was dressed on his visit to the immigration office. It is about how the photo he submitted with his application for extension of stay shows him dressed.

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Nothing worse than seeing ignorant and disrespectful people at the immigration office.

"disrespectful"... give us a break! "ignorant" ... yes, because he doesn't know.

It's just a matter of keeping the mouth shut, following instructions and wearing the appropriate clothes. Nothing at all to do with respect. I follow protocol to achieve results.

Think of that famous "The Soup Nazi" Seinfeld episode for a good approximation of the way I see it.

The way some (many) of them treat applicants is downright rude. A more arrogant bunch of people is hard to find. They have zero respect for us. To them we are basically non-human. Nothing more than a job to do, an annoyance, and irritation... in order to receive their juicy paychecks.

​I dislike visiting the Immigration office more than anything I do in Thailand. It's a necessary but humiliating task. The faster I can get it over and done with, the better.

I had to jump hoops for Philippines Immigration for many years - now I do it over here. I can't say which is worse. Over there if you're not a wearing shirt, long pants and shoes they won't let you enter - but at least they have the dress code clearly indicated at the front door.

I do have sympathy for the OP. At least the officer could have had the decency to offer a quick fix instead of wasting his time and stealing his money. She could have asked him to get a new photo next door which would have taken all of 5 minutes. Her behaviour was sadistic in nature - surely she enjoyed it.

If he was dressed inappropriately, then he should have been told at the front entrance that he was not suitably dressed... not letting him sit there for an hour knowing that he was going to be refused. Of course our "friend" at the front door is not interested in being helpful - he gets his kicks out of barking at people and being deliberately rude. (To his credit, he did send my gf home once for wearing shorts. He doesn't like girls.... of course now dozens of Russian girls are wearing short shorts in there).

She was just plain nasty and everyone on here is defending her and making fun of the OP.

Please... let's be reasonable.

The Thai immigration officer is not a baby sitter. These farangs are not elementary age children

-- they are adults who should know how to tie their shoes -- and what clothing is proper.

Have a little pity for the immigration officer.

He/she waits on these poor, dumb unwashed clods every day. Tell me how much patience you

would have in this job after encountering a thousand of these clueless hill-billies.

I think she showed a lot of restraint by giving the OP a few days extension -- gives him some time

to go attend civility classes... sick.gif

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Nothing worse than seeing ignorant and disrespectful people at the immigration office.

"disrespectful"... give us a break! "ignorant" ... yes, because he doesn't know.

It's just a matter of keeping the mouth shut, following instructions and wearing the appropriate clothes. Nothing at all to do with respect. I follow protocol to achieve results.

Think of that famous "The Soup Nazi" Seinfeld episode for a good approximation of the way I see it.

The way some (many) of them treat applicants is downright rude. A more arrogant bunch of people is hard to find. They have zero respect for us. To them we are basically non-human. Nothing more than a job to do, an annoyance, and irritation... in order to receive their juicy paychecks.

​I dislike visiting the Immigration office more than anything I do in Thailand. It's a necessary but humiliating task. The faster I can get it over and done with, the better.

I had to jump hoops for Philippines Immigration for many years - now I do it over here. I can't say which is worse. Over there if you're not a wearing shirt, long pants and shoes they won't let you enter - but at least they have the dress code clearly indicated at the front door.

I do have sympathy for the OP. At least the officer could have had the decency to offer a quick fix instead of wasting his time and stealing his money. She could have asked him to get a new photo next door which would have taken all of 5 minutes. Her behaviour was sadistic in nature - surely she enjoyed it.

If he was dressed inappropriately, then he should have been told at the front entrance that he was not suitably dressed... not letting him sit there for an hour knowing that he was going to be refused. Of course our "friend" at the front door is not interested in being helpful - he gets his kicks out of barking at people and being deliberately rude. (To his credit, he did send my gf home once for wearing shorts. He doesn't like girls.... of course now dozens of Russian girls are wearing short shorts in there).

She was just plain nasty and everyone on here is defending her and making fun of the OP.

Please... let's be reasonable.

The Thai immigration officer is not a baby sitter. These farangs are not elementary age children

-- they are adults who should know how to tie their shoes -- and what clothing is proper.

Have a little pity for the immigration officer.

He/she waits on these poor, dumb unwashed clods every day. Tell me how much patience you

would have in this job after encountering a thousand of these clueless hill-billies.

I think she showed a lot of restraint by giving the OP a few days extension -- gives him some time

to go attend civility classes... sick.gif

I agree entirely, but reasonableness and TV are not necessarily synonymous whistling.gif

I've never had a problem at Jomtien Immigration. Always in and out in under 30 minutes. I wear shorts, sports shoes, polo shirt. Make sure you always have the correct documentation (easy to confirm what doc's are required on TV or WWW), and spare copies of everything just in case they want them. Always greet them with a warm sawat-dee-kahb, sit erect and acknowledge any eye contact with a smile.

Obviously make sure that the photo is recent and dressed appropriately for the pic. I once used a pic that was 6 months old and my hair was longer and a different colour (old age vanity, I make no excuses!), the Officer had a little chuckle and said OK this time but maybe get new photo next time. Acknowledge anything they say with a khab or kaapom. If you have to pay then make sure you have the cash and make it visible to avoid them having to ask you for it. Give them a warm thanks when you get your stuff back.

Believe it or not they WILL remember you if you make a particularly bad or particularly good impression. One of them was kind enough to tell me how to make my first 12 month visa retain validity for two years, which I was not previously aware of so gave him a very big thanks for the advice. When I went for the next 90 day renewal he said don't forget what I told you last time because I would have to re-enter Thailand before my next 90 day renewal to get the additional year.

Officialdom is easy to manage, irrespective of the country, just play by their rules and make their job easy for them - they don't wake up in the morning thinking they're going to make everybody's life a misery today, they just want to do their job.

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So, just out of curiosity, is there a written dress code for passport photos? Everyone is giving this guy a hard time, but I just extended my visa, and I didn't see anything in writing regarding my passport photo. I was dressed nice and had no problems, but is this just someone's judgement on what's classy and what's not?

Written? Probably, but more importantly, there is a common sense rule of what to wear. And not wearing a "wife beater" t-shirt to a passport photo session would fall under that "common sense" arena.

Edited by Stradavarius37
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  • 2 weeks later...

If anybody thinks that jumping through the hoops at Jomtien office is a pain they should ask some of we long term stayers about the obstacle course that was Soi 8.

Recently I attended the Soi 5 office to have the required stamps entered into my new passport. I enquired of the new guy who deals with retirement visa extensions what had happened to the comfortably upholstered lady who had been his predecessor. Transferred to BKK was told. I mentioned the singlet wearing guy and told him that the preponderance of posts on the subject had been in support of the lady Immigration Officer's decision. Although I was wearing a polo shirt, shorts and flip flops he said that he could see that I was a good man as I had removed my hat before speaking to staff members, had shaved and looked clean and tidy. We no want disrespectful people Thailand, he said.

I suggest that those who seem addicted to covering their bodies with coloured inks that they might with benefit, wear a long sleeved shirt before attending any Government office.

My understanding is that the decisions made by UK Immigration officers regarding those entering the country are rarely , if ever, reversed. I wouldn't be at all surprised if this was the case in other countries. Certainly I have never found US Immigration officers helpful or friendly. Willie Rushton, character extraordinaire and humourist, in answer to a question on the form to be completed by visitors, "did he intend to undertake any act to remove from office or undermine the actions of the US Government, wrote 'sole intention of visit'. It took 4 hours and the intervention of the UK Embassy before he was granted entry.

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I read somewhers recently I think related to US passports to basically wear common, proper clothes for the passport shot. I took it to mean a tie or fancy dress not only uneceesary - but unwanted.

A jacket and tie in a pp photos these days strikes me as - I'm just a poor slob trying to impress you.

Collared shirt and clear bright eyes is what will impress.

Years ago, I did the suit thing, then tie and white shirt. Last few passports, just a collared shirt.Times change. Things arevfar more casual but people are also more sophisticated.

I really do not like anything about Immigration police. Legion of barely educated bureaucrats msking our lives overlycomplicated and miserable - and demanding respect in the process (for a job they may very well might not be even qualified for but have paid for).

But please, anyone that shows up to Immigration sweaty, in some b50 singlet a pair of crappy shorts and rubber flipflops. Well, tbis is one for the Darwin Awards. Stupid is as stupid does.

<deleted> I have not even owned singlet since I was pree teen dopey kid. Wearing one says, yeah...I look like a slob, but obviously I don't care.

I wouldn't walk into a BigC in a singlet. Jeeez, have some respect for yourself.

Edited by bangkokburning
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  • 7 months later...

An Order from the Ministry of Interior

Guidelines for determining to prohibit foreigners

who look like hippies, who enter into the Kingdom

1. Wearing sleeveless clothes without undergarments.

2. Wearing inappropriate very shorts is impolite.

3. Wearing the any kind of sandal, except, sandal is part of their culture.

4. Wearning transparent trousers is impolite.

5. Long hair is unkept and untidy.

6. Dressing improperly (look like impolite and dirty)

Immigration Officer is responsible in

examining and determining and to prohibit

these kind of foreigners or alien to enter Thailand.

Above is from photo of posted notice at entry points. But in reality it is a case of common sense.

Exactly. Why is there even a question? Showing up in a government office, to request something, dressed in underwear? Really??

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Thai oriented photo shops will happily photoshop your head onto whatever attire the stiuation requires whether that be a student uniform, suit, academic gown, or Royal Thai Army uniform. They do tend to do a bit of lightening at the same time but it works. Having said that, sleeveless shirts are underwear in most of the world including where I am from. How would you respond if someone handed you a photo of themselves in their underwear in a govenment or businees environment? You may be on vacation but remember not everyone else is. I do hope you were wearing something more appropriate to the immigration office than the attire you were photographed in.

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