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Visa Extension Denied: Jomtien

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Well look on the bright side, you have an extra week in Thailand to consider that your expectation of what is acceptable and what is reality when dealing with Thai official offices has something of a disconnect.

Maybe you can use that time to get some "proper" photographs made up, many shops in Pattaya that will do this for you, and do you know what....

....many, I suggest most will happily either offer a shirt-collar with neck-tie for the photograph or Photoshop a shirt and tie on to your pictures, because they know that image is important.

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I have deleted an off-topic post and the reply to it. This topic is about what one wears for a passport photograph, not what we see Thais wearing about town.

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Your passport pic didn't look like this, did it?

Excellent question. The OP has us comment on his rant without knowing what photo was rejected. As a minimum, he should have attached a scanned copy in his post.

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Are we talking about a sleeveless english vest type under garment in the photo? If so, completely inappropriate attire. Glad he was refused. You see people wearing stuff like this in restaurants and feel like saying something but hold your toungue and resort to just a disapproving stare !

So women can wear sleevless shirt,blouse or singlet in a restuarant but men can't,can you tell me the differerence.This is one reason i like Thailand,lack of dress code.Immigration you just have to suck it up a bit if you want to stay here but the outside world,up to me.If it's cool with management then you can leave if you don't like it and take your stare with you.

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I have just had pictures for a visa extension and the wife insisted that i re-take pictures whilst wearing a shirt and tie. When i asked why ( I already had pics) she says " For official, always need look best".

In Immigration, i was waved over to the desk and was finished in 5 mins with visa.

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In the good old days I always wore a Jacket and tie when I went to immigration. Now I always dress smartly.

Singlets look like underclothes to Thais. Do you see Thais wearing them?

You don't get out much do you.
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In the good old days I always wore a Jacket and tie when I went to immigration. Now I always dress smartly.

Singlets look like underclothes to Thais. Do you see Thais wearing them?

You don't get out much do you.

I think he does, and has learned to use his loaf. coffee1.gif

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Are we talking about a sleeveless english vest type under garment in the photo? If so, completely inappropriate attire. Glad he was refused. You see people wearing stuff like this in restaurants and feel like saying something but hold your toungue and resort to just a disapproving stare !

Well said!!, I too find it ill mannered to sit at restaurants as though you were on the beach, still, there will always be a minority group who leave their standards and manners in a locker at the airport.clap2.gif

!wai.gifHave some respect for the authorities, especially when they decide if you stay or not

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So, just out of curiosity, is there a written dress code for passport photos? Everyone is giving this guy a hard time, but I just extended my visa, and I didn't see anything in writing regarding my passport photo. I was dressed nice and had no problems, but is this just someone's judgement on what's classy and what's not?

Are you and the OP related ..?...is there a written dress code for passport photos ?.....Yeah, I think it's called common sense...obviously something you and the OP are lacking..!...wai2.gif

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I once worked in a company and come visa extension and work permit time a photographer would come to the office to take all of our photos as we were at work that day.

When the photos came back, every male employee would be the same jacket and tie.

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So, just out of curiosity, is there a written dress code for passport photos? Everyone is giving this guy a hard time, but I just extended my visa, and I didn't see anything in writing regarding my passport photo. I was dressed nice and had no problems, but is this just someone's judgement on what's classy and what's not?

To my knowledge there is absolutely no dress code for a pic to extend a visa. You would think Jomtien immigration are used to and already desensitized to the common casual dress style of many expats. Lets face it its not exactly like appearing for an interview for attorney position is it?

In my experience Thai society is mostly based upon "image" because there is very little substance. You could be on Interpols top 10 most wanted list but if you appear at a Thai gov office shaved with a a suit and tie, or even no jacket, just the nice shirt and tie, they'd write you a blank check (figuratively speaking). Too bad immigration doesn't take the attitude of being grateful to all the expats for supporting farmers, after all agriculture is a very important industry in thailand.

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I had to remove a lot of off-topic and troll posts and the replies to them. This topic is not about what you wear or see other people wearing in restaurants, on airplanes, in offices, etc.

This topic is about an immigration office's refusal to grant an extension of stay for the reason that the photo, of which we have been given no copy to view, the OP submitted with the application did not show him appropriately dressed in the immigration officer's opinion.

From this point forward, any post that is not on topic will be removed without comment and where appropriate a formal warning for the record may be issued to the poster.

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I had recently applied for two separate extensions through the Phuket Immigration office
using the same photos without an issue.

In other words you're now on your third extension in a row. aren't you?

You're real problem, which will become more apparent as you try for any more extensions is going to be the question of, "Sir, and how do you make a living in Thailand?. How do your support yourself while staying here on repeated extensions of tourist visas?."

"You do realize don't you, Sir, that it is illegal for a foreigner to work in Thailand without a Work Permit?"

Her objection about the photo was really a cover up, your singlet and your (I'm guessing here) aggressive attitude she thought you showed p---ed her off.

Maybe she was also having a bad day and was busy with a lot of applications.

But, whatever, the real problem was the number of back to back extensions on repeated tourist visas.

So, if you expect more applications for extensions to be approved ..... be prepared to deal with that real core question of how you are actually supporting yourself in Thailand.

For one thing, dress for the role you want to sell to them.

Just a word to the wise.


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One of the first things I learnt in Thailand is PRESENTATION. If you look good you will get more respect. You could be Dick Dastardly, but if you look smart and drive a nice car, you must be OK, yes?

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That a foreigner spending an inordinately long time in Thailand on tourist visas can lead to the suspicion that he may be working illegally is a possibility but it has so far been the Thai consulates to make this evaluation and refuse a new visa.

In the OP's case there was apparently a long queue, the officer had already explained once her reason for not accepting the photo – "When I sort clarification of what the issue was with the photo. I was abruptly told that photo no good. I give you 30 day extension Bangkok not happy, so no can do." I get the impression that the officer did not want to hold up the queue with more and lengthier explanations to this applicant and thus after her second explanation, to get the queue moving along, just gave him the seven days and handed the passport back to him. Reading between the lines I see that the officer also feared getting a reprimand if she granted the extension with that photo. To what extent, if any, the applicant's attitude contributed to the situation we do not know and perhaps better do not speculate.

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The ability to look at others seems a thing of the past. Now some people do what they like and think such liberal views should be acceptable.

Considering what The Thai think of an official photo just look at a few of their photos; the prefered Thai dress for a Thai official is to look like an admiral. You can opt in a photo shop to have any number of uniforms superimposed, all way over the top in my view but its the way the Thai does it.

I once left a photo guy for 20 minutes and when I returned he had airbrushed my face to look like a choir boy. I said it was no good not same me old man his reply was ok in Thailand.

Have some respect or try Bognor Regis in UK. They provide hankies to put on your head.

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Could it be the size ?

Always used the same place, same size photo's 4 x 2 cm. [ for 10 years]......... last time cost 120 baht for 12, gone up from 100 baht

This last time 4 months ago, was asked what they were for..... he showed me a printout [all in Thai] showing the new size accepted was 5 x 5 cm + the background must be white.. these cost 120 baht but you only get 8 photo..

Did notice a few fays ago at my Immigration, people had both sizes

These are far to big to fit any of the boxes an any Immigration supplied forms.

Wonder about the OP photo, as all my photos for these sort of forms show front face shot, you cannot see what I am wearing, shoulders are not in photo..

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This is the bit I like:

I had recently applied for two separate extensions through the Phuket Immigration office using the same photos without an issue

So Pattaya/Jomtien is a bit more dressy than Phuket.

Rock on Jomtien Immigration.

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The idea of the passport photo is to match your face to your passport pic , and if your on a 60 day visa that is a tourist visa, I am assuming you are a tourist, at a beach area " Jomtien or Pattaya" in summer. Wearing a singlet is normal attire for your time and place. I think she was probally having a bad hair day or something like that, so as the other TV members stated next time upgrade a little, maybe a tee shirt with no money no honey. Oh by the way did she stamp the Nigerian drug dealer that was in the line in front of you? They always wear collar shirts at imigration.

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I'm honestly surprised by the responses here. I'm in no way defending the OP, but truthfully, I guess I am also very ignorant on this issue. I had no idea that someone could dicatate government policy based on 'their' subjective judgment on your clothes, or as some have said, even your attitude. If there's an official policy, that was posted in writing, I'm sure everyone would comply. If there's nothing in writing, insulting this guy because what he is wearing is not up to YOUR standards is ridiculous. Has anyone thought, that maybe what YOU think is rude or classless is not the same as what other people think? Who are you to judge someone by the clothes they choose to wear anyway? If he's clearly breaking rules, fine, no visa for him, I understand. Please show us the writing in rules. However, if there are no real rules, and you are all just judging him to your expectation of what he should be wearing (Thai or foreign, no matter), then you should be seriously ashamed of yourselves.

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An Order from the Ministry of Interior
Guidelines for determining to prohibit foreigners
who look like hippies, who enter into the Kingdom
1. Wearing sleeveless clothes without undergarments.
2. Wearing inappropriate very shorts is impolite.
3. Wearing the any kind of sandal, except, sandal is part of their culture.
4. Wearning transparent trousers is impolite.
5. Long hair is unkept and untidy.
6. Dressing improperly (look like impolite and dirty)
Immigration Officer is responsible in
examining and determining and to prohibit
these kind of foreigners or alien to enter Thailand.

Above is from photo of posted notice at entry points. But in reality it is a case of common sense.

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I'm honestly surprised by the responses here. I'm in no way defending the OP, but truthfully, I guess I am also very ignorant on this issue. I had no idea that someone could dicatate government policy based on 'their' subjective judgment on your clothes, or as some have said, even your attitude. If there's an official policy, that was posted in writing, I'm sure everyone would comply. If there's nothing in writing, insulting this guy because what he is wearing is not up to YOUR standards is ridiculous. Has anyone thought, that maybe what YOU think is rude or classless is not the same as what other people think? Who are you to judge someone by the clothes they choose to wear anyway? If he's clearly breaking rules, fine, no visa for him, I understand. Please show us the writing in rules. However, if there are no real rules, and you are all just judging him to your expectation of what he should be wearing (Thai or foreign, no matter), then you should be seriously ashamed of yourselves.

Have you ever seen rules of common sense and etiquette posted in any public place? Sheesh...

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I feel sorry for the officers in Jomtien. A few years ago I was there at 7:45 and saw a guy who was smashed, beer can in hand, and when finished had his Thai gal go get him another one. And the doors hadn't even opened yet! I'm sure they deal with these kinds of people all the time.

I was there a few weeks ago and was waiting for my documents to be reviewed. I crossed my legs and was told quite sternly not to do that, this was a government office. Wow...that was a first for me.

I always dress nicely, though do wear nice shorts when I visit there. Singlets should only be worn in your own home, not out in public. IMHO. wai2.gif

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An Order from the Ministry of Interior
Guidelines for determining to prohibit foreigners
who look like hippies, who enter into the Kingdom
1. Wearing sleeveless clothes without undergarments.
2. Wearing inappropriate very shorts is impolite.
3. Wearing the any kind of sandal, except, sandal is part of their culture.
4. Wearning transparent trousers is impolite.
5. Long hair is unkept and untidy.
6. Dressing improperly (look like impolite and dirty)
Immigration Officer is responsible in
examining and determining and to prohibit
these kind of foreigners or alien to enter Thailand.

Above is from photo of posted notice at entry points. But in reality it is a case of common sense.

First of all, thanks for posting this, really. This is the first time I've actually seen anything 'official' looking. You mind posting your source?

You can't have long hair or wear sandals to get a visa extension? I don't see this as being common sense at all. I'm not sure what the way you are dressed has to do with your plans in this country. I guess in Thailand it IS all about appearance. LOOKING like a good person or LOOKING like you have money is much more important that BEING a good person or actually HAVING money.

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There used to be a sign in the Jomtien Office that said " please dress appropriately for government office" not sure if it is still there.

A similar sign is displayed at the Government Transport Office out on highway 36.

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There used to be a sign in the Jomtien Office that said " please dress appropriately for government office" not sure if it is still there.

A similar sign is displayed at the Government Transport Office out on highway 36.

I've been there why they've told people to leave and come back when they are properly dressed. They take it quite seriously at the transport office.

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