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The dog situation in Thailand is appalling in the extreme. Wild dogs roam the streets of every town, a menace to life and health. People who "own" dogs here seem to have no idea of what is needed to raise one properly.

I love dogs, and always had two at a time back in the US. But here? Never.

And the feral cat situation is even worse.

and here we go again, more whining farang, GO to where everything is just the way you like it:rolleyes:

You could of course go to where ever it is that whining is not allowed.
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Most of my life I've had big dogs. Sheps, Huskies, Goldens, etc. About two years ago my wife was talking about wanting to get something smaller, so we bought a Shih Poo. Mother is Shih Tzu, father is Poodle. This one has the Poodle face. You need some patience to train one of these properly. Not becuase they are stupid, but because they are just plan stubborn! Actually, he's one of the smartest dogs I've ever seen in many respects.

At first I wasn't wild about getting something small like this, but now I wouldn't trade him for anything. Anyone, or anything, comes even close to our front fence, we know about it. Sometimes he will bark at something I'm not aware of. I look outside, not see anything, then tell him: "Hey, Stupid! Get in here!" and he happily trots back into the house and lays on the floor.

Before you buy, do some research on the various breeds to see what their "requirements" are, and talk to owners of different types to get their opinion.

Its not a Shih Poo, its a Shpoodle:P or Shoodle

You MIGHT want to do a little research before making yourself sound "as dumb as a dog" again whistling.gif


Yes a very reliable source, let me log in to edit,it, so you rest easy:blink:

Google searches:

"Shpoodle" 1,160 results

"Shoodle" 17,700 results

"Shih Poo" 469,000 results.


I always wanted a dog but I live in a condo. Anyone know about nice condos in Jomtien area where they allow dogs ?

Look for a affordable house with a bit space-land-patio-car parking space. Better!thumbsup.gif

Hopefully you will be one of the very few foreigners who actually discipline and exercise their dog on a leash and clean up after the dog defecates in the street. Most just leave the dog 24/7 on their property with no exercise and zero effort to control their dogs constant barking.

  • Like 2

Many have said that dogs give good protection to your home against burglars. While I don't disagree I lost a dog when the burglars killed it to gain entry to my property. I'd rather have lost everything but kept the dog. How can anyone love inanimate over animate?


Many have said that dogs give good protection to your home against burglars. While I don't disagree I lost a dog when the burglars killed it to gain entry to my property. I'd rather have lost everything but kept the dog. How can anyone love inanimate over animate?

Many have said that dogs give good protection to your home against burglars. While I don't disagree I lost a dog when the burglars killed it to gain entry to my property. I'd rather have lost everything but kept the dog. How can anyone love inanimate over animate?

I know it must be painful but can you tell me what happened ?


I agree somewhat with one of the posts above.

Dogs alone as guard dogs might not be so brave.

I have first hand experience with this breaking into a shop one time and encountering 2 german shepards. I yelled at them and they ran away.

Plus with a cat, you can kick the cat and it usually comes back and cuddles up and purrs some more. Dogs not so.

However, some dogs live a long life, I had one for near 20 years.

Another uninformed post Mr shop breaker,

kick a cat and it will never come near you again, kick your dog and it will soon forgive you because of their unconditional love, bless 'em.


Nice post!

Im getting worry because I will move to Bkk soon. The problem is my dog is a boxer and in my country i manage her very well because i can keep her free for a run. People in this post only talk about the advantages having a dog in an outown or a big house. Could i manage my dog there.

She looks scary but this dog doesnt agressive at all. She overall like kids and play football with them.

Please i ask about an advice about move her to bkk.

If you do take the leap and move your boxer to Bangkok then exercising her may be a problem. Personally I find that taking mine for a leashed walk locally very frustrating and stressful. There are so many pets on the loose and stray dogs on Thailand's streets all of whom feel that me and mine shouldn't be there, yapping and snarling making horrendous noise attracting attention from local people farang and Thai alike. It is not that I and my dog can't take care of ourselves. We can. I carry a long stick and am prepared to use it. My 35kg monster would happily turn the 5kg snappy, yappy, poodle or shitzu or the 15kg (5kg of which is probably ticks) mangy mutt into breakfast, lunch or dinner, if I'd not trained her not too. Public parks and gardens don't offer anything much better as they too seem full of packs of strays. Only way is to try and find somewhere a little deserted where you can give your dog the exercise it so rightfully needs. I drive 15km each way daily to my spot where my dog can run free and not be under threat from strays as well as not disturb anyone. I live in Pattaya. Depending on where you intend to stay in Bangkok you may have much further to travel.

I understand that the BMA (Bangkok government) has plans to build a dog park. A good idea if it ever happens. You should try and find out more about it, where it will be, when will it open. If possible try and live near it so that your traveling is kept to a minimum. I wish you all the best and hope you find a solution where you can keep you dog and it gets its exercise.

It might be nice if some Bangkok dog owning residents would come on here and say how they exercise their dogs. But as someone has already mentioned most just leave it behind the gate 24/7.

  • Like 2

Many have said that dogs give good protection to your home against burglars. While I don't disagree I lost a dog when the burglars killed it to gain entry to my property. I'd rather have lost everything but kept the dog. How can anyone love inanimate over animate?

I know it must be painful but can you tell me what happened ?
It was a long time ago, well over 20 years. I'd adopted a soi puppy who turned out in size and looks very much like a golden except that she was pure white. Named her "pang" the Thai word for powder. But she was most definitely a Thai dog and very good guard. She would sit outside watching for intruders and bark if anyone got close to the gate. One morning I woke to find her dead in the street outside my now broken open gate and my motorbike missing. Police reckoned she was poisoned with meat soaked in weed killer. Training a dog not to accept food from stranger is very hard to do.

Since then my dogs always stay inside the house at night.


Nice post!

Im getting worry because I will move to Bkk soon. The problem is my dog is a boxer and in my country i manage her very well because i can keep her free for a run. People in this post only talk about the advantages having a dog in an outown or a big house. Could i manage my dog there.

She looks scary but this dog doesnt agressive at all. She overall like kids and play football with them.

Please i ask about an advice about move her to bkk.

If you do take the leap and move your boxer to Bangkok then exercising her may be a problem. Personally I find that taking mine for a leashed walk locally very frustrating and stressful. There are so many pets on the loose and stray dogs on Thailand's streets all of whom feel that me and mine shouldn't be there, yapping and snarling making horrendous noise attracting attention from local people farang and Thai alike. It is not that I and my dog can't take care of ourselves. We can. I carry a long stick and am prepared to use it. My 35kg monster would happily turn the 5kg snappy, yappy, poodle or shitzu or the 15kg (5kg of which is probably ticks) mangy mutt into breakfast, lunch or dinner, if I'd not trained her not too. Public parks and gardens don't offer anything much better as they too seem full of packs of strays. Only way is to try and find somewhere a little deserted where you can give your dog the exercise it so rightfully needs. I drive 15km each way daily to my spot where my dog can run free and not be under threat from strays as well as not disturb anyone. I live in Pattaya. Depending on where you intend to stay in Bangkok you may have much further to travel.

I understand that the BMA (Bangkok government) has plans to build a dog park. A good idea if it ever happens. You should try and find out more about it, where it will be, when will it open. If possible try and live near it so that your traveling is kept to a minimum. I wish you all the best and hope you find a solution where you can keep you dog and it gets its exercise.

It might be nice if some Bangkok dog owning residents would come on here and say how they exercise their dogs. But as someone has already mentioned most just leave it behind the gate 24/7.

I experience the same problem with walking my dogs, i always have them on the leash outside and the soi dogs can be a problem yes. I have a bangkaew and a rottie and they actually give hardly any attention to the soi dogs, even when they are barking at them.

Live in Pattaya as well, i found 2 opportunities to walk with them in a proper way and without a leash. Near the Mabrachan lake, in the beginning there is a huge pack of soi dogs but after 300 meters you can let your dogs walk without a leash. Its quite a nice walk inthere.

Another option is the BJ Dog Resort, this one is owned by a Canadian and his Thai wife and have a good staff in there. There is a dog park, which covers a area of about 2 to 3 rai and your dogs can run around and relax. There is even a special swimming pool for the dogs. My rottweiler loves the swimmingpool inhere as she can walk in it herself as in our own pool she needs to jump a bit in the pool to go in there :)

This is the link of the dog resort : http://bjdogresort.com

The resort is highly recommended by me as i always bring my dogs there if go abroad or a short holiday trip.


Nice post!

Im getting worry because I will move to Bkk soon. The problem is my dog is a boxer and in my country i manage her very well because i can keep her free for a run. People in this post only talk about the advantages having a dog in an outown or a big house. Could i manage my dog there.

She looks scary but this dog doesnt agressive at all. She overall like kids and play football with them.

Please i ask about an advice about move her to bkk.

If you do take the leap and move your boxer to Bangkok then exercising her may be a problem. Personally I find that taking mine for a leashed walk locally very frustrating and stressful. There are so many pets on the loose and stray dogs on Thailand's streets all of whom feel that me and mine shouldn't be there, yapping and snarling making horrendous noise attracting attention from local people farang and Thai alike. It is not that I and my dog can't take care of ourselves. We can. I carry a long stick and am prepared to use it. My 35kg monster would happily turn the 5kg snappy, yappy, poodle or shitzu or the 15kg (5kg of which is probably ticks) mangy mutt into breakfast, lunch or dinner, if I'd not trained her not too. Public parks and gardens don't offer anything much better as they too seem full of packs of strays. Only way is to try and find somewhere a little deserted where you can give your dog the exercise it so rightfully needs. I drive 15km each way daily to my spot where my dog can run free and not be under threat from strays as well as not disturb anyone. I live in Pattaya. Depending on where you intend to stay in Bangkok you may have much further to travel.

I understand that the BMA (Bangkok government) has plans to build a dog park. A good idea if it ever happens. You should try and find out more about it, where it will be, when will it open. If possible try and live near it so that your traveling is kept to a minimum. I wish you all the best and hope you find a solution where you can keep you dog and it gets its exercise.

It might be nice if some Bangkok dog owning residents would come on here and say how they exercise their dogs. But as someone has already mentioned most just leave it behind the gate 24/7.

I experience the same problem with walking my dogs, i always have them on the leash outside and the soi dogs can be a problem yes. I have a bangkaew and a rottie and they actually give hardly any attention to the soi dogs, even when they are barking at them.

Live in Pattaya as well, i found 2 opportunities to walk with them in a proper way and without a leash. Near the Mabrachan lake, in the beginning there is a huge pack of soi dogs but after 300 meters you can let your dogs walk without a leash. Its quite a nice walk inthere.

Another option is the BJ Dog Resort, this one is owned by a Canadian and his Thai wife and have a good staff in there. There is a dog park, which covers a area of about 2 to 3 rai and your dogs can run around and relax. There is even a special swimming pool for the dogs. My rottweiler loves the swimmingpool inhere as she can walk in it herself as in our own pool she needs to jump a bit in the pool to go in there smile.png

This is the link of the dog resort : http://bjdogresort.com

The resort is highly recommended by me as i always bring my dogs there if go abroad or a short holiday trip.

Thanks for your advice. I should have said that my labrador ignores all the street dogs never making a sound or movement towards them. It is I, the street dogs and pets on the loose, and their owners who have a problem. I've even been threatened with physical violence from some people who say "F*** off, take your bl**dy dog elsewhere" Mine is leashed, theirs is out and about on the loose.

The dog park sounds like a good idea....100 baht/day per dog. The pool 250 baht. Not sure I can afford it each day though as getting their would cost almost as much as getting to where I go now (a beach) for free.

Could you give some GPS co-ordinates for the Mabrachan lake location. Google maps should be able to help. Still quite a way for me as I live more towards Jomtien on the light-side.


Let's break it down this way:

1) Doesn't matter if you're gone 10 minutes, 10 hours, 10 weeks, 10 months, etc., a dog is always happy to see come home, and never asks where you've been.

2) A dog doesn't care if you come home with the smell of some other "bitch" on you.

3) A dog is ready to play any time you want.

4) A dog never talks back.

5) You can spank your dog for doing something wrong, and a minute later it's ready to snuggle up with you again.

6) A dog doesn't care about money. Only love and food.

7) A dog doesn't care about clothes or the latest "fashion".

8) A dog will listen to whatever you want to say, for as long as you want to say it, without interrupting you.

9) A dog give you love and loyality for life.

Why God, or Nature, didn't put all those qualities into women, I'll never understand. cheesy.gif

For God's sake.

it is an animal you talk about.

The creature has been created to be like this.

A bit more advanced than today's robots.

Still pretty unintelligent really.

You love your car the same because it is so shiny, and never bites you, and can drive sooo fast, and keep you dry when it is raining, and transport you wherever you want, etc, etc, etcf?

Let me guess, you keep your dog in your bed at night.

You must have had a bad night last night, as it's apparent you woke up today without your sense of humor. cheesy.gif

  • Like 1

Let's break it down this way:

1) Doesn't matter if you're gone 10 minutes, 10 hours, 10 weeks, 10 months, etc., a dog is always happy to see come home, and never asks where you've been.

2) A dog doesn't care if you come home with the smell of some other "bitch" on you.

3) A dog is ready to play any time you want.

4) A dog never talks back.

5) You can spank your dog for doing something wrong, and a minute later it's ready to snuggle up with you again.

6) A dog doesn't care about money. Only love and food.

7) A dog doesn't care about clothes or the latest "fashion".

8) A dog will listen to whatever you want to say, for as long as you want to say it, without interrupting you.

9) A dog give you love and loyality for life.

Why God, or Nature, didn't put all those qualities into women, I'll never understand. cheesy.gif

For God's sake.

it is an animal you talk about.

The creature has been created to be like this.

A bit more advanced than today's robots.

Still pretty unintelligent really.

You love your car the same because it is so shiny, and never bites you, and can drive sooo fast, and keep you dry when it is raining, and transport you wherever you want, etc, etc, etcf?

Let me guess, you keep your dog in your bed at night.

You must have had a bad night last night, as it's apparent you woke up today without your sense of humor. cheesy.gif

Are you honestly laying on the floor like that?

Together with your dog I guess.



Many have said that dogs give good protection to your home against burglars. While I don't disagree I lost a dog when the burglars killed it to gain entry to my property. I'd rather have lost everything but kept the dog. How can anyone love inanimate over animate?

I know it must be painful but can you tell me what happened ?
It was a long time ago, well over 20 years. I'd adopted a soi puppy who turned out in size and looks very much like a golden except that she was pure white. Named her "pang" the Thai word for powder. But she was most definitely a Thai dog and very good guard. She would sit outside watching for intruders and bark if anyone got close to the gate. One morning I woke to find her dead in the street outside my now broken open gate and my motorbike missing. Police reckoned she was poisoned with meat soaked in weed killer. Training a dog not to accept food from stranger is very hard to do.

Since then my dogs always stay inside the house at night.

it is not hard at all. all you need train is a release word for eating. both of my greedy beagles and rott mix wouldnt touch anything unless the command are given even when im away. i didnt train them specifically on this and didnt know till i was informed they werent eating when i boarded them.

i did that as i free feed my cat, and they keep eating from her bowl


Why do dogs lick their own balls?


So you can say Balls.

I'm confused.

It was an old joke, in the midst of all the seriousness.

-Why do dogs lick their balls?

-Because they can.



Many have said that dogs give good protection to your home against burglars. While I don't disagree I lost a dog when the burglars killed it to gain entry to my property. I'd rather have lost everything but kept the dog. How can anyone love inanimate over animate?

I know it must be painful but can you tell me what happened ?
It was a long time ago, well over 20 years. I'd adopted a soi puppy who turned out in size and looks very much like a golden except that she was pure white. Named her "pang" the Thai word for powder. But she was most definitely a Thai dog and very good guard. She would sit outside watching for intruders and bark if anyone got close to the gate. One morning I woke to find her dead in the street outside my now broken open gate and my motorbike missing. Police reckoned she was poisoned with meat soaked in weed killer. Training a dog not to accept food from stranger is very hard to do.

Since then my dogs always stay inside the house at night.

it is not hard at all. all you need train is a release word for eating. both of my greedy beagles and rott mix wouldnt touch anything unless the command are given even when im away. i didnt train them specifically on this and didnt know till i was informed they werent eating when i boarded them.

i did that as i free feed my cat, and they keep eating from her bowl

I have managed to train one dog a release word as you say. But that only seems to work when it is me who is giving the food. If I'm not there she'll take the food without needing the release. When the cat is away the mouse will play. But you however seem to have found the answer to all that even though many others haven't.

Why do dogs lick their own balls?


So you can say Balls.

I'm confused.

It was an old joke, in the midst of all the seriousness.

-Why do dogs lick their balls?

-Because they can.


Thanks for explaining the joke, that always works.


There may be some advantage to me as an owner, especially if I have no intention of teaching the dog anything, and every intention to let it grow into a barking—or even better, woeful yelping—machine. It probably strokes my ego to hear the noise from MY dog(s) enveloping the neighbourhood.

There may be very little advantage to the neighbourhood, unless it's populated by people who adore endless, woeful yelping, day and night. One particular advantage that the neighbours may relish is the opportunity to be pursued loudly, MY dog(s) snapping at their legs, whenever they are foolish enough to pass through my territory on a motorbike or bicycle.

Finally, a tremendous advantage is enjoyed by the dog(s), who will never be lonely. The luckier neighbourhoods are blessed with enough untrained, yelping, howling canids to form an official pack. Sadly for them, it tends not to happen; apparently, it requires a degree of discipline. Curiously, wolf packs, African wild dogs, even hyenas, can naturally organise themselves. The neighbourhood dogs (at least in my local area) remain a disparate, growling canine conglomerate. And God we love it.

  • Like 1

Let's break it down this way:

1) Doesn't matter if you're gone 10 minutes, 10 hours, 10 weeks, 10 months, etc., a dog is always happy to see come home, and never asks where you've been.

2) A dog doesn't care if you come home with the smell of some other "bitch" on you.

3) A dog is ready to play any time you want.

4) A dog never talks back.

5) You can spank your dog for doing something wrong, and a minute later it's ready to snuggle up with you again.

6) A dog doesn't care about money. Only love and food.

7) A dog doesn't care about clothes or the latest "fashion".

8) A dog will listen to whatever you want to say, for as long as you want to say it, without interrupting you.

9) A dog give you love and loyality for life.

Why God, or Nature, didn't put all those qualities into women, I'll never understand. cheesy.gif

For God's sake.

it is an animal you talk about.

The creature has been created to be like this.

A bit more advanced than today's robots.

Still pretty unintelligent really.

You love your car the same because it is so shiny, and never bites you, and can drive sooo fast, and keep you dry when it is raining, and transport you wherever you want, etc, etc, etcf?

Let me guess, you keep your dog in your bed at night.

You must have had a bad night last night, as it's apparent you woke up today without your sense of humor. cheesy.gif

Are you honestly laying on the floor like that?

Together with your dog I guess.


Hmm. Some TV CDs (conversational disjunctions) are quietly scary. o_O


A nonsense post bringing religion into the discussion has been removed as well as the replies.

Not that ancient cult of dog worship again? Don't they ever give up? sigh


Nice post!

Im getting worry because I will move to Bkk soon. The problem is my dog is a boxer and in my country i manage her very well because i can keep her free for a run. People in this post only talk about the advantages having a dog in an outown or a big house. Could i manage my dog there.

She looks scary but this dog doesnt agressive at all. She overall like kids and play football with them.

Please i ask about an advice about move her to bkk.

Nice dog, I LIKE the -short nosed Dog Breeds- . thumbsup.gif

  • Like 1

I always wanted a dog but I live in a condo. Anyone know about nice condos in Jomtien area where they allow dogs ?

Look for a affordable house with a bit space-land-patio-car parking space. Better!thumbsup.gif

Hopefully you will be one of the very few foreigners who actually discipline and exercise their dog on a leash and clean up after the dog defecates in the street. Most just leave the dog 24/7 on their property with no exercise and zero effort to control their dogs constant barking.

I live in rural Isaan on a big fenced property outside the Village, dogs nearly never go out!


Many instances it's a case of the dog owning the person. We have several of these arrangements and it works out fine. One big lab female likes to kill the snakes, like the one i was handling until i found out it was a real deadly tree dweller.

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