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What ya going to do "Swissie" burn your bra outside the Thai Parliament ?....maybe you can get the PTP to help you...tongue.png

The problem "Swissie" with your cunning plan is that the vast majority of farangs have no rights in Thailand because most are not PR or citizens...face facts...if your not a PR or citizen...we are all "perpetual tourists" in Thailand irrespective of the reason we are here...thats what the term "Non-immigrant" on ya visa means...we are not legalised immigrants in this country

Ok. As of now, I start collecting bra's and if I have collected 1 ton's worth, I shall take action...................!

But seriously: If the above thinking remains engraved in Falangs minds: Of course nothing will ever change!

Just compare: If a foreigner is allowed to stay in an european country, he is eligible to benefit from the health-care-system, housing assistance, and all the other programs, too numerous to mention. Needless to say, that he doesen't have to show up at immigration every 3 months. Those benefits also apply to Thai-Folks, that happen to live in those countries!

-Therefore, the first goal would have to be (for an AFRT): To open visa-options, that detach the farang from this eternal "Tourist-Visa" and "Non-Immigrant" merry go round. A Farang, living here for years and having supported a whole Thai-Family, and still officially only appears as "a long-term-tourist", to me, this is nothing less than an outrage.

Maybe it would be helpful, if a BBC-Team would make a report of Farangs, supporting Thai-Families for years, but having to ask immigration every 3 months "Can I stay another 3 months"? Not to speak, that they are not allowed to own much more than their underwear. But I know, european reporting as far as Thailand is concerned, is focused on finding places, where prostitution rears it's ugly head.

But again: If the majority of Farangs think "well, that's the way it is", of course nothing will ever change.


Swissie it seems to have escaped you that the foriegners living in europe that you refer to are living there as residents

and as such are eligible for all the benefits you mentioned for that reason. What part of "temporary stay visa" or "non-

immigrant" do you not understand? You may as well pressure tourists to lobby the Thai government for better deals on

their hotels or the exchange rate. Wakey Wakey Missie Swissie cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Let's try this again:

- In Europe you are either a Tourist or you are not a tourist.

- If you are not a Tourist, and intend to stay for a longer period of time, you need a different kind of visa. Depending on country, there are different "residential-status-options", for those that can qualify.

Not so in Thailand: Regardless of how long one has been living here, and no matter what type of visa one holds, it's never more than a long-term Tourist-Visa, that has to be renewed at least once a year. (At the discression of immigration, of course.) Naturally, as an (eternal) tourist, one is not allowed to work or own land etc, etc.........

Since Thailand is specialized in copying things, why not copy some european legislation for a change.

Only visas available:

- Tourist-Visa. (90 days max). Tourists wanting to stay longer than 90 days are not tourists. Period.

- Immigrant-Visa, with sub-categories: Retirement, Marriage, Business/Investment, Work/Teaching. Valid for 5 years, with no 90 Day reporting / leaving the country. (And therefore, no more NON- Immigrant long term-tourists!)

Sounds very European and makes sense, doesen't it ?

It may make sense, but I reckon, there is something standing in the way to implement such reforms: The whole "Immigration-Circus" has developed into such a steady source of income for the "Thai-Government" and other private enterprises, associated and linked to this "Circus" = Why kill the goose, that lays the golden eggs?

Within this context:

- My (Thai)-Wife, allowed to stay and work in Europe, pays 460 Bht per year for her residential permit / work permit.

- I pay 25'000 Bht per year just to be allowed to stay here as an "eternal tourist."

But nevermind, according to the input here, I must conclude, that most farangs find "the way things are" perfectly acceptable. So, by all means, let's not "rock the boat" and let us do what we are allowed to do: Spend our money, support the family and enjoy life in paradise. As long as it lasts.


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I guess one platform which would work for an organization (and most of us as well), is to try to make the entire society here understand the vast amount of money the non-tourists contribute to the kingdom.

And those foreigners ask to have some sort of permanent non-citizen residence, and let them pay tax on all the money they get transferred from abroad, thus prove they are not just "playing around".


"Maybe it would be helpful, if a BBC-Team would make a report of Farangs, supporting Thai-Families for years, but having to ask immigration every 3 months "Can I stay another 3 months"?"

Who does that?

Everybody does! It's either reporting after 3 months at the local immigration or leave the country after 3 months and then return. Regardless of what Visa you have.

The reason: Thai-Authorities must keep a close eye on all those Farangs. After all, they may have come here with the sole purpose of committing crimes. So, a three month screening is a MUST.

The fact, that 99.9% of all crimes in Thailand are committed by Thai-Nationals is of no relevance. For technical reasons 64 million Thai-Nationals could not be screened every 3 months.

But mainly: 99.9% of Thai's could not pay the "screening-fee" of 1900 Bht every 3 months. Only Farangs can ! Any more questions?



In most of the worlds countries, if foreigners complain, the people will just tell the foreigners to go home to where they came from.

Not in the UK, we just up the benefits paid to them for fear of upsetting someone!

Best thing I have read all day. thumbsup.gif


In most of the worlds countries, if foreigners complain, the people will just tell the foreigners to go home to where they came from.

Not in the UK, we just up the benefits paid to them for fear of upsetting someone!

Best thing I have read all day. thumbsup.gif

Interesting enough, 100% of all the English I know and have met agree with you, which actually proves my point.

You are sick and tired of the foreigners complaining (and even get rewarded for doing so).

Which is why complaints must be humble, with the numbers making the points and not the noise.


"Maybe it would be helpful, if a BBC-Team would make a report of Farangs, supporting Thai-Families for years, but having to ask immigration every 3 months "Can I stay another 3 months"?"

Who does that?

Everybody does! It's either reporting after 3 months at the local immigration or leave the country after 3 months and then return. Regardless of what Visa you have.

The reason: Thai-Authorities must keep a close eye on all those Farangs. After all, they may have come here with the sole purpose of committing crimes. So, a three month screening is a MUST.

The fact, that 99.9% of all crimes in Thailand are committed by Thai-Nationals is of no relevance. For technical reasons 64 million Thai-Nationals could not be screened every 3 months.

But mainly: 99.9% of Thai's could not pay the "screening-fee" of 1900 Bht every 3 months. Only Farangs can ! Any more questions?


You should differentiate between 90d address reporting whether you are on an annual VISA extentision based on retirement / marrriage or whether you really are on a 90d tourist Visa... the address reporting has nothing to do with your VISA status.

Maybe you could enlighten people why you pay 25'000 Baht per year to stay here?

Finally, you might want to mention that you CAN work in Thailand if you find qualifying work and that is IT possible (while lengthy and not easy) to qualify for a residence permit...

I don't say that I like the Thai system and of course would like it to be easier, but it's the way it is and thousands of foreigners obviously can deal with it pretty well.


What if the Government do not like our club and a few of us start disappering each night

No, the government will not like our club. As long as our concerns will be represented by a well established Thai-Law-Firm, representing xxx-tousands Farangs, no Farang will "disappear"!

The cost: If every long-term Farang would be willing to contribute 100 Bht per month to a "war-chest", designed to give us a voice in Thailand, things will improve dramatically for expats in no time at all. I am absolutely convinced of that.



"Maybe it would be helpful, if a BBC-Team would make a report of Farangs, supporting Thai-Families for years, but having to ask immigration every 3 months "Can I stay another 3 months"?"

Who does that?

Everybody does! It's either reporting after 3 months at the local immigration or leave the country after 3 months and then return. Regardless of what Visa you have.

The reason: Thai-Authorities must keep a close eye on all those Farangs. After all, they may have come here with the sole purpose of committing crimes. So, a three month screening is a MUST.

The fact, that 99.9% of all crimes in Thailand are committed by Thai-Nationals is of no relevance. For technical reasons 64 million Thai-Nationals could not be screened every 3 months.

But mainly: 99.9% of Thai's could not pay the "screening-fee" of 1900 Bht every 3 months. Only Farangs can ! Any more questions?


You should differentiate between 90d address reporting whether you are on an annual VISA extentision based on retirement / marrriage or whether you really are on a 90d tourist Visa... the address reporting has nothing to do with your VISA status.

Maybe you could enlighten people why you pay 25'000 Baht per year to stay here?

Finally, you might want to mention that you CAN work in Thailand if you find qualifying work and that is IT possible (while lengthy and not easy) to qualify for a residence permit...

I don't say that I like the Thai system and of course would like it to be easier, but it's the way it is and thousands of foreigners obviously can deal with it pretty well.

As usual, you only read half of the posts. Nothing new.

But, and by all means: If you can direct me to a legal "Visa-Situation" that costs less than 25'000 Bht per year (including reporting or visa-runs), please let me know immediately and without further delay!

I am waiting!



"Maybe it would be helpful, if a BBC-Team would make a report of Farangs, supporting Thai-Families for years, but having to ask immigration every 3 months "Can I stay another 3 months"?"

Who does that?

Everybody does! It's either reporting after 3 months at the local immigration or leave the country after 3 months and then return. Regardless of what Visa you have.

The reason: Thai-Authorities must keep a close eye on all those Farangs. After all, they may have come here with the sole purpose of committing crimes. So, a three month screening is a MUST.

The fact, that 99.9% of all crimes in Thailand are committed by Thai-Nationals is of no relevance. For technical reasons 64 million Thai-Nationals could not be screened every 3 months.

But mainly: 99.9% of Thai's could not pay the "screening-fee" of 1900 Bht every 3 months. Only Farangs can ! Any more questions?


You should differentiate between 90d address reporting whether you are on an annual VISA extentision based on retirement / marrriage or whether you really are on a 90d tourist Visa... the address reporting has nothing to do with your VISA status.

Maybe you could enlighten people why you pay 25'000 Baht per year to stay here?

Finally, you might want to mention that you CAN work in Thailand if you find qualifying work and that is IT possible (while lengthy and not easy) to qualify for a residence permit...

I don't say that I like the Thai system and of course would like it to be easier, but it's the way it is and thousands of foreigners obviously can deal with it pretty well.

I too am curious about the 25,000 baht per year and would point out that 90 day reporting is free or has been for me

for the last six years. biggrin.png


"Maybe it would be helpful, if a BBC-Team would make a report of Farangs, supporting Thai-Families for years, but having to ask immigration every 3 months "Can I stay another 3 months"?"

Who does that?

Everybody does! It's either reporting after 3 months at the local immigration or leave the country after 3 months and then return. Regardless of what Visa you have.

The reason: Thai-Authorities must keep a close eye on all those Farangs. After all, they may have come here with the sole purpose of committing crimes. So, a three month screening is a MUST.

The fact, that 99.9% of all crimes in Thailand are committed by Thai-Nationals is of no relevance. For technical reasons 64 million Thai-Nationals could not be screened every 3 months.

But mainly: 99.9% of Thai's could not pay the "screening-fee" of 1900 Bht every 3 months. Only Farangs can ! Any more questions?


You should differentiate between 90d address reporting whether you are on an annual VISA extentision based on retirement / marrriage or whether you really are on a 90d tourist Visa... the address reporting has nothing to do with your VISA status.

Maybe you could enlighten people why you pay 25'000 Baht per year to stay here?

Finally, you might want to mention that you CAN work in Thailand if you find qualifying work and that is IT possible (while lengthy and not easy) to qualify for a residence permit...

I don't say that I like the Thai system and of course would like it to be easier, but it's the way it is and thousands of foreigners obviously can deal with it pretty well.

As usual, you only read half of the posts. Nothing new.

But, and by all means: If you can direct me to a legal "Visa-Situation" that costs less than 25'000 Bht per year (including reporting or visa-runs), please let me know immediately and without further delay!

I am waiting!


As you have failed to state what visa you have it is difficult to advise you at all.

But I can tell you I visit the nearest immigration office every year to renew my

retirement extension and it costs me about 3,000 baht per year and every 90 days

i report to the immigration to verify my address for free. Same for the last six years.


Most expats are rather old and suffer from that "old person smell" - I have no interest in uniting with them. I would like to unite with Natt Chanapa though...


have a Farang-Friend in Town, that lives here for 25 years. He is a member of the Elite-Card-Owners (membership costs 1 million Bht).

still he has to report every 90 days and has to pay the regular 1900
Bht every time he confirms his address (his address has not changed in
the last 25 years!).


does all that mean: There must be a growing number of Farangs, willing
to turn over their passports for days at the time to some dubious Visa-Agencies. = It's cheaper than the official way!

If a Farang looks "affluent" enough, his passport may get lost in the process, but a well trained "search-team" will magically recover the lost passport. (The Thai-Malaysia Border is getting notoriuos for this), Finders fee is usually around 20'000 Bht.

So, if anyone is able to document to me on written paper, that his legal visa-expenses including bus-fares, hotel accommodations, etc is less than 25'000 Bht per year, let me know!

The reward: I will pay anyone that can live up to those demands a truly luxurious and lavish dinner, be it in Bangkok, Hua-Hin or Pattaya. (This offer is limited to the messenger only, and not for the rest of the family).

I am waiting and I am afraid I will be waiting for a long time.



It is absurd that legal workers must leave the country every 90 days. I got a one year extension on the visa last year using an agent that cost 10,000 baht, but this year on my own, no extension. travel to the consulate, got a new one year but am only given 90 days on entry ?

As I had to leave over a long holiday, and the 5000 visa fee, ended up spending about.. 15, 000 baht. So I can see how this adds up when it needs to be done four times a year.

Seems Thailand wants to discourage a,... er.. certain sort, but instead they end up harassing everyone and discouraging honest expats. Not that they care..

I suspect the attitude is if you aren't rich, you do not belong here.


have a Farang-Friend in Town, that lives here for 25 years. He is a member of the Elite-Card-Owners (membership costs 1 million Bht).


still he has to report every 90 days and has to pay the regular 1900

Bht every time he confirms his address (his address has not changed in

the last 25 years!).



does all that mean: There must be a growing number of Farangs, willing

to turn over their passports for days at the time to some dubious Visa-Agencies. = It's cheaper than the official way!

If a Farang looks "affluent" enough, his passport may get lost in the process, but a well trained "search-team" will magically recover the lost passport. (The Thai-Malaysia Border is getting notoriuos for this), Finders fee is usually around 20'000 Bht.

So, if anyone is able to document to me on written paper, that his legal visa-expenses including bus-fares, hotel accommodations, etc is less than 25'000 Bht per year, let me know!

The reward: I will pay anyone that can live up to those demands a truly luxurious and lavish dinner, be it in Bangkok, Hua-Hin or Pattaya. (This offer is limited to the messenger only, and not for the rest of the family).

I am waiting and I am afraid I will be waiting for a long time.


I pay 1,900 for visa renewal and 3,800 for multiple re-entry permit each year. I have no other expenses. I have receipts. Get your platinum card out - I like black angus steak!


What if the Government do not like our club and a few of us start disappering each night

No, the government will not like our club. As long as our concerns will be represented by a well established Thai-Law-Firm, representing xxx-tousands Farangs, no Farang will "disappear"!

The cost: If every long-term Farang would be willing to contribute 100 Bht per month to a "war-chest", designed to give us a voice in Thailand, things will improve dramatically for expats in no time at all. I am absolutely convinced of that.


There is a law about foreigners unable to participate in political demonstrations, which is what I'm sure any kind of cohesive movement would be labelled

MAybe better to appeal to our home governments to institute some kind of penalties, like is done for copyright infringement.

I"d love to see Thais banned from owning land in the US, but of course that would be contrary to the constitution. SO if you choose to live in a developing country, you have to put up with the third world aspects of it, which is using foreigner inflow without allowing them to safely invest.

I have no doubt it is the sex industry that facilitates these unfair practices- expats will put up with it for access to the prostitutes.


Just bring it on ASAP,I want a reason ,a good one to up sticks, I can tell the Thai GF that I'm forced out,no lying,no knives in my back,no calling the cops as I'm leaving her,please God let this happen


A good start for such an organisation would be a brightly coloured t-shirt to affirm our unity, any suggestion on colour?or perhaps a thai logo?



have a Farang-Friend in Town, that lives here for 25 years. He is a member of the Elite-Card-Owners (membership costs 1 million Bht).


still he has to report every 90 days and has to pay the regular 1900

Bht every time he confirms his address (his address has not changed in

the last 25 years!).



does all that mean: There must be a growing number of Farangs, willing

to turn over their passports for days at the time to some dubious Visa-Agencies. = It's cheaper than the official way!

If a Farang looks "affluent" enough, his passport may get lost in the process, but a well trained "search-team" will magically recover the lost passport. (The Thai-Malaysia Border is getting notoriuos for this), Finders fee is usually around 20'000 Bht.

So, if anyone is able to document to me on written paper, that his legal visa-expenses including bus-fares, hotel accommodations, etc is less than 25'000 Bht per year, let me know!

The reward: I will pay anyone that can live up to those demands a truly luxurious and lavish dinner, be it in Bangkok, Hua-Hin or Pattaya. (This offer is limited to the messenger only, and not for the rest of the family).

I am waiting and I am afraid I will be waiting for a long time.


You obviously seem to be on a tourist only Visa, not on a non-imm-O with annual extension to stay based on retirement or marriage... that at least I take from your talking about the need for border runs...

People on annual extentions must to 90d address reporting which is free and must to annual Visa renewal with is either 1'900 or 3'800 based on whether they want a multi-entry or a single-entry. Those people don't have to leave the country and thus, the cost is much lower than your mentions 25K Baht. Based on the next immigration office, annual transport cost might be as low as 100 Baht for bus.

Your friend with his Elite card does not do address reporting, but 90 day VISA renewal. The only thing for him is that through his elite card, he does not need to do border runs, but still pay 1900 Baht for each VISA renewal. quote from ThailandElite.com: "Membership confers the right to stay in the Kingdom, with special entry visa as well as extendable 90-day stays without the usual need to leave the country."

You are lucky I am not the one who you will pay the dinner for... at Bruno's it would be pretty expensive for you... Amarone at 6'000 per bottle and Wagui Kobe at 2'000...


have a Farang-Friend in Town, that lives here for 25 years. He is a member of the Elite-Card-Owners (membership costs 1 million Bht).


still he has to report every 90 days and has to pay the regular 1900

Bht every time he confirms his address (his address has not changed in

the last 25 years!).



does all that mean: There must be a growing number of Farangs, willing

to turn over their passports for days at the time to some dubious Visa-Agencies. = It's cheaper than the official way!

If a Farang looks "affluent" enough, his passport may get lost in the process, but a well trained "search-team" will magically recover the lost passport. (The Thai-Malaysia Border is getting notoriuos for this), Finders fee is usually around 20'000 Bht.

So, if anyone is able to document to me on written paper, that his legal visa-expenses including bus-fares, hotel accommodations, etc is less than 25'000 Bht per year, let me know!

The reward: I will pay anyone that can live up to those demands a truly luxurious and lavish dinner, be it in Bangkok, Hua-Hin or Pattaya. (This offer is limited to the messenger only, and not for the rest of the family).

I am waiting and I am afraid I will be waiting for a long time.


Swissie you are still avoiding telling us what visa you have, do you have something to hide?

Your elite-card-owner friend is irrelevant and if he is paying 1,900 baht every 90 day report

then he is a rich fool, as already stated several times 90 day reporting is FREE.

My previous figures were a bit light but like Stradavarious I pay 1,900 for my retirement extention

renewal and 1,900 for my single entry re-entry permit, so 3,800 total and nothing more until the

next annual renewal.

I think you might be better getting your visa info from someone who knows, like immigration, rather

than some bs rip off visa agency. thumbsup.gif

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