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High Risk Of More Coups In Thailand, Study Says


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Robby nz, on 13 May 2013 - 06:11, said:snapback.png

Fortunately the General in charge of the army at present is not PT appointed and is possibly one of the few things that is holding PT and Thaksin back.

What I see or read about him and from his statements he knows and understands very well what PT are up to.

He also knows what havoc and bloodshed a coup at this point would create and has no wish to be the cause of that.

He can also see that PT are losing support and are on the road to self destruction.

However the Dems now need to come out and show themselves as a stronger opposition and alternative by getting in the news on a daily basis countering all the silly statements being made by PT with truth.

I wont comment on those who rubbish the Thai army because that's off topic, but will say if you want to talk about cowards I suggest the man in Dubai would be a great subject.

The Thai army in a thread about military coups is not off topic. Their shooting of unarmed civilians at a temple is directly to the point.

If this indeed on topic and to the point I will say to you the men in black shooting of unarmed civilians at a temple.

Prove me wrong.

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Robby nz, on 13 May 2013 - 06:11, said:snapback.png

Fortunately the General in charge of the army at present is not PT appointed and is possibly one of the few things that is holding PT and Thaksin back.

What I see or read about him and from his statements he knows and understands very well what PT are up to.

He also knows what havoc and bloodshed a coup at this point would create and has no wish to be the cause of that.

He can also see that PT are losing support and are on the road to self destruction.

However the Dems now need to come out and show themselves as a stronger opposition and alternative by getting in the news on a daily basis countering all the silly statements being made by PT with truth.

I wont comment on those who rubbish the Thai army because that's off topic, but will say if you want to talk about cowards I suggest the man in Dubai would be a great subject.

The Thai army in a thread about military coups is not off topic. Their shooting of unarmed civilians at a temple is directly to the point.

If this indeed on topic and to the point I will say to you the men in black shooting of unarmed civilians at a temple.

Prove me wrong.

You've been around long enuff to know we've been over this ground of the temple shooting many times previously, in great and extensive detail.

You want me to go off topic, however, I shall not.

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As I'd said, we'd been over this ground long ago, many times over, arguing back and forth about it. For these reasons it is irrelevant and even immaterial to this thread, which has to do with military coups in Thailand (and, comparatively, in certain other countries of the region), not who was shooting from the expressway into the "neutral" temple grounds which during a time of civil strife was a haven and a medical aid station. (A coup had not been occurring at the time.) beatdeadhorse.gif

Edited by Publicus
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A few off-topic posts have been deleted. You might want to check out what the thread is about before continuing to post.

There are probably hundreds of red/yellow threads in which post your endless drivel and nonsense. Discussion of the risk of coups in Thailand is the topic of this thread.

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74 years from the first coup in 1932 to the last coup in 2006.

Divided by the 18 coups reveals an average coup interval of 4.1

years. So we are about three year past the average, time to be

on coup alert based upon these numbers.... :-)

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Thailand must have one of the most bizarre form of governments in the world.

Demagogue leaders get in office by promising endless things, and then sweeten the deal with vote buying. Once in office they then proceed to loot the country at mind boggling levels, while instigating dictatorial powers to assist in the looting. Then when the looting is out of control, the military steps in with a coup, and throw the crooks out. The military performs a tortured period of poor governance, and the, new demagogues run for office again . Starting the cycle over again. So is it true all people have EXACTLY the form of government they deserve ???

More bizarre than that is the people then go and vote foolishly as they had done before, not learning a lesson and buying the lies time & again, hook line & sinker. As long as Pheau thai manages to keep 'em uneducated and gives them some pocket change from taxpayers along the way, it will continue and they can farm on their back to keep their insecure oligarchy in power.

Once I'd hoped social media, the net and other factors would expose and educate them more, but instead playing games & facebook gossip & channel 3 praise of mafia wealth families won't do the trick.

Political Re-education camps maybe?

Edited by JAG
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Thailand must have one of the most bizarre form of governments in the world.

Demagogue leaders get in office by promising endless things, and then sweeten the deal with vote buying. Once in office they then proceed to loot the country at mind boggling levels, while instigating dictatorial powers to assist in the looting. Then when the looting is out of control, the military steps in with a coup, and throw the crooks out. The military performs a tortured period of poor governance, and the, new demagogues run for office again . Starting the cycle over again. So is it true all people have EXACTLY the form of government they deserve ???

More bizarre than that is the people then go and vote foolishly as they had done before, not learning a lesson and buying the lies time & again, hook line & sinker. As long as Pheau thai manages to keep 'em uneducated and gives them some pocket change from taxpayers along the way, it will continue and they can farm on their back to keep their insecure oligarchy in power.

Once I'd hoped social media, the net and other factors would expose and educate them more, but instead playing games & facebook gossip & channel 3 praise of mafia wealth families won't do the trick.

That is a good post. One question. Is there some news service or some organization that tells people if they have voted foolishly or wisely? How do they know? Or maybe a facebook page that lets people know if they are foolish or smart?

Thai Visa ( or to be accurate the coup enthusiasts on this forum on Thai Visa) seems to make a fair stab at it

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Thailand must have one of the most bizarre form of governments in the world.

Demagogue leaders get in office by promising endless things, and then sweeten the deal with vote buying. Once in office they then proceed to loot the country at mind boggling levels, while instigating dictatorial powers to assist in the looting. Then when the looting is out of control, the military steps in with a coup, and throw the crooks out. The military performs a tortured period of poor governance, and the, new demagogues run for office again . Starting the cycle over again. So is it true all people have EXACTLY the form of government they deserve ???

More bizarre than that is the people then go and vote foolishly as they had done before, not learning a lesson and buying the lies time & again, hook line & sinker. As long as Pheau thai manages to keep 'em uneducated and gives them some pocket change from taxpayers along the way, it will continue and they can farm on their back to keep their insecure oligarchy in power.

Once I'd hoped social media, the net and other factors would expose and educate them more, but instead playing games & facebook gossip & channel 3 praise of mafia wealth families won't do the trick.

Political Re-education camps maybe?

Decent schools perhaps?

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Thailand must have one of the most bizarre form of governments in the world.

Demagogue leaders get in office by promising endless things, and then sweeten the deal with vote buying. Once in office they then proceed to loot the country at mind boggling levels, while instigating dictatorial powers to assist in the looting. Then when the looting is out of control, the military steps in with a coup, and throw the crooks out. The military performs a tortured period of poor governance, and the, new demagogues run for office again . Starting the cycle over again. So is it true all people have EXACTLY the form of government they deserve ???

More bizarre than that is the people then go and vote foolishly as they had done before, not learning a lesson and buying the lies time & again, hook line & sinker. As long as Pheau thai manages to keep 'em uneducated and gives them some pocket change from taxpayers along the way, it will continue and they can farm on their back to keep their insecure oligarchy in power.

Once I'd hoped social media, the net and other factors would expose and educate them more, but instead playing games & facebook gossip & channel 3 praise of mafia wealth families won't do the trick.

That is a good post. One question. Is there some news service or some organization that tells people if they have voted foolishly or wisely? How do they know? Or maybe a facebook page that lets people know if they are foolish or smart?

Thai Visa ( or to be accurate the coup enthusiasts on this forum on Thai Visa) seems to make a fair stab at it

Call me a coup-enthusiast if you like.

Democratic government elected (red)

Government rips finances apart - sod Thailand, people and country

Military step in and rescue Thailand

Things settle down

Military restore mechanism for democratic government

Democratic government elected (red)

Government rips finances apart - sod Thailand, people and country

Military step in and rescue Thailand

Things settle down


Where's the problem in somebody putting Thailand first?

I know it flies in the face of Thai culture - me, me, me, money, money, money - but I don't see somebody saving Thailand from itself as a problem.

The point to recognise is that the coup is a braking mechanism, not a ruse to assume power. We leave that scenario to the much maligned fugitive, criminal, former PM.

Red supporters have other ideas on how to stop 'Democracy' from destroying Thailand?

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Call me a coup-enthusiast if you like.

Democratic government elected (red)

Government rips finances apart - sod Thailand, people and country

Military step in and rescue Thailand

Things settle down

Military restore mechanism for democratic government

Democratic government elected (red)

Government rips finances apart - sod Thailand, people and country

Military step in and rescue Thailand

Things settle down


Where's the problem in somebody putting Thailand first?

I know it flies in the face of Thai culture - me, me, me, money, money, money - but I don't see somebody saving Thailand from itself as a problem.

The point to recognise is that the coup is a braking mechanism, not a ruse to assume power. We leave that scenario to the much maligned fugitive, criminal, former PM.

Red supporters have other ideas on how to stop 'Democracy' from destroying Thailand?

You wrote, "The point to recognise is that the coup is a braking mechanism, not a ruse to assume power."

No it's not.

A coup is

A sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.
Edited by chiangmaikelly
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Call me a coup-enthusiast if you like.

Democratic government elected (red)

Government rips finances apart - sod Thailand, people and country

Military step in and rescue Thailand

Things settle down

Military restore mechanism for democratic government

Democratic government elected (red)

Government rips finances apart - sod Thailand, people and country

Military step in and rescue Thailand

Things settle down


Where's the problem in somebody putting Thailand first?

I know it flies in the face of Thai culture - me, me, me, money, money, money - but I don't see somebody saving Thailand from itself as a problem.

The point to recognise is that the coup is a braking mechanism, not a ruse to assume power. We leave that scenario to the much maligned fugitive, criminal, former PM.

Red supporters have other ideas on how to stop 'Democracy' from destroying Thailand?

You wrote, "The point to recognise is that the coup is a braking mechanism, not a ruse to assume power."

No it's not.

A coup is

A sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.

SOmebody obviously needs to get out more. I don't recall any significant violence in the last coup in Thailand. Though admittedly, I was relying on the international press at the time.


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Call me a coup-enthusiast if you like.

Democratic government elected (red)

Government rips finances apart - sod Thailand, people and country

Military step in and rescue Thailand

Things settle down

Military restore mechanism for democratic government

Democratic government elected (red)

Government rips finances apart - sod Thailand, people and country

Military step in and rescue Thailand

Things settle down


Where's the problem in somebody putting Thailand first?

I know it flies in the face of Thai culture - me, me, me, money, money, money - but I don't see somebody saving Thailand from itself as a problem.

The point to recognise is that the coup is a braking mechanism, not a ruse to assume power. We leave that scenario to the much maligned fugitive, criminal, former PM.

Red supporters have other ideas on how to stop 'Democracy' from destroying Thailand?

You wrote, "The point to recognise is that the coup is a braking mechanism, not a ruse to assume power."

No it's not.

A coup is

A sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.

SOmebody obviously needs to get out more. I don't recall any significant violence in the last coup in Thailand. Though admittedly, I was relying on the international press at the time.


Ya I was here. And you can do better. A coup is a coup is a coup. Do you really intend to start a discussion that a coup is less illegal or not a coup if thousands of people are not harmed? The guy in the photo would have shot. He was lucky as we all were that he didn't have to shoot. Why not? The man who could have opposed the coup did not. Say what you will about the guy but he didn't give the order to resist the coup and he could have.


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Call me a coup-enthusiast if you like.

Democratic government elected (red)

Government rips finances apart - sod Thailand, people and country

Military step in and rescue Thailand

Things settle down

Military restore mechanism for democratic government

Democratic government elected (red)

Government rips finances apart - sod Thailand, people and country

Military step in and rescue Thailand

Things settle down


Where's the problem in somebody putting Thailand first?

I know it flies in the face of Thai culture - me, me, me, money, money, money - but I don't see somebody saving Thailand from itself as a problem.

The point to recognise is that the coup is a braking mechanism, not a ruse to assume power. We leave that scenario to the much maligned fugitive, criminal, former PM.

Red supporters have other ideas on how to stop 'Democracy' from destroying Thailand?

You wrote, "The point to recognise is that the coup is a braking mechanism, not a ruse to assume power."

No it's not.

A coup is


A sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.

SOmebody obviously needs to get out more. I don't recall any significant violence in the last coup in Thailand. Though admittedly, I was relying on the international press at the time.


Ya I was here. And you can do better. A coup is a coup is a coup. Do you really intend to start a discussion that a coup is less illegal or not a coup if thousands of people are not harmed? The guy in the photo would have shot. He was lucky as we all were that he didn't have to shoot. Why not? The man who could have opposed the coup did not. Say what you will about the guy but he didn't give the order to resist the coup and he could have.

I can see it, he's whispering to himself.

"Democracy rules"

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Call me a coup-enthusiast if you like.

Democratic government elected (red)

Government rips finances apart - sod Thailand, people and country

Military step in and rescue Thailand

Things settle down

Military restore mechanism for democratic government

Democratic government elected (red)

Government rips finances apart - sod Thailand, people and country

Military step in and rescue Thailand

Things settle down


Where's the problem in somebody putting Thailand first?

I know it flies in the face of Thai culture - me, me, me, money, money, money - but I don't see somebody saving Thailand from itself as a problem.

The point to recognise is that the coup is a braking mechanism, not a ruse to assume power. We leave that scenario to the much maligned fugitive, criminal, former PM.

Red supporters have other ideas on how to stop 'Democracy' from destroying Thailand?

You wrote, "The point to recognise is that the coup is a braking mechanism, not a ruse to assume power."

No it's not.

A coup is

A sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.

By that definition, it wasn't a coup, as it was hardly sudden, not at all violent, currently not illegal, and there was no government at the time.

As for the inherent violence of a soldier with a machine gun, one of his tools of trade, is there any less in a red shirt walking the streets of Bangkok with a machete? I've never seen anybody giving a red shirt with a machete flowers to show approval of his presence. Money to get through his checkpoint, yes, flowers, no.

BTW the machine gun is covered, quite possibly so that it cannot be seen to not be loaded - no ammo belt fitted.

Edited by OzMick
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Call me a coup-enthusiast if you like.

Democratic government elected (red)

Government rips finances apart - sod Thailand, people and country

Military step in and rescue Thailand

Things settle down

Military restore mechanism for democratic government

Democratic government elected (red)

Government rips finances apart - sod Thailand, people and country

Military step in and rescue Thailand

Things settle down


Where's the problem in somebody putting Thailand first?

I know it flies in the face of Thai culture - me, me, me, money, money, money - but I don't see somebody saving Thailand from itself as a problem.

The point to recognise is that the coup is a braking mechanism, not a ruse to assume power. We leave that scenario to the much maligned fugitive, criminal, former PM.

Red supporters have other ideas on how to stop 'Democracy' from destroying Thailand?

You wrote, "The point to recognise is that the coup is a braking mechanism, not a ruse to assume power."

No it's not.

A coup is


A sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.


Whatever the OED might define the WORD as, in the context of Thailand the act has been proven to have a calming influence. IMHO.

Any contribution to my question re how to stop the government from destroying the country?

Or does this slavish, simplistic attitude of 'we won the election so we can do whatever we want', take precedence?

IMHO, the current Thailand doesn't seem able to cope with democracy.

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The topic is high risk of more coups in Thalland not, "did a coup occur in Thailand" or "do I like the current government in Thailand" or " can democracy work in Thailand." Every thread is turned into an anti government thread for example the above poster wrote, "Any contribution to my question re how to stop the government from destroying the country? Or does this slavish, simplistic attitude of 'we won the election so we can do whatever we want', take precedence?"

Gee, man of course the party that put together a government gets to do whatever they want.

Every government in control is guilty of excesses in the excercise of power you only have to look at the US or UK to confirm that. What one does is vote them out in the next election; not lobby for the violent overthrow of the existing government!

Surely the threat of a possible coup should restrain the excesses and encourage government to stay within the boundaries of electoral and constitutional law. I should include criminal law too, but that would mean cancelling Thaksin's passport.

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The topic is high risk of more coups in Thalland not, "did a coup occur in Thailand" or "do I like the current government in Thailand" or " can democracy work in Thailand." Every thread is turned into an anti government thread for example the above poster wrote, "Any contribution to my question re how to stop the government from destroying the country? Or does this slavish, simplistic attitude of 'we won the election so we can do whatever we want', take precedence?"

Gee, man of course the party that put together a government gets to do whatever they want.

Every government in control is guilty of excesses in the excercise of power you only have to look at the US or UK to confirm that. What one does is vote them out in the next election; not lobby for the violent overthrow of the existing government!

Surely the threat of a possible coup should restrain the excesses and encourage government to stay within the boundaries of electoral and constitutional law. I should include criminal law too, but that would mean cancelling Thaksin's passport.

I assume this would apply to all countries the UK and USA included?

Why do you post such nonsense? I suppose Australia would be better off with a coup every 4 years?

You can't even make a simple post without adding an anti government element in this case about Thaksin.

Coups are an excercise in lawlessness and anarchy and don't happen in civilized countries.

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The topic is high risk of more coups in Thalland not, "did a coup occur in Thailand" or "do I like the current government in Thailand" or " can democracy work in Thailand." Every thread is turned into an anti government thread for example the above poster wrote, "Any contribution to my question re how to stop the government from destroying the country? Or does this slavish, simplistic attitude of 'we won the election so we can do whatever we want', take precedence?"

Gee, man of course the party that put together a government gets to do whatever they want.

Every government in control is guilty of excesses in the excercise of power you only have to look at the US or UK to confirm that. What one does is vote them out in the next election; not lobby for the violent overthrow of the existing government!

Surely the threat of a possible coup should restrain the excesses and encourage government to stay within the boundaries of electoral and constitutional law. I should include criminal law too, but that would mean cancelling Thaksin's passport.

I assume this would apply to all countries the UK and USA included?

Why do you post such nonsense? I suppose Australia would be better off with a coup every 4 years?

You can't even make a simple post without adding an anti government element in this case about Thaksin.

Coups are an excercise in lawlessness and anarchy and don't happen in civilized countries.

Australia and the USA have the checks and balances to keep a government within its legal boundaries very firmly in place. Do you claim the same for Thailand?

Do I want a coup every 4 years? Besides that it has been 7, I only approve the government of the day begins to act illegally, or to subvert those weak restraints imposed by the constitution. And the issuing of a passport to a fugitive criminal is a perfect example of a government with no regard for the courts and laws - sorry if it offends you.

Are you putting Thailand forward as a good example of a civilised country, or claiming it isn't?

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The topic is high risk of more coups in Thalland not, "did a coup occur in Thailand" or "do I like the current government in Thailand" or " can democracy work in Thailand." Every thread is turned into an anti government thread for example the above poster wrote, "Any contribution to my question re how to stop the government from destroying the country? Or does this slavish, simplistic attitude of 'we won the election so we can do whatever we want', take precedence?"

Gee, man of course the party that put together a government gets to do whatever they want.

Every government in control is guilty of excesses in the excercise of power you only have to look at the US or UK to confirm that. What one does is vote them out in the next election; not lobby for the violent overthrow of the existing government!

Surely the threat of a possible coup should restrain the excesses and encourage government to stay within the boundaries of electoral and constitutional law. I should include criminal law too, but that would mean cancelling Thaksin's passport.

I assume this would apply to all countries the UK and USA included?

Why do you post such nonsense? I suppose Australia would be better off with a coup every 4 years?

You can't even make a simple post without adding an anti government element in this case about Thaksin.

Coups are an excercise in lawlessness and anarchy and don't happen in civilized countries.

Australia and the USA have the checks and balances to keep a government within its legal boundaries very firmly in place. Do you claim the same for Thailand?

Do I want a coup every 4 years? Besides that it has been 7, I only approve the government of the day begins to act illegally, or to subvert those weak restraints imposed by the constitution. And the issuing of a passport to a fugitive criminal is a perfect example of a government with no regard for the courts and laws - sorry if it offends you.

Are you putting Thailand forward as a good example of a civilised country, or claiming it isn't?

If the USA and UK had checks and balances that worked the IRS would not be targeting political parties and the MPs in the UK would not expect the government to pay their expenses. But you don't have a coup! Nor do the folks call for a coup. They call for elections. Nixon and Clinton both violated the law and both should have gone to jail but they didn't. I got over it. I didn't go around calling for a coup. A coup is not an alternative.

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Pretty much everything centers around Thaksin. For the pro-Thaksin group, it is bringing him back. For the anti-Thaksin group, it is keeping him out. Most politicians anywhere in the world would like to have a military at their disposal to squash the enemy, but they don't. In Thailand they do, and they use them. It's called a coup.

Democracy has a long way to go. What they have is like a lot of things, it looks good, but in fact it's not the real thing.

The real power lies elsewhere and with the military.

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Pretty much everything centers around Thaksin. For the pro-Thaksin group, it is bringing him back. For the anti-Thaksin group, it is keeping him out. Most politicians anywhere in the world would like to have a military at their disposal to squash the enemy, but they don't. In Thailand they do, and they use them. It's called a coup.

Democracy has a long way to go. What they have is like a lot of things, it looks good, but in fact it's not the real thing.

The real power lies elsewhere and with the military.

True story and it doesn't take a weatherman to tell which way the wind is blowing. What boggles my mind is why supposedly sophisticated Westerners would get involved in a discussion of this nonsense. I mean really folks banning people from politics and coups and stuff? Snoop Dogg is banned from the UK and Australia so I guess it's ok to ban stuff but ....... Politics aw come on. You can't ban someone from politics. It doesn't work. And a coup is not an alternative to an election!

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Pretty much everything centers around Thaksin. For the pro-Thaksin group, it is bringing him back. For the anti-Thaksin group, it is keeping him out. Most politicians anywhere in the world would like to have a military at their disposal to squash the enemy, but they don't. In Thailand they do, and they use them. It's called a coup.

Democracy has a long way to go. What they have is like a lot of things, it looks good, but in fact it's not the real thing.

The real power lies elsewhere and with the military.

True story and it doesn't take a weatherman to tell which way the wind is blowing. What boggles my mind is why supposedly sophisticated Westerners would get involved in a discussion of this nonsense. I mean really folks banning people from politics and coups and stuff? Snoop Dogg is banned from the UK and Australia so I guess it's ok to ban stuff but ....... Politics aw come on. You can't ban someone from politics. It doesn't work. And a coup is not an alternative to an election!

What boggles my mind is why supposedly sophisticated Westerners would get involved in a discussion of this nonsense.

Well CMK I guess its because its the topic of the OP.

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Pretty much everything centers around Thaksin. For the pro-Thaksin group, it is bringing him back. For the anti-Thaksin group, it is keeping him out. Most politicians anywhere in the world would like to have a military at their disposal to squash the enemy, but they don't. In Thailand they do, and they use them. It's called a coup.

Democracy has a long way to go. What they have is like a lot of things, it looks good, but in fact it's not the real thing.

The real power lies elsewhere and with the military.

True story and it doesn't take a weatherman to tell which way the wind is blowing. What boggles my mind is why supposedly sophisticated Westerners would get involved in a discussion of this nonsense. I mean really folks banning people from politics and coups and stuff? Snoop Dogg is banned from the UK and Australia so I guess it's ok to ban stuff but ....... Politics aw come on. You can't ban someone from politics. It doesn't work. And a coup is not an alternative to an election!

What boggles my mind is why supposedly sophisticated Westerners would get involved in a discussion of this nonsense.

Well CMK I guess its because its the topic of the OP.

What I meant was and I guess did not say very well was Wessterners saying things like coups are good for Thailand or the last coup was not really a coup or Thailand is not ready for democracy. I can see a Thai saying things like that because they have no history of democracy but the US or UK? Or when was the last time there was a coup in Australia? Western people saying things like, "I only approve the government of the day begins to act illegally, or to subvert those weak restraints imposed by the constitution." Who is to say what is legal and what is illegal? In the US they have teams of lawyers debating this issue daily but no one resorts to a coup!!!

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Pretty much everything centers around Thaksin. For the pro-Thaksin group, it is bringing him back. For the anti-Thaksin group, it is keeping him out. Most politicians anywhere in the world would like to have a military at their disposal to squash the enemy, but they don't. In Thailand they do, and they use them. It's called a coup.

Democracy has a long way to go. What they have is like a lot of things, it looks good, but in fact it's not the real thing.

The real power lies elsewhere and with the military.

True story and it doesn't take a weatherman to tell which way the wind is blowing. What boggles my mind is why supposedly sophisticated Westerners would get involved in a discussion of this nonsense. I mean really folks banning people from politics and coups and stuff? Snoop Dogg is banned from the UK and Australia so I guess it's ok to ban stuff but ....... Politics aw come on. You can't ban someone from politics. It doesn't work. And a coup is not an alternative to an election!

What boggles my mind is why supposedly sophisticated Westerners would get involved in a discussion of this nonsense.

Well CMK I guess its because its the topic of the OP.

What I meant was and I guess did not say very well was Wessterners saying things like coups are good for Thailand or the last coup was not really a coup or Thailand is not ready for democracy. I can see a Thai saying things like that because they have no history of democracy but the US or UK? Or when was the last time there was a coup in Australia? Western people saying things like, "I only approve the government of the day begins to act illegally, or to subvert those weak restraints imposed by the constitution." Who is to say what is legal and what is illegal? In the US they have teams of lawyers debating this issue daily but no one resorts to a coup!!!

Thailand has the CC for now, but even that in under threat from this government. If a government act beyond its legal bounds, refuses to recognise the constraints of the judiciary, enacts policies that are a detriment to the electorate. Is run by a convicted criminal and fugitive of justice as his personal criminal organisation. Where is the democracy in that? CMK advocates that you just bend over and take it till the next election.

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True story and it doesn't take a weatherman to tell which way the wind is blowing. What boggles my mind is why supposedly sophisticated Westerners would get involved in a discussion of this nonsense. I mean really folks banning people from politics and coups and stuff? Snoop Dogg is banned from the UK and Australia so I guess it's ok to ban stuff but ....... Politics aw come on. You can't ban someone from politics. It doesn't work. And a coup is not an alternative to an election!

What boggles my mind is why supposedly sophisticated Westerners would get involved in a discussion of this nonsense.

Well CMK I guess its because its the topic of the OP.

What I meant was and I guess did not say very well was Wessterners saying things like coups are good for Thailand or the last coup was not really a coup or Thailand is not ready for democracy. I can see a Thai saying things like that because they have no history of democracy but the US or UK? Or when was the last time there was a coup in Australia? Western people saying things like, "I only approve the government of the day begins to act illegally, or to subvert those weak restraints imposed by the constitution." Who is to say what is legal and what is illegal? In the US they have teams of lawyers debating this issue daily but no one resorts to a coup!!!

Thailand has the CC for now, but even that in under threat from this government. If a government act beyond its legal bounds, refuses to recognise the constraints of the judiciary, enacts policies that are a detriment to the electorate. Is run by a convicted criminal and fugitive of justice as his personal criminal organisation. Where is the democracy in that? CMK advocates that you just bend over and take it till the next election.

Yes he does seem to be a little out of touch. If the States were a democracy Al Gore would have been president instead of Bush. Can you imagine the state of the world today if they had a president who didn't start two unwinable wars and tried to save the environment. That is what they would have had if they were a democracy.

The UK has the same system of government as Thailand. In order to preserve it the military had to step in or there would be a dictator here in Thailand. When they staged this coup there was no PM there was no interim PM there was a man illegally trying to take the job of PM over and turn it into a dictatorship.

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What would be the product of another coup? The army would offend and antagonise the electorate, eventually be forced to relinquish power, and call an election......where the democrats who appear to be able to offer up no other political platform than 'Thaksin bad' would suffer yet another defeat. So the wheel would have made one more turn and the ball landed in exactly the same place. Coup supporters lack the intelligence to form more acceptable and suitable methodology.

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What would be the product of another coup? The army would offend and antagonise the electorate, eventually be forced to relinquish power, and call an election......where the democrats who appear to be able to offer up no other political platform than 'Thaksin bad' would suffer yet another defeat. So the wheel would have made one more turn and the ball landed in exactly the same place. Coup supporters lack the intelligence to form more acceptable and suitable methodology.

More untruths from the "I am not a Thaksin supporter, butt" squad. The Democrat Party had many innovative policies that were pilfered and expanded by the PTP. As indicated below............


Its "Moving Thailand Forward" pledges include:

- Raise daily minimum wages by 25 percent in two years from current levels of 159-221 baht ($5-7) and improve labor skills

- Free universal quality medical treatment

- Build high-speed rail links to north, south and eastern seaboard

- Extend subsidies on diesel and cooking gas prices, and provide some free electricity for low-income households

- Raise farm incomes by 25 percent through subsidies for fertilizer, and financial guarantees for farm production

- Two-year interest-free mortgages for first-home buyers

- Free education up to 18 years, soft education loans for 250,000 university students, $12 billion approved for education reform

- Ease financial burden of small borrowers by extending state refinancing of personal debts owed to non-conventional creditors outside the banking system.

- Double production of alternative energy, especially solar, turbine and bio-gas

- Expand national 3G broadband networks to link all districts in Thailand

- Anti-drug campaign

Trouble was they were out bid by the PTP on very one of their policies, maybe they should have promises every Thai will be rich in 6 months too.

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What would be the product of another coup? The army would offend and antagonise the electorate, eventually be forced to relinquish power, and call an election......where the democrats who appear to be able to offer up no other political platform than 'Thaksin bad' would suffer yet another defeat. So the wheel would have made one more turn and the ball landed in exactly the same place. Coup supporters lack the intelligence to form more acceptable and suitable methodology.

More untruths from the "I am not a Thaksin supporter, butt" squad. The Democrat Party had many innovative policies that were pilfered and expanded by the PTP. As indicated below............


Its "Moving Thailand Forward" pledges include:

- Raise daily minimum wages by 25 percent in two years from current levels of 159-221 baht ($5-7) and improve labor skills

- Free universal quality medical treatment

- Build high-speed rail links to north, south and eastern seaboard

- Extend subsidies on diesel and cooking gas prices, and provide some free electricity for low-income households

- Raise farm incomes by 25 percent through subsidies for fertilizer, and financial guarantees for farm production

- Two-year interest-free mortgages for first-home buyers

- Free education up to 18 years, soft education loans for 250,000 university students, $12 billion approved for education reform

- Ease financial burden of small borrowers by extending state refinancing of personal debts owed to non-conventional creditors outside the banking system.

- Double production of alternative energy, especially solar, turbine and bio-gas

- Expand national 3G broadband networks to link all districts in Thailand

- Anti-drug campaign

Trouble was they were out bid by the PTP on very one of their policies, maybe they should have promises every Thai will be rich in 6 months too.

All under control now with PTP.......smile.png ........I guess PTP in their two years have concentrated on making moves to improve the country and not waste their time houndingThaksin....smile.png

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