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Emergency Decree Enforcement Revocation In Far South Remains Undecided


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Emergency decree enforcement revocation in far South remains undecided
By Digital Media


BANGKOK, May 11 - The Southern Operations Centre resolved not to revoke enforcement of the emergency decree in Thailand's southernmost provinces pending further consultation among security agencies and local residents, according to the head of the National Security Council.

Speaking to reporters after a high-level security meeting Friday, Lt Gen Paradorn Pattanatabut said the meeting chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubamrung also discussed revoking more than 3,000 arrest warrants but no decision was made on the issue.

The Police Operations Centre in the Southern Border Provinces was assigned to speed up its public relations campaign so that more suspects with outstanding arrest warrants under the Executive Decree in Public Administration in Emergency Situations, the Internal Security Act and the Criminal Procedure Code will surrender to the authorities, Gen Paradorn said.

He added that some of those with outstanding warrants had already reported to the Army Fourth Region Command.

Regarding revoking of enforcement of the emergency decree, the NSC secretary-general said the proposal is being jointly considered among the Southern Border Provinces Administration Centre, the Internal Security Operations Centre and provincial authorities. They must also heed local residents' opinion on the issue, he said.

The meeting concluded that the next round of the peace talks between the Thai government and representatives of the Barisan Revolusi Nasional (BRN) insurgent group must proceed in parallel with stringent security measures put in place in the area.

The senior security officials also discussed the five-point demand of the BRN which was recently posted on the video sharing website YouTube. They agreed that the demand went too far, and asked for too much.

However, since the BRN claimed that the demand reflects local residents' needs and feelings, the Thai authorities are now awaiting feedback from local residents before making any move, Gen Paradorn said.

The insurgent group insisted that Malaysia be given the role of mediator, not facilitator, in the peace talks and other members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the Organization of the Islamic Conference be involved in the peace process.

The BRN also demanded the Thai authorities release all detained suspects without conditions, suspend and stop issuing issuing additional arrest warrants for other suspects. And the BRN’s status must be recognised as a Pattani liberation movement, not an insurgency group. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2013-05-11

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The BRN also demanded the Thai authorities release all detained suspects without conditions, suspend and stop issuing issuing additional arrest warrants for other suspects. And the BRNs status must be recognised as a Pattani liberation movement, not an insurgency group.

And that will reduce the number of attacks. Yeah, sure.

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From outside the circle it appears that the insurgents have the Thai security and government on the back foot , they are dithering over demands , unsure about emergency decree enforcement and to withdraw outstanding arrest warrants etc , the only thing that seems to be certain is that they haven't a clue, public relations are all very well , the doctor feel good syndrome , what about the insurgents that are not interested in talks in Malaysia or public relations, only on making life hell for your security forces, public service employee's and the general public, the government seems to have lost sight of the subject, dropped the ball and has no clear mandate as to what to do next , as I have said before, Thailand you have sat on your hands for thirty years hoping the problem will go away , Talked and talked and talked, you only have yourself to blame, now it is biting you on the arse, you haven't a clue what direction to take, not one of those proposals is appropriate and you need to look in another direction, your security forces motto should be, take no prisoners as your opponents wont.bah.gif

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From outside the circle it appears that the insurgents have the Thai security and government on the back foot , they are dithering over demands , unsure about emergency decree enforcement and to withdraw outstanding arrest warrants etc , the only thing that seems to be certain is that they haven't a clue, public relations are all very well , the doctor feel good syndrome , what about the insurgents that are not interested in talks in Malaysia or public relations, only on making life hell for your security forces, public service employee's and the general public, the government seems to have lost sight of the subject, dropped the ball and has no clear mandate as to what to do next , as I have said before, Thailand you have sat on your hands for thirty years hoping the problem will go away , Talked and talked and talked, you only have yourself to blame, now it is biting you on the arse, you haven't a clue what direction to take, not one of those proposals is appropriate and you need to look in another direction, your security forces motto should be, take no prisoners as your opponents wont.bah.gif

Bring back Thaksin??

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as I keep saying, just start shooting them all, I am pretty sure when they realize that the thai govt is no longer playing games and that their own lives are on the line they will come to the party very quickly. Most cowards that kill women and children do when they realize they are being shot at, they dont like being targeted themselves.

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When you have a Chalerm, a army general and a PM, all of who have been designated or claimed to be in charge of things and they all do no feel the need to attend a important policy making meeting, just shake your head in 'wonder'.

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