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Economic Growth Forecasts 2013 - The Usual Suspects And ...

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Peru, Paraguay and sub-Saharan Africa ?


For those less familiar with South America:


I retain my skepticism re people touting Ecuador and Colombia as retirement destinations, and I would never consider Africa, but it's interesting to see countries other than Brazil and Chile charging ahead in S.America, even if it *is* easier to achieve those growth levels from a lower base. 8% growth in a small economy is still going to be miniscule next to a juggernaut like Brazil. The downside is that I would expect wages and prices to rise accordlngly, and I have no idea how bad corruption is in a country like Peru. As always, swings and roundabouts. biggrin.png

I shall now remove my crystal balls to a safe place and await Naam's, er, your responses ;)

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