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Thai Police To Discuss Slaying Of ' Seh Daeng'


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Police to discuss slaying of 'Seh Daeng'
Patinya Iamtarn,
Opas Boonlom
The Nation

The red shirts place a photograph of their late leader Khattiya

BANGKOK: -- The police team probing the fatal shooting of red-shirt chief guard Maj Gen Khattiya "Seh Daeng" Sawasdiphol will meet next week to discuss progress on the case.

"We will try to wrap up the investigation as soon as possible," Pol Maj-General Anuchai Lekbamrung, deputy of the Metropolitan Police and team head, said yesterday.

Khattiya was hit once in the head by a high-velocity bullet on May 13, 2010 while giving an interview to reporters in front of Silom subway station. He died four days later at Watchira Hospital.

Anuchai said his panel has completed inquiries into 32 out the 37 killings assigned to it, leaving only Khattiya and four other cases to finish.

Pheu Thai MP Khattiya, Seh Daeng's daughter, and her sister gathered with 200 red shirts near the King Rama VI Monument to make merit on the third anniversary of his assassination.

At the spot where Seh Daeng was shot, the group placed a banner calling for those responsible to be identified.

In two other cases, Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva and MP Suthep Thaugsuban will report today to the Department of Special Investigation to acknowledge charges of authorising the murder of Kunakorn Srisuwan, then 14 years old, and the attempted murder of Samorn Maithong, a van driver who was wounded, when Abhisit was the prime minister and Suthep was his deputy, during the red-shirt uprising three years ago.

Both Abhisit and Suthep, who were in charge of the Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation, are likely to face similar scenarios, as prosecutors have sought 18 indictments related to 91 deaths during the political chaos three years ago. A conviction for authorising the killing of others is punishable by death.

Abhisit and Suthep were summoned on December 13 to hear a charge of authorising the killing of Pan Kamkong, a taxi driver and member of the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship.

They both rejected the charges, which they said were politically motivated.

-- The Nation 2013-05-14

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If you look at the activities of Seh Daeng during the weeks prior to his death, one thing stands out. Seh Daeng was mouthing off to the press about how Thaksin told him to do this, or Thaksin wanted that.

My bet is that Seh Daeng's mouthing off to the press was an embarassment to Thaksin and was also directly implicating Thaksin to the activities undertaken by Seh Daeng, the men in black and the red shirts.

A call was made from Dubai to someone in the Phua Thai, or one of the red shirt leaders, and the message was clear and simple... 'Shut Seh Daeng up by any means necessary.'

Seh Daeng was silenced. Who actually pulled the trigger is irrelevant, but it was Thaksin who gave the orders.

and is so often the case the deceased becomes a martyr, a cause celebre, so he gets silenced and gives those who did it an extra voice to demand justice for him knowing the killer(s) will never be found.

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I'm betting we get the identity of the Kok Wua Men in Black before we know who pulled the trigger on Seh Daeng. Let's look at who had motive to kill/shut him up. SD had attacked a prominent general's office with a launched grenade, was a rogue, active duty officer, and believed to be running his own private army. The Democrat-controlled government looked at him as a leading insurgent and violent leader of the demonstrations that were blocking downtown Bangkok and a direct representative of Dr. Thaksin. The Red-Shirt leadership was not happy when SD announced that his authority was greater than theirs, whose many interviews contradicted their message, and who seemed to be running a parallel insurgency. Who had the ability to kill SD? The Red-Shirt mob leaders were not military types and may not have controlled any of the Men in Black. Also, I cannot imagine what resource they could appeal to for this. The Government has no military experience nor the kind of loyalty to keep an assassination secret afterwards. They certainly had no allies within the Police. That leaves the Army. The Army has expertise, training, secrecy, and control of the area. Why? SD had publicly declared he would attack the army and then he did, he was not obeying any authority within the army, he caused the army to lose great face. Eventually the votes to take him out exceeded the votes to let him be. These are things that were in my thoughts at the time and nothing much has changed since then. I'm not saying it was good or bad, necessary or unnecessary; not my business or responsibility. I will say that none of the above players were very surprised or angry when he died.I would be interested in reading other angles/points of view. I surely don't claim to know who or why.

Let's not forget Thaksin was being connected closer and closer to the whole conspiracy daily by Sae Dangs interviews. And that would never do if Thaksin doesn't want to risk prosecution at some point.

Bottom line; if you hire profesional mercenary security on an ongoing basis, you have access to even more bad boys that money CAN buy, who are stone cold pros and slip away in the shadows without a trace. 1 degree of separation, and that one paid more than handsomely, besides the hitter getting rich too. Little doubt S.D was taken out by a pro, who had no qualms taking that one shot in broad daylight at long range and then quietly walking away.

But also let's also not forget almost EVERY Thai male has some army connections, at least at low levels. And many at higher levels. There is a lifetime interlocking web of allegiances and friendships within civilian, political and army life. In this case the list of suspects is staggeringly long, but the likely one to be 'assigned blamed' will be a purely political calculation.

Edited by animatic
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If you look at the activities of Seh Daeng during the weeks prior to his death, one thing stands out. Seh Daeng was mouthing off to the press about how Thaksin told him to do this, or Thaksin wanted that.

My bet is that Seh Daeng's mouthing off to the press was an embarassment to Thaksin and was also directly implicating Thaksin to the activities undertaken by Seh Daeng, the men in black and the red shirts.

A call was made from Dubai to someone in the Phua Thai, or one of the red shirt leaders, and the message was clear and simple... 'Shut Seh Daeng up by any means necessary.'

Seh Daeng was silenced. Who actually pulled the trigger is irrelevant, but it was Thaksin who gave the orders.

Oh yeah, and did you also know that Thaksin was responsible for the 2008 Financial Crisis? I heard he gave the order for that one too.... whistling.gif

Yes, I heard that too.

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I'm betting we get the identity of the Kok Wua Men in Black before we know who pulled the trigger on Seh Daeng. Let's look at who had motive to kill/shut him up. SD had attacked a prominent general's office with a launched grenade, was a rogue, active duty officer, and believed to be running his own private army. The Democrat-controlled government looked at him as a leading insurgent and violent leader of the demonstrations that were blocking downtown Bangkok and a direct representative of Dr. Thaksin. The Red-Shirt leadership was not happy when SD announced that his authority was greater than theirs, whose many interviews contradicted their message, and who seemed to be running a parallel insurgency. Who had the ability to kill SD? The Red-Shirt mob leaders were not military types and may not have controlled any of the Men in Black. Also, I cannot imagine what resource they could appeal to for this. The Government has no military experience nor the kind of loyalty to keep an assassination secret afterwards. They certainly had no allies within the Police. That leaves the Army. The Army has expertise, training, secrecy, and control of the area. Why? SD had publicly declared he would attack the army and then he did, he was not obeying any authority within the army, he caused the army to lose great face. Eventually the votes to take him out exceeded the votes to let him be. These are things that were in my thoughts at the time and nothing much has changed since then. I'm not saying it was good or bad, necessary or unnecessary; not my business or responsibility. I will say that none of the above players were very surprised or angry when he died.I would be interested in reading other angles/points of view. I surely don't claim to know who or why.

Thaksin has deep enough pockets to pull off something like this. Seh Daeng, from his POV, was taking things in a direction Thaksin may well not have wanted let alone been able to control.

Dunn't matter that the assassin didn't have control of the area, he didn't need to:

"Whoah dude... where you going with that trombone case?"

"I'm gonna clip Seh Daeng from the roof"

"24th floor.. turn left and then there's a little jog... turn right... you're there. Let me get the elevator for you."

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This has to be the easiest case the police have ever had.

Just ask Chalerm who did it.

Chalerm has already told the international press that the killing was carried out by the police.ph34r.pngph34r.png

Edited by tomross46
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If you look at the activities of Seh Daeng during the weeks prior to his death, one thing stands out. Seh Daeng was mouthing off to the press about how Thaksin told him to do this, or Thaksin wanted that.

My bet is that Seh Daeng's mouthing off to the press was an embarassment to Thaksin and was also directly implicating Thaksin to the activities undertaken by Seh Daeng, the men in black and the red shirts.

A call was made from Dubai to someone in the Phua Thai, or one of the red shirt leaders, and the message was clear and simple... 'Shut Seh Daeng up by any means necessary.'

Seh Daeng was silenced. Who actually pulled the trigger is irrelevant, but it was Thaksin who gave the orders.

Not only that WhizBang but he was showing by saying that Thaksin had the ability to hire and fire the red leadership that he was the one was in control of the whole riot, something Thaksin had been denying.

There is also the aspect of the serious loss of face to the red leadership of being told they were being kicked out.

Whether it was true or not makes no difference the fact that he was saying it in public is what causes the loss of face,

By doing, saying what he was Seh Deang was working in the Govt and army favor for he was destabilising the red leadership which was already in some confusion as one of them had already walked out over the acceptance of the offer of an early election then backing down and refusing.

Because of this it would seem very unlikely that the Army, Govt would want to take him out at that time.

The fact that he was shot when and where he was, in a crowd while being interviewed in front of TV cameras shows that the shooting was done by someone who :

A/ wanted the publicity

B/ had no consideration for others as the bullet could easily have killed someone else.

Like for instance someone who would fire grenades at a sky train station.

She Deang was also the one who could identify the men in black.

Had the Govt, army, wished to take out any of the red leadership it would have been very easy when they were standing up on their hind legs on stage but that never happened.

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If you look at the activities of Seh Daeng during the weeks prior to his death, one thing stands out. Seh Daeng was mouthing off to the press about how Thaksin told him to do this, or Thaksin wanted that.

My bet is that Seh Daeng's mouthing off to the press was an embarassment to Thaksin and was also directly implicating Thaksin to the activities undertaken by Seh Daeng, the men in black and the red shirts.

A call was made from Dubai to someone in the Phua Thai, or one of the red shirt leaders, and the message was clear and simple... 'Shut Seh Daeng up by any means necessary.'

Seh Daeng was silenced. Who actually pulled the trigger is irrelevant, but it was Thaksin who gave the orders.

Oh yeah, and did you also know that Thaksin was responsible for the 2008 Financial Crisis? I heard he gave the order for that one too.... whistling.gif


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If you look at the activities of Seh Daeng during the weeks prior to his death, one thing stands out. Seh Daeng was mouthing off to the press about how Thaksin told him to do this, or Thaksin wanted that.

My bet is that Seh Daeng's mouthing off to the press was an embarassment to Thaksin and was also directly implicating Thaksin to the activities undertaken by Seh Daeng, the men in black and the red shirts.

A call was made from Dubai to someone in the Phua Thai, or one of the red shirt leaders, and the message was clear and simple... 'Shut Seh Daeng up by any means necessary.'

Seh Daeng was silenced. Who actually pulled the trigger is irrelevant, but it was Thaksin who gave the orders.

Oh yeah, and did you also know that Thaksin was responsible for the 2008 Financial Crisis? I heard he gave the order for that one too.... whistling.gif

I too heard that Taskin was behind the sub prime mortgage crash that ruined the west, is behind all of

Thailand's current problems, the troubles in Burma and wasn't he around in Dubai when they had their property crash whistling.gif He sure is a busy guy......

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IfA call was made from Dubai to someone in the Phua Thai, or one of the red shirt leaders, and the message was clear and simple... 'Shut Seh Daeng up by any means necessary.'

Seh Daeng was silenced. Who actually pulled the trigger is irrelevant, but it was Thaksin who gave the orders.

A great work, a modern Sherlock Holmes..Thaksin again...the bogeyman....i wonder when would someone blame Thaksin for the crucifixion of Christ ..

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own out no facts and really

If you look at the activities of Seh Daeng during the weeks prior to his death, one thing stands out. Seh Daeng was mouthing off to the press about how Thaksin told him to do this, or Thaksin wanted that.

My bet is that Seh Daeng's mouthing off to the press was an embarassment to Thaksin and was also directly implicating Thaksin to the activities undertaken by Seh Daeng, the men in black and the red shirts.

A call was made from Dubai to someone in the Phua Thai, or one of the red shirt leaders, and the message was clear and simple... 'Shut Seh Daeng up by any means necessary.'

Seh Daeng was silenced. Who actually pulled the trigger is irrelevant, but it was Thaksin who gave the orders.


spoken a true thaksin basher,,, ALL hot air, little to no facts, next it'll be it was jimmy Hoffa who shot him on the grassy knowel now living in an aircraft hanger close too roswell, and really the red shirts were "democratically elected" get it though your skull, what the gutless party (yellow shirts) did was,

OOOHH OOOHH quick while his back is turned lets have a coup and take as much as we can before we are thrown out by the people

Edited by metisdead
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It's fairly obvious who was most likely responsible, just like it was fairly obvious who was most likely bankrolling him (not the same people btw), and like it was fairly obvious who told the UDD to turn down the offer from Abhisit and stand and fight, just like it is fairly obvious who was behind forming the govt at the time, and fairly obvious who now runs this country, though none will ever stand in a dock, for fairly obvious reasons.

But more pertinently, he was a renegade army officer turning against the state, armed, dangerous and in a war zone when told (by law) to leave. Of course you're going to get shot.

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own out no facts and really

If you look at the activities of Seh Daeng during the weeks prior to his death, one thing stands out. Seh Daeng was mouthing off to the press about how Thaksin told him to do this, or Thaksin wanted that.

My bet is that Seh Daeng's mouthing off to the press was an embarassment to Thaksin and was also directly implicating Thaksin to the activities undertaken by Seh Daeng, the men in black and the red shirts.

A call was made from Dubai to someone in the Phua Thai, or one of the red shirt leaders, and the message was clear and simple... 'Shut Seh Daeng up by any means necessary.'

Seh Daeng was silenced. Who actually pulled the trigger is irrelevant, but it was Thaksin who gave the orders.


spoken a true thaksin basher,,, ALL hot air, little to no facts, next it'll be it was jimmy Hoffa who shot him on the grassy knowel now living in an aircraft hanger close too roswell, and really the red shirts were "democratically elected" get it though your skull, what the gutless party (yellow shirts) did was,

OOOHH OOOHH quick while his back is turned lets have a coup and take as much as we can before we are thrown out by the people

even Brutus faced cesar while stabbing him in the face and genitals.

YOU do know that Seh Daeng's daughter works in the same party as Yingluk, Thakscin's sister??? and that the PM was at She Daeng's wedding?,

Not really the kind of thing She Daeng daughter would do if your drivel were true huh?

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If you look at the activities of Seh Daeng during the weeks prior to his death, one thing stands out. Seh Daeng was mouthing off to the press about how Thaksin told him to do this, or Thaksin wanted that.

My bet is that Seh Daeng's mouthing off to the press was an embarassment to Thaksin and was also directly implicating Thaksin to the activities undertaken by Seh Daeng, the men in black and the red shirts.

A call was made from Dubai to someone in the Phua Thai, or one of the red shirt leaders, and the message was clear and simple... 'Shut Seh Daeng up by any means necessary.'

Seh Daeng was silenced. Who actually pulled the trigger is irrelevant, but it was Thaksin who gave the orders.

Oh yeah, and did you also know that Thaksin was responsible for the 2008 Financial Crisis? I heard he gave the order for that one too.... whistling.gif

I too heard that Taskin was behind the sub prime mortgage crash that ruined the west, is behind all of

Thailand's current problems, the troubles in Burma and wasn't he around in Dubai when they had their property crash whistling.gif He sure is a busy guy......

Glad you caught my irony... not all here did, it seems. That's how much a bogey-man Thaksin has become for some. He appears to be Thailand's version of 'Dr Evil', especially for some farangs around here...

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