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I know there was a topic about Burmese people providing different services in Phuket. There are a few things I'd like to know about these people, maybe someone knows.

There's this 12 years old Burmese girl working in the residence I live in - she's helping her mom with cleaning, ironing and stuff. I asked the concierge lady (Thai) why is the girl working instead of going to school. In reply I got:" Burma people no go to school"

This got me thinking. Any idea what is their legal status here? Are they in anyway "inside the system" - do they have any rights, Id's and stuff? I tired speaking to them using the 3 Burmese words I know. I got smiles in return but I also hear that they talk to each other in Thai. I guess this means that at least some of them have been here for a long time.

The places where they are staying are horrific - tin barracks, stuffed together on limited space. Everymorning I see trucks and pickups carrying dozens of them to the construction sites allaround the island. They come back late at night. (one of their"camps" is just around the corner form my place.

Well, I'm generally curious - how long are they here, are they legal, what's their story? Anybody?

By the way - Have you notices that 90% of banana pancakes vendors in Thailand are from Burma?



For many Burmese migrant workers, it's a sight better than from whence they came.

While your concern is noble, interference won't be appreciated by either the Burmese workers themselves, nor the Thais who are saving money by hiring them on the cheap.

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No worries - I don't want to interfere - I realize that on some level this situation is profitable for both Thais and Burmese (though donating to some charity focused on that issue sounds like the right thing to do). But I just want to know more.

The girl in my residence - I hate seeing her work while she should be at school. Yet I know there isn't much I can do. I do try to teach her a few words in English though, just for the fun of it.



Child labour is something we as Westerners find hard to swallow, however in the developing world it is the norm and often a necessity for even a basic existence.

This is my wife's field and she suggested that maybe you could help ease her existence by buying her a toy or two, making sure she is getting sufficient nutrition (buy her the odd carton of milk, some fruit etc) and generally just keep an eye on her.

My wife also suggests you do this through a third party - either your partner or wife, the girl's mother or the owner of your residence - that way you lessen the sense of 'interference' which can rub some people up the wrong way.

Top man! Nice to see people giving a shit!!!

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My wife also suggests you do this through a third party - either your partner or wife, the girl's mother or the owner of your residence - that way you lessen the sense of 'interference' which can rub some people up the wrong way.

Thanx for this tip! Will definitely ask the concierge to pass on whatever little gift I get for the girl.



Most likely these Burmese folks are flying under the government radar so school for the kids is out of the question. Best to say/do nothing.

Your probably right but what a shocking situation that even if you wanted to help you have to be wary.

I hope one day that Burma becomes a better place so they can go back to there homeland things seem to be improving there now but it may take another few years.


Yeah, I'm doing that already(+ milk and cookies) and it's amazing to see how eager she's to learn and how quickly she memorizes new words and sentences.

But on the general topic - is there anywhere where I could read more about Burmese population of Phuket? How many, where from etc? Are there any organizations focused on that issue? I know that some muslim organizations try to deal wit the recent influx of Rohingya, anything else?



foreigners, even ones born here like the hill tribe people up north, have no rights in Thailand.

that's not likely to change i think, Thai's don't give a khrap about them, especially Burmese and Cambodians. they are just commodities to get cheap labor done.

still, i bet they are treated better than Asians working in the middle east, where they are basically slaves. at least the Burmese here can come and go as they please, and if they can find a better paying employer, they can get up and go any time they want. i know this for a fact as we have kept ion touch with the Burmese team that built my house. most have found better paying jobs, all have food, mobile phones, many have motorbikes, etc. they are not doing that bad compared to a lot of migrant workers.

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Not so sure that Burmese workers can 'come and go as they please'. I remember reading that they can only stay at their work camp after dark, used to be they could not have mobile phone or motorbike but that is not enforced these day.


we have many Burmese villages here in kamala an some have kids, Some of the workers are legal, some not but there are a few school age kids that hang out all day,

'as there not legal they cant attend school

would be nice to see some good , caring people may be set up classes fr them BUT it might put u on the radar.


Pay for a little bit of private tuition for her

Yes, please make merit and provide some private schooling for this poor girl. If she is discovered by the Thai authorities she will probably be raped in the police station and then deported to a Burma she knows nothing of and where she will also get no schooling. You are probably her only hope.


There is one CBO in Phang Nga area as far as I know, it's FED (The Foundation for Education and Development) and they're recruiting those kind of children or maybe phuket if too far from them. I just got back from Migrant Education Meeting there and here's the details for your info

con_address.png PO Box 13, Takuapa Post Office
Takuapa Phang Nga Province 82110 Thailand
emailButton.png[email protected] con_tel.png +66-76-486-351 con_fax.png +66-76-486-351 http://www.ghre.org
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