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Thailand Ranks As The Ninth Most Terrorism Prone Country


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I find it hard to belief that the great USA is not even listed .... every day some idiot discharges his/her gun in a school or at a march, of flies a jet into a tall building or sings country and western songs....

What's singing Country and Western songs got to do with terrorism? Was johnny Cash, George Jones or Merle Haggard terrorists?

Has anyone got a sense of humour that possum could borrow for a bit?

Theres nothing funny about terrorism and I certainly don't have a sense of humor where that's concerned. I don't think relatives of the people murdered in the London bombings or Twin Towers would have either.

You missed 500.000 Iraki infants...perspective...

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amazing that Afghanistan doesn't make the top 10 -

(or maybe they've missed one out as there are only 9 countries listed in the top 10!)

India, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Somalia, Syria, Thailand and Yemen.

According to Aon, the top-10 countries at risk from terrorism are, in

order, Afghanistan, India, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Somalia,

Syria, Thailand and Yemen.

By strange coincidence they're in alphabetical order - coincidence or lazy journalist, perhaps?

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I find it hard to belief that the great USA is not even listed .... every day some idiot discharges his/her gun in a school or at a march, of flies a jet into a tall building or sings country and western songs....

What's singing Country and Western songs got to do with terrorism? Was johnny Cash, George Jones or Merle Haggard terrorists?

Has anyone got a sense of humour that possum could borrow for a bit?

And a sense of reality wouldn't hurt.

Can you explain that Charlie Cheap?

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I have often wondered why there have not been more attacks in Bangkok. It would seem that if you want to move the agenda ahead, that being seperatism, you would start attacking the head, Bangkok. The government seems to be fine with the problems in the south, as long as they stay in the south. Will we see more attacks in the capital in the future?

Don't believe their has even been one terrorist attack in BKK associated with the issues in the deep South, or for that matter any other areas of Thailand other than the Southern provinces


So I guess this was associated with other issues ... a rather dubious distinction I'd say. Notice how the 'I' word is carefully avoided in the OP article. Did Thailand get a relatively lower ranking due to it's high-security and law enforcement capabilities, I wonder? Or is it that it suffers from a serious terrorism-gap on a volume basis (transportation sector excluded, of course)?

The report in the OP refers to the deep South. The article you posted is in relation to alledged Iranian state sponsored terrorism against Embassy targets in BKK, so yes a seperate "issue"

I don't know about you (although it is fairly obvious), but Max 'associates' the 'I' word as not a separate issue. I-Terrorism is I-Terrorism is I-Terrorism. Hmmm, unseemly of me to be so PC.

Edited by MaxYakov
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Of course it is.....with the benign belief that "we're Buddhist so we don't confront anybody" attitude it's a recipe disaster, for being run over....let's see - most Islamic countries grow poppies while their people are starving for susistance. While the Islamic "Empire" grows.

Meanwhile Thialand is a veritable horn of plenty food production wise and a pacifistic society just waiting to be trod over. The march of Islamic intent is slow and persistent as the march for acceptance and understanding/enlightenment is constant and ongoing. Guess which one gets lost in history.

In the larger scheme of things there is a reason why the Islamic Jihadists are slowly gaining land mass after land mass after land mass ......... they have the will and the persistence (and growing numbers) to overwhelm and capture.

There is a real danger in what is happening now in the south.......

Wake up and smell the Lamb Kabobs

Congrats on the rant, now look up the Thai Buddhist nationalist slogan "Nation, Religion and King".You might change your opinion on Thai pacifism.

Didn't mean for you to stub your pacifistic big toe......I'm am pointing out the difference between two ideologies....one not comprehending what/why is taking place and one knowing exactly where they are going and how to go about it. One march has never been stymied over the centuries and is actively growing in our lifetime - as we watch.

I agree- the Thai's can be fierce, I would like to see it start happening in the name of Nation, Religion, and King and drive this rabble away. I also think as time marches on if the south is not made an example of how to stop this the tide will march on. It was a national Thai leader about a month back that couldn't comprehend why this was happening in and to a society that posed no threat - and that is precisely why it is happening and will continue to.

Public statements by Thai leaders need to be taken with a pinch of salt. I am sure they are well aware of the root causes of the conflict together with competing agendas across the various government agencies. Some saying they support autonomy for the deep South, some saying never etc For the moment it seems the Thai government is unsure as to who actually can make decisions within the eight or so different groups in the deep South - again this may be just misinformation.

EDIT: recently an editorial in the BKK Post, referenced that drug and other criminal gangs in the deep South are carying out many of the killings & to date the majority of victims are Thai Muslims, not Thai Buddhists.

How much of the terrorism is being perpetrated by 'drug and other criminal gangs' did the editorial say?

There are editorials and then there is the wiki (another form of editorialization?).

A high-level appraisal from the below wiki link on insurgency in South Thailand:

Financing aside and despite official Thai agency alternative

explanations, the essential cause of the continued violence is likely to

be rooted in historical animosity generated by a Buddhist culture

taking over and administering, often under an inadvertently corrupt

motif, an Islamic culture.


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In most of the countries on that list there are areas that are relatively safe. Thailand has a larger safe area then others, but I agree it belongs on the list. Just because you can live in Thailand in relative safety from terrorists, does not diminish the danger and carnage of the hot zones.

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I have often wondered why there have not been more attacks in Bangkok. It would seem that if you want to move the agenda ahead, that being seperatism, you would start attacking the head, Bangkok. The government seems to be fine with the problems in the south, as long as they stay in the south. Will we see more attacks in the capital in the future?

Don't believe their has even been one terrorist attack in BKK associated with the issues in the deep South, or for that matter any other areas of Thailand other than the Southern provinces

I guess that is my poorly worded point. In other countries where you see terror attacks, the attacks are not usually limited to one area. If the issue is trying to make a new state for a certain religious idea, wouldn't you put more pressure on the government by attacking the power base? After years of attacks and bombings the situation remains the same. So why not try a new tactic? It just seems a little strange to me.

Well in other countries where you see terror attacks all over the country you also see Islam all over the country. This is also a fight amongst them selves. There has been many Muslims killed in this senseless massacring going on in the deep south.

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@MaxYakov: re your post#68

The editorial did not talk to specific numbers, other than saying drug and smuggling gang violence is a significant contributor to the total number of deaths. In case it was overlooked another viewpoint on the violence and the challenges to engage in talks for a roadmap to peace at:


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Bulldog Yoobumroong will be up and biting some ankles

I think they give him a new stick to chomp down on every morning these days.

Shouldn't the headline read "Southern Thailand................ prone area"

Little bit skewed to state the whole country.

What would you like it to say, "the region North of mainland Malaysia?"
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In attempts to scam tourists, the Tuk Tuk drivers in Bangkok are telling visitors the Grand Palace area is off limits due to all the bombings.

I kid you not.

Thousands of tourists a months are hearing this bullsh*t.

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