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Do Air Coolers Work Effectively In Chiang Mai?


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The evaporative type, just to cool a room as opposed to a room air conditioner. Interior room with one interior door and one outside window.

I believe they are not effective in areas with high humidity and my hydrometer is reading just under 60% so its not dry, but its not too moist either.

Any good feedback would be appreciated before my eggs cook in my shorts.


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I bought one from Home Pro.

perhaps it'll work well in December.

Oh dear, that's what I thought may happen. Might be a small aircon purchase for me soon then.

Thanks for the honest reply anyway.

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When buying an air con aim for a little higher BTU than required it will be more expensive, but it will save you money when power bill comes.

I bought one from Home Pro.

perhaps it'll work well in December.

Oh dear, that's what I thought may happen. Might be a small aircon purchase for me soon then.

Thanks for the honest reply anyway.

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There are some online BTU calculator here is one http://www.calculator.net/btu-calculator.html

Watch out:

- Sometimes Thai sale will recommend you a lower BTU air-con, many don't have the skills, ignore them and buy the BTU that you think fit your room
- Determine the best position to put the compressor if you can. Believe it or not even some Thai professional don't know how to install it properly!!
Check and recheck the work. Heres what happened to me before:

+ Sometime they will install the compressor where rain water can flood or damage your compressor
+ Sometime they will install it too close to the wall so your room won't get cool and expensive bills
+ Sometime they will install it where it is hard to do the maintenance
+ Sometime they will drill the wall and f_uk up your wall so bad you need another repair!
+ Sometime they forgot to level the drainage properly so water from the air con reverse in to the air con and leak
+ Sometime they forgot to install rubber at the base of the compressor so your wall shake like there's an earthquake

+ Sometime they will leave some minor problems so they can come back and charge you more!

+ Sometime they don't install the piping well so you need to do the refill more often

Good luck

Edited by ARISTIDE
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18000 BTU will work find and you won't have to worry about the heat load, this will also work great for 4X5X2.9. By the way, anything over 15% humidity in air will cause the evap cooler not to work very good, but it will increase the humidity. Evap cooler are great in the desert only not here in Thailand!!!This from a Air Cond person for over 30 years.

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I don't know for sure how well they work but I do know they only work in a small area.

evaporating units do an excellent job in desert climates. i had a two-story house in Baghdad airconditioned by a ducted central unit. a disadvantage is the continous draft because it works on 100% fresh air to avoid humidity building up. some people might like draft the wide spread use of ceiling fans is evidence. personally i hate draft.

p.s. i am not referring to the useless toys which are sold in Thailand.

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No, they are as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike. Sorry but it's true.

Agree, about as useful as a wheel on a walking stick.

cool if you sit within one metre or less, directly in front of the output vents of the evaporative machine, but any further away and there is no cooling effect at all.

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  • 1 month later...

Just to support my points. At first the air conditioning guy tried to installed the compressor unit the easy way, in the small space between concrete beam and the wall. My father said the space will be too confined and the rain could flood the compressor unit and asked him to installed it above the concrete beam.


+ Sometime they will install the compressor where rain water can flood or damage your compressor
+ Sometime they will install it too close to the wall so your room won't get cool and expensive bills
Edited by ARISTIDE
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