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Age Difference In Relationships In Thailand


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Ok lemme guess . . . GottaGo is the latest incarnation of BigJohnnyBKK, FunFon, PaiMan, right??

Yep. 76 posts within a day of joining . . .

That sucka must be seriously bored with life here.

Maybe he should re-open his finishing school

Hole in one. But has he paid his rent yet?

Edited by metisdead
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Ok lemme guess . . . GottaGo is the latest incarnation of BigJohnnyBKK, FunFon, PaiMan, right??

Yep. 76 posts within a day of joining . . .

That sucka must be seriously bored with life here.

Maybe he should re-open his finishing school

GottaGo has already Gone

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Ok lemme guess . . . GottaGo is the latest incarnation of BigJohnnyBKK, FunFon, PaiMan, right??

Yep. 76 posts within a day of joining . . .

That sucka must be seriously bored with life here.

Maybe he should re-open his finishing school

Hole in one. But has he paid his rent yet?

He'd last longer if he didn't feel compelled to bang out more posts in a day than most people make in a month.

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From #724 Seriously, come back to the real world for a minute . . .

In which I presume the poster himself would claim to dwell?


In the real world, men (old and young) don't harbour beliefs that young women really, genuinely have erotic fantasies of sexual encounters with fossils and that such men would be their first, second or even third choice of any young woman possessed of the attributes of the hypothetical classy, sophisticated, young Thai debutante.

Look, I get it that you're in Thailand and that, for many of you - particularly the more unremarkable specimens - the totty aspect represents the closest you'll get to never-never land but, outside the restricted pool of Thai birds that are realistically available to you - ie, the real world - the mere thought of a sexual interlude with you would set pretty much all of them retching and heading for the nearest lavatory.

Of course, you could prove me wrong and head to, say, London, New York or any developed country and pull a young, attractive local lass 25 or 30 years your junior.

Oh wait a minute, those places are in the real world, right?

Ooooooo, better not; the pension doesn't work too well there

Confirmed. You haven't a clue... and I couldn't give a r-t's a-s about proving you wrong. As per my meager pension, I'll say hello to Bill Gross for you.

Edited by JLCrab
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From #724 Seriously, come back to the real world for a minute . . .

In which I presume the poster himself would claim to dwell?


In the real world, men (old and young) don't harbour beliefs that young women really, genuinely have erotic fantasies of sexual encounters with fossils and that such men would be their first, second or even third choice of any young woman possessed of the attributes of the hypothetical classy, sophisticated, young Thai debutante.

Look, I get it that you're in Thailand and that, for many of you - particularly the more unremarkable specimens - the totty aspect represents the closest you'll get to never-never land but, outside the restricted pool of Thai birds that are realistically available to you - ie, the real world - the mere thought of a sexual interlude with you would set pretty much all of them retching and heading for the nearest lavatory.

Of course, you could prove me wrong and head to, say, London, New York or any developed country and pull a young, attractive local lass 25 or 30 years your junior.

Oh wait a minute, those places are in the real world, right?

Ooooooo, better not; the pension doesn't work too well there

Confirmed. You haven't a clue... and I couldn't give a r-t's a-s about proving you wrong. As per my meager pension, I'll say hello to Bill Gross for you.

Y'know, if one listens carefully, it's actually possible to hear the clatter as JLCrabby's rattle hits the floor and he goes into a deep sulk.

The puerility oozing from that post is palpable so I guess the truth does hurt..

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What is palpable is someone who continually writes posts demeaning other persons' existence here in Thailand. If they are not causing any problem for you be they fools or geezers or unremarkable specimens why do you get yourself so wound up? Just who the f-ck are you?

Edited by JLCrab
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why is it some just think its all down to money,

yes i can still earn good money in the oil gas and power industry,

i get over 20.000bht a night,

but the thing thats makes me happy isnt the money its when at back at home with my wife and daughter,

money is a means to an end thats all,


and please dont try and pull me down im not being big headed, im just saying im happier at home,

im the most down to earth working class man you would ever meet,

take care all jake

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What truth?

Well the truth as far as you, personally, are concerned is that there's no way on this earth that you'd be able to get yourself a gorgeous 28 year old blonde, hard-bodied bird back in the West - PIMCO bond statement or not - and you bloody well know it.

You've gone from zero to hero simply by landing at Suwarnabhumi and that is perfectly cool but to start distorting reality on account of the fact that a group of modestly-educated Thai women compelled by financial imperative finds you "interesting" is moronic.

You've drunk too much of the <deleted>' Kool-Aid, sucka !

No one's been demeaned; I've just expressed my opinion and some people, unwilling to step out of the mirage for a little while, have thrown tantrums.

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From #724 Seriously, come back to the real world for a minute . . .

In which I presume the poster himself would claim to dwell?


In the real world, men (old and young) don't harbour beliefs that young women really, genuinely have erotic fantasies of sexual encounters with fossils and that such men would be their first, second or even third choice of any young woman possessed of the attributes of the hypothetical classy, sophisticated, young Thai debutante.

Look, I get it that you're in Thailand and that, for many of you - particularly the more unremarkable specimens - the totty aspect represents the closest you'll get to never-never land but, outside the restricted pool of Thai birds that are realistically available to you - ie, the real world - the mere thought of a sexual interlude with you would set pretty much all of them retching and heading for the nearest lavatory.

Of course, you could prove me wrong and head to, say, London, New York or any developed country and pull a young, attractive local lass 25 or 30 years your junior.

Oh wait a minute, those places are in the real world, right?

Ooooooo, better not; the pension doesn't work too well there

If you live in a big house in London,New York,Milan or any developed country and drive a Porsche/Aston Martin/Ferrari you have every chance of pulling a young trophy girlfriend.Look at Flavio Briatore and Supermodel Naomi Campbell for example?

You claim to be 46 years old but have no concept of how things work in the real world,your naivety is almost embarrassing!

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What is palpable is someone who continually writes posts demeaning other persons' existence here in Thailand. If they are not causing any problem for you be they fools or geezers or unremarkable specimens why do you get yourself so wound up? Just who the f-ck are you?

It's called transference,you can hear his teeth gnashing as he smashes away at his keyboard,demanding everybody recognises how happy he is!

A derivative of his soul-destroying toil in the boiler rooms of Bangkok,unfortunately the closest he'll ever get to derivative trading!

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What is palpable is someone who continually writes posts demeaning other persons' existence here in Thailand. If they are not causing any problem for you be they fools or geezers or unremarkable specimens why do you get yourself so wound up? Just who the f-ck are you?

It's called transference,you can hear his teeth gnashing as he smashes away at his keyboard,demanding everybody recognises how happy he is!

A derivative of his soul-destroying toil in the boiler rooms of Bangkok,unfortunately the closest he'll ever get to derivative trading!

From the closed De Vere thread.

>I work as a Financial Adviser between China and Thailand and considered joining De Vere's

Make of that what you will, fellas.

I work for the only Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise (WFOE) in Shanghai,they have nearly USD $1 Billion under management,what of it?You just can't imagine that there may be real IFAs working in Asia,you've spent so much time in your chop shops!

I notice you knew only too well what was "Flying out the doors" of the boiler rooms here,it's obvious you're a boiler room Billy with your posts about your penthouse and living with your long-in-the-tooth,too-old-to-charge-anymore bargirl!

Stop hating life and try and get a real job,then you won't be on here spewing your bile at people who are just trying to get on with their lives.No-one cares what you think or how "happy" you are,or in reality are not!

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When I was 30 I had a 26 year old blonde from Minnesota -- grew up on a hog farm so I called her "Miss corn-fed" . Here in Thailand the 26 year old she grew up on a sugar farm

Did you have a blonde growing up in UK?

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But once a Thai women has "gone-farang," then she's already rejecting many of the above. What would she be looking for once she does that? Financial security? A passport to a western country? In that sense, an older or younger farang doesn't make that much difference. Obviously, an older guy will be more financially well-off, the younger guy more physically-fit. But my feeling is that a Thai woman who will date farangs won't care as much about age as a Thai woman who dates exclusively Thai.

It's complicated.

Once a Thai woman has taken this option, she can never go back, as many Thai men will no longer want her.

Women who 'go with' non-Asian men are considered the lowest type of woman by many Thais.

She is not 'rejecting', she has become the reject.

But do many Thai men go for divorces or single mothers ? The attitude towards farangs and mia farang seems to vary on where the people are living and what class of people they mix with. Living in some country village with uneducated people I imagine they will experience a whole different attitude than people mixing with educated middle class people in Bangkok and central Thailand.

You imagine wrong.

Thais are a very cohesive society that mainly want the same thing.

From the rural farmer and the Bangkok businessperson to the PM.

Thais are the best and most superior people in the world, everyone else is less.

Thai drama reflects what the people want, big houses, servants, luxury cars, money and power.

I've never seen any Thai drama where a Thai girl wanted a non Asian man.

I usually agree with you, but I know one exception for sure, and I can't imagine there aren't others.

1. A lot of Thais would like to be taller.

2. Having dark skin "can be" a deal killer for a Thai to advance in society.

Introduce one farang into the mix and things may forever be different for her and that's what she wants.

I've said this before but it bears repeating. Look at the Royal Family in Great Britain. First came the beautiful Diana who introduced height and looks to two big, tall handsome sons. Next, one of those big and handsome sons married the gorgeous and tall Duchess Kate and what will come next? The Royal Family is forever changed. Never mind that they were already royalty. Now they are beautiful royalty who are rock stars all over the world.

Kate Middleton, for all of her class and beauty, unless I'm mistaken was a commoner but permission for marriage was given by the Queen and Kate is in line to be the Queen of England.

I know a lot of Thais who don't like being real short and especially not real dark skinned.

Edit. Please forgive me for any technical mistakes about the Royal Family. I'm American and what I know is based on what's all over American news, as the Royal Family is big news and loved in the US.

Edited by NeverSure
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I hate to keep repeating myself, but this topic is 31 pages long and you guys are still comparing the size of your dicks. Can't anyone think of a new and interesting topic?

I don't know what dick-size has to do with it -- I'm just a moronic low-life sucka who has drunk too much of the <deleted>' Kool-Aid.

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I hate to keep repeating myself, but this topic is 31 pages long and you guys are still comparing the size of your dicks. Can't anyone think of a new and interesting topic?

I'm thinking mine's bigger than yours!

self moderated.... sorry Edited by NanLaew
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No doubt any 20 year old girl, thai or not, has been day dreaming at least a couple of years,

of passionate sex with a 60 year old man.

same as i was daydreaming of sex with a pensioner when i was in my teens

There are a lot of well crafted posts herein; of which any one will provide a reasonable rebuttal against this line of thought. My contribution is that day dreams are like ice cream. There are many different flavors with many different ingredients besides the basic ones. Mix two flavors and you get even more flavors.

Anyway, I put "likes" on the posts that basically concluded that it is none of my business, or that of anyone else outside the concerned parties.

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I hate to keep repeating myself, but this topic is 31 pages long and you guys are still comparing the size of your dicks. Can't anyone think of a new and interesting topic?

I'm thinking mine's bigger than yours!

Well there is no doubt about that. I would have to find some ladyboy who wanted to get rid of his, and a doctor to attach it for me.

I enjoy a good debate as much as anyone and I always learn something. But, I find personal attacks boring and tedious.

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I hate to keep repeating myself, but this topic is 31 pages long and you guys are still comparing the size of your dicks. Can't anyone think of a new and interesting topic?

I'm thinking mine's bigger than yours!

Well there is no doubt about that. I would have to find some ladyboy who wanted to get rid of his, and a doctor to attach it for me.

I enjoy a good debate as much as anyone and I always learn something. But, I find personal attacks boring and tedious.

I have a friend who got rid of his but I i'm pretty sure they discarded it afterwards.

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I hate to keep repeating myself, but this topic is 31 pages long and you guys are still comparing the size of your dicks. Can't anyone think of a new and interesting topic?

I'm thinking mine's bigger than yours!

Well there is no doubt about that. I would have to find some ladyboy who wanted to get rid of his, and a doctor to attach it for me.

I enjoy a good debate as much as anyone and I always learn something. But, I find personal attacks boring and tedious.

Did you think that was a personal attack?

By the way completely off topic here, but did you hear the Doi Suthep National Park has closed off all the tracks you cleared on the north side of the road up to Doi Suthep. Access with written permission only now.

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From #724 Seriously, come back to the real world for a minute . . .

In which I presume the poster himself would claim to dwell?


In the real world, men (old and young) don't harbour beliefs that young women really, genuinely have erotic fantasies of sexual encounters with fossils and that such men would be their first, second or even third choice of any young woman possessed of the attributes of the hypothetical classy, sophisticated, young Thai debutante.

Look, I get it that you're in Thailand and that, for many of you - particularly the more unremarkable specimens - the totty aspect represents the closest you'll get to never-never land but, outside the restricted pool of Thai birds that are realistically available to you - ie, the real world - the mere thought of a sexual interlude with you would set pretty much all of them retching and heading for the nearest lavatory.

Of course, you could prove me wrong and head to, say, London, New York or any developed country and pull a young, attractive local lass 25 or 30 years your junior.

Oh wait a minute, those places are in the real world, right?

Ooooooo, better not; the pension doesn't work too well there

If you live in a big house in London,New York,Milan or any developed country and drive a Porsche/Aston Martin/Ferrari you have every chance of pulling a young trophy girlfriend.Look at Flavio Briatore and Supermodel Naomi Campbell for example?

You claim to be 46 years old but have no concept of how things work in the real world,your naivety is almost embarrassing!

errrrrrrr no. Actually, it is you who is naive if you can't see that the size of a man's wallet has more to do with where he chases his younger women than anything else.

a billionaire former F1 boss can get supermodels who speak his language but most Thaivisa members don't have the pockets for that so they go to places where the young women are cheaper. Geddit? If Thaivisa elderly could afford english speaking supermodels, they would be in their home countries.

Honestly, has anybody seen news stories or gossip about super-wealthy elderly farang chasing celebrity Thai girls? I have not.

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errrrrrrr no. Actually, it is you who is naive if you can't see that the size of a man's wallet has more to do with where he chases his younger women than anything else.

a billionaire former F1 boss can get supermodels who speak his language but most Thaivisa members don't have the pockets for that so they go to places where the young women are cheaper. Geddit? If Thaivisa elderly could afford english speaking supermodels, they would be in their home countries.

Honestly, has anybody seen news stories or gossip about super-wealthy elderly farang chasing celebrity Thai girls? I have not.

I don't see the point in this post?

Everyone has to live in their own price range.

You drive a car you can afford, live in a house that suits your income, so why would your women be different?

As for celebrity Thai girls (short-time), surprisingly affordable, if you really want that sort of thing.

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errrrrrrr no. Actually, it is you who is naive if you can't see that the size of a man's wallet has more to do with where he chases his younger women than anything else.

a billionaire former F1 boss can get supermodels who speak his language but most Thaivisa members don't have the pockets for that so they go to places where the young women are cheaper. Geddit? If Thaivisa elderly could afford english speaking supermodels, they would be in their home countries.

Honestly, has anybody seen news stories or gossip about super-wealthy elderly farang chasing celebrity Thai girls? I have not.

I don't see the point in this post?

Everyone has to live in their own price range.

You drive a car you can afford, live in a house that suits your income, so why would your women be different?

As for celebrity Thai girls (short-time), surprisingly affordable, if you really want that sort of thing.

I agree pointless post and stupid too,personally I prefer Asian women for many reasons,whether I was a pauper or a billionaire that wouldn't change.

As for supermodels,some of the most spoilt creatures on earth,makes me shudder just to think of having to put up with one as beauty is on the inside as well as outside.

Do people really select which women they want to be with dependant on what's in their wallet,I never have done and never will?If I wanted a Western girl I would go and find myself one,I don't!

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Yeah because we all know in Thailand it's only Thai guys that have relationships young girls... I guess the 60 year old retired farang with his 25 year old girlfriend doesn't count. At least the Thai guy and girl are looking for a somewhat normal relationship based on their cultural norms.

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I agree pointless post and stupid too,personally I prefer Asian women for many reasons,whether I was a pauper or a billionaire that wouldn't change.

As for supermodels,some of the most spoilt creatures on earth,makes me shudder just to think of having to put up with one as beauty is on the inside as well as outside.

Do people really select which women they want to be with dependant on what's in their wallet,I never have done and never will?If I wanted a Western girl I would go and find myself one,I don't!

Completely agree, even if I could land a blue-eyed teenager, you'd have to pay me a lot to put up with the accompanying baggage.

Rather have a nice Asian female of any age, farang girls just don't float my boat anymore.

The super-wealthy and celebrity guys don't come over because they care about the media attention it would attract, if they happen to go bamboo they can afford to have it brought to them.

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