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Anti Fungal Foot Powder


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Anyone know where i can get the above. All the pharmacies i've tried have creams but dont stock the powder that seems to be common elsewhere in the world.

Also any sensible suggestion for clearing these up as i seem to have pretty continuous fungal type infections on my feet here that i cant get rid of.

When i lived in Singapore a week of powder in shoes and socks seemed to do it but the creams aren't working.

Thanks in advance.

Edited by turgid
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As per post #2, Mycoderm-C powder.

Seems to be the sole brand here, why I don't know, as creams and ointments do aggravate matters.

Vinegar foot soaks may also be helpful. Dry thoroughly afterwards, but don't rinse.

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  • 4 months later...

As per post #2, Mycoderm-C powder.

Seems to be the sole brand here, why I don't know, as creams and ointments do aggravate matters.

Vinegar foot soaks may also be helpful. Dry thoroughly afterwards, but don't rinse.

Thanks, I know antibiotics were restricted in some Asian markets for a long time to protect local herbal doctors who had a big lobby. Once they were allowed in a lot of those guys disappeared. Perhaps there is some big foot medicine lobby here. With the heat humidity and bare feet I cant believe its not a big problem. Or maybe Thai feet have evolved immunity.

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I used to have similar issue

Was eating to much sugar in the form of fruits and carbs. Fungus eats sugar.

Cut way back on the sugars and fungus went away. Helped sinus issues also.

Interesting. Is this medically proven or just something you've worked out. I do get sinus problems here but assumed it was air pollution.
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Fungus do thrive in people with elevated blood sugar (i.e. poorly controlled diabetics) but does not apply to non-diabetics . And no known connection between high carb intake and sinus problems.

However gluten allergy can sometimes cause allergic rhinitis etc. And gluten is found in bread, pastas and the like.

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