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Imigration Did Not Recogneized My Imigrant O Visa And Give Me The Wrong Entry S

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Strange story one week ago in Bangkok airport after I come back from Indonesia!

I always open the page of the passboard showing my current visa!

I told the smiling woman I have non imigrant o 3month , got not a clear answer back , you understand English I ask sure then everything goes quickly to quickly got a stamp but only visa on areival go back after I recogneized it, then she check again and find out that I forget to write down the visa number in areival card, I told I never must do this before, I Ask the steward in the thai air and he also confirmed no you not need sir!

She chancel the old entry date with a signature then I got a new stamp!

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On the arrival card it clearly states visa number, all Thai visa's have a number attached to them.

I forgot before and nearly got the wrong stamp, it is your responsibility to ensure you fill out the arrival card properly, if you don't then you run the risk of being stamped in incorrectly!

Don't listen to Thai air they probably didn't understand, they never have to put a visa number.

Edited by colinthailand20005
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you have a visa so why wouldn't you fill in the visa number ? :rolleyes:

by the way if you have a re-entry permit you filll in the re-entry permit as visa number on the arrival card

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Looks like the bribe to keep him out didn't work!!!.... we may have to increase it chaps...rolleyes.gif

Anyone know a Mod who might accept a little T money to accidentally press the wrong button whistling.gif or one that would do it for free even wink.png

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I told the smiling woman I have non imigrant o 3month , got not a clear answer back , you understand English I ask sure then everything goes quickly to quickly got a stamp but only visa on areival go back after I recogneized it, then she check again and find out that I forget to write down the visa number in areival card, I told I never must do this before, I Ask the steward in the thai air and he also confirmed no you not need sir!

The steward was wrong, and/or he completely misunderstood you (quite probable).

YOU made the mistake. You DID NOT put your visa number on your entry card. That is a MUST.

So what was it you were complaining about?

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Well in a passboard am sure they do not put stamps, maybe a passport!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like everyone else has said, you write the visa number down, it asks you for it on the arrival card, why would a Thai member of a Thai airline know what to do, they just walk past immigration.

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Like a 6th sense, read OP title on the home page and while screen was opening, bet myself a 50 spot, "Sounds like a Sandman post".

I'm now 50 baths richer and squeaky clean too.

Welcome back mate, enjoy Koh Chang.

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