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From A Thai Woman's Perspective....how Do You Describe Your First Encounter With Snow?


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Hey ya'll wai.gif

I am hoping to hear the Thai women's perspective regarding your first time seeing snow and actually being (or playing) outside when there was a lot of snow. Mostly, I am curious about:

  1. How do you describe snow to your friends who have never experienced it in person?
  2. If you were to tell your Thai friend that "snow is like....", or "being in the snow is like.......", how would you finish the sentence?
  3. Was there anything particularly surprising to you that was different than what you had expected snow would be like?
  4. Is there anything special that you did in the snow that you would recommend to your Thai friend before she experienced snow for the first time?
  5. What was your favorite thing about it.......and your least favorite?

Ugggh.....just like a man, I turn everything into a list. Hopefully you will still reply. whistling.gif



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Hi sbk......thank you for your reply. I should have done a better job of communicating why I started this thread, so hopefully a bit of additional information will help to improve it.

There is a Thai woman who I speak with about once a week when I visit where she works. In the course of a recent conversation she mentioned that she had never seen snow, and asked what is was like. Since I am not the greatest communicator, I thought...."hey, I wonder if this is the sort of question that is well suited for the 'Ladies In Thailand' subforum", so I posted it here hoping to receive some replies that would help me not to just tell her about snow.....but to do so using a description that was from a Thai woman's perspective. Originally I had intended to post this thread in the "General Topics" subforum, but I decided to try posting it here instead, since the perspective of those offering replies would be closer to the perspective of the person I wanted to communicate the information to.

sbk....I am open to your advice.......and if you think we should move this thread to the "General Topics" subforum, please do. I just want to have some information for the next time I see my friend.



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I will tell you what I did when my sister in law asked me. I have one of those non-frost free fridges where the freezer builds up and you have to push the button to defrost it. I opened the freezer door, pointed at the buildup of ice and said "Its like that". She laughed but if you think about it, its true.

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I will tell you what I did when my sister in law asked me. I have one of those non-frost free fridges where the freezer builds up and you have to push the button to defrost it. I opened the freezer door, pointed at the buildup of ice and said "Its like that". She laughed but if you think about it, its true.

You're right! biggrin.png ........but I'm worried that when she tries to understand what playing outside when there's lots of snow is like, she'll climb into her freezer.

Are there a few Thai words (I study Thai, but my vocabulary is still very limited) that you would use to describe the overall experience of the first time you played in the snow and felt it falling on your skin? Words like "magical" or "tickled" might be inappropriate because their context in English is not exactly the same as in Thai. Any suggestions?



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Throw her down, all bundled up, and make her make "snow angels" by moving her arms and legs franically. Take a piccie, it will be one of those moments that you shall never forget.

PS I hate the stuff. But the faces on people that have never seen snow before is a sight to behold!!

Almost like a toddler discovering the ocean... little toes....

Edited by Patsycat
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Hey sbk & Patsycat.......I appreciate your replies. Google Translate wasn't as happy with "freaking" (เลว), but it did take a try at "snow angels" (ทูตสวรรค์หิมะ). No worries, I saw her today and instead of taking the risk that saying "it tickles your skin" would be get translated into something that would get me deported, we exchanged first names instead. tongue.png



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exactly what everyone else says: my husband, upon seeing and feeling snow for the first time, just likened it to the stuff in the freezer, and secondly, like most of the thais guys here, chose to wear flip flops to go out to take the dogs for a walk, and most of the thais here still do that because they say:feet get wet but in house dry off easily and dont get ruined and soggy like shoes,( and no, we dont really wear boots here for the one snow a year if at all up in a mountain in jerusalem. all the thai workers in other areas called all day and night when it was reported that it was supposed to snow - in the end it didnt.) , he said it was beautiful BECAUSE ITS WHITE, and cold, and he ate some.

by now the novelty has worn off, and the little bit of snow basically just bugs him cause he cant drive well inthe snow.

no words like tickled or magical were ever uttered. mostly 'sueay' (pretty), and 'yen' , (cold) and that was that. thais dont get too 'wordy' about things.

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Bina......thank you for your reply. I like the approach that your husband took to choosing flip flops.....so much more pragmatic than others who spend too many days and/or dollars shopping for the perfect snowy weather footwear.

He and I share the opinion that snow is 'sueay'.......and also the inability to drive well in the snow. cowboy.gif



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  • 3 months later...

I told my TGF to stick her head in the freezer and close the door.

Still undeterred I told her of my limited experience with snow how I got wet and cold and very uncomfortable that you need to spend a fortune to gear up for that one day in your life snow trip.

That didn't put her off, so I told her how expensive it is to go there, conservative miss was still not deterred.

So I offered to word my brother up for a weekend away in the alps next winter, now shes happy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I could imagine before I saw first time snow. w'ringe know that it might look like in the Freezer. But the real snow fall I saw ...first the weather was bad like it was going to rain, but too cold then I first saw little cotton all over , what a lovely moment, sweet little cotton of rain falling down, later I noticed that it was really snowflake.....all white....like powder, clean. Thought of thai sweet, ice with syrup. We have been warned before that we should not eat snow , so I've never tried...but it would taste the same as in Freezer...but not clean. A good memory. Like to make snowball or taking picture and walking on white snow....

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Snow does taste good, but you have to be high in the mountains to get the clean stuff. When i was a kid we would get it off pine trees and it had a good fresh taste.

And whatever you do, don't eat yellow snow.... blink.png

OP - Why not take your lady friend to Snow Land in Dreamworld ..?

totster :)

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