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Surrounded By "enemy" Nationals On A Baht Bus; Confused As To Proper Etiquette


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I also worked in Iran. They told me they like American people. But, they don't like the American government. I told them that makes two of us!

I think you have to tread lightly whenever you're in close quarters with a group of drunks. It doesn't matter who they are.

For instance, if you ever run into a group of drunk nuns, you better damn well tell them you're Catholic!

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I also worked in Iran. They told me they like American people. But, they don't like the American government. I told them that makes two of us!

I think you have to tread lightly whenever you're in close quarters with a group of drunks. It doesn't matter who they are.

For instance, if you ever run into a group of drunk nuns, you better damn well tell them you're Catholic!

That worked for you. I happen to agree with the current American government's policies towards Iran and actually think there is a good argument for them to be even more severe. No I don't want war but I don't want the west to cave into the Iranian regime either. I don't know if the current measures will work in the long run, probably not, but I support at least trying, as yes I feel an affinity with the Iranian people who also want to overthrow their theocratic regime, even if we wouldn't agree on everything. I've already made it clear I ALREADY know that most Iranians are friendly to Americans, in a GENERIC sense. But not all, and certainly not all with political views they don't like, such as a lot of MY views. Again, the circle, there is no way to KNOW the politics of a particular large group of drunken Iranians you might meet on a baht bus. Yes, I could have LIED and acted like I have views like yours, but I hardly missed any opportunity to bond with these drunks on FALSE pretenses.

Edited by Jingthing
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So Ah goat oan this bus full ae Iranian blokes, whenAhwiz cummin' back fi the pub.

"Ah'm fae Glesga, bytheway", Ah cried oot. "Whair ur yooz boys fi?"

But they all just mumbled, and looked at their feet...

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And to summarize the topic to date. smile.png


Very Good ... clap2.gif ... you earnt a well deserved like for that post.

Is it just me or has this songthaew long time driven off, leaving JT to singularly fight the war for the USA?


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If asked, my answer will always be...American.

If the questioner doesn't like it, tough shit.

Macho man! You can't imagine a scenario where doing so would be foolhardy?

Not really. Having spent much of my adult life living in the Middle East, I find a few drunken Iranians nothing to be really concerned about.

A chance encounter with them for a brief period of time is hardly cause for concern. I lived in Iran for 5 years up and during the Iranian revolution, and things were decidedly dicey during the revolution.

I didn't shy away from my American citizenship then nor would I do so now. Obviously YMMV.

A few things.

As you lived in Iran, OBVIOUSLY you would have a better knowledge and informed sense about the politics of a particular group of drunken Iranians you might encounter than someone like me who hasn't.

Secondly, the story isn't about a FEW drunken Iranians. What's a few? 2 or 3?

It is about a bus packed with them with me closely wedged among them.

Maybe this is disrespectful but even with your experience I can't really seriously BELIEVE that you would be unable to imagine ANY scenario where you would not be comfortable being known to be American. Maybe you lack a good imagination. If that's really true, can you imagine ANY scenario where you would not be comfortable being known to be Israeli if you were Israeli? Because the thread isn't only about USA-Iran; its about the general topic of nationals from nations in conflict encountering each other.

The question isn't about being PROUD to be American or not proud (or whatever the nationality). It's about situations where people may just be better off not having their nationality revealed.

I do believe you that in the scenario I described, that is not a scenario that would have been a concern for YOU. Maybe if I had lived YOUR life it would not have been a concern for me, but we only get to live in the ONE skin.


I am nearly 76 years old and have been through a number of dicey situations. all of which proved survivable. People have tried to get into my car in Iran and Saudi by opening the doors. I have been followed around a number of times while driving in Iran, Saudi and Thailand. I lost several friends and acquaintances to some bombings in Saudi and had one of my employees assassinated in Saudi.

So, if I got on a baht bus packed with drunken Iranians, Saudis or most any other nationality and was asked my nationality, it wouldn't bother me at all to tell the truth.

I'm not Israeli so your hypothetical question is unanswerable by me.

The only situation I can think of that would make me uncomfortable would be if I was forced to attend a Democratic party program featuring Obama. That thought really does make me cringe just a little.

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I have met quite a few Iranians in my travels and most of them were pretty cool actually and completely unlike the stereotypes you may have of Iranians.

Further they didn't have much time for their own government and could separate govt rhetoric and reality when dealing with individuals from other countries who may not agree with their govt.

I wouldn't be worried or even seriously think about any personal danger in the OPs situation.

I lived in Saudi Arabia for a number of years with friends being killed and bombs going off and check points everywhere etc so I am a bit more battle hardened when it comes to threats to my personal safety.

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I have met quite a few Iranians in my travels and most of them were pretty cool actually and completely unlike the stereotypes you may have of Iranians.


What stereotypes, dude? I've made it clear that it's impossible to KNOW a heck of a lot about any random group of Iranians you might meet. I recognize their diversity. I'm not going to be such an ass as to ASSUME much of anything about specific ones I meet. But I DO know that our respective countries are engaged in a long standing POLITICAL conflict.

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The only situation I can think of that would make me uncomfortable would be if I was forced to attend a Democratic party program featuring Obama. That thought really does make me cringe just a little.

Yes I could definitely IMAGINE fighting with the likes of you on a baht bus! This has been covered here too, conflicts WITHIN nationalities IN Thailand.

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I have met quite a few Iranians in my travels and most of them were pretty cool actually and completely unlike the stereotypes you may have of Iranians.

Further they didn't have much time for their own government and could separate govt rhetoric and reality when dealing with individuals from other countries who may not agree with their govt.

I wouldn't be worried or even seriously think about any personal danger in the OPs situation.

I lived in Saudi Arabia for a number of years with friends being killed and bombs going off and check points everywhere etc so I am a bit more battle hardened when it comes to threats to my personal safety.

Weve both been there, done that and got the T-shirt that reads..."I survived the highway to Abquaiq"

Bahrain is another story.thumbsup.gif

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Is it just me or has this songthaew long time driven off, leaving JT to singularly fight the war for the USA?


It's thrilling to have such a camp follower here.

You see, it's not just you. It is ME too.

Closer attention would be appreciated.

LONG ago, back on page 4, on this thread, I think I was rather clear that this thread was already PLAYED OUT.

But it was mysteriously kept alive by the the grander ones who must be obeyed, and people still seemed interested enough and some have certainly seemed to have some good sport with it, so because I started it, I felt I should at least continue to offer replies.


Edited by Jingthing
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JT ... given the 16 pages of heart felt advice, given the same situation to happen to a fellow member

in roughly the same position you found yourself ... what advice would you give them?

If 'surrounded by enemy nationals on a songthaew', what, do you advise is

'the proper etiquette' to be followed?


singing the "enemy's" national anthem would be a good start to make friends.

Plus, don't mention anything about marathons to your Persian friends...

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JT ... given the 16 pages of heart felt advice, given the same situation to happen to a fellow member

in roughly the same position you found yourself ... what advice would you give them?

If 'surrounded by enemy nationals on a songthaew', what, do you advise is

'the proper etiquette' to be followed?


singing the "enemy's" national anthem would be a good start to make friends.

Plus, don't mention anything about marathons to your Persian friends...

I doubt that would bring out a Snicker

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Is it just me or has this songthaew long time driven off, leaving JT to singularly fight the war for the USA?


It's thrilling to have such a camp follower here.

You see, it's not just you. It is ME too.

Closer attention would be appreciated.

LONG ago, back on page 4, on this thread, I think I was rather clear that this thread was already PLAYED OUT.

But it was mysteriously kept alive by the the grander ones who must be obeyed, and people still seemed interested enough and some have certainly seemed to have some good sport with it, so because I started it, I felt I should at least continue to offer replies.


I can't believe you just called David camp.

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I always tell people I'm from Canada. Works pretty well most of them time. Sometimes they'll get suspicious and start asking me questions about Canada I don't know. Or they'll tell my my accent is definitely not Canadian.

WHY, Obama fixed the world, and now the whole world loves Americans, and "Jingthing" loves Obama, because he fixed the world.

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Is it just me or has this songthaew long time driven off, leaving JT to singularly fight the war for the USA?


It's thrilling to have such a camp follower here.

You see, it's not just you. It is ME too.

Closer attention would be appreciated.

LONG ago, back on page 4, on this thread, I think I was rather clear that this thread was already PLAYED OUT.

But it was mysteriously kept alive by the the grander ones who must be obeyed, and people still seemed interested enough and some have certainly seemed to have some good sport with it, so because I started it, I felt I should at least continue to offer replies.


I can't believe you just called David camp.

shouldn't it be Camp David?

Anyway, back on topic. I think we are universally agreed that Iranians don't conform to stereotype.

Are there any other nationalities that so universally fail to correspond to stereotype?

Out of interest, what is a stereotypical Iranian?


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