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Lamborghini Crash Survivor: Amulet Saved My Life


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I am reliably informed by someone who supplies weapons systems to the Thai airforce, that the pilots have this stuff in their planes and believe without question that they guarantee safety and victory. He told me this as he gave me an expensive amulet. I guess the recent helicopter crashers must have forgotten them.

When was the last time the Thai air force flew in combat? Strewth, they have amulets and fall out of the sky on exercises too often.

Just imagine if someone was shooting at them.

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Lamborghini Aventador price in USA and UK - 11,000,000 baht

Lamborghini Aventador price in Thailand - 34,000,000 baht.

Shame the amulet doesnt protect the brain from being ripped off.

The joys of import duty (I do wonder how they get away with that level of import duty as a member of the WTO), and not allowing the import of used cars.

The owners make a lot of it back when they sell. i.e. For what you get when you sell a 4 year old BMW here, you can get a brand new one in the UK, and have money left over.

Many don't, and instead buy them in Malaysia and then transport/ship them in in smaller pieces, engine and body separated etc. for much less in envelopes and handshakes.

Remember those Thais that have 8 figures of baht to spent on a toy will know people, and be able to easily buy those they don't. :)

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I am reliably informed by someone who supplies weapons systems to the Thai airforce, that the pilots have this stuff in their planes and believe without question that they guarantee safety and victory. He told me this as he gave me an expensive amulet. I guess the recent helicopter crashers must have forgotten them.

When was the last time the Thai air force flew in combat? Strewth, they have amulets and fall out of the sky on exercises too often.

Just imagine if someone was shooting at them.

Nobody's shooting at them. That's the point.

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At full throttle a Lamborghini can travel 1 mile in 15 seconds.

Err..doesn't that calculate to 240 mph?

Well done.

What well done for pointing out that you really should buy a new calculator because yours is obviously knackered? biggrin.png

Edited by mca
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he was driving from Bangkok to attend his father′s funeral at a temple in Chonburi,

Shame his dad isn't around to tell his son to slow the Xxxx down. Not to be glib, but I wonder if the first thing he did when his father passed away was to buy a Lamborghini.

Either they are keeping the body for a long time or ordering and shipping is a lot quicker than I thought.

There are Lambos on sale in Bangkok right now. In fact there are two up country where I live in a showroom

Yep, they're like backsides, everyone's got one.

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At full throttle a Lamborghini can travel 1 mile in 15 seconds.

Err..doesn't that calculate to 240 mph?
Well done.
The thing is ... why would anyone NEED a car that goes that fast? (Rhetorical question ... dick size, poor social skills, inept with women etc etc) Edited by Fullstop
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At full throttle a Lamborghini can travel 1 mile in 15 seconds.

Err..doesn't that calculate to 240 mph?

Well done.

What well done for pointing out that you really should buy a new calculator because yours is obviously knackered? :D

We are in Thailand. Everything is approximate. Hitting a wet patch at 200mph is pretty much the same as hitting a wet patch at 240.

Ask the Tgf.

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BMW M5 would still be intact, even with driver error

After two light posts and two trees at high speed? That amount of force has to be transferred to somewhere. (i.e 'The driver') if the BMW does not "crumple" like most modern cars are designed to do ... it's a death trap. Edited by Fullstop
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BMW M5 would still be intact, even with driver error

I hope you are right. Third son has got one and he thinks he's invincible.
Well the car would be OK ... but I wouldn't have much hope for the third son. Massive whiplash is fatal. Give me a car that crumples and absorbs the impact thanks.
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34 million baht! What an idiot. Who would pay more than a million US dollars for a car that's worth a fraction of that price on the international market all so that he can drive to Chonburi on Bangkok roads. Oh Thais! Hilarious. Reminds me of the American who drove his million dollar Bugatti (for which he didn't pay a 300% mark-up to a bunch of bumbling, gangster government in a developing country) into a Texas swamp because he was trying to text while driving. Stupid is as stupid does. As for the lack of injuries, I'm sure Mr. Thai CEO is 100% correct and the fact that he was unscathed in the accident was due to his possession of jewelry and not the cutting edge safety tech in his supercar (it's so revealing about the Thai mindset concerning ostentatious shows of wealth: the man literally doesn't understand the first thing about why his car cost what it cost. To him it's just a big foreign trincket that looks cool and that this poo yai can flash around in front of the people in his country to earn their automatic respect).

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It's much cheaper to just hang a stuffed animal from your rear bumper like they do in BKK so the 'road ghosts' will play with it, instead of causing an accident. It is common knowledge in Thailand that angry spirits are the REAL cause of accidents--not bad drivers.

That said, one time I crashed my 3 million dollar yacht into an oil rig. Lucky for me i had a limited edition, diamond-encrusted, 'Poseidon' Rolex. That wonderful ancient Greek deity really came through for me in that incident. I only had to sacrifice several prize bulls and a few sheep to show my thanks.

Paganism is great.

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