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What Are Your Hobbies? What Do You Do For Fun?


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I know there is a place on your profile page for interests, but lets be honest, who really bothers to put anything on their profile page.wink.png

There is so much one can do up here in Chiang Rai and I am sure many of you have interesting or even unusual hobbies. By sharing you may find others with similar interests or stumble upon something you hadn’t thought of.

So, what are your hobbies? What do you do for fun?smile.png

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villagefarang, you ever checked out Chiang Saen Lake (nong bong kai) & the surrounding wetlands? very beautiful area with awesome birdlife... been up there a few times myself with cam & bin's & wouldn't mind doing so permanently. That whole district would be my hobby in CR. smile.png

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villagefarang, you ever checked out Chiang Saen Lake (nong bong kai) & the surrounding wetlands? very beautiful area with awesome birdlife... been up there a few times myself with cam & bin's & wouldn't mind doing so permanently. That whole district would be my hobby in CR. smile.png

I imagine for a birder with your skills, Chiang Saen Lake would be an absolute paradise. It is a fair distance from where we live so I don’t get up that way very often. Besides, with the camera I have, I’m pretty much limited to landscape. Chiang Saen is a beautiful area, however.

My main hobby is actually a combination, mt. bike/photography. The bike keeps me fit and healthy and photography nurtures my spirit. Kind of a body and soul workout and I do love my Phaya Mengrai area.

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I love to take a ride on the bike and as you VF get some nice pictures.

I love fishing

I like very much to search and read about Thai/Chiang Rai historie-where by the way,Chiang Saen/Yonok have a very interesting history-Chiang Saen lake have a great story also to tell-and was maby the first place people made a village in Thailand.

I like my weekends where my wife and I take her uncle and some other family members around to se and explore new places in Chiang Rai province.

Meeting old people and they tell you the story of their lifes is one of the biggest pleasures I think-for me.

I love when unknown people send me a message,that they are going to visit Chiang Rai and need info or help to something and then meet them when they arrive and have a good day or two together.

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I also enjoy writing. Whether I am penning a post for my blog or crafting a comment on ThaiVisa, I enjoy the challenge of putting words together to create meaning, express a point of view and sometimes paint a verbal image.smile.png

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Just arrived at ChiangRai a week ago. I like to sit at the coffee shops either at Starbucks or yod doi.... Anyone knows if there's an Expats Club here?

Thanks in advance..

There is indeed a Chiang Rai Expat Club but they have struggled a bit here in the Rai. Then again I have not been for a long time so things could have improved. Welcome to the Rai and perhaps I will bump into you at Starbucks one day.smile.png

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I am amazed at the amount of expats who have no hobbies or left them behind, as I call them " the used to's."

Me: off road mocys/jakayarns, music, swimming, modding electronics, learning new software

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I like to sing -- blues, swing, jazz whether jamming in a club or in the shower.......and in a choir, whether classical or folk traditional or christmas carolling for charity.

I also like board games e.g. Scrabble or a vigorous game of ginrummy or mahjong. I know "its just a game" but the competitor in me hates to lose, even if the stakes are only toothpicks :-)

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I like to sing -- blues, swing, jazz whether jamming in a club or in the shower.......and in a choir, whether classical or folk traditional or christmas carolling for charity.

I also like board games e.g. Scrabble or a vigorous game of ginrummy or mahjong. I know "its just a game" but the competitor in me hates to lose, even if the stakes are only toothpicks :-)

I enjoy a good game of cards. Ginrummy and Five Hundred are good sociable games i can play for hours. I enjoy Poker but have not played for years and would only play these days for small change.

I wonder if physical games like cards and board games have had their life, with so much available, and teh very same games available to do online and smartphones/tablets etc

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I like sketching people, life art, although it's hard to find an affordable and willing model here in Thailand and drawing cartoons. I've often been asked to publish the cartoons but I wouldn't know where to start. Bike riding is a favourite of mine but a bit scary on the roads here although I do about 60-80km a week.. I've known of a few people to get sent home in a box or wheel chair after getting swiped by a local driver. Hashing. or should I say walking is good fun too. I used to run a lot but now I'm 72 walking is more comfortable. Reading is a serious hobby too. I enjoy history and especially frequently Sam Pepyes Diary of the 1660's. His accounts of the Great Fire of London and the plague, and about life and times of people then are fascinating. Scuba was another favourite of mine until I came to Phuket. I believe it's a disappointment here what with bombed reefs etc. I dived for 6 years in PNG and logged nearly 300 of them. Manus Island,Rabaul deep Harbour, Bougainville, Madang Wewak etc. Port Moresby's amazing reefs only about 6 miles off shore are truly magnificent too> Bali, Indonesia was a disappointment in comparison as was Cebu in the Phillippines but not as bad, however if anyone wants to see a really beautiful dive location try Sipadan Island of Malaysia's Sabah. Myself and three others visited there on two occasions and had the privilege of being the first group into the labyrinth of underwater caves. Casteau dived in them the year after us and took many films of the dead turtle carcass's in them. Anyway last but not least I play classical and Flaemco guitar. i had to sell my Herman Hauser (I) in Chicago in 2002 ($32,000) due to arthritis starting to give me trouble in the right hand thumb. But still have a cheap guitar and all my sheet music and have bash now and then. So to sum up, now I pencil sketch people, draw cartoons, walk, ride a bike three days a week, read books in my spare time, and play the guitar. Scuba diving's out now but I have a lovely Thai lady with me and she keps me busy. There's not enough time in this life to do all that I'd like to do.

Good stuff. Im out of likes.

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One thing. Like to do is I have a remote control water boat , what I like to call the adult kind because of the cost. I like getting it on the water and it just flies , the thing does about 50 miles an hour.

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One thing. Like to do is I have a remote control water boat , what I like to call the adult kind because of the cost. I like getting it on the water and it just flies , the thing does about 50 miles an hour.

Hello to you too, WC. I take it your remote control boat is not a sail boat.wink.png Sounds like fun.smile.png

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