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Are Thais The Worst Drivers In The World?

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Some years ago the Mumbai Mirror carried an editorial by a local (Indian) chap who'd been to Bangkok.

One of his comments was how orderly and disciplined the traffic was. Must have been to a parallel universe.


Go to Mumbai for a week and you will have the same feeling when you come back to Bangkok.

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You really don't gettit do you? - this is not behaviour particularly restricted to Thailand - you need to learn to cope with the vaguaries of driving here - citing incidents and insulting the entire nation just shows how little you understand about driving.

may I draw your attention to the post by willyumiii - basically this applies to ALL countries and it is NOT the nationality that is the bad driver.

the situation is RAOD SAFETY - this has to be addderssed in counrtries all over the world, some are more "advanced" or successful than others - this is largely down to government.

Just labelling the Thai people as "bad drivers" is at best plain dumb........

I have been driving all over the world for 45 years.

I have NEVER had a serious accident more than knocks.

I did professional advanced driving training including such niceties as cadence braking.

I therefore winder why you talk down to me like you're God in a way that is at least rude and at best pontification rather than discussion.

I stand by my previous posts......the dangerous driving is endemic and leaves far too many people dead and disabled every day. I blame it not on the people but on the system of apathy and non-complaint.

Edited by cheeryble
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Some years ago the Mumbai Mirror carried an editorial by a local (Indian) chap who'd been to Bangkok.

One of his comments was how orderly and disciplined the traffic was. Must have been to a parallel universe.


Go to Mumbai for a week and you will have the same feeling when you come back to Bangkok.

Exactly my feeling after a week in Pakistan!

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You really don't gettit do you? - this is not behaviour particularly restricted to Thailand - you need to learn to cope with the vaguaries of driving here - citing incidents and insulting the entire nation just shows how little you understand about driving.

may I draw your attention to the post by willyumiii - basically this applies to ALL countries and it is NOT the nationality that is the bad driver.

the situation is RAOD SAFETY - this has to be addderssed in counrtries all over the world, some are more "advanced" or successful than others - this is largely down to government.

Just labelling the Thai people as "bad drivers" is at best plain dumb........

I have been driving all over the world for 45 years.

I have NEVER had a serious accident more than knocks.

I did professional advanced driving training including such niceties as cadence braking.

I therefore winder why you talk down to me like you're God in a way that is at least rude and at best pontification rather than discussion.

I stand by my previous posts......the dangerous driving is endemic and leaves far too many people dead and disabled every day. I blame it not on the people but on the system of apathy and non-complaint.

Those Cadences are a dam nuisance.Ive ran over quite a few.thumbsup.gif

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The one thing that is starting to bother me is that I am starting to drive like them.

Yea, me to, i have really mellowed out,smile.png and now do not shout "you stupid cnt" anymore, well not as much anyway whistling.gif

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Patently the Thais are not the WORST...problem is, like in many other aspects , they mistakenly believe they are the BEST !

Yeah, but so do the Brits, and the Americans.. and even worse, the Aussie driving-zombies biggrin.png

I think it's fair to say the Brits are the best in the world.

We have the bendy and complicated roads (as opposed to grid systems) and appalling weather which made world champion drivers for decades, while at the same time being well mannered and well trained.

Yes, undoubtedly the best along with other north European nations.

But then that little grouping is the best at just about everything isn't it?

LOL. I'm sure you are....... in GB wink.png

I don't know too many Brits IRL, but the ones I do know appear to have counter-adapted in one of two ways; 1) They adopt a "monkey see, monkey do" approach, but do it at 30% higher speeds than everyone else, like some kind of Hybrid Thai-British Lewis Hamilton, making themselves a danger to all, or 2) They live in constant fear and misunderstanding, and drive 20-30km/hr slower than everyone else, again making them dangerous. They also appear to like showing their index fingers to other motorists, making them a danger to themselves.

Anything I missed in my limited view? biggrin.png

Not know " any Brits IRL " how sad, I'm afraid we are the best in everything. whistling.gif

Very limited indeed " Anything missed " yes we have the 6th sense. laugh.pnglaugh.png

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Not know " any Brits IRL " how sad, I'm afraid we are the best in everything. whistling.gif

Very limited indeed " Anything missed " yes we have the 6th sense. laugh.pnglaugh.png

Well, I didn't say I don't know *any* - just the dozen or so that live around my area, and over the years I've driven in traffic with them all ;)

As for being the best in everything, I'm afraid that's simply not a blanket truth - two of them nearby have Thai companionship arrive within minutes of their farang husband leaving the house :D

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THe standard of driving in the UK is definitely up there in the top ..... whatever.....but WHY? largely down to the "E" for education - Brit drivers not only have to jump through a lot of hoops to get a licence - (in UK it is STILL regarded as a privilege - unlike in the US where it is regarded as a right) - but they were for decades bombarded with rather well thought out government info-mercials on how to drive and tips. Also the experience of driving in UK is pretty unique - the road conditions fog ice slush can be much more tricky than countries where the weather is either hotter or remains below zero for long lengths of time.

....BUT - the PRIMARY E-reason for the low accident rate traffic engineering.

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As for being the best in everything, I'm afraid that's simply not a blanket truth - two of them nearby have Thai companionship arrive within minutes of their farang husband leaving the house biggrin.png

That's funny one of them told me the same about you........coffee1.gif

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Some years ago the Mumbai Mirror carried an editorial by a local (Indian) chap who'd been to Bangkok.

One of his comments was how orderly and disciplined the traffic was. Must have been to a parallel universe.


Go to Mumbai for a week and you will have the same feeling when you come back to Bangkok.

Exactly my feeling after a week in Pakistan!

Ditto Saudi Arabia (I think statistically the worlds least safe roads)

I come back to Thailand and feel driving is a breath of fresh air and I actually enjoy driving again, whereas in Saudi it's something to be dreaded then endured.

For sure there are instances of air-headedness and selfishness on the thai roads, particularly centre & fast lane hogging by buses and other slower vehicles on highways, but it's nothing compared to the aggression, thoughtlessness and sheer madness of the driving behaviour seen EVERYWHERE on the roads in Saudi Arabia.

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One would usually expect poorer countries to have lower accident and death rates but as you mention there are notable exceptions. saudi being one and Korea being another.

With Saudi I would suggest that E- engineering is at the root of the problem....the roads are flat wide and open and unprotected - this means combined with powerful gas-guzzlers (often with bad handling) and the high speeds attainable and in fact the speed is not even apparent to the drivers - who in turn are all male and untrained (a second "E")....... a recipe for disaster.

Korea I have no knowledge of or explanation......

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The one big thai plague: tailgating. I saw again several examples of three to five cars, vans, SUV's following each other at 2 m distance at high speed on the fast lane... Still struggling to find a coherent reason for this behavior. cheesy.gif

Yes that's right, you see dots on the toll ways and signs that says min 2 dots distance but impossible to do as cars/trucks squeeze in between you and the vehicle in front of you.

If people could stop thinking that you are getting faster to your destination when you shifting lanes constantly and in heavily trafficked roads that you are not getting there faster when doing that. You will also be much more stressed and maybe ends up in a road rage incident.

People driving super cars are really acting like they owns the roads and nobody dare question them, once saw a Lamborghini shifting lanes very quickly at high speed. I must admit it was a awesome sight/sound when he passed and the car was like glued to the road.

If I had a car like that, I would off-course not do such a thingwhistling.gifrolleyes.gif

Yeah, the lane-shifting and racing is another issue. I had a Pajero (white and covered with accessories) tailgating me this Sunday... When I gave way, it proceeded to then swerve around other cars on a pretty busy road.

As to tailgating, what baffles me is that you often have a bunch of up to 5 cars following each other closely, then a huge expanse of empty road behind them. You really wonder what is the point in doing this, as they won't even be earning a second by not keeping their distances. I generally avoid such "convoys" like hell. If I am tailgated, I will accelerate sufficiently, then give way after having overtaken the other cars.

When I get tailgated, I do as I did back in Scotland, I slow down gradually then put on my hazard warning lights.

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As EVERYONE on fast roads drives FAR TOO CLOSE -(see stopping distances against speeds) we are ALL tailgating so the rest is psychological.

THerefore one could argue that is no such thing as tailgating - it is the person in front blocking the person behind - GET OUT OF THE WAY!

If you get into that situation you can't drive.

You might try the 2 or 3 second rule - I would suggest that even then you'll find yourself to be tailgating or tailgated.

Edited by wilcopops
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I think I've sussed why Thai might be the worst driver's well sometime's.

Was in my local restaurant last night and the German owner narrated this true tale. Last Thursday two Thai gent's came into his place at 10.15am he doesn't open till 11am but as they only wanted beer's they were served They started off with two Erdinger German beer's and carried on drinking till they left at 6pm how many did they have well 30 large one's then proceeded to drive home ??? in their own car's not a problem as they were both Police but even police might have had a problem having just consumed 15 large one's each all be it that Erdinger's are only 4.9% proof.

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