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For Sea Sickness


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Sorry, but,they really dont work.....Buy a plain cracker biscuit and chew one every so often.

If you are on a ship and feel off colour, choose a cloud in the sky and concentrate your sight on it for a few minutes, it also settles you down rather quickly as it's your balance being out of wack, that starts the sea sickness....

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They do work, I have proven it before.

I did not asked about tablets as I dislike medicines for no reason.

I got chronically sick for several days many moons ago, but only at night when no horizon for reference, or if went below deck with bad smells recently.

Some time later I had to go out on a boat again for a couple nights, I was dreading it. I bought 2 of these bands just before departure not thinking they would work, put them on and upon darkness, all was good, so much so we sat up most of the night on the piss.

They may not work on everyone, but they did work for me.

I want more.

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Best advice I got from a kipper went we went on fishing trips in The North Sea. Stand under a tree.

That's good advice from a herring that became a kipper...................tongue.png

Seriously though, standing under a tree (haven't heard that before) is sound advice if you suffer from seasickness.....................thumbsup.gif

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Best advice I got from a kipper went we went on fishing trips in The North Sea. Stand under a tree.

That's good advice from a herring that became a kipper...................tongue.png

Seriously though, standing under a tree (haven't heard that before) is sound advice if you suffer from seasickness.....................thumbsup.gif

Not really.

As I said, there are ways around things.

Standing under a tree is fine if you like to give up easily and miss out on oceanic fun and mermaids.

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I do not take any medecine at all myself.

I lived A little more than 8 years on my own boat, I was confronted many times with the sea sickness of many people, can be a real plague. Ginger is a very old natural medecine against sea sickness, just chew a little piece, cheap, easy to find !

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<br />The placebo effect can be miraculous, and it's completely real, valid and appropriate to use, in many cases healthier than the chemicals.<br /><br />I started out with very bad effects crewing on livaaboard racing yachts, within a few weeks my system was completely used to it, to the point that I started becoming very uncomfortable on solid ground when returning to shore. . .

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I haven't seen the pressure point bands here so a couple alternatives:

Ginger works well or I have at least tricked myself into thinking it does. When I have been out in rougher weather I find that napping for a couple hours right off the bat helps immensely. Focusing on the horizon and staying near the center of the boat also helps if you are staring to feel ill. I personally don't do well with Dramamine, it makes me sick on dry land and rather drowsy, but many swear by it.

Edited by CPT
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Good points Chrisinth....I have also spent many years at sea, and someone else beat me to the punch.....sit under a tree.

The main thing seriously, is keep hydrated, no matter how often you may bring it back up again. Dry biscuits with fluids....lots of fluids.

It is a balance problem and if you have an ear infection and are prone to seasickness....don't go.

Once again it is an individual problem, and it may take some experimentation to find out what works best for you. I have sailed with many people who were so sick, if you offered them a gun, they would not have hesitated in stopping the agony by one squeeze of the trigger.

Try meditation.


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Sorry, but,they really dont work.....Buy a plain cracker biscuit and chew one every so often.

If you are on a ship and feel off colour, choose a cloud in the sky and concentrate your sight on it for a few minutes, it also settles you down rather quickly as it's your balance being out of wack, that starts the sea sickness....

or take the tablets of course, avilible at every pharmacy in Thailand...wink.png

Despite going off shore many times on fishing trips with my father I still get queasy occasionally. So, instead of risking it, I just carry the little tablets with me and I take one about 2 hours before going in the boat. I also get a little sick when travelling by bus on a twisty road depending on what I've eaten.
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I agree with itchybum.

My daughter hates flying and travel in general but these work for her.

Always sick on aircraft but last year fit as a fiddle. School trips no problems.

They work for her.

Sorry OP we live in UK and got them in Boots. Do Boots in Thailand stock them?

Failing that can you get someone to buy you them and send as they weigh nothing?

Where in Thailand are you?

Good luck.

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I do not take any medecine at all myself.

I lived A little more than 8 years on my own boat, I was confronted many times with the sea sickness of many people, can be a real plague. Ginger is a very old natural medecine against sea sickness, just chew a little piece, cheap, easy to find !

And tastes like crap!!

You can't expect kids to eat ginger or pop pills.

Any parent knows that.

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I agree with itchybum.

My daughter hates flying and travel in general but these work for her.

Always sick on aircraft but last year fit as a fiddle. School trips no problems.

They work for her.

Sorry OP we live in UK and got them in Boots. Do Boots in Thailand stock them?

Failing that can you get someone to buy you them and send as they weigh nothing?

Where in Thailand are you?

Good luck.

Thanks, yes I see boots online have them.

We live near Korat.

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  • 1 month later...

dimenine (dimenhydrinate) These are brilliant, no side affects for me and I just spent a year in the North Sea, whenever I felt a little iffy I would pop one and feel right as rain an hour later. My wife takes them when we fly and she is out like a light with them though.

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<br />The placebo effect can be miraculous, and it's completely real, valid and appropriate to use, in many cases healthier than the chemicals.<br /><br />I started out with very bad effects crewing on livaaboard racing yachts, within a few weeks my system was completely used to it, to the point that I started becoming very uncomfortable on solid ground when returning to shore. . .

The placebo effect can work amazingly well. About 10 years ago I was working on a smallish vessel offshore Vietnam. The Vietnamese clients were all terribly seasick. We had one of our guys put a potatoe on a string and around his neck. One of the Vietnamese asked about this and we told him it was an old sailors remedy for seasickness, the earthy smell of the potatoe fools the brain into thinking you are on land. The whole point of this was just to get all the clients wearing potatoes around their necks, we didn't really want to cure their seasickness as they were to miserable to be bothering us.

Anyway within a day these guys started appearing on deck and getting in the way and thanking us for curing their seasickness. It was still funny though watching these guys everyday with a new potatoe around their necks.

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