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Why Are There So Many People Who Just Bitch About This Country?


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Move to Cambo - pretty much zero corruption / government ineptitude there and the locals love the greenback, so bring a suitcase full. A tropical paradise much like Florida with cheaper drinks - isn't that all most TVers came to Asia for in the first place ? Yep, the land of milk and honey, and only an hours flight from that nasty Bangkok - see you at the airport.

Man, this is gonna be awesome !

Sometmes, I accept the need for a sarcasm smiley

Cheap government is not the same as zero corruption - arguably, the cheaper the government, the more corrupt

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I bitch sometimes because I might not be happy about something. but it does not matter if it is Thailand, the U.K. or elsewhere.

I was brought up in a free and democratic country to be a free thinking person. So I can think what I like and say what I like within reason and the law.

Exactly! No Country in the World is free from criticism,unfortunately some would have us believe otherwise, and then out comes the childish "If you don't like it go home" card. Effectively a gagging order!

And there is a fine line between criticism (which I agree with, I'm sick of this country's politicians and am of the opinion that the military should take over again, atleast they're only corrupt, not inefficient AND corrupt) and outright racism and bigotry. Case in point: the topic about some guy getting stabbed in Spicy. Statements range from "All Thais are pussies who can't fight one on one", "All Thais are stupid and must roam around in their wolfpacks and prey on foreigners" to "Typical Thais, they hate us and I'm miserable here". Those guys should probably GTFO ASAP.

Additionally, if you bothered to read the whole of my OP you would get this.

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Emotion and common sense do not go along together for many. Ignorance attracts ignorance. Lack of empathy attracts ...... well you catch my drift. At the end of the day, the people who bitch about thailand bitch about themselves primarily. Some of them realize that, some do not. To be honest though there are many things to bitch about thailand, its people, its government and about its expats. Only a few of us khon tang chaats will be truly accepted by the population. So as long as we accept that then we can be sabai sabai as well. Same same but different ! Almost.

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There are usually two types of foreigners visiting or staying here.

You have those who haven´t got the faintest clue what Thai culture is and take their prejudice on the locals and the expats


Then you have the apologists, those who again just don´t get how it works and feel sorry for the Thais and blame the expats for all things gone bad in the land of smiles.

I criticize both foreigners coming here and the local Thais. Since I´m living here and providing my share of the wealth to the government, I think I have earned that right, whether the Thais want me here or not.

The criticism I give whether it's against farangs or Thais, is not based on prejudice really. I would be lying if I said that I don´t think westerners can handle things better in certain aspects but that's to be expected since this is after all, a developing country.

Since I live here, I spend 70-80% time with the locals and trying to blend in isn´t an easy task. Thais aren´t very good in socializing with foreigners but then again some westerners aren´t particulary good in that either. Yet the reason for some Thais that don´t want to mingle seems to be based on a lot of assumptions of what a foreigner really is. It's plain laziness and while this might bring a good experience and open up a set of pathways in their lives, they simply don't get it.

Though on a different level, this case is quite similar to some folks I've met, who were from Kentucky (no offense). So I´m not saying that there aren´t westerners who behave like this but as I mentioned before, it has a larger impact on Thailand due to their culture.

Take Buddhism for example, some would call it a way of life, I still call it religion, however I happen to like this religion. Yet how many here follow the code? And before you start comparing to Christianity or other religions, while Christianity has its flaws, the amount of mistreatment against people and animals here is more than one can bear and these people who do this, still call themselves faithful Buddhists.

Hipocrisy exists even in the west, in abundance yet for a religion that points out that every animal and insect inhabits a soul and therefor should not be hurt, people here either don´t get what their own religion is about, or simply don´t care.

To me this is a critical point as there are nationalists running around and yelling on top of their lungs that Thailand belong to the Thais. When did this change and still, do the people here care more for each other than they do for the westerners?

My answer is "no" and that's the main problem with Thailand.

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I get frustrated on a daily basis, and angry sometimes, especially with sub-contractors taking the Micky Bliss. I am really old fashioned in that if you pay for a service or contract then i expect the provider to do the work as agreed!

Driving standards are also high on the negative list. Call me old fashioned but II really do not like it when someone points a vehicle at me and tries to kill or maim my family.

Many will say that the Thai reluctance to lose face is the hardest thing to reconcile. Again, being a little old fashioned I see the issue as one of integrity, or a lack of it; surely this is a shortcoming of the education system and upbringing of children? There appears to be no corresponding word in the Thai language. However a lack of integrity is not exclusive to Thai's..... 95% of the expats I have met here seem woefully lacking in a number of areas not just integrity. Perhaps my expectations are far too high.

That said I have met many high quality people here, both male and female, Thai and expats. I love where I live, I love my wife and son, and consider myself very lucky to be here despite the daily frustrations....... Frustrations being a consequence of my not having fully parked my baggage at the airport!

Anyone on a constant Thai bash perhaps should consider moving on...... There are many options in the region..........

If I had to do it again I would look at the Philippines I think.

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Wont matter where I unpack my bags from 2014 - I know I will soon be planning my life around my next trip to Disneyland. So many cities on my list - Seoul, HCMC, Tokyo - but nothing consumes me like the prospect of being back in LOS. I guess I just never grew up :D

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Also of notable whinginess are folks who are long removed from Thailand but still frequent Thai related forums and newsgroups to try to not only be as negative as possible but to also dissuade people from moving here.

It's an odd mix of anger and resentment at their former hosts... country/people/government/etc. and also a strange almost feverish implied fear that others will succeed where they have failed.

Excuse me... not where you lost or failed, but where you made a strategic and honorable retreat. It's okay... shhh... it's okay.


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Right, so if I like having sex with Filipinas that automatically means I think their brothers are great guys ? Not arguing with anything you've said, Mr 14 Posts, but you've clearly come here with an agenda based on little more than hearsay. 

LOL This guy has no life obviously
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I'll add; Lese Majeste. How many coups? 90 day reporting. Nationalism. Institutionalized xenophobia, used car prices, wine prices. Corruption, environmental degradation, constant rip-offs and of course the sheer volume of lies and two faced smiles...

So much to critisize...it's fun !!

People come to discussion forums to vent frustrations, aka whine.

When people whine about the whining, now that's whining !!

Trolling is really what it is and I'd bet most of the whining whiners don't even live in Thailand, or are so inoculated from realities by Thai partners, they have an inaccurate view of realities of living here.

Two words.

Bomb Detectors.

I personally liked the way they pushed the flood down stream with a few tugboats.

I lived in Thailand for 18 years. You just listed alot of reasons which other countries are worse than Thailand, the 2 only points I'll give you is the lese majeste and the coups. You sound like a whiny one though, why don't you just gtfo if it so displeases you? What, no where else to go because you chose ten too many bad life choices?

I'm not whining about whiners, I'm pointing out what a sad bunch of human waste you are.

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What's so different? People bitch about the country they currently live in, which is mostly their native country. When I'm back in my own country I eat breakfast at the same diner and I know a lot of the regulars. Many complain non stop. Why would you expect that trait to go away because someone is living in a different country?

Again, its not about the bitching (which I agree with), its about the racism and the belief that "ALL Thais are x" and yet said person is dumb enough to live there

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To be honest, I find the people that heap vile abuse on their fellows more unpleasant than the whingers.

When it comes to amount of insults and vile abuses, I find the whiners to be the winners. By far.

It is unpleasant indeed...

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What's so different? People bitch about the country they currently live in, which is mostly their native country. When I'm back in my own country I eat breakfast at the same diner and I know a lot of the regulars. Many complain non stop. Why would you expect that trait to go away because someone is living in a different country?

Again, its not about the bitching (which I agree with), its about the racism and the belief that "ALL Thais are x" and yet said person is dumb enough to live there

Because of the wording you might be assuming that some complaints are about ALL Thais. When in fact the complaints are being directed at specific groups Take the Spicys example:

As reported , the Thai males in there are not bank managers and the comments about Thai males should be taken in context.

Whats wrong with this picture ? A local male shoots a foreign male in a bar and I advise foreign males to avoid bars where locals are drinking - and I get criticised ? I complain about reckless city bus drivers, about Thais driving through red lites with pedestrians in the crosswalk. and when you see most of the Thais doing this its fare to generalize about it and say they are reckless, ignorant and inconsiderate drivers. It seems some folks like you , Berkshire and others come out of the woodwork on this board and self appoint yourselves Thai public defenders eveytime someone calls a spade a spade. Complaining is just a reaction to the environment , so is complementing. I give the medical profession here (Bangkok Christian Hospital mostly) AAA ( because the insurance companies are not running the show.) I give Thai banks AA. Well above for both over stateside. Complaining about Thais , as indicated , and enjoying being here are not mutually exclusive. I complain .about foreigners here also - like these jerkoffs in this internet shop.

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I don't get why people biatch and moan about this country, just like any other, it has its good and bad sides. Even if we had interstellar travel invented, I doubt that there will be some hidden paradise on another planet.

Most of us, for whatever reason chose to stay in Thailand and it's all up to us, and us only, what we make of our lives here. We can't influence others, but we can influence our own actions. Do what makes you (and your closed ones happy), if it requires some work, get it done, it will pay off sooner or later.

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I don't get why people biatch and moan about this country, just like any other, it has its good and bad sides. Even if we had interstellar travel invented, I doubt that there will be some hidden paradise on another planet.

Most of us, for whatever reason chose to stay in Thailand and it's all up to us, and us only, what we make of our lives here. We can't influence others, but we can influence our own actions. Do what makes you (and your closed ones happy), if it requires some work, get it done, it will pay off sooner or later.

Sure if you want to have an impact on a smaller scale. I think most people here want to see a change but do not know how to make their voices heard. I don´t find this too surprising since it´s pretty common to discuss and criticize things back home, but here in the land with no real democracy, people need to make themselves heard one way or another.

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Right, so if I like having sex with Filipinas that automatically means I think their brothers are great guys ? Not arguing with anything you've said, Mr 14 Posts, but you've clearly come here with an agenda based on little more than hearsay.

LOL This guy has no life obviously


And you are so qualified to make this statement?

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It's the 'Whining about whining'...whine

Personal I think the Thai do have a problem with the truth being important at all times, and have an active, even institutionalized dislike of foreigners.

I'd like other readers to have this opinion available to them also as not all of them are here for the prostitutes.

What's really annoying is newbies, or oldies, repeatedly coming on here and wasting server space by whining about people seemingly being negative. Just read the old threads and move on.

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I find a lot of misunderstandings come from the fact that most people blindly accept their own cultural programming about what's "good" and "bad" and "right" and "wrong" rather than realizing these are different from one place to the other.

For example, they may have been taught that the slower/weaker user of roadways has right of way, e.g. pedestrians over bicycles, bicycles over motorcycles, motorcycles over cars.

They also may think that human life is a precious thing deserving of protection and that all people's lives are equally valuable whether rich or poor.

The fact is that zebra crossings are not intended to be a protected area for pedestrians at all, but to give a designated place for them to cross at their own risk so they don't inconvenience drivers at all the other locations.

However this last fact is a relatively minor one compared to the other two more fundamental differences.

Once you understand that the value of a human life scales with their economic class, and is relatively low anyway, and that the more expensive vehicles are the ones with right of way, with lowly pedestrians at the absolute bottom of the pecking order, then you understand why things work the way they do here and can relax and accept them!

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Why do people who are happy whinging make happy people whinge?

I think that the people who complain about whingers are not really happy, but they want to kid others, and hence themselves, that they are happy, by criticising the whingers.

Personally, if I was happy, I don't think I'd come to a place like this...


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Right, so if I like having sex with Filipinas that automatically means I think their brothers are great guys ? Not arguing with anything you've said, Mr 14 Posts, but you've clearly come here with an agenda based on little more than hearsay. 

LOL This guy has no life obviously





And you are so qualified to make this statement?

Yeah why wouldn't I be qualified, not enough posts?
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I do have a go at the Thais once in a while.

Sometimes they're just begging for it.

My greatest satisfaction on this forum comes from agreeing with people who seem to be thinking independently of any ideological "brigade". Paradoxically, You could wander around for years here before you found someone whose insights and observations merited agreement and concurrence.

But I confess to a weakness for hammering some of the pompous and the all-knowing and the dorks who show up all too frequently here. In fact I enjoy a good set to with some fool who figures he's got it all sorted.

That'd be me sometimes.

Thai Visa is n interactive comic strip.

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What's so different? People bitch about the country they currently live in, which is mostly their native country. When I'm back in my own country I eat breakfast at the same diner and I know a lot of the regulars. Many complain non stop. Why would you expect that trait to go away because someone is living in a different country?

Again, its not about the bitching (which I agree with), its about the racism and the belief that "ALL Thais are x" and yet said person is dumb enough to live there

Because of the wording you might be assuming that some complaints are about ALL Thais. When in fact the complaints are being directed at specific groups Take the Spicys example:

As reported , the Thai males in there are not bank managers and the comments about Thai males should be taken in context.

Whats wrong with this picture ? A local male shoots a foreign male in a bar and I advise foreign males to avoid bars where locals are drinking - and I get criticised ? I complain about reckless city bus drivers, about Thais driving through red lites with pedestrians in the crosswalk. and when you see most of the Thais doing this its fare to generalize about it and say they are reckless, ignorant and inconsiderate drivers. It seems some folks like you , Berkshire and others come out of the woodwork on this board and self appoint yourselves Thai public defenders eveytime someone calls a spade a spade. Complaining is just a reaction to the environment , so is complementing. I give the medical profession here (Bangkok Christian Hospital mostly) AAA ( because the insurance companies are not running the show.) I give Thai banks AA. Well above for both over stateside. Complaining about Thais , as indicated , and enjoying being here are not mutually exclusive. I complain .about foreigners here also - like these jerkoffs in this internet shop.

Good sir, if my post clearly didn't refer to you (as you said yourself), why are you getting so worked up? I completely agree that Thai drivers are the worst in the world, thanks to a bribery culture in the DMV and evident in road accident statistics. Obviously I wasn't referring to you. I was referring to your compatriot who went the extra step to say "don't go anywhere with local men, they hate you, all thais are xenophobic, cowardly wolf pack hunters who will beat you up" which is odd because you're in thailand.

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Why do people who are happy whinging make happy people whinge?

I think that the people who complain about whingers are not really happy, but they want to kid others, and hence themselves, that they are happy, by criticising the whingers.

Personally, if I was happy, I don't think I'd come to a place like this...


So you're a sad old man who had nowhere else to go, and now wants to impart his misery on others?

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