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Why Are There So Many People Who Just Bitch About This Country?


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No. You should just leave. The sooner the better.

And what's wrong with trying to help another guy out? If he really believes that Thailand is going down the sh*tter, then suggesting that he would be happier elsewhere is surely not unreasonable. Maybe the thought never crossed his mind!

Leave to where ?

I have described global trends

Don't you get it ?

there is no "elsewhere" anymore

THL was my last hiding place or so I thought

There is nowhere to hide

Well from your previous post(s), you've suggested that Thailand is a total sh*thole in nearly every respect. Which implies that compared to other places, Thailand is much worse. So going "anywhere" would be an improvement....correct? And the definition of "anywhere" would be any country on the planet not named "Thailand." I hope I've answered your question.

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No. You should just leave. The sooner the better.

And what's wrong with trying to help another guy out? If he really believes that Thailand is going down the sh*tter, then suggesting that he would be happier elsewhere is surely not unreasonable. Maybe the thought never crossed his mind!

Leave to where ?

I have described global trends

Don't you get it ?

there is no "elsewhere" anymore

THL was my last hiding place or so I thought

There is nowhere to hide

Well from your previous post(s), you've suggested that Thailand is a total sh*thole in nearly every respect. Which implies that compared to other places, Thailand is much worse. So going "anywhere" would be an improvement....correct? And the definition of "anywhere" would be any country on the planet not named "Thailand." I hope I've answered your question.

I don't know if you have look at your window recently, but the planet is undergoing the very same changes as THL.

Here it's just faster because of the speed of global impact and industrial development, and it had some catching back to make.

Thailand is not a "***hole" , but paradise is lost

And no going elsewhere would not be any better


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No. You should just leave. The sooner the better.

And what's wrong with trying to help another guy out? If he really believes that Thailand is going down the sh*tter, then suggesting that he would be happier elsewhere is surely not unreasonable. Maybe the thought never crossed his mind!

Leave to where ?

I have described global trends

Don't you get it ?

there is no "elsewhere" anymore

THL was my last hiding place or so I thought

There is nowhere to hide

Well from your previous post(s), you've suggested that Thailand is a total sh*thole in nearly every respect. Which implies that compared to other places, Thailand is much worse. So going "anywhere" would be an improvement....correct? And the definition of "anywhere" would be any country on the planet not named "Thailand." I hope I've answered your question.

I don't know if you have look at your window recently, but the planet is undergoing the very same changes as THL.

Here it's just faster because of the speed of global impact and industrial development, and it had some catching back to make.

Thailand is not a "***hole" , but paradise is lost

And no going elsewhere would not be any better


I see. My apologies for not sharing your pessimism. Things don't seem that bad to me. But if it's any consolation, we're all going to be dead soon. So it really doesn't matter in the whole scheme of things.

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I grew up in SoCal and it used to be pretty nice. Trouble is, people
sh*t on everything, then wonder why it stinks. So they move to a new location and
continue sh*tting on everything, until it smells so bad they have to move again.
They can never figure out why every neighborhood they move to quickly turns to

Oh, and it’s not industry screwing everything up, it’s people.

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No. You should just leave. The sooner the better.

And what's wrong with trying to help another guy out? If he really believes that Thailand is going down the sh*tter, then suggesting that he would be happier elsewhere is surely not unreasonable. Maybe the thought never crossed his mind!

Leave to where ?

I have described global trends

Don't you get it ?

there is no "elsewhere" anymore

THL was my last hiding place or so I thought

There is nowhere to hide

Well from your previous post(s), you've suggested that Thailand is a total sh*thole in nearly every respect. Which implies that compared to other places, Thailand is much worse. So going "anywhere" would be an improvement....correct? And the definition of "anywhere" would be any country on the planet not named "Thailand." I hope I've answered your question.

I don't know if you have look at your window recently, but the planet is undergoing the very same changes as THL.

Here it's just faster because of the speed of global impact and industrial development, and it had some catching back to make.

Thailand is not a "***hole" , but paradise is lost

And no going elsewhere would not be any better


I see. My apologies for not sharing your pessimism. Things don't seem that bad to me. But if it's any consolation, we're all going to be dead soon. So it really doesn't matter in the whole scheme of things.

I am no pessimist

I thought very optimistically that Thai traditional way would save this country from all the ecological and societal disasters happening all around the world, like Japan did for example.

It did not happened that way, Thailand is a sell out, they soldl their identity for an Ipad.

Sad really

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Yet another Topic that comes up,again and again,and invarably started by newbies,so it shouldn't be too difficult for the OP to answer his own question,most of us are too tired to do it for him, Hint: perhaps all your experiences have been good ones,....up to now!

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The country is losing its cultural values, its good food, its beautiful beaches, the air the water, have never been so polluted, corruption is at its highest, freedom of speech is long gone, Thai start to hate farangs and prefer richer chinese and we should say amen???

No. You should just leave. The sooner the better.

The old love it or leave it gambit!
How absolutely devoid of friends,original thoughts or braincells do you honestly have to be to make that fossilized chestnut of a gambit though?

I laugh loudly,long and heartily at these Victor Meldrews hating life so much!

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complaining is just a chemical imbalance in the brain, its to late to get in to details about it, but your speech about the complainers was interesting, you will make someone a proud husband one day.!

People cpmplain because they really are to poor to enjoy life anywhere in the world I love the one complaining about electric bills

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The old love it or leave it gambit!
How absolutely devoid of friends,original thoughts or braincells do you honestly have to be to make that fossilized chestnut of a gambit though?

I laugh loudly,long and heartily at these Victor Meldrews hating life so much!

Looking thru your comments on this thread alone - not even gonna bring up the bilious, nasty posts elsewhere on Thaivisa - you come over as being extremely bitter and vitriolic.

Anybody reading the non-stop baiting of and railing against other posters could be forgiven for thinking that you are almost certainly one of life's oddities - a person who isn't content unless he or she is locked in conflict. I think you just come here to do your hating because you need a break from your own self-loathing.


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The country is losing its cultural values, its good food, its beautiful beaches, the air the water, have never been so polluted, corruption is at its highest, freedom of speech is long gone, Thai start to hate farangs and prefer richer chinese and we should say amen???

No. You should just leave. The sooner the better.

Take some of your friends with you :)

It's getting crowded with so many moaners in Thailand...

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I pay more taxes than most, I have children who have gone through the international school system here, I have contributed more than most.

If you have family and their future maybe here, then it is important to understand that this country is less than perfect and is open to criticism. When you are confronted with injustices, corruption, privilege bestowed on the rich, social injustice what is wrong with saying so.

Just because I am a foreigner doesn't mean that by default the ability to criticize is instantly removed and I should just bend over and take one because I am just a " guest" and a foreigner, which will used against when it suits.

Go home if that's your approach to living here, not the guy whose making constructive criticisms..

Of course things are done the Thai way, and even speaking the lingo and living here makes no sense sometimes of how things are done, but whether you are Thai or foreign something's are just wrong, Thailand has significant faults..

The degree of criticism may not be justified however.

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Explained criticism is always good. The, more or less, intelligent amongst us are able to substantiate our opinions. We criticize because we CARE !! Changing opinions, based on discussions with others, though is amongst many people impossible. Afraid to LOOSE THERE OWN FACE ???????

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I think it shows great strength of character, familial loyalty and the depth f their love for their spouses that so many of our fellows are willing to live in a country that they dislike so intensely, for the sake of keeping the family together, Their wives are very fortunate to have such considerate and indulgent husbands.


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I think it shows great strength of character, familial loyalty and the depth f their love for their spouses that so many of our fellows are willing to live in a country that they dislike so intensely, for the sake of keeping the family together, Their wives are very fortunate to have such considerate and indulgent husbands.


Sincerity wreaks.

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I'm of the opinion that the real haters pile it on the Thais because their own existence is so worthless it's the only way they can feel better about themselves imagining there's somebody more wretched than them. You know the type, underachievers in their own country, multiple failed relationships, seeing their previous "live like a king in Thailand" stash of money dwindling etc.

I knew one guy a few years back. Real fat sweaty slob with a big gob. Basically he was of the opinion that all wealthier local Thais were wealthy because they were 1) thieves or 2) bent. His envy that a "third world" native could possibly be infinitesimally richer than him shone through like a beacon.

Naturally the fact that these Thais were infinitesimally cleverer than him with a million times more business sense wasn't on the agenda.

For sure I've met examples of Thais who are among the stupidest people I've ever seen. I've met Thais who are benter than a U-turn and would steal their granny's last satang. I've also met Thais who from a business acumen make me look like a plank of wood and who I'd trust more than any westerner I know excluding my 2 lifelong pals I went to infant school with.

And if it were a choice between spending an evening in the company of the most vociferous of anti-Thai westerners or a lump of dog turd on a stick then pass me the stick.

lol, good post.

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I have only had about 10 other ex-pats as friends in those 12 years, as I find falangs almost completely negative about Thailand and their favorite subject of conversation is how stupid Thais are.

Not a generalization but from 12 years of experience in my encounters with expats and with living in my adopted country of Thailand. Over the years I have been very vocal as to the anti-Thai trend of this forum and have had some spirited exchanges with many TV members.

I agree with this

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IMO, Bitching about Thailand is akin to wearing a sign around ones neck....."Thailand..ANOTHER place I couldnt make a go of it"

Usually these types are just bitter or envious of everyone who has made a go if it. Also this type seem to have the personality that cannot stand but to have everything their own way...all the time. Or at least expect everything the same as their superior homeland all the time.

That attitue will never go down very well here..or anywhere else for that matter.

SO..It didnt work out for them..easier just to blame someone else right?

I have heard so many of the bad luck stories that lead to this thinking. I have now concluded it isnt even bad luck..per se..but usually the results of stupid decisions (usually those made while under the influence of something) that lead people into bad situations here.

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I think it shows great strength of character, familial loyalty and the depth f their love for their spouses that so many of our fellows are willing to live in a country that they dislike so intensely, for the sake of keeping the family together, Their wives are very fortunate to have such considerate and indulgent husbands.


And even give them a monthly salary while they're at it.

It is love of course..... not desperation. No way, Jose.

Edited by Salapoo
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Move to Cambo - pretty much zero corruption / government ineptitude there and the locals love the greenback, so bring a suitcase full. A tropical paradise much like Florida with cheaper drinks - isn't that all most TVers came to Asia for in the first place ? Yep, the land of milk and honey, and only an hours flight from that nasty Bangkok - see you at the airport.

Man, this is gonna be awesome !

Edited by MrWorldwide
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