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Is Plodprasop A Liability For Thai Govt?


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Is Plodprasop a liability for govt?

Attayuth Bootsripoom
The Nation


Even govt backers are uneasy over his aggressive handling of critics

BANGKOK: -- Deputy Prime Minister Plodprasop Suraswadi has become the government's weakest link, thanks to his outspokenness and stubbornness.

He recently attracted much criticism - even from government supporters - for describing environmental activists protesting against the government's water projects as "garbage" and then using an offensive word to refer to his critics.

Although the government still enjoys the support of many red shirts, some of its actions have upset supporters and drawn accusations of unfair treatment. Critics also question the government's massive spending on the rice price-pledging project, which has created an estimated loss of Bt260 billion.

The amnesty laws proposed by certain government figures also have led to opposition from families of the red-shirt protesters who were killed or injured during the anti-government rallies and subsequent unrest and riots in 2010.

Many people, including a number of alienated red shirts, have come out against the government. Those are in addition to people who oppose the so-called Thaksin regime, which is said to include the ruling Pheu Thai Party and its allies. Among these latter groups are Pitak Siam, Thai Patriotic Front, Thai Spring and, most recently, the White Maskers, who uses Guy Fawkes masks in their anti-government campaign. There are also many "cyber warriors" who regularly make online attacks against the government.

While other Cabinet members react gently to criticism, Plodprasop often appears to opt for a harsher response.

Responsible for the government's Bt350-billion water-management and flood-prevention mega-project, he has heavily attacked critics of the project who question its transparency. There are also many villagers who do not want dam projects built on their community land, and object to the possible destruction of large areas of forest. Rather than try to win their cooperation, Plodprasop has opted to counter aggressively the claims of such critics.

His methods seem only to have won more enemies for the government of which he is a part.

Plodprasop's use of the word "garbage" to describe activists who questioned the water projects was widely denounced, even by red-shirt scholars such as Sombat Boon-ngam-anong and Somsak Jeamteerasakul.

Recently, Plodprasop did it again, during a speech before a gathering of red shirts in Chiang Mai. He compared his critics to monitor lizards, using the word hia, which is an expletive in Thai. He also said the Pheu Thai-led government would not build an international conference centre in Phuket as long as the southern province does not elect any MPs from the ruling party.

"We won't build it now. Is there a problem? In the future, we will certainly build it when Phuket sees the good in us and elects our people. If that day comes, I will build it. Today, I have no desire to," he said.

This latest remark has attracted much criticism, particularly from the opposition Democrat Party, whose members have pointed out that the previous government of Democrat leader Abhisit Vejjajiva approved the budget for the construction of Chiang Mai's new international conference centre. The place was the venue for the recent Asia-Pacific water summit.

Phuket, which has one MP, has long been represented by a Democrat politician. Chiang Mai, which has 10 MPs, has been dominated by Pheu Thai and its former incarnations, the Thai Rak Thai and People Power parties, which were both dissolved by court order for electoral fraud.

Thaksin made a similar remark to Plodprasop when he was prime minister, saying his then-ruling Thai Rak Thai would focus its development projects on provinces that elected its candidates.

Plodprasop's latest remarks have become a subject of ridicule on the Internet. A YouTube video lampooned him by inserting recordings of him between reaction shots of judges on the "Thailand's Got Talent" TV show. The clip used footage taken from an episode of the show where judges got involved in a war of words with contestants.

The White Maskers plan "flash mobs" this Sunday in different places throughout the country, including Phuket, which was mentioned by Plodprasop. They also called a rally outside Government House for today to call for his removal from the Cabinet.

With the opposition against Plodprasop mounting, it will be interesting to see how long the government can withstand the pressure to dump him from the Cabinet.

-- The Nation 2013-06-06

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Loyalty to the Big Boss appears to be more important than competence, and that any minister still repeats the old mantra of 'Vote for Us, or You Don't Get Any Money Spent On You', is simply sad. sad.png

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Loyalty to the Big Boss appears to be more important than competence, and that any minister still repeats the old mantra of 'Vote for Us, or You Don't Get Any Money Spent On You', is simply sad. Posted Image

Thai version of Democracy? Perhaps the Red posters could give an opinion.
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Yet another example of this Government's disregard for Thailand, and confirmation of its slide towards dictatorship.

If you don't support us we won't help you.

Government of the people for the people? Doesn't a democratic government act for the country, irrespective of their voting priorities.

I shake my head in disbelief at yet another juvenile attitude, perpetrated by Khun T himself

I remember when Mr. T told teachers in Khon Kaen there would be more money to fund education reforms but not in areas that hadn't voted for him and so this arrogance goes on. PTP is certainly living in their own " do what we want, say what we want " world and it makes you think something's got to give and it won't be pleasant.

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To even ask if this man is a liability to the government, (which is trying to sell it programs to the Thai people and the rest of the world), is like asking if a swamp full of alligators, would decrease its attraction as a swimming pool.

This man would probably be first to be disqualified, in a national "Ugly personality contest", as the entry level bar, would not go low enough to include him.

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H.E. Dr. Plodprasop Suraswadi a liability? A fine example of the knowledgable, capable, full of potential type of suitable people PM Yingluck handpicked for her cabinet? A liability?

Surely Ms. Yingluck has to file some defamation cases again.

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Yet another example of this Government's disregard for Thailand, and confirmation of its slide towards dictatorship.

If you don't support us we won't help you.

Government of the people for the people? Doesn't a democratic government act for the country, irrespective of their voting priorities.

I shake my head in disbelief at yet another juvenile attitude, perpetrated by Khun T himself

The Red and the UDD ARE the dictatorship they fear. It might be called Shinawatraland. The man in Dubai is in charge.

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Singapore's PAP party did a similar thing; the one district that did not vote for them and installed an opposition MP was threatened with reduced services, expressly for that reason. The next, and last, election resulted in a significant drop in votes for the PAP and was accepted as a wake-up call...

Of course, the only similarity between Singapore and Thailand today is longitude. As for tomorrow, Mr. T has stated his desire to make Thailand like Singapore. What I understand by that is the desire to replicate the facade of democracy in what is a dynasty that controls government, shipping, airlines and airport, provident and sovereign wealth funds, and telecoms. Of course what might be called day-to-day corruption has been eliminated in Singapore - my take is that the dynasty does not allow people stealing from them now that they have the country by the balls. That is a model dictators in the making would love to replicate...

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'White Mask' protesters want embattled Plodprasop fired.
By English News


BANGKOK, June 6 - A group of so-called 'White Mask' protesters rallied near Government House today, demanding the dismissal of Deputy Prime Minister Plodprasop Suraswadi for his recent horrendous rebuke in public.

Demonstrators in white Guy Fawkes masks charged him with insulting the Thai people in his rude statement before a recent public gathering in the northern province of Chiang Mai.

They said Mr Plodprasop must be stripped of all positions in the government.

The group also announced its protest against the government's move to issue national reconciliation and amnesty bills.

It was reported that more people will join the white mask demonstration later in the day.

Mr Plodprasop apologised yesterday for his sharp-tongued remarks in Chiang Mai when he referred to opponents of the government's water management project.

He did not show up at Government House today. (MCOT online news).

-- TNA 2013-06-06

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dont sack him ,whats wrong people,you need an imbesile like this in power for when the next general election is coming. So thais can remember what they voted for,,seriously dont be surprised if they do get in again,a tragedy yes ,,But you know how money talks,,Please thailand prove me wrong,,,,,

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dont sack him ,whats wrong people,you need an imbesile like this in power for when the next general election is coming. So thais can remember what they voted for,,seriously dont be surprised if they do get in again,a tragedy yes ,,But you know how money talks,,Please thailand prove me wrong,,,,,

The truly unelectable get put on the party list.

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