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What Bank Has The Best Customer Service In Thailand?


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I have two accounts here, one with BB and the other one at TMB. Based on my experience, TMB is not so good. Call center staff don't understand English that well. TMB branches are not customer friendly and don't speak english either.

BB has a good call center service and reliable online banking. The only downside is that branches could improve customer service as it feels they could be largely improved.

I just walked in a SCB branch and was really impressed. Greetings from the attendant and efficient professional bank teller.

I'm aware that every branch is different, so my opinion is not only forget on that. That's why I wanted to hear from you and get some comments about banks and their customer service in Thailand.


Edited by Will2011
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I've banked with more than a dozen, been pretty happy with Kasikorn back from when it was Thai Farmer's.

UOB used to be great, since they got bought out not so much.

BB has given me several bad experiences, not due to CS staff so much as very bureaucratic inflexible policies, local branch management seem to have less leeway to be flexible.

But then again the way fraud is so rampant and consumer protection non-existent, friendly English language customer service probably shouldn't be your top criteria for choosing a bank anyway, maybe the run-a-tight-ship rigid enforcement indicates more security of your balance?

In any case I wouldn't put too many eggs in one basket if you're taking the risk of keeping a lot of capital in Thailand better to spread it around.

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ive been with SCB for about 5 years. Call center is great when you can get them, which is most of the time. But there are times when they do the thing Air Asia used to do; "hit 9 for english" *hits 9* "thailanguagethailanguagethailanguage". SCB's branch service is good if you build rapport with them, but ive found several branches somewhat unfriendly and severely lacking in English skills, which sucks when you don't know the thai words for complicated things.

One thing about Bangkok Bank. They have stated publicly that upgrading their branch quality/service is currently a big deal for them. They are of course doing it to increase revenue through cross selling products. But they seem to be serious this time

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One thing about Bangkok Bank. They have stated publicly that upgrading their branch quality/service is currently a big deal for them. They are of course doing it to increase revenue through cross selling products. But they seem to be serious this time


Top management (Sophonpanich clan) may well have the best intentions, but in that kind of corporate culture very hard to change behavior where the rubber meets the road. And of course could just be PR/marketing spin anyway, in which case totally useless.

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One thing about Bangkok Bank. They have stated publicly that upgrading their branch quality/service is currently a big deal for them. They are of course doing it to increase revenue through cross selling products. But they seem to be serious this time


Top management (Sophonpanich clan) may well have the best intentions, but in that kind of corporate culture very hard to change behavior where the rubber meets the road. And of course could just be PR/marketing spin anyway, in which case totally useless.

You are right about it being difficult to change the culture, especially when you have branches with the same manager pu yai in control forever. Apparently what they are doing instead is installing younger, more dynamic managers at the newer branches...something along those lines.

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Had a pretty bad experience with BB last week and will be closing my accounts with them as a result. I was actually embarrassed and felt sorry for them they failed so miserably. Too many prima donnas work the counters there. Mostly had good dealings with SCB.

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Had a pretty bad experience with BB last week and will be closing my accounts with them as a result. I was actually embarrassed and felt sorry for them they failed so miserably. Too many prima donnas work the counters there. Mostly had good dealings with SCB.

you wasnt the one in korat branch on monday? his past job must have been a town crier.

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Had a pretty bad experience with BB last week and will be closing my accounts with them as a result. I was actually embarrassed and felt sorry for them they failed so miserably. Too many prima donnas work the counters there. Mostly had good dealings with SCB.

I'm thinking about closing a BB account as well. Was in Bangkok and went with my wife to pay in a business cheque. Teller refused because the cheque was from a bank in Bangkok and the bank account was for a business in Khon Kaen. She said to my missus that because the receiving account was for a bank not in Bangkok and it wasn't a Bangkok Bank cheque we'd have to go back to KK and pay it in there. <deleted>?

Missus called her friend who's a bank manager and he said that was <deleted>. He then asked if it was a main branch (which it wasn't - it was a small one in a mall) and advised to go to a main branch because sometimes the smaller branches don't really know how to process something that isn't 100% straightforward or they can't be bothered. Double <deleted>?

O.K. at the main branch in Paragon everything was plain sailing but (maybe I'm being picky) I'm wary of a bank that employs staff that grim. BTW there was another teller in the mini branch who was listening in when we tried to pay in the cheque who didn't attempt to correct her colleague which tells me it's a "<deleted> you Jack " attitude with all of them or she was incompetent as well.

Maybe she didn't want her pal to lose face biggrin.png

I'm a real easy going guy but one thing I can't stand is having to run around all over the show wasting my time due to someone else's uselessness.

I use SCB for my visa extension stuff and they're fine.

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Bangkok Bank for over 25 years and see regular improvements in service and security. I have an Exclusive Membership card that affords me a lot of extras which includes a private meeting room to do my business in. I have a bank representative assigned specifically to me to handle all my requirements. Sometimes I feel a bit embarrassed by being fawned over so much.

For example, just the other day she called me to let me know my fixed deposit account is about to expire and she got me up to date on the latest promotions. She will come personally to my office at work to discuss my options and handle all the paperwork right there. When I go to the bank, she promptly comes over to me to directly deal with what I need and will fill the forms out before I even have a chance. No queues and immediate service when I go in. This time not only did she come over immediately to assist but two more ladies from the specific departments I had business with came over. wink.png

Doubt I would ever get that kind of service back in the US.

The bottom line it is the individual branch or even the individual rep that can be the problem, not the entire company.

//edit - BTW I am not a rich guy either. smile.png

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All the branches of a particular one in this city have become beyond a joke at how bad the service is now.

If there's 25 people queueing you can get just one person working while the rest get on with what they want to do. Yesterday the queue for was building up about 20 people waiting and at one point there wasn't actually anyone serving.

Yesterday the girl couldn't even get the amount right using the computer adding software. Had to show her on the calculator which she also couldn't get it right on. She looked on in amazement when she eventually mananged to add it up correctly on the calculator.

It get fed up sitting there while they let person after person push in who they know and that includes my wife.

Got called arrogant in Thai by one who thought I couldn't understand who after about five minutes after calling my number actually bothered to do some work when I said something. She had tidied her paperclips, played with her handbag , phoned a friend , checked her phone messages, but do her job , she didn't seem to like doing that. Has disappeared from that branch now though.

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In my experience of bangkok bank in my area, two of the 3 branches are extremely racist! the third is a joy and is the only reason I actuallly keep my account open with them.

Mostly use Kasikorn, better services, better staff, more efficient.

Edited by CharlieH
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Thank you all for your comments.

So, to sump up, based on your comments, Kasikorn is the best bank so far followed by SCB. BB receives mixed reports and, Bank of Ayudhaya is bad.

Well, if the majority states that KB is effective, I'll open up one account there. I'm just surprised nobody mentioned that story where a group of Kasikorn employees stole money from some customers according to recent newspaper. Well, let's hope my few THB will be safe!

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Thank you all for your comments.

So, to sump up, based on your comments, Kasikorn is the best bank so far followed by SCB. BB receives mixed reports and, Bank of Ayudhaya is bad.

Well, if the majority states that KB is effective, I'll open up one account there. I'm just surprised nobody mentioned that story where a group of Kasikorn employees stole money from some customers according to recent newspaper. Well, let's hope my few THB will be safe!

I forgot to name the bank. whistling.gif

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Thank you all for your comments.

So, to sump up, based on your comments, Kasikorn is the best bank so far followed by SCB. BB receives mixed reports and, Bank of Ayudhaya is bad.

Well, if the majority states that KB is effective, I'll open up one account there. I'm just surprised nobody mentioned that story where a group of Kasikorn employees stole money from some customers according to recent newspaper. Well, let's hope my few THB will be safe!

Perhaps this highlights the point that service can be very different at different branches of the same bank.

Example: 1. UOB, had an active account for many years at UOB Thai Wah Tower Bkk, excellent service again and again, but at another UOB branch in Chiang Mai our experience was that customers are a nuisance and customers should be made to feel that they are a nuisance and made to feel that they should do as they are told!

Example: 2. K Bank, at one major branch when opening a joint savings accounts the asst. manager made my Thai adult professional son feel like he was a second class citizen and should not ask questions, even suggested that Thai citizens having a typical farang family name was illegal (funny that, the change of his family name was officially approved, in writing, by the Thai interior ministry). At another big branch of K Bank, same city, couldn't possibly ask for better service. Manager and in fact all staff totally focused on best possible customer experience, and without any delay.

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Thank you all for your comments.

So, to sump up, based on your comments, Kasikorn is the best bank so far followed by SCB. BB receives mixed reports and, Bank of Ayudhaya is bad.

Well, if the majority states that KB is effective, I'll open up one account there. I'm just surprised nobody mentioned that story where a group of Kasikorn employees stole money from some customers according to recent newspaper. Well, let's hope my few THB will be safe!

I forgot to name the bank. whistling.gif

It would be great if you could name the bank!

On the same note, would you guys mind telling the city (and the branch, if possible) you had such experiences as it would help narrow down the research.

I am in Bangkok, by the way.

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Stopped using kasikorn after they were unable to print me a statement.

Walked next door into ktb and have been using them ever since. Ktb branches are usually a lot quiter than scb, kasikorn, bkk bank ad well.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Iam on scb and kasikorn was the only banks let me open bank accounts 5 year ago!

Bangkok bank very professional

Kasikorn often not speak English

But very helpful shows older people how use of ATM in the service desert eu the not do this

Kasikorn not call me back when I have problem!

Waiting time on hotline always very long also brunch stuff often cannot reach it!

And why no one ask what bank has the most beautiful sexy woman on the counter, one time I walked in and was thinking 10 Modells are around me!

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Not sure sorry but i can tell you the yellow/orange bank that used to be autayu is constantly awful everywhere i have been.

I totally disagree with this conclusion .. they are 100% on all fronts and one of the best in Thailand IMHO - Krungsri is the local name. We use them for most things commercial and retail banking and have always been great.

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I forgot to say dont use the pink bank. I forget its name but its totally useless. You cant setup sms alerts and cannot transfer money to different accounts using their online banking.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Whenever I am looking for a bank with what I consider to be exceptional service, I always start by searching for HSBC.

Commercial or Consumer, I have always had good luck with them.

Yes, of course HSBC has had a few problems with being fined a great sum of money for operating in ways which other banks do also.

But from a customer service point of view, I still think they are far ahead of most.

Does anyone know if HSBC has a major branch in CM which does consumer banking?

I would suggest that you try HSBC.

HK is the territory where I think they operate with most efficiency. But they also have a very good international department run in other cities.

If anyone has first hand experience in BKK or CM, please comment.

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Does anyone know if HSBC has a major branch in CM which does consumer banking?

HSBC has shutdown it's retail operation in Thailand.


HSBC, Europe’s largest bank, will withdraw from consumer banking in Thailand,

South Korea, and Japan, the company announced in a note to its

customers. In Thailand, HSBC will close its two branches in Bangkok by

March 31, 2012, and June 30, 2012, respectively. The consumer business

in Thailand will be sold to the Bank of Ayudhya, a member of Krungsi




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Whenever I am looking for a bank with what I consider to be exceptional service, I always start by searching for HSBC.

Commercial or Consumer, I have always had good luck with them.

Yes, of course HSBC has had a few problems with being fined a great sum of money for operating in ways which other banks do also.

But from a customer service point of view, I still think they are far ahead of most.

Does anyone know if HSBC has a major branch in CM which does consumer banking?

I would suggest that you try HSBC.

HK is the territory where I think they operate with most efficiency. But they also have a very good international department run in other cities.

If anyone has first hand experience in BKK or CM, please comment.

I have HSBC. But that's not the topic as there's not HSBC in Thailand for a year now.

Please also use the bank names instead of colors. "Don't use the bank in pink" is a good tip , but I don't know which one you are referring to!

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As for the topic on this issue I can only relate to my experiences in order

1. Siam Commercial Bank - Getting in and out always goes pretty fast- quite a few staff try to explain things in english the best they can, helpful as well. I primary do all my business with them

2. Kasikornbank - Again similiar to siam commercial bank in someways but can be short of staff often, but no to much problem from the many times I've gone to do basic things there like getting change or transfering money

3. Bank of Ayutthaya - staff are descent enough and can be helpful at times but the main reason I put this at number 3, waiting times are way to long at the branch I go, even with 3 staff they have on hand and with 3 customers it always takes them 20 minutes minimum to get one thing done. Maybe I just have bad luck all the time I go there. Everytime I go for sure minimum time I spend there will be 20 - 30 minutes. If I'm lucky enough though someone will ask for change and that only takes 5 - 10 minutes to get done.

4. Bangkok Bank - staff at the branch I go to are not very helpful, always wind up having to speak thai with them to get anywhere, waiting times can very quite often depending on what you need to do. although not always as long as Bank of Ayutthaya

TMB - last time I dealt with them was 2 years ago so can't comment

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