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Drunk Neighbour Playing Bo-Lan Music Throughout The Entire Day


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Bagpipe music is the answer - it will drive anyone mad. I had neighbours who worked as waiters and came home in the early hours of the morning and partied playing loud young people's music. They did not respond to requests to be reasonable. In those days I started work at 5 am and as I left for work would turn on a CD of massed Highland bands full bore. It did terrible things for their hangovers and the saw the light.

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but seriously, would a white noise machine work? I understand that they work if in a closed environment, directed at yourself, to block outside noises disturbing you, but our house isn't a closed environment, and it's HIM we want to block out.

To prevent us from shrivelling up, we have only mosquito nets between us and the front & back of our houses, as do most of our neighbours, it's ok for listening out for kanom jeep or roti passing by in the street, but not so good with the drunk monk out the back sad.png

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, before the shotgun option becomes a reasonable one...

a handfull of termites in the speaker cabinets will work in a few weeks or just cut a few meter cable away from his electric meter no power no fan no music , ndeed big chance that all of this will escalate the situation , but if all around him are fed up then it's time to get everybody organised maybe even have a word with the abbot to take him back in a non active post as a monk

Edited by retell
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You are a beta male afraid of conflict. Wait for an alpha male or a woman to handle the situation for you.

Despite some of the more ridiculously macho and gung-ho posts on this topic i would tread very carefully and certainly not try direct confrontation. You sound like you have the necessary common sense not to escalate the situation in this way, so I'm sure you know that, as in many other second and third-world countries you are a foreigner, and as such are in an inferior position, legally, socially and linguistically. In such cases, when push comes to shove, the foreigner invariably loses.

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ha ha!! - I have thought abt hte enormous sound system on several occasions - we do not have a regular problem, but a party can go on all night and the sound can carry... and I agree abt your lack of involvement - but the only answer I could have for you since it is a daily problem, is have your wife do something to intervene... let her get together w/the neighbors. Figure something out - you are correct, it really is not your place.

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You are a beta male afraid of conflict. Wait for an alpha male or a woman to handle the situation for you.

Maybe you can put on your red cape, fly over there, and sort out the situation for him...

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First I would try what someone else above suggested. It's the best suggestion I've read. Get all your neighbors organized and go see the head man. If you can't do this then it's not bothering you that much.

Alternatively, find a pair of thick rubber gloves, a bolt cutter and go over in the dead of night and cut his electric supply. At least it will give some relief until the electric company fixes it. I would seriously consider this.

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ah those thai neighbours... all was quiet in our region, till some ass bought dogs, the kind that bark at anything, anytime, ... you know, when you want to sleep, not to be waken up at 5 - 6 am every day

went to ask nicely with the wife, to be polite and everything...

they just choose to ignore everybody

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i cant see what good simply putting up with it will do. i have construction across the street and while i realize that they have to make some noise, i drew thee line at the no stop radio cranking out morlam at the same time.

i walked across the street, had a word with the manager, explained to him i had been in what was my once very quiet house for the last 12 years and work from home and while I understood that they had to make some noise to work, the radio was over the top.

he understood, pulled the plug on the radio and has since made an effort to do any noisy cutting or the like as far away from my property as possible.

if i hadn't tried, i could be dancing to morlam now, but i did try, so it is as quiet as can b expected under the circumstances.

funny how that works out.

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Basically when I moved to my house I had a problem like this, but talking to the guy fixed the problem. My next step would have been to get a serious Amp with speakers and blast him away, only problem is that I do not want to upset the other neighbours

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His partner locked him out last week, he decided that breaking in would be a good idea, so he smashed the doors in with a machete, then tried to smash the inner shutters with the same machete, for about an hour, until finally his partner called the police, his partner then defended him, telling the police that he was ok, and that all he really needed was a nap, so off the BiB went! blink.png


You have your answer right there.

Any further posts are a waste of your time.

You can and will do nothing.

Welcome to TIT.

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i cant see what good simply putting up with it will do. i have construction across the street and while i realize that they have to make some noise, i drew thee line at the no stop radio cranking out morlam at the same time.

i walked across the street, had a word with the manager, explained to him i had been in what was my once very quiet house for the last 12 years and work from home and while I understood that they had to make some noise to work, the radio was over the top.

he understood, pulled the plug on the radio and has since made an effort to do any noisy cutting or the like as far away from my property as possible.

if i hadn't tried, i could be dancing to morlam now, but i did try, so it is as quiet as can b expected under the circumstances.

funny how that works out.


You may have been lucky..

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had the same problem ,started 5 am to 12pm ,so your lucky ,then man put up 4 loud speakers ,so the whole village could hear ,we tried the head man ,police,local council ,in the end got some nice people who told him they would take him out if he did not stop ,that worked

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i cant see what good simply putting up with it will do. i have construction across the street and while i realize that they have to make some noise, i drew thee line at the no stop radio cranking out morlam at the same time.

i walked across the street, had a word with the manager, explained to him i had been in what was my once very quiet house for the last 12 years and work from home and while I understood that they had to make some noise to work, the radio was over the top.

he understood, pulled the plug on the radio and has since made an effort to do any noisy cutting or the like as far away from my property as possible.

if i hadn't tried, i could be dancing to morlam now, but i did try, so it is as quiet as can b expected under the circumstances.

funny how that works out.


You may have been lucky..

and what would i been had i not tried?

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"Is there a nifty device that I can point in his direction which would
either cancel out his music or make listening to his music very
difficult/uncomfortable for him?"

Indeed, there is, it's called a RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenado) you might find one at a yard sale in Afganistan.

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Combining previous suggestions--buying him a wireless headset and a bottle of whiskey each week may work. The headset would have to be light and comfortable so probably expensive but it may be worth the cost to try. I'd do it. Continual loud noise drives me crazy.

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Being the only foreigner in the village, I don't feel very comfortable speaking about him to the Pu Yai Baan, I think it'll be known to him already, and as I said earlier, he's not actually breaking the law, he's just being a nuisance, and we know how difficult it is to sort one of them out!

And therein lies one of the main problems with westerners living in isolated spots in Thailand.

Sorry about your problem. Likely there is no solution. Why? Because these topics have been posted for eons and I've never seen a report back that the problem has been solved.

Anyone disagree? Happy to be proven wrong.

Well I dont know about proving you wrongbut if you think this problem is isolated to Westerners in isolated spots in Thailand etc then you should try living in an apartment block near a university or just being unlucky enough to have <deleted> neighbours in any heavily populated or remote areas in any country. Believe me these inconsiderate noisy <deleted> are everywhere! Oh to have a country cottage miles away from the nearest neighbours......now that would be


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There are some intervention programs run by monks for persons with addiction problems. If he was kicked out as a monk because of drunkeness, maybe something along those lines was already tried and failed. Still, an appeal to his partner/family to help him by geting help with his drinking problems (rather than hoping he dies), might serve your aim of getting a quieter neighborhood and also help him to escape whatever personal hell is driving him to drink continually.

How does he afford all that booze? If he's constantly drunk is he regularly employed?


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