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Has Anyone Noticed How Expensive It Is To Live In Isaan These Days?


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my point is that the old pound note doesn`t seem to go that far anymore and I was wondering if anyone else was feeling the pinch.
Personally I send over an amount every year to budget on.. for that year...
For example.. lets just assume that I`ve sent over the same amount, say £15000 every year for the last 7 years... so 7 years ago (2006), at a rate of say 65baht I`d have ended up with 975000baht to budget on. This year (2013), at a rate of 45baht, I`m getting nearly one 3rd less at 675000baht... quite obviously if you want the same standard of living you had 7 years ago, its going to cost an extra 300000baht (or at 45baht a woppin extra £6666.66). And thats before you have factored in inflation.

17500 baht gone.. easy... 70 packs of ham... to be fair... thats alot of godamned ham...

but seriously... as i tried to point out, it was an initial spend... we stocked up on alot of stuff that we wouldnt normally buy.. and there was wine and beer in there too... was expecting around 10-13K ish... was just surprised. The check was probably about as long as me...

At least the baht is now shifting in the right direction ay... the problem is you always equate it to that what it was when you first arrived and got used to... (ie around 65)... fortuantely i bought my house/pickup when it was peaking at 75 so shouldnt grumble too much... what comes round goes round right?

Edited by kristophon
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i live in unbon and yes getting very expensive now in essan my wife and two kids gets 500 barth a day when a am in new zealand
and she's saying she wants more the 500 barth is only for food for her and the kids all other expensive are paid by me
i think you should go to the local market and buy food still cheaper than TESCOs!!

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A house for the mother in law, car and scooters for the brothers and half the village to run into the ground and never refuel.

Endless parties with food and whiskey at the keenoks expense.

A monthly salary for the woman and her Mother, It all adds up.

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i live in unbon and yes getting very expensive now in essan my wife and two kids gets 500 barth a day when a am in new zealand

and she's saying she wants more the 500 barth is only for food for her and the kids all other expensive are paid by me

i think you should go to the local market and buy food still cheaper than TESCOs!!

You are not being told the truth.

My wife gets 200 baht a day for food and that includes 50 baht to each of my kids for their school snacks. She also buys petrol with that. This puts a substantial meal for 4 on our dinner table, with plenty left for the 3 dogs.

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my point is that the old pound note doesn`t seem to go that far anymore and I was wondering if anyone else was feeling the pinch.
Personally I send over an amount every year to budget on.. for that year...
For example.. lets just assume that I`ve sent over the same amount, say £15000 every year for the last 7 years... so 7 years ago (2006), at a rate of say 65baht I`d have ended up with 975000baht to budget on. This year (2013), at a rate of 45baht, I`m getting nearly one 3rd less at 675000baht... quite obviously if you want the same standard of living you had 7 years ago, its going to cost an extra 300000baht (or at 45baht a woppin extra £6666.66). And thats before you have factored in inflation.

17500 baht gone.. easy... 70 packs of ham... to be fair... thats alot of godamned ham...

but seriously... as i tried to point out, it was an initial spend... we stocked up on alot of stuff that we wouldnt normally buy.. and there was wine and beer in there too... was expecting around 10-13K ish... was just surprised. The check was probably about as long as me...

At least the baht is now shifting in the right direction ay... the problem is you always equate it to that what it was when you first arrived and got used to... (ie around 65)... fortuantely i bought my house/pickup when it was peaking at 75 so shouldnt grumble too much... what comes round goes round right?

OK... lets factor in inflation

a bottle of leo beer in 2006 = 37baht

a bottle of leo beer in 2013 = 50baht (unless u by it in tescos - to all you tesco haters out there)

so lets say inflation in 7 years of 33%

33% of 975000baht = 321750baht = £7150

So to have the same standard of living we were enjoying 7 years ago, I would need to send over an additional £7150 + £6666 = £13816 (hence the term 'double wammy')

right.. lets summarise

Cost to live like a king back in 2006 = £15000

Cost to live like a king in 2013 = £15000 + £13816 = £28816 netto....

basically in 7 years, the cost of living for a UK farang in Thailand has almost doubled...

Edited by kristophon
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There are two tricks that I have found at these Suprmarkets

1. The ring up items twice - you pay twice they benefit.

2. Items disappear (at least one from a trolley full. You don;t notice until you get home. where is that Ham I bought, It is back on the shelf and you have paid for it!!!

Clever tricks to keep the staff bonuses high (stock levels)

TIP -- Watch the cashier VERY closely. Speak some Thai. No Farrang TingTong

In all my years here, I've never experienced or even heard of this.

It's the farang that use terms such as 'ting tong'(bar girl language) that might seen by locals as exactly that.

According to my own experience (not as experienced as you) I have NEVER seen or noticed or even heard about such a scam up here in Chaiyaphum. I have always done my checking based of young unexperienced cashiers back home in Sweden, so I do not trust them. But I have never missed any items and the receipt is always 100% correct, except for some missprinting prices, that was settled with a smile and a quick correction by the cashier.

I do not know how it is down south amongst you guys there, maybe the whole world is focused of scamming you for some reason.


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i live in unbon and yes getting very expensive now in essan my wife and two kids gets 500 barth a day when a am in new zealand

and she's saying she wants more the 500 barth is only for food for her and the kids all other expensive are paid by me

i think you should go to the local market and buy food still cheaper than TESCOs!!

You are not being told the truth.

My wife gets 200 baht a day for food and that includes 50 baht to each of my kids for their school snacks. She also buys petrol with that. This puts a substantial meal for 4 on our dinner table, with plenty left for the 3 dogs.

you could say hes a bit thrifty... and I think thats probably being nice...

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The exchange 42 baht is quite low. I am not sure where did you convert the fund, I assume that in the UK. We have never convert the fund in the UK. The rate is awful. Exchange the money in Thailand and get the better rate.

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You are not being told the truth.

My wife gets 200 baht a day for food and that includes 50 baht to each of my kids for their school snacks. She also buys petrol with that. This puts a substantial meal for 4 on our dinner table, with plenty left for the 3 dogs.


Our daily food budget is 170 without the fuel or kids pocket money, and that's for 6-7 in the house. In addition to that I'll spend 500 or so on a weekly trip for milk, eggs cleaning supplies etc.

But that's from the cheapest wet market in town, and it is skimping by farang standards for sure, most foreigners would require at least double that, and still wouldn't be getting food they're used to.

Two years ago 100 baht was sufficient, basic fruit/veg/meat prices have gone up that much.

Of course nothing to do with Isaan in particular, in that respect Bangkok is actually cheaper than upcountry.

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i live in unbon and yes getting very expensive now in essan my wife and two kids gets 500 barth a day when a am in new zealand

and she's saying she wants more the 500 barth is only for food for her and the kids all other expensive are paid by me

i think you should go to the local market and buy food still cheaper than TESCOs!!

You are not being told the truth.

My wife gets 200 baht a day for food and that includes 50 baht to each of my kids for their school snacks. She also buys petrol with that. This puts a substantial meal for 4 on our dinner table, with plenty left for the 3 dogs.

Bloody hell - sounds like Yorkshire up there.

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17500 in Tescos...w00t.gif

If your not buying electrical equipment or that stuff, tell us how you managed to hit that number in there?


well.. we bought some spaghetti... oh and then there was the wifes cream which was probably about half of it... and I think she bought some kitchen plates... oh yeah... and some tuna...

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i live in unbon and yes getting very expensive now in essan my wife and two kids gets 500 barth a day when a am in new zealand

and she's saying she wants more the 500 barth is only for food for her and the kids all other expensive are paid by me

i think you should go to the local market and buy food still cheaper than TESCOs!!

You are not being told the truth.

My wife gets 200 baht a day for food and that includes 50 baht to each of my kids for their school snacks. She also buys petrol with that. This puts a substantial meal for 4 on our dinner table, with plenty left for the 3 dogs.

Bloody hell - sounds like Yorkshire up there.

nah.. must be scottish...

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You are not being told the truth.

My wife gets 200 baht a day for food and that includes 50 baht to each of my kids for their school snacks. She also buys petrol with that. This puts a substantial meal for 4 on our dinner table, with plenty left for the 3 dogs.


Our daily food budget is 170 without the fuel or kids pocket money, and that's for 6-7 in the house. In addition to that I'll spend 500 or so on a weekly trip for milk, eggs cleaning supplies etc.

But that's from the cheapest wet market in town, and it is skimping by farang standards for sure, most foreigners would require at least double that, and still wouldn't be getting food they're used to.

Two years ago 100 baht was sufficient, basic fruit/veg/meat prices have gone up that much.

Of course nothing to do with Isaan in particular, in that respect Bangkok is actually cheaper than upcountry.

wow... your mrs must really feel like she hit the jackpot ay...

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Oh shit ,another one gasping about adapting. I find it extremely easy to eat the food I like, and to live the life I like. Who cares if the thai dont like my falangfood!! I am worth enjoying my last years in style, and eat whatever I like, NOT what some rainwaterdrinking Som Tam-eater tells me to eat...


ps. me I found that the raise in costs immediately started when Yingluck proudly presented the new minimum wage here in Thailand of 300 baht.. Everybody here in Isaan took advantage of that...

cheesy.gif thumbs up for glegolothumbsup.gif

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You are not being told the truth.

My wife gets 200 baht a day for food and that includes 50 baht to each of my kids for their school snacks. She also buys petrol with that. This puts a substantial meal for 4 on our dinner table, with plenty left for the 3 dogs.


Our daily food budget is 170 without the fuel or kids pocket money, and that's for 6-7 in the house. In addition to that I'll spend 500 or so on a weekly trip for milk, eggs cleaning supplies etc.

But that's from the cheapest wet market in town, and it is skimping by farang standards for sure, most foreigners would require at least double that, and still wouldn't be getting food they're used to.

Two years ago 100 baht was sufficient, basic fruit/veg/meat prices have gone up that much.

Of course nothing to do with Isaan in particular, in that respect Bangkok is actually cheaper than upcountry.

wow... your mrs must really feel like she hit the jackpot ay...

Yeah he should budget for an extra 5 baht so they'll think it's Xmas every day.

Edited by Card
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i live in unbon and yes getting very expensive now in essan my wife and two kids gets 500 barth a day when a am in new zealand

and she's saying she wants more the 500 barth is only for food for her and the kids all other expensive are paid by me

i think you should go to the local market and buy food still cheaper than TESCOs!!

You are not being told the truth.

My wife gets 200 baht a day for food and that includes 50 baht to each of my kids for their school snacks. She also buys petrol with that. This puts a substantial meal for 4 on our dinner table, with plenty left for the 3 dogs.

Bloody hell - sounds like Yorkshire up there.

Nah, we have sheep in Yorkshire and wellies too :P

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wow... your mrs must really feel like she hit the jackpot ay...


Did anything in my post imply there was a wife in my household?

Thank all that's good I managed to persuade her to leave a long time ago, she was going through my salary like it was water, seemed to think there was some magic hoard of unlimited coin stashed away somewhere I wasn't telling her, we'd never have survived at that rate. . .

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Prices have definitely gone up I am not relating to western consumables but the street food.

What was 20 baht is now 30 baht and that is the same thai dish each time.

Abhisit is taking or trying to take the Govt to task on the rising cost of living but they have to get their populist policies through. Cost of an Archa can was 20 now 25. Sure it does not sound much but in terms of inflation being 3% over the past three years then 25% increases on basic foods is a lot. So yes I do agree the cost of living has gone up and perhaps should not have gone up so much. The floods can be mentioned but many things such get tagged along and given as an excuse. 7/11 are far more expensive than local shops taking percentage wise. Accommodation in hotels across the board are roughly the same as 3 years ago.

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i live in unbon and yes getting very expensive now in essan my wife and two kids gets 500 barth a day when a am in new zealand

and she's saying she wants more the 500 barth is only for food for her and the kids all other expensive are paid by me

i think you should go to the local market and buy food still cheaper than TESCOs!!

You are not being told the truth.

My wife gets 200 baht a day for food and that includes 50 baht to each of my kids for their school snacks. She also buys petrol with that. This puts a substantial meal for 4 on our dinner table, with plenty left for the 3 dogs.

Bloody hell - sounds like Yorkshire up there.
nah.. must be scottish...
Sounds Kosher...
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