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Women who sell their body are just "lazy".


Has it ever crossed your mind that these women are mostly paying for their parents/kids to live back in their poverty stricken province?

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Thai women are the same as any women in the world!

1/ They are attracted to success!

2/ They like a laugh and a good time!

3/ They like to be treated right!

Unfortunately the majority of Thai men don't fill the criteria.


Ya, keep believing that spin, "I no like Thai man, Thai man no good only like falang, like old man like fat man same same you"

Actually pretty stringent criteria there, probably most farang don't come up to scratch.

Have to say I've done all right without 1 & 2, and most people would call my #3 pretty kee nio.

It would seem Mr. CCC just got off the plane and still believes that he's a "hansum man." Another sheep ready for a good fleecing.


A survey of Thai women some years ago showed that 65% had supplied sexual services for social and/or pecuniary advantage. A lady police captain that I knew rather too well to be comfortable, admitted to me that most policewomen were prepared to sleep their way upwards. She had been a Colonel's mia noi for a while. A former friend's lady had a Master's degree and went after an advertised position at City Hall. At interview she was told that her monthly salary would be 50K baht and that she was expected to bring a smile to the face of the Departmental Director when he was in the mood.



Rubbish, work with street people and see what bar work does to them.


Exactly my point, you're starting with a population already much more susceptible to all kinds of problems.

And just like with drug use, most of the associated social problems are a result of the prohibition. Legal and properly regulated, eventually social stigma eliminated or at least greatly reduced then sex workers won't be any more "traumatized" by their choice of trade than the garbage men, certainly less than our serving soldiers.

A garbo (garbage worker) in my country is often given a six pack - and often a box of beers on Christmas eve,

Bar girls mostly do this work by choice and are to lazy to do a "honest days work for an honest days wage.

why do you think most thais have great distain for them?

I have NO respect for bar girls but great respect for garbo's and construction workers.

bar girls quickly learn to lie, cheat, steal, gamble, etc, not unlike BIB and gov employees, not an honest days work IMO,

how many TV members who support bar girls as nothing wrong with it, would be ok for their daughters and sisters to enter into the same line of work? not many I'll warrant?

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Exactly my point, you're starting with a population already much more susceptible to all kinds of problems.

And just like with drug use, most of the associated social problems are a result of the prohibition. Legal and properly regulated, eventually social stigma eliminated or at least greatly reduced then sex workers won't be any more "traumatized" by their choice of trade than the garbage men, certainly less than our serving soldiers.

I think it might be a good idea rent out your own body orifices before you start making such assured statements on the matter.

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Don't know what muythai2013 is on about, I think people on TV are very aware that bargirls are there by choice not coercion.

Thailand has the third lowest unemployment in the world, the lowest two being Monaco and Qatar.

OP, you will be monitored very carefully in future.


why do you think most thais have great distain for them?

I have NO respect for bar girls but great respect for garbo's and construction workers.


Both for the same reason in my opinion, thoughtless acceptance of religious/cultural/family brainwashing.

bar girls quickly learn to lie, cheat, steal, gamble, etc, not unlike BIB and gov employees, not an honest days work IMO,


Again I think this is because of the fact it's prohibited by law that it attracts immoral people, in places where there's not much stigma and properly regulated you don't get the same correlations.

how many TV members who support bar girls as nothing wrong with it, would be ok for their daughters and sisters to enter into the same line of work? not many I'll warrant?


As for myself, already answered that above. I certainly wouldn't want my daughter to become a corporate lawyer or politician or wall street banker either, although I do generally despise people in those occupations and presume them to be evil people, I also admit that's a biased prejudice and doesn't apply to all of them.

I think it might be a good idea rent out your own body orifices before you start making such assured statements on the matter.


I'd certainly consider doing so if I had a hard time meeting my obligations and that earned per night as much as I'd make in a month otherwise, and wouldn't feel shame about that choice.

I talked to my mum about it when I was a teen, had gotten a very good offer from an older guy she knew, and her response was "do what you think is right, but personally I'd advise getting yourself into any situation where you turned control over your life over to others."

On the other hand she would have been proud if I'd become a corporate lawyer or investment banker. . .

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99 % of Thai-Women are NOT involved in any sort of prostitution. The ones that do, they have their work-domicile strictly in tourist-hubs. But not for the sake of becoming a sex-worker for the rest of their lives. The goal is to find a Farang-Sponsor as soon as possible to bring her to a country where "milk and honey" flows.

It may work for some, but me going back for 18 years, I see a lot of familiar faces, that haven't found "prince-charming" to take her away to a country where "milk and honey" flows.

These days, they look their age, knowing that it's probably too late for a "prince-charming" coming along the way.

This makes for a lot of fast aging and grumpy "mama-san's"

- And a small part of the younger generation does the same thing, but this time equipped with a smart-phone.clap2.gif


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99 % of Thai-Women are NOT involved in any sort of prostitution. The ones that do, they have their work-domicile strictly in tourist-hubs. But not for the sake of becoming a sex-worker for the rest of their lives. The goal is to find a Farang-Sponsor as soon as possible to bring her to a country where "milk and honey" flows.

It may work for some, but me going back for 18 years, I see a lot of familiar faces, that haven't found "prince-charming" to take her away to a country where "milk and honey" flows.

These days, they look their age, knowing that it's probably too late for a "prince-charming" coming along the way.

This makes for a lot of fast aging and grumpy "mama-san's"

- And a small part of the younger generation does the same thing, but this time equipped with a smart-phone.clap2.gif


Bit high there Swissie, there is some objective evidence your percentage would be a bit lower.

Also, only a very small percentage of Thai sex workers have anything to do with farang at all, the industry is vast majority Thai customers - lots of the workers in that sector are imported, many probably actually trafficked by the stricter meanings of the word, definitely a genuine human-rights issue there, unlike most of what goes on in the small foreign-targeted sector.

And you probably see more of the older "girls" because they're the ones that haven't been taken, which to be fair you did point out. However thousands of relatively young women - many of them very attractive are entering the business every week, they just get snapped up relatively quickly, usually at prices we old gits here on TV.com wouldn't consider reasonable.


There is no reason to disrespect yourself just because you choose work that pays more because others prefer not to do it, or because it is dangerous.

For example garbage men in my home town make well over 100K USD per year - 144K with benefits, more with overtime - many even elite call-girls don't make that much.

The only "shame" that may come from doing sex work is due to the religious-cultural programming, and many people these days are learning to free themselves from that as much as they can - which for most of us is very little.

I think your observation about mental illness is not a causal one, or rather more likely the other way around, people with mental illness tend to gravitate toward roles society deems "outcast".

In other parts of the world there are sex workers organization that help them realize their role isn't an "immoral" one, help build up their pride.

And you're certainly wrong in claiming that it's easy work, most sex workers I know earn every penny they make, often do the work that others go to priests or psychologists for, sex is often the least important aspect. Not so true here with the language barriers I admit. . .

NONSENSE, its easy work for lazy people

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There is no reason to disrespect yourself just because you choose work that pays more because others prefer not to do it, or because it is dangerous.

For example garbage men in my home town make well over 100K USD per year - 144K with benefits, more with overtime - many even elite call-girls don't make that much.

The only "shame" that may come from doing sex work is due to the religious-cultural programming, and many people these days are learning to free themselves from that as much as they can - which for most of us is very little.

I think your observation about mental illness is not a causal one, or rather more likely the other way around, people with mental illness tend to gravitate toward roles society deems "outcast".

In other parts of the world there are sex workers organization that help them realize their role isn't an "immoral" one, help build up their pride.

And you're certainly wrong in claiming that it's easy work, most sex workers I know earn every penny they make, often do the work that others go to priests or psychologists for, sex is often the least important aspect. Not so true here with the language barriers I admit. . .

NONSENSE, its easy work for lazy people

Rolox. coffee1.gif


Thai women are the same as any women in the world!

1/ They are attracted to success!

2/ They like a laugh and a good time!

3/ They like to be treated right!

Unfortunately the majority of Thai men don't fill the criteria.


Ya, keep believing that spin, "I no like Thai man, Thai man no good only like falang, like old man like fat man same same you"

Actually pretty stringent criteria there, probably most farang don't come up to scratch.

Have to say I've done all right without 1 & 2, and most people would call my #3 pretty kee nio.

It would seem Mr. CCC just got off the plane and still believes that he's a "hansum man." Another sheep ready for a good fleecing.

So cynical!

The voice of bitter experience?

I stand by my comments ( with the correction Kannot made)!



Don't know what muythai2013 is on about, I think people on TV are very aware that bargirls are there by choice not coercion.

Thailand has the third lowest unemployment in the world, the lowest two being Monaco and Qatar.

OP, you will be monitored very carefully in future.

HMMM unemployed 1. Zimbabwe 2. Nauru 3.Libeira 4.Burkina Faso 5.Cocos Islands... Thailand NOT even in the top 100,

accurate as of Jan 1 2012, now think how gov and you come up with the numbers?

in Australia if you work 1 hour per week you are considered employed, now YOU will carefully be monitored very carefully in the future.


Lowest not highest

I know personally in bangkok, anyone willing to work for the 300 baht wage can chop and change jobs twice a week if they like.

Decent English speakers are now getting 50% more than just a few years ago even if they have no specific skills or experience relevant to the particular job/employer/industry just for the language skills.


I'm beginning to fear that the OP may have been pounded around the ring one too many times - the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but I doubt that it comes as news to anyone here that the vast majority of prostitutes have taken the easiest route available to them. We seem to spend a lot more time psychoanalysing the Thais than they do trying to work out Farang, but they've nailed us on one thing : we think far too much :D


A very small percentage of the Thai sex workers work from bars.

Many Thai girls who aren't sex workers do work in bars.

This sounds like the setup for an LSAT logic section question!! Can you continue it?


No but he did write a lot of nonsense.

To say the VAST majority of TV members believe the girls have no choice etc, is laughable. Who do we think work in all the factories, the shopping malls and all the offices? They all make a choice.

I would say that many of the bar girls work there out of a mixture of laziness and a lack of education, and for many it can be quite lucrative and fair play to them.


It has became very obvious that the vast majority of TV members despite living in Thailand somehow have convinced themselves that Thai Woman have no choice but to work in a Bar.

Total crap.

I certainly do not and have never thought that way and I am sure that the majority of Thai visa members don`t think that way either. Perhaps this is how Thai women are portrayed in the Western media, as most of them being potential prostitutes and working in the beerbars, but for those living in Thailand normally have a better perception of the Thai people.

From experience of living in Thailand for many years, I know that most middle to upper class women of Thai society would never consider dating a farang or becoming involved with the adult entertainments and sex industry. The majority are self respecting, highly educated and ambitious.

The majority of sex workers in Thailand are from the underclasses of Thai society. All the expats in my circles do not believe that these women are there because they have no choice.

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Amazing to see people who grew up in a 1st World country with all it's benefits, riches and safety nets judging people who have grown up in an emerging 3rd World country where no money means destitution and possible death for them and their family.

It must be great to feel superior to the Thai people but where would you be without the ability to earn enough money to support you and your family? It's just the luck of place of birth. Nothing to do with being clever or working hard.

If you live in Thailand you are just a car crash away from that situation

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“It has became very obvious that the vast majority of TV members despite living in Thailand somehow have convinced themselves that Thai Woman have no choice but to work in a Bar.” Total crap. I certainly do not and have never thought that way and I am sure that the majority of Thai visa members don`t think that way either. Perhaps this is how Thai women are portrayed in the Western media, as most of them being potential prostitutes and working in the beerbars, but for those living in Thailand normally have a better perception of the Thai people. From experience of living in Thailand for many years, I know that most middle to upper class women of Thai society would never consider dating a farang or becoming involved with the adult entertainments and sex industry. The majority are self respecting, highly educated and ambitious. The majority of sex workers in Thailand are from the underclasses of Thai society. All the expats in my circles do not believe that these women are there because they have no choice.

So if you have a relationship now, or have had in the past, MOST LIKELY it has been, or is now, with a underclass woman/man !


Amazing to see people who grew up in a 1st World country with all it's benefits, riches and safety nets judging people who have grown up in an emerging 3rd World country where no money means destitution and possible death for them and their family.It must be great to feel superior to the Thai people but where would you be without the ability to earn enough money to support you and your family? It's just the luck of place of birth. Nothing to do with being clever or working hard.If you live in Thailand you are just a car crash away from that situation

Karma !


I would say that many of the bar girls work there out of a mixture of laziness and a lack of education, .........

You'd be surprised how many uni girls in CM have a 'side line' then.

I wouldn't be, was just talking about girls who choose to work in beer bars


Many member of TV complain about the lack of the rule of law in Thailand!

In the West one must continue to support their children after a divorce which is not so in Thailand a woman is left with a child or two to support by herself, being a rural farm girl with no education and facing a future of working a 12 hour workday and a 7 day work week for 250 baht a day.

After a while of working under those conditions and being of age in excess of 26-27 an old maid in Thailand and not many prospects of finding a new Thai partner. Turn to the better hours, better paid and work conditions of the Falang bar scene.

A small percentage of the Thai female population end up working in the sex trade, falang's that only have been to the sex tourist cities and this is all they see thus the painting of Thai women with their sex tainted paint brush!


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