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The govt needs to get its own house in order: Thai editorial


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The govt needs to get its own house in order

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Red-shirt harassment of government opponents smacks of hypocrisy when they themselves 'champion' and demand freedom of speech.

Organisations and individuals that could affect the government's stability have been threatened or intimidated. Red-shirt supporters of the government have gathered outside the Constitutional Court, and petitions and complaints have been filed against the court's judges. The court is dealing with cases against MPs from the ruling coalition.

In the northern province of Lamphun, a group of pro-government red shirts on Saturday forced the opposition Democrat Party to cut short its weekly rally criticising the government. The red shirts besieged the rally site, and objects such as bolts and nuts, and glass balls were thrown into the crowd, leaving some rally participants injured. This was the most serious incident of violent harassment to take place during the weekly rallies by the Democrats that began several months ago. At previous events the red shirts have often used a sound system to shout expletive-laden abuse while key Democrat figures such as party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva, Chuan Leekpai and Suthep Thaugsuban addressed supporters. Until last weekend, the Democrats had managed to complete their weekly events without serious mishap.

Government critic Chaiwat Sinsuwong, of the Thai Patriotic Front, who leads an ongoing anti-government protest at Sanam Luang, says a home-made bomb was thrown at his home. No one was injured and no serious damage was done, but the activist believes this was an act of intimidation and is almost certainly connected with his campaign.

The recent disappearance of government critic Ekkayuth Anchanbutr has been blamed on the government. Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung has had to deny any government involvement. He has also rejected allegations that the government had intimidated Ekkayuth.

The red shirts have drawn much criticism after their Lamphun attack. Even pro-red activist Sombat Boon-ngam-anong commented that he "was disgusted by such behaviour". He said the Democrats have a right to hold their rallies but the red shirts have no right to besiege such events. The intimidation, he said, was against democratic principles. "Their behaviour is completely different from that of democracy advocates. I have an aversion for that and I feel disgusted," he said.

There have been no reactions from Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra or other Cabinet members about this latest incident involving the government's red-shirt supporters. However, when the red shirts gathered outside the Constitutional Court recently, the prime minister said they had the constitutional right to do so.

Some people appear to think democracy means they can do anything they like, including committing acts of violence and intimidation that violate other people's rights. They block traffic, search vehicles and people, shout expletives at those they disagree with or dislike, and even harm them physically - all in the name of democracy. They would be unlikely to do these things without having trouble with the law in any country where laws are strictly and fairly enforced. The government and the authorities involved should ensure that the laws are enforced and applied equally to both government supporters and critics.

Some Cabinet members and politicians from the ruling party have also made comments aimed at discrediting or belittling government critics and detractors. They are obviously unaware that a good government listens to the people, including those who disagree with them and those who did not vote for them. They need to understand that they form the government of Thailand as a whole, not just for their supporters.

The main complaint from the red shirts and the government regarding the previous Democrat administration was double standards. If it is sincere about being a champion of democracy, this government should ensure that its supporters do not resort to violence or intimidation when responding to critics and political rivals. The government and its supporters risk being viewed as hypocritical if they fail to do so.

-- The Nation 2013-06-13

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In a normal country the police would take action against people who
'commit acts of violence and intimidation that violate other people's
rights ... block traffic, search vehicles and people ... and even harm
them physically ...'.

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Some people appear to think democracy means they can do anything they like, including committing acts of violence and intimidation that violate other people's rights. They block traffic, search vehicles and people, shout expletives at those they disagree with or dislike, and even harm them physically - all in the name of democracy. They would be unlikely to do these things without having trouble with the law in any country where laws are strictly and fairly enforced. The government and the authorities involved should ensure that the laws are enforced and applied equally to both government supporters and critics.

This attitude starts at the top, if there was respect for the law among the leaders (and i do mean the yellows as well) the followers would be more inclined to respect other peoples democratic rights. I also believe that people like Plodsarob calling citizens garbage for peaceful protest is reprehensible and contributes nothing toward healing the country.

Edited by ramrod711
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It's becoming a nice little viscous circle. Some of those at the top of PTP have set the reds a bad example and of course use them so the reds have become emboldened and are making it harder for their masters to defend them. Glib excuses, even anyone bothers to give them given, are second nature to the government, PTP and red leaders so this has a long way to go yet.

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If a group of people are being intimidated by another group, without recourse by the law, those being intimidated will feel they can do likewise and this is a receipt for escalation and anarchy. Sadly, it is the failure of those in authority to look forward and see what a potential time bomb this is and to address the situation NOW, before it gets really out of hand.

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As i said before it's the fighting culture,the fighting clubs that exist in this country decades ago.No government will succeed in getting absolute power to rule the country.From the top to the bottom,the Mafias owns the law and they will decide the faith of the country.We are not allowed to mention who are this trouble makers...the prime suspect who owns this people and who think they owned the country.This are the circles of people that as long as they live..the country will be forever troubled.If they want to see changes coming and to improve the image..they must eliminate the head and then the tail of the snake....brain washing.All this are just a thought but will never happen..for the next few decades to come Thailand will be the same as it is...so just stop dreaming become the best in everything when your house is not in order.One thing they don't realize is that they have a bad image labeled on their forehead wherever they go...one must understand what's the meaning of it..India is the largest democratic nation on the planet but the majority still live under the poverty line..China is the largest communist block in the world but the country took only four decades to emerge from poverty..they were poor for thousand years but they are prosperous now..end of the day i guess Thailand and India has the similarity....Democracy is not perfect and Freedom is not free..

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This is democracy. Red democracy. They're common thugs who only know how to use violence when things don't go their way. It's worse now since the PTP is in power so they can do whatever they damn please because they have the backing of the thieves in parliament and their boss in Dubai. When someone does push and fight back, these animals all cry about the injustice and violence inflicted on them because they're poor uneducated peasants. Boo freaking hoo. Bloody hypocrites and scum! bah.gif

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Red democracy/anarchy appears to be getting worse as the government support is eroding. Like the government, the red agitators have little respect for checks and balances and their actions are getting more and more outrageous.

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