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Normalization of Deviance on Chiang Mai Forum


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Normalization of Deviance = To people outside of the organization, the activities seem deviant; however, people within the organization do not recognize the deviance because it is seem as a normal occurrence!

Why is it certain chronic posters on the Chiang Mai forum seem to be able to hijack every topic and more or less deviate it, it seems that certain individuals here are more than equal?

Anyone else feel like this?

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The answer, my friend, is blowin in the wind

or might just be found in the title of an old Clark Gable , Doris Day movie.......

that should give some a little investigative dilema


I don't want to be a moderator,

Mama, take this badge off of me. I can't use it anymore. It's gettin' dark, too dark for me to see.

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Normalization of Deviance = To people outside of the organization, the activities seem deviant; however, people within the organization do not recognize the deviance because it is seem as a normal occurrence!


Why is it certain chronic posters on the Chiang Mai forum seem to be able to hijack every topic and more or less deviate it, it seems that certain individuals here are more than equal?


Anyone else feel like this?

If you don't like a post and think it's deviant. Then report it.

If you have solid concerns report them to a mod or admin.

Why not just name names?

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

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Chiang Mai's farang demographic has changed drastically over the last decade.

Lots of people with time on their hands and not much to do. 7 hours a day of inane posting on TV is bound to throw up some posts that are "not normal" pas normal.

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"Normal," and "Deviant," are dynamic subjective frames of reference, modulated by social and cultural factors, and a given group's emergent norms. They also, in common practice, represent value judgments passed by a perceiver for many reasons, including rationalizing one's own vague feelings of irritation, anger, anxiety, fear, terror, etc., the desire to control other individuals who symbolically represent the subconscious "other." Perhaps "deviance" is like the black substrate behind the mirror, that enables the constructed perception of personal identity.

You have the freedom, on this forum, to block messages by anyone whose messages you don't want to read. You have the freedom to report any message which seems to you in violation of forum rules, or what you consider basic human ethics. You have the freedom to post, on the forum, or to moderators, any suggestions you have for the forum's rules, etc.

You have the freedom to go elsewhere if this forum doesn't meet your needs, or troubles you.

The most dangerous human primates I've met in the current lifetime are those who have a strong sense they are "normal," and feel entitled to tell other people what they should do, what is correct, and what they should think. They manufacture, without awareness, both Saints, and Demons.

Not that I think you are dangerous smile.png

But, you are right about one thing: there are many obnoxious posters on this forum, including everyone who posts on this thread, or reads it.

"this life without a zoo with monkeys ... is never fun" "cheewit nee, mai mee suan sat mee ling, sanuk ... mai cooey bin" [1]


[1] from the oral (exoteric) tradition of the teachings of Ur Orang for first-level initiates, also known as "The Path of Slack."

You say

"You have the freedom to post, on the forum, or to moderators, any suggestions you have for the forum's rules, etc.

Not necessarily I received a warning plus 1 point for following up on an obvious divergence from the posted rules. I was commenting on a different subject than the OP but it was a response to another topic all ready on the thread. My response was in no way derogatory just a natural response to the posters comment. My post was removed and his was left on.

I do not need another demerit so I will not go into the details of the two posts nor the name of the other poster. One who I generally admire.

Edited by hellodolly
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Chiang Mai's farang demographic has changed drastically over the last decade.

Lots of people with time on their hands and not much to do. 7 hours a day of inane posting on TV is bound to throw up some posts that are "not normal" pas normal.

Edited by rott
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Normalization of Deviance = To people outside of the organization, the activities seem deviant; however, people within the organization do not recognize the deviance because it is seem as a normal occurrence!

Why is it certain chronic posters on the Chiang Mai forum seem to be able to hijack every topic and more or less deviate it, it seems that certain individuals here are more than equal?

Anyone else feel like this?

If you don't like a post and think it's deviant. Then report it.

If you have solid concerns report them to a mod or admin.

Why not just name names?

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

Aha, you see this is exactly what I'm talking about, it's not about the post, it's about the hijacking of any and all topics, let me re-post the definition.

Normalization of Deviance = To people outside of the organization, the activities seem deviant; however, people within the organization do not recognize the deviance because it is seen as a normal occurrence!

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Let me help out....

If your cars hand brake stops working, yet your car still runs and you drive it, then someone says to you "how's the car running"? You say my car's running great, but really it's not, is it?

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"Normal," and "Deviant," are dynamic subjective frames of reference, modulated by social and cultural factors, and a given group's emergent norms. They also, in common practice, represent value judgments passed by a perceiver for many reasons, including rationalizing one's own vague feelings of irritation, anger, anxiety, fear, terror, etc., the desire to control other individuals who symbolically represent the subconscious "other." Perhaps "deviance" is like the black substrate behind the mirror, that enables the constructed perception of personal identity.

You have the freedom, on this forum, to block messages by anyone whose messages you don't want to read. You have the freedom to report any message which seems to you in violation of forum rules, or what you consider basic human ethics. You have the freedom to post, on the forum, or to moderators, any suggestions you have for the forum's rules, etc.

You have the freedom to go elsewhere if this forum doesn't meet your needs, or troubles you.

The most dangerous human primates I've met in the current lifetime are those who have a strong sense they are "normal," and feel entitled to tell other people what they should do, what is correct, and what they should think. They manufacture, without awareness, both Saints, and Demons.

Not that I think you are dangerous smile.png

But, you are right about one thing: there are many obnoxious posters on this forum, including everyone who posts on this thread, or reads it.

"this life without a zoo with monkeys ... is never fun" "cheewit nee, mai mee suan sat mee ling, sanuk ... mai cooey bin" [1]


[1] from the oral (exoteric) tradition of the teachings of Ur Orang for first-level initiates, also known as "The Path of Slack."

You say

"You have the freedom to post, on the forum, or to moderators, any suggestions you have for the forum's rules, etc.

Not necessarily I received a warning plus 1 point for following up on an obvious divergence from the posted rules. I was commenting on a different subject than the OP but it was a response to another topic all ready on the thread. My response was in no way derogatory just a natural response to the posters comment. My post was removed and his was left on.

I do not need another demerit so I will not go into the details of the two posts nor the name of the other poster. One who I generally admire.

Here here! Precisely!

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The forum imitates real life, conversations ebb and flow and go off on tangents. Nothing wrong with that, in fact sometimes the tangents are more entertaining and informative than the original post.

I know I'm just new to TV but the Chiangmai Forum is more entertaining than a Thai soap opera plus I get great information on a wide range of subjects. Keep up the good work everyone!

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The forum imitates real life, conversations ebb and flow and go off on tangents. Nothing wrong with that, in fact sometimes the tangents are more entertaining and informative than the original post.

I know I'm just new to TV but the Chiangmai Forum is more entertaining than a Thai soap opera plus I get great information on a wide range of subjects. Keep up the good work everyone!

Join us on the General forum.......that's the Wild West of TV.

I love it biggrin.png

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You have the freedom, on this forum, to block messages by anyone whose messages you don't want to read. You have the freedom to report any message which seems to you in violation of forum rules, or what you consider basic human ethics. You have the freedom to post, on the forum, or to moderators, any suggestions you have for the forum's rules, etc.

Ahh... the formidable regimes of normalisation.

Edited by Morakot
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Normalization of Deviance = To people outside of the organization,

the activities seem deviant; however, people within the organization do

not recognize the deviance because it is seem as a normal occurrence!

Why is it certain chronic posters on the Chiang Mai forum seem to be

able to hijack every topic and more or less deviate it, it seems that

certain individuals here are more than equal?

Anyone else feel like this?

It's been like that ever since I got here over a handful of years ago.

It's an obnoxious old boys club (ie an "old boys club" where they are all obnoxious)

They hijack and ruin threads, and no one does anything about it because it's one of their (obnoxious) mates.

Someone else points out someone is being a schmuck and gets his post removed for being unhelpful.

I guess it goes hand-in-hand with the quality of farang in thailand generally - its mostly pathetic types who couldn't make it the west and come here to "purchase" a partner and a lifestyle because it's incredibly cheap to do so and they can feel like they are somehow special. The farangs here are nothing like the farangs back in my home country.

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Normalization of Deviance = To people outside of the organization,

the activities seem deviant; however, people within the organization do

not recognize the deviance because it is seem as a normal occurrence!

Why is it certain chronic posters on the Chiang Mai forum seem to be

able to hijack every topic and more or less deviate it, it seems that

certain individuals here are more than equal?

Anyone else feel like this?

It's been like that ever since I got here over a handful of years ago.

It's an obnoxious old boys club (ie an "old boys club" where they are all obnoxious)

They hijack and ruin threads, and no one does anything about it because it's one of their (obnoxious) mates.

Someone else points out someone is being a schmuck and gets his post removed for being unhelpful.

I guess it goes hand-in-hand with the quality of farang in thailand generally - its mostly pathetic types who couldn't make it the west and come here to "purchase" a partner and a lifestyle because it's incredibly cheap to do so and they can feel like they are somehow special. The farangs here are nothing like the farangs back in my home country.

You forgot to mention that some of them are trust fund babies and have no idea of what living in the real world is like. That said there is a lot of quality farongs living here in Chiang Mai,

There was a thread shut down because it had been hi jacked by about 5 posters with regular posts saying over and over and over again the same thing. I replied to the Moderator who had shut it down to reopen it with a different title that would stop the hijackers as it was a thread with good information that was constantly changing.

He did and now it is up and running for a while it went quite well then the hi jacker's came back on and made it so you had to go through nonsense posts to get the information it was intended for. Information that would change daily.

Many of the threads that drift of topic do so after the original statement has been responded to. I know and admit I to have posted off topic. But I wait for others to start it unless it is a troll post.

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Sawadee Khrup, Khun SDH, my apologies for not addressing my first response to you with the nom de plume, "Khun SDH," with an appropriately honorific salutation; an oversight due to a temporary shortage of eternity.

Perhaps it would be helpful to further define "the group" here: on this forum, as is characteristic of all human social interaction in which a gestalt of membership is salient, there are two groups.

There is the "in-group," and, the "out-group."

Every member here believes, and acts, as if they are part of the in-group.

In reality, every member is in the out-group.

Both combination mind-souls in this meat-package know that they are in the in-group. In fact, internally, they comprise a complete in-group which is in the in-group in here, which is also everyone here's there.

I hope that adds some clarification to this thread, and we can move forward to go back to considering what the flaming-arrow "normalization" actually points to, which seems to have moved sideways in the thread, or may be using stealth technology.

I think it's also useful, I believe, to imagine what this forum would be like without moderation, or what might happen if every person that started a thread had the right to remove responses, and even ban posters: my nightmares have already shown that to me, but I have successfully repressed the memories.

I would also like to ask if, in many responses on this thread, there is an implicit assumption of the general form "life should be fair," in the sense of having expectations that our moderators are always going to be perfectly consistent rational ethical computers, rather than just divine souls, and minds, whose reason dances with emotion. And, an assumption that the person who started the thread "owns it," in some personal way.

Have I ever had a disagreement, and felt aggrieved, for a while, by the actions of a moderator here ? Yes, but when I PM'd them, even though they didn't change their minds, I feel like they did, certainly, listen to what I had to say. How often in this life do you get that ? The sting goes away, if you let it.

The Chiang Mai forum is an excellent on-going experience for me, even though it will never be the "best of all possible worlds," which would be being just an orangutan in Kalimantan again, without this annoying involuntary cohabitation in a body that can't arborate, and a bunch of glossolalic magpies for a mind ... ah, back in my own territory, stroking my own long reddish fur, while chewing a twig, my seven (equally content) wives, and children somewhere else until I need them, able to enjoy luscious fruits in solitude, only rarely having to hoot fiercesomely to chase away some horny scoundrel who dares come sniffing around my harem.

As Alice said to the Duchess, "That's nothing compared to what I could say if I chose," but I reach the limits of what I am allowed to reveal of the "Path of Slack" to the uninitiated. I do not experience that as a loss of freedom, or as a basis to presume that this meat on a bag of bones is topped with anything more than excessive vocabulary.

I'm glad that someone has finally had the courage to say what we've all been thinking about this. Hear, hear.

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The forum imitates real life, conversations ebb and flow and go off on tangents. Nothing wrong with that, in fact sometimes the tangents are more entertaining and informative than the original post.

I know I'm just new to TV but the Chiangmai Forum is more entertaining than a Thai soap opera plus I get great information on a wide range of subjects. Keep up the good work everyone!

Join us on the General forum.......that's the Wild West of TV.

I love it biggrin.png

One step ahead of you bleth, can't wait for the jousting to begin!

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