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Thailand, rebels agree to reduce violence during Ramadan


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I'm not big on religion and hypocrisy like this is why where killing etc. is to be put on hold because of a month's religious needs after which it's back into it. It would be nice if peace could be addressed as a long term commitment and I don't accept the suggestion this could be a start.

One thing will come out of this though and that will be to show just how much control and authority, or otherwise, the BRN has.

Well you could be rite on that point. I however do not believe it to be relevant. 640 Imam's had a conference and asked for a halt during Ramadan. Now I have no Idea of what goes through the mind of a Muslim terrorist. It could be that when asked by there Imam they decide that is a good policy to follow for a good Muslim. I am not saying they are good Muslims but they think they are.

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I will re-post my comment, which I initially posted on the original Nation article:

It is OK for Muslim extremists to take a "break" from hostilities during their religious holidays but attack us on ours as westerners and as Thais side by side?

A good military strategist knows that fatigue is the enemy of any army and allowing your enemy to rest is simply increasing the risk of increased deaths within your own army and civilians. To allow Muslim extremists and their supporters to "rest" during THEIR chosen time is akin to allowing them to inflict even more deaths on innocent Thais at a later time. Not all Muslims intend to harm us, but those that do should never be allowed to rest.

What you say is true but when they are not operating as a unit doing various forms of murder how so you look out in the field and say that one is a terrorist and the man next to him working the same as him is not a terrorist?

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Army to wind down security efforts during Ramadan

BANGKOK, 14 June 2013 (NNT) - The Royal Thai army is set to reduce security presence in the far South after the Barisan Revolusi Nasional (BRN) group agreed to cease all violent activities during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.

The tentative agreement was reached during the third round of peace talks in Kuala Lumpur on Thursday.

According to Fourth Army region commander General Sakol Chuentrakul, the army will scale back security efforts, but will maintain its patrolling duties in southern border provinces during the holy month.

Soldiers and army personnel are set to continue to offer protection for villagers and community leaders participating in religious activities.

General Sakol voiced his belief that the collaborative move is not indicative of the government giving ground in the ongoing negotiations but should be seen as a way for insurgents to honour Ramadan by desisting from the shootings and bombings that have plagued the Deep South since 2004.


-- NNT 2013-06-14 footer_n.gif

They actually declare this publicly? Oh you lord, who runs this army?

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""In principle, both sides agreed on the reduction of violence during the holy month of Ramadan aimed at saving lives,""

Both sides agreed it would be nice to have less violence. So in principle nothing really has been accomplished. Also it almost sounds like an implicit statement that Thailand is partly guilty of the violence. Maybe something lost in translation?

I think your translation is good. It is just that there is really three sides and to date it has been the third side doing the damage. Not exactly sure of the set up there but I believe the third side has different sides that do not collaborate with the other sides.

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The problem with insurgents who use these type of terrorist tactics is that they have to do nothing. They can bide their time. The army, on the other hand, has to protect everyone all of the time.

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""In principle, both sides agreed on the reduction of violence during the holy month of Ramadan aimed at saving lives,""

Both sides agreed it would be nice to have less violence. So in principle nothing really has been accomplished. Also it almost sounds like an implicit statement that Thailand is partly guilty of the violence. Maybe something lost in translation?

I think your translation is good. It is just that there is really three sides and to date it has been the third side doing the damage. Not exactly sure of the set up there but I believe the third side has different sides that do not collaborate with the other sides.

One side would like their holiday to be respected. I am go smacked that this was even proposed for discussion.

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Thailand should borrow a tactic from the arabs that launched the 1973 middle east war: Launch a surprise attack on the holiest day of the year of their targets.

But it didn't do them any good did it? They lost. Again. The Israelis crossed the Golan Heights and bombarded parts of Damascus. In the south they repulsed the Egyptians and crossed the Suez Canal and then kept going some.

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I will re-post my comment, which I initially posted on the original Nation article:

It is OK for Muslim extremists to take a "break" from hostilities during their religious holidays but attack us on ours as westerners and as Thais side by side?

A good military strategist knows that fatigue is the enemy of any army and allowing your enemy to rest is simply increasing the risk of increased deaths within your own army and civilians. To allow Muslim extremists and their supporters to "rest" during THEIR chosen time is akin to allowing them to inflict even more deaths on innocent Thais at a later time. Not all Muslims intend to harm us, but those that do should never be allowed to rest.

What you say is true but when they are not operating as a unit doing various forms of murder how so you look out in the field and say that one is a terrorist and the man next to him working the same as him is not a terrorist?

The Muslims from the south are organised by village. They are linked between villages by their Poo Yai Bahn and their respective Imams. It is these people whom are the knowledge keepers and shot callers within resistance movements in the south. If members of the BRN or any other organisation move into the village, even for a visit, it is these two figures who will know and usually would have given permission for an outsider to enter prior to the arrival. This would stand particularly when a recruiter for the movement entered the area (often Malaysian or Indonesian Nationals who flee over the border either prior to the attack recruited for or immediately after).

When a terrorist is found the BiB quickly establish who he is, and therefore will know where he is from. Close information sharing with the army would also assist Police in tracking who this person is, where they are from, where they visit, who the associate with (who they share vehicles with or are noted travelling in a convoy with on more than one occasion). This does not currently take place in the south but should - for Muslims and for Buddhists, to provide a fair and equal hand.

Using information which should be gained from information sharing which should be taking place (but both of which are not), Police and Army would quickly be able to establish not only who is associated with those performing the attacks and linked to them, but also perhaps who has the potential capacity to carry out further attacks - this would include those from the same village as offenders, those who protect offenders and those who have lost family members against the army/police.

Potentially, it could also quickly give the army an idea of which vehicles they should be performing a thorough search through to locate weapons used against the innocent, and against themselves.

There is room for improvement, but nobody either wants to or understands the steps required to achieve freedom for all that deserve it.

Edited by TheGhostWithin
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I will re-post my comment, which I initially posted on the original Nation article:

It is OK for Muslim extremists to take a "break" from hostilities during their religious holidays but attack us on ours as westerners and as Thais side by side?

A good military strategist knows that fatigue is the enemy of any army and allowing your enemy to rest is simply increasing the risk of increased deaths within your own army and civilians. To allow Muslim extremists and their supporters to "rest" during THEIR chosen time is akin to allowing them to inflict even more deaths on innocent Thais at a later time. Not all Muslims intend to harm us, but those that do should never be allowed to rest.

What you say is true but when they are not operating as a unit doing various forms of murder how so you look out in the field and say that one is a terrorist and the man next to him working the same as him is not a terrorist?

The Muslims from the south are organised by village. They are linked between villages by their Poo Yai Bahn and their respective Imams. It is these people whom are the knowledge keepers and shot callers within resistance movements in the south. If members of the BRN or any other organisation move into the village, even for a visit, it is these two figures who will know and usually would have given permission for an outsider to enter prior to the arrival. This would stand particularly when a recruiter for the movement entered the area (often Malaysian or Indonesian Nationals who flee over the border either prior to the attack recruited for or immediately after).

When a terrorist is found the BiB quickly establish who he is, and therefore will know where he is from. Close information sharing with the army would also assist Police in tracking who this person is, where they are from, where they visit, who the associate with (who they share vehicles with or are noted travelling in a convoy with on more than one occasion). This does not currently take place in the south but should - for Muslims and for Buddhists, to provide a fair and equal hand.

Using information which should be gained from information sharing which should be taking place (but both of which are not), Police and Army would quickly be able to establish not only who is associated with those performing the attacks and linked to them, but also perhaps who has the potential capacity to carry out further attacks - this would include those from the same village as offenders, those who protect offenders and those who have lost family members against the army/police.

Potentially, it could also quickly give the army an idea of which vehicles they should be performing a thorough search through to locate weapons used against the innocent, and against themselves.

There is room for improvement, but nobody either wants to or understands the steps required to achieve freedom for all that deserve it.

I have posted extensively on this topic on other threads. I will not repeat it here my history shows me no one agrees with it. They prefer the status quo with no real end in sight.

Your response to me indicates pretty much the same attitude. I quote

"When a terrorist is found the BiB quickly establish who he is"

Looks good on paper but is not what is happening as a rule.

They cover up for him.

In a nut shell my proposal was have Yingluck present herself as a friend to these people offer suggestions and help in their day to day life gain there trust as a human being who really cares for them. There by facilitating what you say as it stands now it looks good on paper but translates into nothing.

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I have posted extensively on this topic on other threads. I will not repeat it here my history shows me no one agrees with it. They prefer the status quo with no real end in sight.

Your response to me indicates pretty much the same attitude. I quote

"When a terrorist is found the BiB quickly establish who he is"

Looks good on paper but is not what is happening as a rule.

They cover up for him.

In a nut shell my proposal was have Yingluck present herself as a friend to these people offer suggestions and help in their day to day life gain there trust as a human being who really cares for them. There by facilitating what you say as it stands now it looks good on paper but translates into nothing.

Please provide evidence of Police covering up for terrorists in the Southern provinces as you claim they do.

Yingluck has no bearing on the south, she holds sway in the north and the north east, but neither her nor chalerm have the restpect of Buddhist or Islaamists in the south. The way she presents herself is un-Islaamic, and as a poor role model. Her open support for the select Bangkok elite supporters of the Shin clan whilst forgetting the south whilst many good people die has won her the ire of Buddhists. This is not the place for Yingluck or any of her red shirt cronies. The Buddhists and good Muslims of the south have already had red shirts for many years prior to her miracle "rise to fame", red from the blood stains of their loved ones.

Edited by TheGhostWithin
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